Magen David Ambulance Dispatch: “Is it an Arab or a Jew?”

You already know what you need to know about it.
except you have given me no way to verify the information.

Show me being dishonest - or rather, show me being deliberately dishonest.

You implied that I was going to call you pro Israeli despite given your own admission of being familiar with my posting history I have only called one self proclaimed neutral pro anything sole based on stated criteria that you knew(or at least should of) that you didn't meet the standards to be pro-Israeli. in other words you were claiming to react to a future event you knew wouldn't happen/ that's dishonest
simple solution to this is just remove Israel and create a state for all its citizens like should have been done in 48. once you remove the need for dominace and violence this kind of shit goes bye bye
except you have given me no way to verify the information.
Have I given you good cause to doubt the veracity of the claims?
Have I not backed up every single other claim that I have made (or at least made an honest effort?
Gimme a break - this is not sufficient cause for me to divulge personal information.

Although, there's an irony here that S.A.M has already alluded to (I don't need to tell you, you already know, you just obviously haven't figured it out yet).

You implied that I was going to call you pro Israeli despite given your own admission of being familiar with my posting history I have only called one self proclaimed neutral pro anything sole based on stated criteria that you knew(or at least should of) that you didn't meet the standards to be pro-Israeli. in other words you were claiming to react to a future event you knew wouldn't happen/ that's dishonest

First off, I didn't claim to be familiar with your posting history, I only referenced this thread - Fabrication on your part.

Second, I anticipated that you might react a certain way, and stated (or implied) that I had formed the opinion that you might react in a certain way, the fact that you didn't makes me mistaken, not dishonest, as can be verified by the fact that I am about to apologise for it.

I apologise if I was mistaken in my anticipation of your reaction.

Third, I didn't know it wouldn't happen (fabrication on your part), I genuinely believed that you would react that way.
simple solution to this is just remove Israel and create a state for all its citizens like should have been done in 48. once you remove the need for dominace and violence this kind of shit goes bye bye

I disagree, it didn't work in Pakistan, why would it work here?

The problem is both sides need to grow up, work it out, and just get on with it.
...despite your echoing Israeli propaganda trying to unlink the palestinians with the land...

By the way, I'm going to let this BS slide - not one of my arguments has been with the intent of unlinking palestinians with the land.
Have I given you good cause to doubt the veracity of the claims?
Have I not backed up every single other claim that I have made (or at least made an honest effort?
Gimme a break - this is not sufficient cause for me to divulge personal information.
if you feel that way don't bring it up as a point.

Although, there's an irony here that S.A.M has already alluded to (I don't need to tell you, you already know, you just obviously haven't figured it out yet).

First off, I didn't claim to be familiar with your posting history, I only referenced this thread - Fabrication on your part.
I was mistaken.I don't see where you feel I would label you in such a way as I haven't made any effort to label anyone in this thread and quite frankly I do not feel i have enough info to pin an opinion in any direction for you.

Second, I anticipated that you might react a certain way, and stated (or implied) that I had formed the opinion that you might react in a certain way, the fact that you didn't makes me mistaken, not dishonest, as can be verified by the fact that I am about to apologise for it.

I apologise if I was mistaken in my anticipation of your reaction.

Third, I didn't know it wouldn't happen (fabrication on your part), I genuinely believed that you would react that way.
I am sorry for my reaction but I have had my views on this topic misstated and twisted for the use of libeling me by a certain member so I'm touch where people make assumption of my beliefs.
By the way, I'm going to let this BS slide - not one of my arguments has been with the intent of unlinking palestinians with the land.

arguing that they are based on a foriegn population isn't unlinking them with the land.(ie you stated the phillistines were the kernal that the population grew out of) The argument that the palestinian are based on a population foriegn to palestine is one of the key stratergies by Israeli supporters to deny the palestinian their legal right to choose to return. In fact that method is used by both sides to excuse not trying to come together and trying to seek dominion over the other.
I disagree, it didn't work in Pakistan, why would it work here?
how does pakistan transalte to a state for all of its citizens? was it created to seperate hindus and muslims?

The problem is both sides need to grow up, work it out, and just get on with it.

true and we have a legal framework for that and it should be used.
if you feel that way don't bring it up as a point.
Oh ferkrissake I've already elaborated on why I bought up the aspects of my culture that I bought up - to demonstrate that the culture that I live isn't one that has a strong pro Jewish sentiment (in fact our government at one point recently severed diplomatic ties with Israel (since restablished) because we found Mossad in our country, conducting identity fraud to acquire our passports because of how much we travel).

I was mistaken.I don't see where you feel I would label you in such a way as I haven't made any effort to label anyone in this thread and quite frankly I do not feel i have enough info to pin an opinion in any direction for you.

I am sorry for my reaction but I have had my views on this topic misstated and twisted for the use of libeling me by a certain member so I'm touch where people make assumption of my beliefs.
I could elaborate, but at this stage it seems to me it would be an exercise in futility (so I won't).
how does pakistan transalte to a state for all of its citizens? was it created to seperate hindus and muslims?
As I recall, yes.
Pakistan and Bangladesh, up until I think, 1947, were states incoprorated as part of India, however the population had a muslim majority. Between 1947 and 1956 Pakistan was considered a dominion by the UN, and became a republic in 1956.

My recollection of specific details of the history is hazy at best (we studied India in Highschool as part of Social Studies, for reasons that escape me), however, I have an inkling that Ghandi was involved in the decision to cut the muslim states loose, and that racial violence featured prominently as part of the decision, but continued for some time afterwards.

The point being not that the 'cutting loose' of Pakistan translated to a state for all it's citizens, but prior to that (at least when we consider british india) there had been one state, and the one state didn't work.

(So, empericly, one could argue, based on the paralells between the situations, that the situation in India/Pakistan in the '40s demonstrates that a single state solution is not the way forward).
Oh ferkrissake I've already elaborated on why I bought up the aspects of my culture that I bought up - to demonstrate that the culture that I live isn't one that has a strong pro Jewish sentiment (in fact our government at one point recently severed diplomatic ties with Israel (since restablished) because we found Mossad in our country, conducting identity fraud to acquire our passports because of how much we travel).
australia? new zealand? My point was that if you didn't wish further enquiry you should bring something up.

I could elaborate, but at this stage it seems to me it would be an exercise in futility (so I won't).

??? Why would you need to elaborate on an apology of mine toward you? So you feel listening to an apology is futile so you won't? I think you have some issues
australia? new zealand? My point was that if you didn't wish further enquiry you should bring something up.
Why do you insist on pursuing issues after you've been asked not to?

??? Why would you need to elaborate on an apology of mine toward you? So you feel listening to an apology is futile so you won't? I think you have some issues
That's neither what I said, nor what I meant.
I accept your apology, but was responding specifically this point.
"...I don't see where you feel I would label you in such a way..."
I could have elaborated further on why I feel you would label me in such a way, but doing so would have been pointless and futile (because you've apologized, and pursuing the matter further would be counter productive).

Get it this time?
...her latest assertion - that the Ashkenazi are obviously european is also a fabrication)...

It occured to me that I should probably clarify this before it gets misrepresented.

I don't doubt that Ashkenazi Jews have European Ancestors, and are of European stock, however the evidence points to the population ultimately originating in the middle east (at least, all of the evidence I've seen anyway).
It certainly beats a fantasy scenario built out of whole cloth.

Answer the question please - I've let you worm out of adressing points, but not this one. Is that the exact wording of the question or not?
Addessing points? You've addressed anything BUT the point.

Why does an ambulance despatch need to know the ethnicity of a child that needs medical attention?

I still haven't received an answer to that.

I merely translated arab and jew to their hebrew counterparts and suddenly you're very particular about exactly what was said.

How sad is that
Addessing points? You've addressed anything BUT the point.
Out right lie - I (and others) have given you a plausable explanation, I've even provided justification as to why it might be a valid explanation.

Why does an ambulance despatch need to know the ethnicity of a child that needs medical attention?

I still haven't received an answer to that.
PRCS and MDA Ambulances (and paramedics) are attacked.
PRCS and MDA Ambulances (and paramedics) are attacked in occupied jerusalem.
The PRCS and MDA have an accord to ensure the saftey of the ambulances and paramedics.
Sending the wrong ambulance service to the wrong neighbourhood poses a security risk to the patient, and to the EMS technicians.
Therefore it would seem reasonable to determine which ambulance service to dispatch, which, given that it's been stated or implied that occupations, evictions and demonstrations are a daily thing in this area, it would seem reasonable to ask the person on the ground which ambulance service to send, rather than make an assumption base don information that could be out of date (by asking about the location, as you asserted).

I merely translated arab and jew to their hebrew counterparts and suddenly you're very particular about exactly what was said.

How sad is that
I can't work out if you're being naive, stupid, dishonest, or all three here.

Do you really know that little about linguistics? As someone who's (at least) bilingual, I would have expected you to know better than to make a statement like this.

Of course the exact phraseology matters, especially when viewed in light of some of the links I've provided you.

It has the potential to make the difference between asking about the people in the neighbourhood or the mob, or the person requiring assitance.

At the moment, we only have your assumption, or the assumption of the person writing the blog that the question was directed at the patient rather than the neighbourhood.
Something occured to me while I was driving to work this morning.

S.A.M's logic appears to be that because some jews in israel are racist, the question must have been racially motivated.

Let's extend S.A.M's logic a little further,
Because some cat's make good house pets, Tigers must make good house pets.
Because some animals that have beaks are called birds, any animal with a beak is a bird (including an Octopus).
Because some muslims like to blow themselves up, S.A.M is building a bomb in her basement.

Just because you don't like the answer to the question, doesn't make it invalid.
Some Jews? 90% of Israelis were in favour of the Gaza massacre. The favourite word for Obama is Cushi [look it up] and the entire state is made up of fanatics who even when they don't believe in God, think they are a race and have a racial right to it

Peace Now can barely get a thousand people for a demonstration, and most of the ones who do show up are Israeli Arabs, the left has almost entirely vanished in Israel.

I've posted enough studies on racism in Israel. Its not some Jews. Its almost all of them.

We're talking about people who collect their urine in bags and throw it from the window at Palestinians. Who shit on plates and put it in Palestinian homes or shit in a mug and empty it over the heads of peace activists. Who piss into dishwashers and washing machines to mark territory in Gaza. Who bulldozed 200,000 chickens and killed almost all the animals in teh zoo.

Who bombed schools, cop stations, hospitals - who shoot children in the head and eye.

Thats the kind of racism we're dealing with.