Luminiferous Aether Exists!

Let us just return the first question. Why does the moon orbit the earth in your aether displacment conjecture?

"a "field" in physics may be envisioned as if space were filled with interconnected vibrating balls and springs, and the strength of the field can be visualized as the displacement of a ball from its rest position"

A 'field' in physics is space filled with aether and the strength of the field is the displacement of the aether from its rest position.

Each of the plates in the Casimir effect displace the aether. The displaced aether which exists between the plates is pushing back toward each of the plates which causes the aether displaced by each of the plates which exists between the plates to offset. This aether is more at rest than the aether which is displaced by the plates which encompasses the plates. The reduced force associated with the aether which exists between the plates along with the displaced aether which encompasses the plates which is pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the plates causes the plates to be forced together.

What occurs physically in nature in the Casimir effect is the same phenomenon as gravity.

There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter. Aether has mass and physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

Displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.

The aether which is displaced by the Earth and the Moon which encompasses the Earth and the Moon, along with the canceallation of some of the force associated with the aether displaced by the Earth and the Moon which exists between the Earth and the Moon, keeps the Moon in orbit about the Earth.
Now I remember who you are - you are MPC755 - I guess you got kicked off the other sites and came back here with a sock puppet.

Here is one of your earlier posts before you were banned:

We don't float towards the Earth. The aether displaced by the Earth exerts force toward the Earth, actually toward and throughout the Earth but let's hold off on that for now.

This force of the aether exerted toward and throughout the Earth is what is exerting force toward and throughout us, keeping us on the surface of the Earth.

The Earth displaces the aether far past the Moon. The Moon displaces the aether far past the Earth. The displaced aether which encompasses the Earth and the Moon force the Earth and Moon towards each other.

The aether which the Earth displaces which exists between the Earth and the Moon is exerting force toward the Earth. The aether which the Moon displaces which exists between the Earth and the Moon is exerting force toward the Earth. This causes there to be a cancellation of force which exists between the Earth and the Moon. This cancellation of force between the Earth and the Moon along with the stronger bonds of the solid Earth than the liquid oceans allow for the rise of the ocean which exists between the Earth and the Moon.

The displaced aether which encompasses the Earth and the Moon, along with the stronger bonds of the solid Earth than the liquid ocean, allows the force exerted by the aether displaced by the Earth and the Moon which encompasses the Earth and the Moon to exert more force on the solid matter Earth than it does the liquid oceans causing the tide to rise opposite the Moon.

Aether is displaced based on the mass of the matter per volume. The more mass per volume the less aether the volume contains the more aether which is displaced by the matter the more force exerted toward the matter by the displaced aether.

The Moon contains less mass per volume than the Earth. The Moon displaces less aether than the Earth does. Therefore, there is less displaced aether exerting force toward the Moon than there is displaced aether exerting force toward the Earth

Still spouting the same silly crap. Some things never change....
'An Extended Dynamical Equation of Motion, Phase Dependency and Inertial Backreaction'

"we provide further evidence of the "fluidic" nature of space itself. This "back-reaction" is quantified by the tendency of angular momentum flux threading across a surface"

"When a system is subject to a sudden change of velocity or direction of motion, there appears an induction force that opposes such a change. This induction force is related to the inertia of bodies. The previous discussion implies that a nonuniform motion of a body that is under observation from a frame of reference (inertial or noninertial), undergoes real physical changes due to the intrinsic properties of the physical vacuum, its polarizability and backreaction inductive term. The inductive term can be identi ed with the Berry's geometric phase acquired over the course of a cycle, when the system is subjected to cyclic adiabatic processes. As for the electromagnetic eld, the inductive e ect is local and referred to absolute space, apparently countering Mach's viewpoint [10]. This work reveals a new concept of unity among the fundamental physics that govern classical mechanics and electrodynamics, from macroscopic to microscopic scales."

What the article refers to as "back-reaction" is the displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the matter.
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The aether which is displaced by the Earth and the Moon which encompasses the Earth and the Moon, along with the canceallation of some of the force associated with the aether displaced by the Earth and the Moon which exists between the Earth and the Moon, keeps the Moon in orbit about the Earth.

So the aether displaced by the earth stays near the earth? Does this mean the 'density' of the aether is higher around the earth? How far out does the higher density go? How does the aether of the moon and the earth cause the forces cancel? You said that celestial bodies move through the aether displacing it and since the aether displaced by the earth stays around the earth there should be a higher concentration of aether around the earth, so that should have the affect of making the moon move away from the earth not continue to fall towards the earth.
So the aether displaced by the earth stays near the earth? Does this mean the 'density' of the aether is higher around the earth? How far out does the higher density go? How does the aether of the moon and the earth cause the forces cancel? You said that celestial bodies move through the aether displacing it and since the aether displaced by the earth stays around the earth there should be a higher concentration of aether around the earth, so that should have the affect of making the moon move away from the earth not continue to fall towards the earth.

The aether is, or behaves similar to, a supersolid. It does not have a significant variable density.

Try and understand the following in order to understand your statement about the "aether displaced by the earth stays around the earth" is incorrect.

'Offset between dark matter and ordinary matter: evidence from a sample of 38 lensing clusters of galaxies'

"Our data strongly support the idea that the gravitational potential in clusters is mainly due to a non-baryonic fluid, and any exotic field in gravitational theory must resemble that of CDM fields very closely."

The offset is due to the galaxy clusters moving through the aether. The analogy is a submarine moving through the water. You are under water. Two miles away from you are many lights. Moving between you and the lights one mile away is a submarine. The submarine displaces the water. The state of displacement of the water causes the center of the lensing of the light propagating through the water to be offset from the center of the submarine itself. The offset between the center of the lensing of the light propagating through the water displaced by the submarine and the center of the submarine itself is going to remain the same as the submarine moves through the water. The submarine continually displaces different regions of the water. The state of the water connected to and neighboring the submarine remains the same as the submarine moves through the water even though it is not the same water the submarine continually displaces. This is what is occurring physically in nature as the galaxy clusters move through and displace the aether.
The aether is, or behaves similar to, a supersolid. It does not have a significant variable density.

if this were true and the aether were the medium for the propagation of light, the speed of light would be instantaneous.

The aether as have you have been describing would reduce light to a kinetic function within/or through the aether. In that case either a super solid or superfluid, having zero viscosity would also transfer kinetic energy instantaneously...

In attempting to adopt an aether model in the manner it appears you are, you cannot both have a fixed constant and measureable speed of light and an aether that is completely isotropic and of universally uniform density or distribution.

It really apears that you are mixing a number of fringe aether models, in a hodge lodge manner. None of which stand up to any predictive test even close to that of SR and GR.
The aether is, or behaves similar to, a supersolid. It does not have a significant variable density.

Try and understand the following in order to understand your statement about the "aether displaced by the earth stays around the earth" is incorrect.

Yes, I remember that you went off about super solids in your MPC755 persona.

Regardless, in light of your statement that, "aether displaced by the earth stays around the earth" is incorrect", why did you say in a prior post, "The aether which is displaced by the Earth and the Moon which encompasses the Earth and the Moon"? It seems like you disagree with yourself!:D
if this were true and the aether were the medium for the propagation of light, the speed of light would be instantaneous.

The aether as have you have been describing would reduce light to a kinetic function within/or through the aether. In that case either a super solid or superfluid, having zero viscosity would also transfer kinetic energy instantaneously...

'Superfluid Is Shown To Have Property Of A Solid'

"Northwestern University physicists have for the first time shown that superfluid helium-3 -- the lighter isotope of helium, which is a liquid that has lost all internal friction, allowing it to flow without resistance and ooze through tiny spaces that normal liquids cannot penetrate -- actually behaves like a solid in its ability to conduct sound waves."

The sound waves do not travel instantaneously.
Yes, I remember that you went off about super solids in your MPC755 persona.

Regardless, in light of your statement that, "aether displaced by the earth stays around the earth" is incorrect", why did you say in a prior post, "The aether which is displaced by the Earth and the Moon which encompasses the Earth and the Moon"? It seems like you disagree with yourself!:D

Even though the submarine is moving through and displacing water water still encompasses the submarine.
Whoa, this is weird! Two completely different people have the same quote. I mean what are the odds, like 10:1 or something?? I know they can't be the same person because the MPC755 was banned....

The offset is due to the galaxy clusters moving through the aether. The analogy is a submarine moving through the water. You are under water. Two miles away from you are many lights. Moving between you and the lights one mile away is a submarine. The submarine displaces the water. The state of displacement of the water causes the center of the lensing of the light propagating through the water to be offset from the center of the submarine itself. The offset between the center of the lensing of the light propagating through the water displaced by the submarine and the center of the submarine itself is going to remain the same as the submarine moves through the water. The submarine continually displaces different regions of the water. The state of the water connected to and neighboring the submarine remains the same as the submarine moves through the water even though it is not the same water the submarine continually displaces. This is what is occurring physically in nature as the galaxy clusters move through and displace the aether.

The offset is due to the galaxy clusters moving through the aether. The analogy is a submarine moving through the water. You are under water. Two miles away from you are many lights. Moving between you and the lights one mile away is a submarine. The submarine displaces the water. The state of displacement of the water causes the center of the lensing of the light propagating through the water to be offset from the center of the submarine itself. The offset between the center of the lensing of the light propagating through the water displaced by the submarine and the center of the submarine itself is going to remain the same as the submarine moves through the water. The submarine continually displaces different regions of the water. The state of the water connected to and neighboring the submarine remains the same as the submarine moves through the water even though it is not the same water the submarine continually displaces. This is what is occurring physically in nature as the galaxy clusters move through the aether.
Are you able to understand that even though the submarine is moving through and displacing the water the water still encompasses the submarine?

You really do not understand that wtith this statement you have undermined your assertion about why the moon would orbit the earth. Well, I guess that is not surprising since you don't seem to be able to understand that it is obvious to the most casual observer that you are MP755 and soon to be rebanded.

Your aether conjecture is so full of holes that it is exceedingly embarrassing to see you try to defend it.
You really do not understand that wtith this statement you have undermined your assertion about why the moon would orbit the earth. Well, I guess that is not surprising since you don't seem to be able to understand that it is obvious to the most casual observer that you are MP755 and soon to be rebanded.

Your aether conjecture is so full of holes that it is exceedingly embarrassing to see you try to defend it.

If you had made any effort whatsoever to read and understand my previoius post you might have been able to understand the following.

"The submarine continually displaces different regions of the water. The state of the water connected to and neighboring the submarine remains the same as the submarine moves through the water even though it is not the same water the submarine continually displaces."
unfortunately, I am not fluent in gibberish.

You are not able to understand when a submarine moves through the water it is not continually displacing the same water.

A moving particle displaces the aether. A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the moving particle travels a well defined path which takes it through one slit while the associated wave in the aether passes through both.
You are not able to understand when a submarine moves through the water it is not continually displacing the same water.

A moving particle displaces the aether. A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the moving particle travels a well defined path which takes it through one slit while the associated wave in the aether passes through both.

Armadillos hate folding chairs from Amsterdam?
Armadillos hate folding chairs from Amsterdam?

You are swimming in a pool. Are you able to understand you are not displacing the same water while you are swimming? Are you able to understand you are moving through and displacing the water?

This is what is occurring physically in nature as particles of matter move through the aether. The particles of matter displace the aether.

Analogous to the bow wave of a boat.

If you performed a boat double slit experiment the boat would travel through a single slit and the bow wave would pass through both.

This is what is occurring physically in nature in a double slit experiment. The particle travels through a single slit and the wave in the aether through both.
You are swimming in a pool. Are you able to understand you are not displacing the same water while you are swimming? Are you able to understand you are moving through and displacing the water?

This is what is occurring physically in nature as particles of matter move through the aether. The particles of matter displace the aether.

Analogous to the bow wave of a boat.

If you performed a boat double slit experiment the boat would travel through a single slit and the bow wave would pass through both.

This is what is occurring physically in nature in a double slit experiment. The particle travels through a single slit and the wave in the aether through both.

So what you are saying is; don't crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers (appologies to Firesign Theater)?

I have to go and will not be able to continue this fascinating discussion with the sock puppet, but by all means continue to drone on.
'Superfluid Is Shown To Have Property Of A Solid'

"Northwestern University physicists have for the first time shown that superfluid helium-3 -- the lighter isotope of helium, which is a liquid that has lost all internal friction, allowing it to flow without resistance and ooze through tiny spaces that normal liquids cannot penetrate -- actually behaves like a solid in its ability to conduct sound waves."

The sound waves do not travel instantaneously.

The problem with your logic, is that your aether here is not He3, nor any material composed of atoms in any state.., and light is not sound waves.

Read up a bit more about super fluids and/or perfect fluids. They don't really exist, even in the case of He3. At best He3 may come close...

As before, none of this is really new. It sounds a lot more like a patch work of past and present fringe ideas. In some cases even fringe might be a generous description.
So what you are saying is; don't crush that dwarf, hand me the pliers (appologies to Firesign Theater)?

I have to go and will not be able to continue this fascinating discussion with the sock puppet, but by all means continue to drone on.

When you are able to understand as a boat moves through and displaces the water it is not always the same water the boat is in contact with then you might be able to understand how particles of matter move through and displace the aether.
The problem with your logic, is that your aether here is not He3, nor any material composed of atoms in any state.., and light is not sound waves.

Read up a bit more about super fluids and/or perfect fluids. They don't really exist, even in the case of He3. At best He3 may come close...

As before, none of this is really new. It sounds a lot more like a patch work of past and present fringe ideas. In some cases even fringe might be a generous description.

"It is ironic that Einstein's most creative work, the general theory of relativity, should boil down to conceptualizing space as a medium when his original premise [in special relativity] was that no such medium existed [..] The word 'ether' has extremely negative connotations in theoretical physics because of its past association with opposition to relativity. This is unfortunate because, stripped of these connotations, it rather nicely captures the way most physicists actually think about the vacuum. . . . Relativity actually says nothing about the existence or nonexistence of matter pervading the universe, only that any such matter must have relativistic symmetry. [..] It turns out that such matter exists. About the time relativity was becoming accepted, studies of radioactivity began showing that the empty vacuum of space had spectroscopic structure similar to that of ordinary quantum solids and fluids. Subsequent studies with large particle accelerators have now led us to understand that space is more like a piece of window glass than ideal Newtonian emptiness. It is filled with 'stuff' that is normally transparent but can be made visible by hitting it sufficiently hard to knock out a part. The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic ether. But we do not call it this because it is taboo." - Robert B. Laughlin, Nobel Laureate in Physics, endowed chair in physics, Stanford University

Laughlin refers to the aether as matter and as stuff.

It is this stuff which is not anchored to galaxies.

'Dark Matter Core Defies Explanation in NASA Hubble Image'

"This technique revealed the dark matter in Abell 520 had collected into a "dark core," containing far fewer galaxies than would be expected if the dark matter and galaxies were anchored together. Most of the galaxies apparently have sailed far away from the collision. "This result is a puzzle," said astronomer James Jee of the University of California in Davis, lead author of paper about the results available online in The Astrophysical Journal. "Dark matter is not behaving as predicted, and it's not obviously clear what is going on. It is difficult to explain this Hubble observation with the current theories of galaxy formation and dark matter.""

The dark matter core does not defy explanation. The dark matter core is not a puzzle. The dark matter core is not difficult to explain. It is obviously clear what is going on.

Non-baryonic dark matter and galaxies are not anchored together. There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter. Matter moves through and displaces the aether.