Luminiferous Aether Exists!

I simply pointed out that you throw buzzwords around while you obviously do not know what you are talking about. That's all.

So what's your opinion to me? Your initial response made it quite clear that you didn't even know the basic difference between an inertial action-reaction acceleration and a gravitational null-geodesic (no action-reaction involved) acceleration, which is why you sounded so stupid right from your first troll post. You sound stupider and stupider with each additional troll post you make mumbling "Reiku" and pretending yours aren't the nonsense posts so far. You're a weird kid, for sure, and an even stupider troll, no matter how one looks at it. Go learn something and stop trolling.
So what's your opinion to me?

My opinion of you is that you are a reincarnation of the Reiku crank.

Your initial response made it quite clear that you didn't even know the basic difference between an inertial action-reaction acceleration and a gravitational null-geodesic (no action-reaction involved) acceleration,

The point is that there isn't ANY difference. You were even pointed to the principle that says that there isn't any, Reiku. What is that principle, Reiku?
Tach. Dumb Troll. Can't you read? The two are not as "equivalent" as you seem to believe, kid.

I already explained how and why the "difference" is in the action-reaction type of Inertial acceleration process versus the null geodesic type of Gravitational acceleration process where no action-reaction forces are present. They are therefore not equivalent processes either "in principle" or "in practice".

Just because the resultant speeds may be 'equivalent' given the same end result speeds in particular cases, the acceleration processes themselves are not equivalent as you seem to believe with "religious" faith in your own silliness.

And what do I care about your "Reiku" fixation? Just goes to demonstrate your trolling and stalking mistaking me for someone else. You get crazier as troll and stalker as you go. Get help.
Tach. Dumb Troll. Can't you read? The two are not as "equivalent" as you seem to believe, kid.

I already explained how and why the "difference" is in the action-reaction type of Inertial acceleration process versus the null geodesic type of Gravitational acceleration process where no action-reaction forces are present. They are therefore not equivalent processes either "in principle" or "in practice".


Just because the resultant speeds may be 'equivalent' given the same end result speeds in particular cases, the acceleration processes themselves are not equivalent as you seem to believe with "religious" faith in your own silliness.

You are getting worse and worse, Reiku.

You are getting worse and worse, Reiku.

So I just showed your ignorance of the most basics physics and your inability to understand important physical differences having widely differing effect in practice and in principle; and all you have to say is "LOL"? As loony trolls and stalkers go, you must easily be the dumbest around. LOL

I'm sure whoever "Reiku" is he must be laughing fit to bust at your desperation in using his name to try to hide behind. Quite a compliment to him. LOL.
Tach. Dumb Troll. Can't you read? The two are not as "equivalent" as you seem to believe, kid.

I already explained how and why the "difference" is in the action-reaction type of Inertial acceleration process versus the null geodesic type of Gravitational acceleration process where no action-reaction forces are present. They are therefore not equivalent processes either "in principle" or "in practice".

Bye-bye, Reality Check. You won't be able to troll this forum anymore.
Cheezle. All scientists agree inertial acceleration is absolute. Therefore accelerating movement is with respect to an absolute frame of reference that is beyond Relativity domain of applicability. That acceleration frame of reference absolute is space. There is no other frame of reference applicable except that which existed before any Relativity or other theory. So no definition required to communicate absolute acceleration concept which everyone can see and experience themselves through space without needing to know the technical definitions for space or time. In the case of absolute acceleration and its absolute space reference frame, your conclusions that we must define something before we can experience or understand and communicate it do not follow in the case of absolute acceleration and absolute space. Your position therefore has a limited domain of applicability, as do SR and GR and QM theories.
If only it were that easy. Go look up the Einstein Equivalence Principle.
Everything is with respect to the state of the aether in which it exists, including the rate at which atomic clocks tick. This is why the speed of light is always determined to be 'c'.

What Einstein referred to as 'curved spacetime' is the state of displacement of the aether.

There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter.

Aether has mass and physically occupies space.

Aether is physcially displaced by matter.

Matter moves through and displaces the aether.

The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether.

The Milky Way's halo is what Einstein refered to as curved spacetime.

Displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.

This is why the speed of rotation of the Milky Way can not be accounted for by the matter which the Milky Way consists of.

The relativistic mass of the Milky Way is the mass of the matter of the Milky Way and the mass of the aether connected to and neighboring the Milky Way which is displaced by the Milky Way.
I am of the opinion that matter is made of aether, just as space and space-time are made of aether. That is why energy content of matter is proportional to the speed of light (squared). The speed of light is built into matter as well as space-time.
'Ether and the Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein'

"Since according to our present conceptions the elementary particles of matter are also, in their essence, nothing else than condensations of the electromagnetic field"

The electromagnetic field is a state of the aether. Matter is condensations of aether.


"If a body gives off the energy L in the form of radiation, its mass diminishes by L/c2."

The mass of the body does diminish. However, the matter which no longer exists as part of the body has not vanished; it still exists, as aether. Matter evaporates into aether. As matter evaporates into aether it expands into neighboring places; which is energy. Mass is conserved.

When a nuclear bomb explodes matter evaporates into aether. The evaporation is energy. Mass is conserved.
Everything is with respect to the state of the aether in which it exists, including the rate at which atomic clocks tick. This is why the speed of light is always determined to be 'c'.

What Einstein referred to as 'curved spacetime' is the state of displacement of the aether.

There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter.

Aether has mass and physically occupies space.

Aether is physcially displaced by matter.

Matter moves through and displaces the aether.

The Milky Way's halo is the state of displacement of the aether.

The Milky Way's halo is what Einstein refered to as curved spacetime.

Displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.

This is why the speed of rotation of the Milky Way can not be accounted for by the matter which the Milky Way consists of.

The relativistic mass of the Milky Way is the mass of the matter of the Milky Way and the mass of the aether connected to and neighboring the Milky Way which is displaced by the Milky Way.

You sound just like a funny little fellow that use to be on this site named pincho paxton. He also made essentally the same claims with zero evidence.
I am of the opinion that matter is made of aether, just as space and space-time are made of aether. That is why energy content of matter is proportional to the speed of light (squared). The speed of light is built into matter as well as space-time.

The problem is that your opinions are not science, they amount to just idle conjecture. But you already have been told this many times before.
You sound just like a funny little fellow that use to be on this site named pincho paxton. He also made essentally the same claims with zero evidence.

'Dark Matter Core Defies Explanation in NASA Hubble Image'

"This technique revealed the dark matter in Abell 520 had collected into a "dark core," containing far fewer galaxies than would be expected if the dark matter and galaxies were anchored together. Most of the galaxies apparently have sailed far away from the collision. "This result is a puzzle," said astronomer James Jee of the University of California in Davis, lead author of paper about the results available online in The Astrophysical Journal. "Dark matter is not behaving as predicted, and it's not obviously clear what is going on. It is difficult to explain this Hubble observation with the current theories of galaxy formation and dark matter.""

The dark matter core does not defy explanation. The dark matter core is not a puzzle. The dark matter core is not difficult to explain. It is obviously clear what is going on.

Non-baryonic dark matter and galaxies are not anchored together. There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter.

Matter moves through and displaces the aether.
'Dark Matter Core Defies Explanation in NASA Hubble Image'

"This technique revealed the dark matter in Abell 520 had collected into a "dark core," containing far fewer galaxies than would be expected if the dark matter and galaxies were anchored together. Most of the galaxies apparently have sailed far away from the collision. "This result is a puzzle," said astronomer James Jee of the University of California in Davis, lead author of paper about the results available online in The Astrophysical Journal. "Dark matter is not behaving as predicted, and it's not obviously clear what is going on. It is difficult to explain this Hubble observation with the current theories of galaxy formation and dark matter.""

The dark matter core does not defy explanation. The dark matter core is not a puzzle. The dark matter core is not difficult to explain. It is obviously clear what is going on.

Non-baryonic dark matter and galaxies are not anchored together. There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter.

Matter moves through and displaces the aether.

Any chance that dark energy is just the effect of the quantum vacuum pushing on everything? In other words, the Casimir effect is caused by the quantum vacuum exerting forces on the plates. Maybe the quantum vacuum also exerts forces on galaxies ans pushes them apart.
Any chance that dark energy is just the effect of the quantum vacuum pushing on everything? In other words, the Casimir effect is caused by the quantum vacuum exerting forces on the plates. Maybe the quantum vacuum also exerts forces on galaxies ans pushes them apart.

-dittos- Mazulu
Any chance that dark energy is just the effect of the quantum vacuum pushing on everything? In other words, the Casimir effect is caused by the quantum vacuum exerting forces on the plates. Maybe the quantum vacuum also exerts forces on galaxies ans pushes them apart.

There are no such things as virtual particles. Virtual particles are more of the absurd nonsense made up by mainstream physicists because they are unable to understand aether has mass and physically occupies three dimensional space.

"a "field" in physics may be envisioned as if space were filled with interconnected vibrating balls and springs, and the strength of the field can be visualized as the displacement of a ball from its rest position"

A 'field' in physics is space filled with aether and the strength of the field is the displacement of the aether from its rest position.

Each of the plates in the Casimir effect displace the aether. The displaced aether which exists between the plates is pushing back toward each of the plates which causes the aether displaced by each of the plates which exists between the plates to offset. This aether is more at rest than the aether which is displaced by the plates which encompasses the plates. The reduced force associated with the aether which exists between the plates along with the displaced aether which encompasses the plates which is pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the plates causes the plates to be forced together.

What occurs physically in nature in the Casimir effect is the same phenomenon as gravity.

There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter. Aether has mass and physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

Displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.

'Was the universe born spinning?'

"The universe was born spinning and continues to do so around a preferred axis"

The Universe spins around a preferred axis because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet; a larger version of a black hole polar jet.

'Mysterious Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Tracked Deeper into Universe'

'The clusters appear to be moving along a line extending from our solar system toward Centaurus/Hydra, but the direction of this motion is less certain. Evidence indicates that the clusters are headed outward along this path, away from Earth, but the team cannot yet rule out the opposite flow. "We detect motion along this axis, but right now our data cannot state as strongly as we'd like whether the clusters are coming or going," Kashlinsky said.'

The clusters are headed along this path because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet.

The following is an image analogous of the Universal jet.

The reason for the 'expansion' of the universe is the continual emission of aether into the Universal jet. Three dimensional space associated with the Universe itself is not expanding. What we see in our telescopes is the matter associated with the Universe moving outward and away from the Universal jet emission point. In the image above, '1st Stars' is where aether condenses into matter.

Dark energy is aether emitted into the Universal jet.

It's not the Big Bang; it's the Big Ongoing.
There are no such things as virtual particles. Virtual particles are more of the absurd nonsense made up by mainstream physicists because they are unable to understand aether has mass and physically occupies three dimensional space.

"a "field" in physics may be envisioned as if space were filled with interconnected vibrating balls and springs, and the strength of the field can be visualized as the displacement of a ball from its rest position"

A 'field' in physics is space filled with aether and the strength of the field is the displacement of the aether from its rest position.

Each of the plates in the Casimir effect displace the aether. The displaced aether which exists between the plates is pushing back toward each of the plates which causes the aether displaced by each of the plates which exists between the plates to offset. This aether is more at rest than the aether which is displaced by the plates which encompasses the plates. The reduced force associated with the aether which exists between the plates along with the displaced aether which encompasses the plates which is pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the plates causes the plates to be forced together.

What occurs physically in nature in the Casimir effect is the same phenomenon as gravity.

There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter. Aether has mass and physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

Displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward matter is gravity.

'Was the universe born spinning?'

"The universe was born spinning and continues to do so around a preferred axis"

The Universe spins around a preferred axis because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet; a larger version of a black hole polar jet.

'Mysterious Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Tracked Deeper into Universe'

'The clusters appear to be moving along a line extending from our solar system toward Centaurus/Hydra, but the direction of this motion is less certain. Evidence indicates that the clusters are headed outward along this path, away from Earth, but the team cannot yet rule out the opposite flow. "We detect motion along this axis, but right now our data cannot state as strongly as we'd like whether the clusters are coming or going," Kashlinsky said.'

The clusters are headed along this path because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is in, a jet.

The following is an image analogous of the Universal jet.

The reason for the 'expansion' of the universe is the continual emission of aether into the Universal jet. Three dimensional space associated with the Universe itself is not expanding. What we see in our telescopes is the matter associated with the Universe moving outward and away from the Universal jet emission point. In the image above, '1st Stars' is where aether condenses into matter.

Dark energy is aether emitted into the Universal jet.

It's not the Big Bang; it's the Big Ongoing.

You don't sound mainstream to me. :( I'll have to take a closer look on my next break.
'Dark Matter Core Defies Explanation in NASA Hubble Image'

"This technique revealed the dark matter in Abell 520 had collected into a "dark core," containing far fewer galaxies than would be expected if the dark matter and galaxies were anchored together. Most of the galaxies apparently have sailed far away from the collision. "This result is a puzzle," said astronomer James Jee of the University of California in Davis, lead author of paper about the results available online in The Astrophysical Journal. "Dark matter is not behaving as predicted, and it's not obviously clear what is going on. It is difficult to explain this Hubble observation with the current theories of galaxy formation and dark matter.""

The dark matter core does not defy explanation. The dark matter core is not a puzzle. The dark matter core is not difficult to explain. It is obviously clear what is going on.

Non-baryonic dark matter and galaxies are not anchored together. There is no such thing as non-baryonic dark matter. Matter moves through and displaces the aether.

Aether has mass.

An objects resistance to acceleration is the force of the displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward the object.

Inertial mass is the mass of an object as it is accelerated with respect to the state of the aether in which it exists. The object displaces the aether as it moves through the aether. Since it is accelerating the force exerted by the displaced aether toward and throughout the object is not equally applied to the object.

Gravitational mass is the force exerted by the displaced aether toward and throughout an object. When you are standing on the surface of the Earth the aether displaced by the Earth is pushing down and exerting inward pressure toward you.

Both are the same phenomenon. Both are discussing the displaced aether pushing back and exerting inward pressure toward an object.

Relativistic mass is the mass of the object and the mass of the aether connected to and neighboring the object which is displaced by the object. The faster an object is moving with respect to the state of the aether in which it exists the more the object displaces the aether the greater the relativistic mass of the object.