Luminiferous Aether Exists!

Cheezle already admitted his problem. He doesn't know any quantum mechanics, at all. Nothin'. Not even an infinite potential well (which is the easiest problem). Without that, he can't grasp the connection I'm making with the aether medium.

By the way, thank you for watching my back amidst the uneducated trolls. :)

Unfortunately for you, the people here that know QM can't grasp the connection you are making with the aether medium ether. Because it is bogus. Have you not been listening to them? RealityCheck has said he doesn't agree with your views on your device or the wave aether. He has a different view. He only supports you because you rail against accepted science, just like he does. You have effectively zero support for your ideas. Some small percentage support your experiment. Heck I even say do it. Hopefully you will learn from it.
Unfortunately for you, the people here that know QM can't grasp the connection you are making with the aether medium ether. Because it is bogus. Have you not been listening to them? RealityCheck has said he doesn't agree with your views on your device or the wave aether. He has a different view. He only supports you because you rail against accepted science, just like he does. You have effectively zero support for your ideas. Some small percentage support your experiment. Heck I even say do it. Hopefully you will learn from it.
I'm not seeing anyone disagree with the interpretation that wave-functions are describing an ontological medium. Would someone (who is familiar with QM) come forward and dispute this interpretation?
The luminiferous aether medium is not made of balls and springs, nor is is made of any material that is familiar to any (except possibly a few quantum physicists). The interpretation that particles exist in a space-time of nothingness, devoid of characteristics, is just plain wrong. How do you explain that the speed of light (vacuum) is the same for all inertial reference frames? That's not something that a particle can do in isolation. That kind of characteristic has to be carried by the a field or the space that exists between the photon and the inertial frame.
I'm not seeing anyone disagree with the interpretation that wave-functions are describing an ontological medium. Would someone (who is familiar with QM) come forward and dispute this interpretation?

Is that all you are saying? That a wave function can cause something to exist, like a virtual particle? No that is not your claim at all. You are claiming that wave functions cause space and time to exist. (some here may agree but few would deny it is problematic) That these wave functions are outside of space and time, and they also create other universes. A multiverse full of space aliens. That under certain circumstances we can see into these other universes, and even travel there. You are saying that you can use these wave functions, by simulating photons phase shifting, and create a gravity beam. And with this gravity beam you can propel a spaceship to FTL speeds. You are saying that you can use this gravity beam to violate the conservation of energy laws. And on and on. It gets sillier and sillier as the claims progress.
The luminiferous aether medium is not made of balls and springs, nor is is made of any material that is familiar to any (except possibly a few quantum physicists). The interpretation that particles exist in a space-time of nothingness, devoid of characteristics, is just plain wrong. How do you explain that the speed of light (vacuum) is the same for all inertial reference frames? That's not something that a particle can do in isolation. That kind of characteristic has to be carried by the a field or the space that exists between the photon and the inertial frame.

You have not been reading the posts here. Empty space has characteristics. It does not have a luminiferous aether in any sense of the word. Einstein's theories are geometric theories. They require a geometric interpretation. No medium can accommodate the invariance of the speed of light. Your attempt to explain this with the aether is just word salad. Defining words to mean things they have never meant, and can never mean.
Good morning, Aqueous Id.

This (hopefully last) post from me to you is just to politely finalize our tail-end conversation as well, before finally eschewing further internet discussions for a few weeks to concentrate on finishing my TOE for publication. :)

You can't have it both ways. You can't on one hand insist that space does not propagate fields, and then on the other, deny that your "solution" is knock-off of the 19th century aether.

Not trying "to have it both ways". It is your continuing propensity for conflating things which leads your inferences and arguments into non-sequiturs and circuitous 'counter-argument'.

Please just get this straight once and for all:

1) I have said clearly that the fundamental 'energy-space' medium (a real medium, unlike the 'space-time' abstraction of it) of my TOE is not like any other higher-level aether-like differentiation of it you have read from others.

2) That energy-space is where EVERYTHING arises, evolves and subsides into according to the fundamental dynamics.

3) Your 'fields' abstractions from the real energy-space phenomena/features/dynamics; so 'fields' are not 'propagating' along anything; it is the REAL perturbation and motion and dynamics effects which propagate within the energy-space, making various localized/global sets of physically manifesting 'vacuum features/properties and characteristics inherent to that 'vacuum level phenomena/dynamics arising and translating within the underlying energy-space REAL physical context.

If you can't get that straight, then you will ever be at cross-purpose and so irrelevant in your 'counter-arguments'. And if you can get that straight, then there is no argument between us because you are not talking about what I am talking about when pointing out the difference between my and any other 'medium' hypothesized' by others. Ok? :D

No, you're just being slippery. You're masking the only thing that matters in "your theory": a transmission medium. Forget the rest. This is your thrust. It's flat wrong. A transmission medium requires billiard balls and springs. You need a waveguide. You need a conductor. You need a dielectric. You need a ground. You need molecules and materials. And any medium will introduce attenuation, which is defies the reality you pretend to represent. Worse, you need gain to remove the attenuation of the medium. And if you deny that, then you have to admit absorption and re-rediation by aether quanta, which requires the free space between them to radiate. So you haven't solved a single one of your imaginary issues. You've simply multiplied them. What's fatal is that your scheme would have a wind, which has been disproved. Meanwhile, back in reality, fields and waves propagate at c with loss 1/4πr². Static particles emit static fields. Moving particles emit waves. And the radiation is omnidirectional. And the potential at every point in space is the sum of all potentials from all emissions everywhere. Superposition is another intrinsic property of space.

That has been my very point about YOUR abstractions (fields' etc) from the REAL things underlying any such abstraction. Only in the case of the Fundamental medium the REAL structure of the REAL things are NOT like those of the higher-level physically differentiated real things which you abstract the 'field' concept FROM.

All those properties for the other 'aether' concepts are THERE ALREADY in the VACUUM background for QANTUM MECHANICS. Every new discovery locally and astronomically points to the vacuum being the 'aether-like' backgrounds that everyone ELSE is discussing. BUT MY energy-space background is MORE FUNDAMENTAL than the various higher-level 'vacua' contexts of real things in various forms and dynamics which arise and evolve and subside into my fundamental medium dynamics. Do you understand this CRUCIAL distinction; and why you are cross-purposes with me when you are addressing NOT MY medium but others' higher-level 'vacua' types of media? Apples and oranges.

If it helps, just think of my fundamental medium as being the most PERFECT physically REAL SUPERCONDUCTIVE and/or SUPERFLUIDIC 'medium' possible. Hence NO LOSS, NO ATTENUATION etc etc. It only has the fundamental properties and capabilities which CAN MANIFEST higher-level dynamics/features which produce the higher-level ;vacua' physical background which are then 'abstracted' into theory as A SET of 'fields' of various kinds supporting/propagating their respective perturbations/solitonic features/phenomena observed at those higher levels (not at the fundamental levels which these theories are STILL MUTE about).

If you can understand that subtle distinction then I will leave you and others to discuss whatever OTHER 'aether' takes and and/or 'field' abstractions you care to discuss. It has no bearing on my TOE fundamental perspective, as all these other things are automatically SUBSUMED along the way into my TOE as it developed from scratch from that objectively self-selected starting point of REAL fundamental energy-space medium.

Hah hah hah. Free space path loss is one of the best understood phenomena of nature. You would know this if you'd ever had any actual experience in the science your believe you own the secret answers to.

That applies to other 'aether'-like and 'vacua'-like type contexts/discussions. It is irrelevant to the fundamental medium of my TOE. Please read previous paragraphs above.

And your 'free space' is a NEBULOUS and IMPRECISE description. Either you mean 'energy-space' or you mean a 'vacuum/vacua-set' of higher-order physical dynamics. Talking like that of 'free space' shows that you CONFLATE and CONFUSE things which make your 'arguments' strawmen and/or non-sequitur irrelevancies. Hence no apples-apples 'argument' in progress. Hence we are done. :)

It's shouting at you: this is radiation. It's not mute at all, you're simply deaf. Your strategy is to turn off your hearing aid and proclaim that it (the screaming evidence) is not there.

You're talking of Mazulu's 'waves' (radiation etc). My fundamental medium is WHERE those waves originate, evolve/translate and subside. Leave me out of those 'higher-order' differentiation 'ather'/'vacua' discussions, as they are totally subsumed already by my TOE perspective as trivial evolutionary/phenomenological outcomes of any complex potential fundamental background dynamics which is at the BASE of all else. Not arguing any of that. Only distinguishing all that from my TOE base medium which manifest all these other things IN REALITY and not as abstractions. Thanks but no thanks. :)

What's "at the root" of reality is the square root of µϵ and the root of the sum of squares of displacements. Your denial of this simple fact, and your inability to work through the elementary EM problem I posed (comparing and contrasting the acoustic and EM wave propagation) are what deafen you to the screaming facts of reality. You're just lost in a make-believe world you're calling reality so you can pretend to conquer it.

It is GEOMETRY and MATHEMATICS. Abstract analytical constructs. Can't you understand this most obvious observation? It is NOT the reality from which these abstractions are derived. Try not to persist in a one-track mind despite all the evidence to the contrary. Thanks.

The fruit you're propounding is way beyond fermentation. And the rest is just nuts.

Look again at whose fruit and nuts you are talking about. Discern from others' mediums/vacua/aether or whatever from my fundamental medium which subsumes all these phenomena/abstractions. And to continue in the same veing as your allusion to fruit and nuts: please read again previous paragraphs, where and why your own 'fruit and nuts' may be the ones hanging out all too vulnerable to pounding and fermentation, hung by your own non-sequitur and irrelevant petards! :D

Translated: you have no clue how to relate emission or stasis to radiation, and how radiation traverses free space unhindered by any mechanism or attenuation, subject only to the path loss 1/4πr². How do "radial vectors" produce an omnidirectional wavefront or field? You've simply invented these abstractions with no basis in reality in order to prop up your silly harebrained scheme. Any vectors I'm referring to subtend the omnidirectional field.

Using nebulous terms like "fee space" again? Please read previous paragraphs where distinction between 'vacua' and 'aether' etc contexts are different from my fundamental medium where all these arise and subside in. Thanks.

Hah hah there you go again. FEATURES and MECHANISMS are mere abstract labels. Space is chock full o' properties that you will never erase no matter how hard you try. Propagation works the same for static fields as it does for waves. There's no guesswork or abstraction involved. All the science is derived from actually observing nature, not just dreaming up rules to impose on nature, as you're doing.

Not at all. These are OBSERVABLES in many parts of the natural phenomena we have studied. Don't you know that? That is the point I make; that there are OTHER MORE FUNDAMENTAL physical features and mechanisms that underlie all these other higher-order observable physical features and mechanisms. The abstractions are your 'labels' and 'math/geometry constructs DERIVED form these observable REAL THINGS. How many times need you be reminded of that obvious, demonstrable and self-evident fact?

Then it's not a vacuum. In any case, space - such as "outer space" - is also space - meaning Euclidean space. Space has direction and space has length, area and volume - without any matter occupying it. Most important, fields and waves radiate in space uniformly and omnidirectionally. Space doesn't do anything as you imagine. The field or wave influences every point in space at the maximum rate, c another intrinsic property of space (and spacetime).

That is where YOU now "can't have it both ways".

According to the ABSTRACT theories. 'space does not exist per se. They call it by a mathematical label of 'space-time'. Get it? The VACUUM exists (just ask the QM mob!). All the other things exist and propagate. BUT the abstractions would have you believe that space is merely separation GEOMETRY and mathematical relativities between positions/events/motions of 'features' (energy radiation 'particles'; matter particles, bodies etc).

Until you get that subtle difference between the ABSTRACT idea of 'space' as something purely relative and geometric relations and the idea of it as a real energy-space (rather than abstract math/geom 'space-time'), you will be conflating all these subtly DIFFERENT contexts when making your non-sequitur and irrelevant 'counter arguments' against heaven-knows-what miscontructions of your own about what others and/or I are talking about.

You mean space is differentiable? Then that's another property, isn't it? Vacuum energy is irrelevant to field and wave propagation. Again, you're simply imposing this on nature to prop up your silly scheme.

No no no. ENERGY-SPACE has inherent fundamental dynamics which manifests at various scales to produce real 'vacua' level different collections of phenomena and features and process (photons/particles and motion and dynamics all their own at that level as they evolve and eventually subside). The fundamental medium always is 'complete' and undiminished. It is only the transient and persistent perturbations which ANY SYSTEM is fundamentally subject to because of 'uncertainty' and transient states and potentials for degrees of freedom in the inherent dimensions etc etc.

The differentiation is purely EMERGENT due to these fundamental perturbations becoming persistent and producing a higher-level collection of features/potentials which are abstractly called fields when we make mathematical/geometrical constructs for analysis purposes. That's all. Nothing weird about the fundamental medium; it's nature and properties etc are what sustains the higher-order manifestations of VERSIONS of these fundamental dynamics/properties/potentials etc.

Nope, I'm sticking to my guns, which are as real as the path loss from your screen to your retinas. Your abstractions are not only abstractions, they're wrong ones. There is no mechanism in radiation. And the properties you need to explain are the properties of charge, of mass and of the dipole. You need to explain how radiation occurs at all across any distance. You need to explain radiation whether it relates to a static field or a wave. And you need to steer clear of your putative underlying reality until you've been able to understand tangible reality.

How about solve and let solve? Can you or can you not answer the question I asked? Until you can, you're just tilting at windmills.
You have not been reading the posts here. Empty space has characteristics. It does not have a luminiferous aether in any sense of the word.
Go look at the definition of "luminiferous aether". It was postulated as the medium for the propagation of light.
Einstein's theories are geometric theories. They require a geometric interpretation.
So what causes Einstein's geometry to exist?
No medium can accommodate the invariance of the speed of light.
It's just a lack of imagination on your part.
Your attempt to explain this with the aether is just word salad. Defining words to mean things they have never meant, and can never mean.
Nope. Luminiferous aether is just a medium that propagates light. The speed of light is built into the geometry of space-time. Since empty space is filled with quantum particles and fields (described by quantum electrodynamics), I interpolated. Anyone who describes quantum particles, the quantum vacuum or QED is going to calculate a wave-function anyway. So I made the progressive argument that the phenonema that implements the nature/laws of physics/geometry is, coincidentally, described as a wave-function. Then I added the additional characteristic that this medium is made of a set of waves that obey $$c=\lambda f$$. So I got a natural phenomena that is characterized by wavelength and frequency. I saw an opportunity. I said that geometry must be made of the wavelengths and the flow of time is caused by the frequencies of these aether medium waves.

Gotta go!
Go look at the definition of "luminiferous aether". It was postulated as the medium for the propagation of light.

Having definition in the dictionary is not very valuable in an argument for the existence of that thing. Look up, Phlogiston. They (lumi aether and phlog) are both ideas from around the same era. Also look up "unicorn" and "ghost". Lots of non-existent things have definitions.

So what causes Einstein's geometry to exist?

Its a mystery. At least to me. Some say that somethingness is caused by nothingness. Not my claim but something to think about.

It's just a lack of imagination on your part.

Or maybe too much on yours.

Einstein, in the years after he published his papers on relativity, talked about aether. One of the things he said was that aether could not have the property of motion. He didn't mean it was stationary. Stationary is just a type of motion. I will go back to the concept of empty set. The set of motion values (velocities?). There is a difference between {} and {0}.

So can we find a candidate for this thing that has no motion. I think we can. Space. Space does not move. It is not stationary. The property of motion doe not exist for space. So I think we have a winner. What people call aether is empty space.

Nope. Luminiferous aether is just a medium that propagates light. The speed of light is built into the geometry of space-time. Since empty space is filled with quantum particles and fields (described by quantum electrodynamics), I interpolated. Anyone who describes quantum particles, the quantum vacuum or QED is going to calculate a wave-function anyway. So I made the progressive argument that the phenonema that implements the nature/laws of physics/geometry is, coincidentally, described as a wave-function. Then I added the additional characteristic that this medium is made of a set of waves that obey $$c=\lambda f$$. So I got a natural phenomena that is characterized by wavelength and frequency. I saw an opportunity. I said that geometry must be made of the wavelengths and the flow of time is caused by the frequencies of these aether medium waves.

If you could just explain this one thing it would go a long way to supporting your ideas.
the flow of time is caused by the frequencies of these aether medium waves.

In my thinking you have the cart before the horse. freq = 1/t and so time and frequency are really the same thing only different.

I will fall back to logic to look at this. f=>t and t=>f therefore t<=>f.
What you think of a causal chain, is really just equivalence. If time exists, then frequency exists, and if frequency exists, then time exists. Or another way to say it is that: (the existence of time) is necessary and sufficient for (the existence of frequency).
Here is the truth table:
t f t<=>f

If you can explain this (quote of yours) in a way that supports your ideas and that I can understand, then I will cross it off my list of problems with your ideas and never bring it up again. And note that the same goes for the other idea of wavelength and space.

[Mazulu: p=>q is read: p implies q, and <=> is bi-implication or equivalence, p is the antecedent and q is the consequent in the implication.]
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So what causes Einstein's geometry to exist?

Its a mystery. At least to me. Some say that somethingness is caused by nothingness. Not my claim but something to think about.

This really should not be difficult. Einstein's theories of special and general relativity, are geometric descriptions of the relationship between objects in space over time. That relationship is inherently geometric.

GR explains the geometry of how objects interact with greater accuracy than the Newtionian dynamics that proceeded it. It does not really explain how, the interaction occurs, at any fundamental level. However, it did result in predictions that went far beyond observation and experience of the day, which have since been supported by experiment and observation as technology has advanced.

We have no problem understanding how geometry describes circles and triangles on a piece of paper. Or how the positions of furniture and possessions in a room can be described with geometry. In neither case does the geometry explain the fundamental nature of the things it describes, beyond their relationships, on paper or the 3D space of a room. GR is no different. It describes the dynamics of objects in space and even to some extent the dynamics between objects in space and space, over time. It does not really explain the mechanism through which objects influence one another or space, just the geometry of those interactions, and through the mathematics of spacetime the kinetics of that geometry.

So the answer is, we cause Einstein's geometry to exist. It is a tool we use to describe where things are and how they move relative to one another. It is a tool through which we are able to gain some small additional understanding of the universe.

I think one of the problems that comes up in lay oriented discussions is that, all too often we tend to talk and think of the geometry as an explanation rather than just a successful description. We tend to confuse the descriptive success, with the conceptual projection. I can say with a fair degree of certainty that the mathematical geometry of GR will likely outlive our curent conceptualization of that geometry.

But I think I now begin to digress and ramble a bit. Best to leave at that.
So the answer is, we cause Einstein's geometry to exist. It is a tool we use to describe where things are and how they move relative to one another. It is a tool through which we are able to gain some small additional understanding of the universe.

I think one of the problems that comes up in lay oriented discussions is that, all too often we tend to talk and think of the geometry as an explanation rather than just a successful description. We tend to confuse the descriptive success, with the conceptual projection. I can say with a fair degree of certainty that the mathematical geometry of GR will likely outlive our curent conceptualization of that geometry.

That is helpful. Thanks. Explanation vs Description is probably useful for more that just geometry. I will have to try it out. Not sure it was as obvious as you think. Was not to me.
This really should not be difficult. Einstein's theories of special and general relativity, are geometric descriptions of the relationship between objects in space over time. That relationship is inherently geometric.

GR explains the geometry of how objects interact with greater accuracy than the Newtionian dynamics that proceeded it. It does not really explain how, the interaction occurs, at any fundamental level. However, it did result in predictions that went far beyond observation and experience of the day, which have since been supported by experiment and observation as technology has advanced.

We have no problem understanding how geometry describes circles and triangles on a piece of paper. Or how the positions of furniture and possessions in a room can be described with geometry. In neither case does the geometry explain the fundamental nature of the things it describes, beyond their relationships, on paper or the 3D space of a room. GR is no different. It describes the dynamics of objects in space and even to some extent the dynamics between objects in space and space, over time. It does not really explain the mechanism through which objects influence one another or space, just the geometry of those interactions, and through the mathematics of spacetime the kinetics of that geometry.

So the answer is, we cause Einstein's geometry to exist. It is a tool we use to describe where things are and how they move relative to one another. It is a tool through which we are able to gain some small additional understanding of the universe.

I think one of the problems that comes up in lay oriented discussions is that, all too often we tend to talk and think of the geometry as an explanation rather than just a successful description. We tend to confuse the descriptive success, with the conceptual projection. I can say with a fair degree of certainty that the mathematical geometry of GR will likely outlive our curent conceptualization of that geometry.

But I think I now begin to digress and ramble a bit. Best to leave at that.

It's becoming very clear to me that nobody has thought about the question: what causes space-time geometry to exist. I've already put forth my best guess. Aether waves, with the intrinsic characteristic $$c = \lambda f$$ gives you wavelengths (across a bunch of frequencies) to physically manifest distance. Same with all those frequencies; those frequencies cause the progression of time. I have to you an aether medium becoming I'm talking about an ontological cause, not a model. Aether causes light to exist (if there is energy).
That is helpful. Thanks. Explanation vs Description is probably useful for more that just geometry. I will have to try it out. Not sure it was as obvious as you think. Was not to me.

Geometry existed long before you or I got here.
I need to ask if my interplanetary travel idea makes any sense. In the most basic language, it goes like this. To build a hyperdrive, you have to be able to build a gravity drive; that is, you have to be able to curve space-time. But you can't use the stress-energy tensor because that kind of mass-energy is too bulky. I rejected the idea that space-time is nothingness because I can't curve nothingness. So I said that space-time is a medium of some kind.

Gravity (curved space-time) causes light to redshift; it's called gravitational redshift. So I had an idea. Could it work in reverse? Could I generate a repeating redshift to generate a gravity field? Specifically, I would use a rapid and repeated frequency chirp to cause space-time to curve.

I accept that you all might be skeptical. But I ask you: does this line of thinking at least make sense?
Having definition in the dictionary is not very valuable in an argument for the existence of that thing. Look up, Phlogiston. They (lumi aether and phlog) are both ideas from around the same era. Also look up "unicorn" and "ghost". Lots of non-existent things have definitions.

Right on! So spacetime is a definition not a thing too?
Right on! So spacetime is a definition not a thing too?

A definition can refer to reality or fiction. A definition alone is not useful in establishing what real. But if a thing is real it is useful to know it's definition. It allows us to discuss a subject with no confusion about the nature of the subject. Reality has to be based on shared experience. Space is a shared experience. As I mentioned, if you walk down the street or toss a basketball through a hoop, you are experiencing space. We can all share this experience of space and therefore it is real. Same with time. Spacetime is not a shared experience. That is why it is difficult to understand. We have no first hand experience of it so it is odd to us. Same thing with QM. We experience spacetime only through experiments. A kind of indirect experience. That indirect experience implies a reality is there. If we lived in a world where it was common to have relativistic speeds, then spacetime would be as intuitive as space and time are. But also we would all be dead because of the high energies being released in impacts and from other effects. We can't not directly see atoms, but you hopefully believe they are real.

It is not a difficult subject. Most people who disagree have not really given it much thought.
A definition can refer to reality or fiction. A definition alone is not useful in establishing what real. But if a thing is real it is useful to know it's definition. It allows us to discuss a subject with no confusion about the nature of the subject. Reality has to be based on shared experience.
So reality is a shared delusion? I thought reality existed independent of the observer? Interesting concept. I'll have to give it some thought.
Space is a shared experience.
Space existed before there was anybody to experience it.
As I mentioned, if you walk down the street or toss a basketball through a hoop, you are experiencing space. We can all share this experience of space and therefore it is real. Same with time. Spacetime is not a shared experience. That is why it is difficult to understand. We have no first hand experience of it so it is odd to us. Same thing with QM. We experience spacetime only through experiments. A kind of indirect experience. That indirect experience implies a reality is there. If we lived in a world where it was common to have relativistic speeds, then spacetime would be as intuitive as space and time are. But also we would all be dead because of the high energies being released in impacts and from other effects. We can't not directly see atoms, but you hopefully believe they are real.

It is not a difficult subject. Most people who disagree have not really given it much thought.
I think you're on to something. Reality is a shared delusion. If you don't share the same reality as everyone else, you're called delusional. Then again, shouldn't reality be independent of the person experiencing it?
So reality is a shared delusion? I thought reality existed independent of the observer? Interesting concept. I'll have to give it some thought.

Space existed before there was anybody to experience it.

I think you're on to something. Reality is a shared delusion. If you don't share the same reality as everyone else, you're called delusional. Then again, shouldn't reality be independent of the person experiencing it?

Sigh, if only you could think. Explaining is pointless. You are beyond all hope. Off in lala hand with your space alien friends.

I have been reading your posts in other threads. Nobody responded to your pleas to confirm or deny your gravity beam ideas. So you went out looking for trouble. You tried to kick rpenner in the knee and he didn't fall for it. Why should he. Alexg's motto is correct.
So reality is a shared delusion? I thought reality existed independent of the observer? Interesting concept. I'll have to give it some thought.

Space existed before there was anybody to experience it.

I think you're on to something. Reality is a shared delusion. If you don't share the same reality as everyone else, you're called delusional. Then again, shouldn't reality be independent of the person experiencing it?

Ok, I flubbed the original explanation so I am compelled to try it again. The confusion can set in because reality has 2 definitions. Note that I am not using definitions as proof, only as a way to communicate.

1) The world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them: "he refuses to face reality".
2) A thing that is actually experienced or seen, esp. when this is grim or problematic: "the harsh realities of life".

The two definitions are 1) fact or objective reality, and 2) knowledge or experiential reality.

We do not know and can not know all of objective reality. I would say that we can not know any of it because of the way I define to know. All we can talk about is the experienced reality, a lesser version of reality. All we can talk about is knowledge, and not truth. You see the truth values of experience are somewhat fuzzy. So we can raise certainty by checking for a shared experience. We can get very close to absolute truth on some things if others test them. We can not know if space is real in an absolute sense. But because everyone experiences it, we can be very sure it is real.

The reason you are performing your gravity beam experiment is to get a fuzzy truth value somewhere north of uncertainty. If you succeed then someone else could bump that value up a little more by also having a success full test of the beam. If we all start traveling to distant planets using the gravity beams, then it is very very close to 1.0. So close we just say it is 1.0.

I will state it one more time, we can't know all that is objectively real. We are not involved in what is objectively real. Our experience is not involved defining objective reality. We can only talk about this inferior version of share reality. There are mistakes in it, I have no doubt. But it is the best thing going by far. We like to think that Science is very close to truth, but it is just knowledge. Very probable knowledge.

Currently, the shared experience version of reality assigns a very low truth value to telepathic space aliens and gravity beams. And while you can jump for joy, you shouldn't. Science has boosted a lot of our shared reality truth values to very close to 1.0 and 0.0. You space aliens are way down in the 0.000000000001 range. Maybe lower. Very unlikely.

Hope I didn't flubb this explanation too.
However likely or unlikely is really irrelevant. We're all trying to improve our lot in life. Reality seems to be a result of how hard we're willing to pursue our dreams, our goals. I can see that most people on this forum don't believe in dreams or goals. They only want to limit reality so they don't have to work as hard.