Lucid Dreams/Paralysis dangerous?

As syn2007 said if you continue going back to sleep and re-entering sleep paralysis then change your sleeping position and that should do it. I'm just simply amazed how other people figure out the same exact techniques that you do but yes that should should stop you from jumping right back into it. I had sleep paralysis this morning and I was very terrified because I felt my toungue being bitten between the top and the bottom of my teeth and on top of that my nose was clogged (man was I scared) but I think the reason why you go into sleep paralysis is your position while sleeping and the outside distractions at certain times during REM. I can honestly purposly induce this sleep paralysis at anytime but who would want to do that. But if I wanted to the way I do it is sleep in my recliner for a while, then wake up and eat or do something active and after that I go back to the recliner and lay in an awkward positon and it almost happens instantly after resting with my eyes closed for a few minutes. But I'm still not sure if this is dangerous or not because as I said above I felt as if I were going to swallow my tongue and that is possible right?
novaster said:
I´ve been having several lucid dreams and dream paralyses lately. The experienses have not only been positive. Often after a lucid dream I get into a paralysis and I have to struggle to get out of it. The most recent paralysis, almost felt like i was going to die. It felt like my soul (if there is such a thing) was outside of the body, and i could control it, but not wake up. Not a very pleasant experience.

I ask you guys; can lucid dreams/dream paralysis be dangerous for the health?
Is it possible to develop psycosis or get physical injuries (heart stopping, stop breathing)?

All answers is appreciated. I will sleep better when these questions are answered :)

Edit:please excuse my bad English, I´m from Norway.

I get this feeling EVERY single time I have sleep paralysis. (The bold part) When its happening in my mind I feel like I am going to die. I know I'm going to die. I'm sure of it. It feels like the longer I'm in the experience the more of my soul slips away from my body.

The only thing that brings me back from it, that helps me end the experience, is when I'm at the point that in my head I'm sure I'm going to die, and I'm scared, I dont want my soul to slip away. So I try to move, to escape out of it hoping to just move or run from this feeling of being paralyzed This feeling of my soul leaving my body. I try so hard I feel that I am seriously using all my willpower that I am capable of as a human being to fight this feeling and as I do I can feel my "soul" come back to my body and the moment I finally do move I'm out of it.
But I'm always so tired, more than I've ever been before, and though I'm scared and want to get up and not go back to sleep for a while I end up laying there closing my eyes again. It feels so pleasent, more pleasent than any other time I've ever rested before. So then almost immediately after closing them again I drift back into sleep, but right back into that state of mind. And though I want to fight the feeling,it feels so good, so alluring and warm, I want to just let it continue, and as I feel it drawing me back in further I get scared again, and once again I use my mental willpower to bring myself back. It is a vicious cycle until finally I can get myself to move around/stay away for more then 1 minute or do something significant other than open my eyes, like maybe move a glass or adjust my pillow.

I wonder if anyone else gets this feeling of being drawn back in once they "escape" the paralysis? This has always accompanied the paralysis. I've never a pleasant experience. In all of these experiences I have always felt that if I allowed the feeling to continue, my "soul" to completely slip away, it would have resulted in an OOB experience.

As much as I hear about how safe harmless and normal it is nothing changes that state of mind when i am there experiencing it. its different somehow. in this state of mind i know its alright and i cant die, but when its happening its different..
Amazing ....

I was in the same state as the above person just last night... It was scary and I have had the sleep paralysis happen to me many times. Last night I decided to give in and let it take me.... WOW . .. I had an incredible experience and here it is for you all to read...

First off I am 28yrs old and do not do drugs. I am healthy and workout alot. Just an average joe... I fell into the paralysis state and I felt sonic pulses flowing through my body along with the sound... I could not move and I was on my back.. it was like a magnetic field holding me down, similer to an alien abduction and I can see how people could think that. Soon I was falling into the bottom of my mattress with a dark hole and a sound saying deeper...deeper or maybe that was me .... I felt a heavy pressure on my chest and had a sense of impending doom... still I pressed on and finally I had a plane of clarity ... drifting outside of my own body I say earth from the galaxy above, the colors where amazing and could see nebulas and planets . I could even fly myself places , so real . I then fell down through earth and went into water.... started swimming and looked ahead to see a damn cartoon looking blue goldfish in its own air bubble smiling at me... I was intrigued swimming around him , then I woke up. 4 am I was on the net researching everything I could thinking I was insane , Lucid Dreaming and it found me. That night changed my whole thought process about life and whats out there. The fact that its real , your mind see's it as real and its tapping into the parts of the mind that is 90% of what you dont use. Who knows the limits to this .. Thank you and I will repost my next experience here. - J
I have only had one experience with sleep paralysis. I woke up and couldn't move, breath, scream, anything. There was this dark shadow standing by my bed, the figure of a man, and I was terrified. It looked like a man wearing a sweatshirt with the hood up, but it was just featurless black figure. I tried to yell and struggle, but it made me so tired I gave up and I think I fell back asleep. What the hell could this be? Has anyone else seen weird shit like this with sleep paralysis?
Need clarification....

If the SP can lead to possible OOBE or AP that's cool. However... how do you explain hallucinations??? I have always had the SP and it use to scare the crap out of me until I learned how to get out of it, but last month was the first time that I've ever actually seen something moving. It was a dark image, seemingly to have dreadlocks or tentacles or something. It seemed to be shaking it's head around and pounding on the foot of my bed and right before I broke free from the SP it seemed as if the pounding was climbing up my legs. It scared the shit out of me. So can anyone explain that episode????
Just in case anyone is still reading

I have had several lucid dreams and sleep paralysis occasions throughout the course of my life. Initially, I was very afraid and it typically happened to me when I was very, very tired, at times I felt as if I was drugged, I was soo sleepy. I am a Christian and have been actively abstaining from fornication for the past year and a half but I had recently began to lust over a picture of a guy I was talking to that was muscular with his shirt off. The next morning after having battled with lust for a couple of days, I prayed after I woke up at 6am and then I fell asleep (I knew I should have gotten up out of the bed and prayed in the first place), Anyway, I skipped the lucid dream state and went straight to "sleep paralysis" and I KNEW that a devil was trying to take my soul to hell and that I was about to die because I gave him permission to trespass against me by being in lust, or so I thought. In the midst of my life or death wrestling match struggle, Jesus, my coach, told me to say "devil you are a liar!" and then He lead me to say, either "in the name of Jesus" or the "blood of Jesus!" and it let me go! When I was free I thanked and praised God for the victory and realized that although I was allowing myself to lust with my eyes, God remained faithful to me and did not allow me to die in my sin. Hallelujah! I thank Him for being who He is which is the most high God and for helping me yet again! No demon can withstand Him! You are safe when you put your trust in Him. Now I refuse to fear the enemy when he comes to draw me away at night. I have also found that quoting Psalms 91 helps and I also used to leave my Bible open to Psalms 91 at the foot of my bed or at the top of my stairs and the night terrors would not come near me.:worship:
Yeah, on the other, rational, hand there's realising that sleep paralysis is normal and nothing whatsoever to do with god, jesus or the devil.
And as for "a guy I was talking to that was muscular with his shirt off."
Did his muscles evaporate when he put a shirt on?
I have had several lucid dreams and sleep paralysis occasions throughout the course of my life. Initially, I was very afraid and it typically happened to me when I was very, very tired, at times I felt as if I was drugged, I was soo sleepy. I am a Christian and have been actively abstaining from fornication for the past year and a half but I had recently began to lust over a picture of a guy I was talking to that was muscular with his shirt off. The next morning after having battled with lust for a couple of days, I prayed after I woke up at 6am and then I fell asleep (I knew I should have gotten up out of the bed and prayed in the first place), Anyway, I skipped the lucid dream state and went straight to "sleep paralysis" and I KNEW that a devil was trying to take my soul to hell and that I was about to die because I gave him permission to trespass against me by being in lust, or so I thought. In the midst of my life or death wrestling match struggle, Jesus, my coach, told me to say "devil you are a liar!" and then He lead me to say, either "in the name of Jesus" or the "blood of Jesus!" and it let me go! When I was free I thanked and praised God for the victory and realized that although I was allowing myself to lust with my eyes, God remained faithful to me and did not allow me to die in my sin. Hallelujah! I thank Him for being who He is which is the most high God and for helping me yet again! No demon can withstand Him! You are safe when you put your trust in Him. Now I refuse to fear the enemy when he comes to draw me away at night. I have also found that quoting Psalms 91 helps and I also used to leave my Bible open to Psalms 91 at the foot of my bed or at the top of my stairs and the night terrors would not come near me.:worship:

"Abstaining from fornication"? Oh my.


You weren't visited by the devil. Nor did Jesus coach you to defeat said devil.

Where do people come up with this stuff? More to the point, how do you come up with this stuff.

Being "in lust" is perfectly normal. You are deluding yourself if you believe otherwise. Well, you are deluding yourself if that post is anything to go by. But yeah.. we'll just leave it there. I can feel the ability to be really mean coming onto me and I must, must fight it! Save me Jeebus.
Hi folks, this is an interesting discussion. I recognise that I'm dreaming a lot but I don't know if you could call it lucid dreaming because I can't always control the dreams, sometimes I know that I'm dreaming and just can observe. I have been able to wake myself up from boring dreams however by deciding to wake up and then shaking my head (in the dream) and it usually works.
I've also had the sleep paralysis a few times and know it can be terrifying. I was advised by my doctor that it's not dangerous or anything and to try and stay calm. I find if I try to scream or shake it will usually bring me out of it :)
What's this?
A sensible, non-woo woo, post that's actually rational?
What the hell is happening to Sci?
Where are the fruitcakes?
BTW, welcome to SciForums.
have there been any studies on this someone can give me a link to? whats to say 'sleep paralysis' isn't just a dream? i wake up and still think i'm in my dream. my girlfriend says the weirdest shit to me all the time when she's just woken up.
Wiki give some good information about sleep paralysis and hypnagogia. They also have a good link about lucid dreaming.

Just type sleep paralysis and wiki into google for the links!
Hi folks, this is an interesting discussion. I recognise that I'm dreaming a lot but I don't know if you could call it lucid dreaming because I can't always control the dreams, sometimes I know that I'm dreaming and just can observe. I have been able to wake myself up from boring dreams however by deciding to wake up and then shaking my head (in the dream) and it usually works.
I've also had the sleep paralysis a few times and know it can be terrifying. I was advised by my doctor that it's not dangerous or anything and to try and stay calm. I find if I try to scream or shake it will usually bring me out of it :)

Next time you have sleep paralysis, "float" out of your body, because you are still dreaming you can activate some really fun events!

Look at them as opportunities to become lucid, realize you have control of your dreams.
Usually when these kinds of things happen it is from a child hood experiance. There is a part of the mind that remember childhood memories that were repressed because of embaressment, fear, and other extremes. But this part of the brain has no sense of time and will eventually release the repressed memories at some random time. Most often this is in a dream form at first. Rarely ever does it ever go beyond a dream.

Now here's the question ask yourself if you have any memories of something bad happening as a child, a feeling that you are not in control in any way? Because this can manifest itself in dreams. By having no control in your dreams.

If this does not help, it means that you are going to need help with getting rid of this thought, go to a psychiatrist and ask about psychoanalysis (basically a cure that finds these childhood memories, acknowledges them, and shows your brain it is all right) and when your brain acknowledges this idea as okay, this will stop. it's a very effective treatment and it has survived for more than a century and it works.
To be honest it's not too dificult to control your dreams. Many people are like me that whatever they dont want always happens. Use it to your advantage, i used to have dreams something was chasing me in the dark, i said to my self i hope it finds me and the light stays off, and what do you know the lights turn on and nothings there. Now you need to think really hard for a few seconds because if its just a glimmer of a thought it really won't work.

Once you figure out how to really concentrate on saying to yourself something you want is what you dont want, try just wanting soemthing like i want the lights on and if you want it hard enough it will happen.

Doesnt always help i have yet to get a flamethrower into my dreams but oh well.