Lucid Dreams/Paralysis dangerous?

gabriel3711 said:
If this helps, started taking cardizem CR 6 months ago for PVS with my heart. The lucid dreams started with it about 2 days into taking the prescription. Some paralysis occurs, but the cool point that I now can control my dreams alot easier than ever before. If I don't like the way A dream is going, I change my normal reactions and play with the dreams. Bad thing is if in a bad dream, the paralysis can be so strong that I still have to almost scream and yell to get out of it until last month. Accidently figured out that if I concentrate on my fingers, the paralysis passes and I can either get my bearings or wake up. Don't really understand the science of it, but I been sleeping better for the better part of the last 6 months. Hope that helps. Like I said, not very science, but I know what works for me.



thats crazy.... :bugeye: dont messs with ur mind bro.... o wait 2 late right?
not really messing, just allowing it to expand its limits. For example, been in a dream where I was 4th grade Math. I got bored, so I just told myself, go talk to Missy, a girl who I was always best friends with, but lost to suicide 6 years ago. For the longest time, I always felt guilt for her death, but to just spend time playing as kids healed most of the wounds. Given, it was just in my dream, but I woke up and had a good cry for the first time. To some, might sound stupid, but that one event has allowed me to move on.

Thanks for the warning, though, Dragon. I'll watch myself a little closer from now on.

If I remember correctly, when I was about 13 or 14, I had a sleep paralysis epidemic that happened at least every night, once a week if I was lucky, and this one time, I had a hallucination with it [I think it was a hallucination] but I was lying in my bed and something tickled my brain [I'm sure you know the feeling] and I awoke, but when I did I wasn't sure if I actually was awake or just thought I woke up, but I can remember my eyes being closed and I could see the whole room around me like I would percieve it if my eyes were open... and I glanced over to my door and there was a sillohuette shadow and it was flipping the light switch over and over and over again and the whol room was "flashing in light" and I never saw who did it. And I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything, I tried to scream but I ended up giving my self a headache. Anybody experience something liek that?
Penny Lane said:
If I remember correctly, when I was about 13 or 14, I had a sleep paralysis epidemic that happened at least every night, once a week if I was lucky, and this one time, I had a hallucination with it [I think it was a hallucination] but I was lying in my bed and something tickled my brain [I'm sure you know the feeling] and I awoke, but when I did I wasn't sure if I actually was awake or just thought I woke up, but I can remember my eyes being closed and I could see the whole room around me like I would percieve it if my eyes were open... and I glanced over to my door and there was a sillohuette shadow and it was flipping the light switch over and over and over again and the whol room was "flashing in light" and I never saw who did it. And I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything, I tried to scream but I ended up giving my self a headache. Anybody experience something liek that?

Yeah... only had it a couple of times... both times, an evil thing tried to take advantage of my vulnerability, which made it really scary. The evil thing was different each time.
Up until about a year and a half ago I had sleep-paralyse several times a year. The cause for me was oxygen deprevation do an obstructed airway agitated by allergies. I went to an ENT and had surgery to correct a deviated septum as well as the widening of my nasal passageways.

Since then it has only happened once. And when I woke I found that I was sleeping facing downward into my pillow with only one nostril intaking air. My mouth and other nostril were crammed into my pillow and unfortunatley I was already suffering from congestion it the exposed pasageway. S
o my air intake was much lower than normal.

I sincerely sympathize with u. Sleep paralyse IS terrifying. When I recognized the onset of the affliction I wouldtry to fight my way out of it and this would only make it worse., heighteing my fear. I just wanted to wake up, but instead it felt like I was falling into a dark void of death. (I know that sounds dramatic, but for anyone that has not had the experience it really is a feeling of absolute helplesness.)

My advise is to have an examine on you nasal passage ways by an E.N.T.
The surgery I had has made sleeping a wondeful experience, as it should be.

Get the exam.
Funny that this should be brought up. I had a lucid dream wedded to sleep paralysis today. It was about aliens doing jujutsu.

The worse part about lucid dreams going into sleep paralysis, is that often the dream can continue in the hallucinating semi-wake state. This leads to some frightening things, such as the alien wrestling with me as I was technically awake.

Some say that this was one of the reasons why succubi and incubbi were often reported in the iddle ages and aliens in these days. It seems the mind is still paritally asleep at the time and is extremely prone to hallucinations. I've seen squirt guns appear on my Persian rugs in such things, followed by the appearance of a lego man walking around.
How funky. I've never had a dream and hypnogogic hallucination share conent before. It's fascinating to know that can happen.
Crunchy Cat:

I've had two other experiences of this type which extended even beyond that, and into actual, physical action.

The first occurred when I was awoken into a lucid/semi-sleep paralysis state by having to badly use the bathroom. I was stumbling around as if ridiculously drunk, had no idea where I was, and was struggling to get to the bathroom, upon which I kept falling into sleeping, spazzing out, and having no idea where I was, or what I was doing, but that I was on the toilet.

The second, I was awoken by a horrific charlie horse in my leg as I was having a dream I was pilotting a Tie Fighter in Star Wars, after which the dream shifted into a lucid state and then, in a mixture of conscious thought, being in the dream, and half-sleep paralyzed, I tried time and time again to get out of my bed in order to stand on my leg and ease the cramp. The problem was, I kept on controlling the tie fighter in dream instead of moving, resulting in me constantly falling into and onto the bed, even as I was in dire pain with my leg.
Holy freakin' bizarre! Thanks for sharing those experiences. Whatever genetic variation you have that enables this is off the wall.
It was pretty crazy, yep.

Another hallucination in sleep paralysis/lucid dreams: An insane ghost (with like a narration about his insanity) was standing to my right. It scared the PISS out of me when I saw it full on, instead of just felt it (my hallucinations are multisensory).
sorry have just read brain's synopsis.... stil confused though?

I have problems sometimes whe n i ahve had a bad dream and i am trying to wake up from the dream it takes ages as my body tries to wake myself up...

i know this is not explained well but does anyone have any thoughts.
Prince_James said:
It was pretty crazy, yep.

Another hallucination in sleep paralysis/lucid dreams: An insane ghost (with like a narration about his insanity) was standing to my right. It scared the PISS out of me when I saw it full on, instead of just felt it (my hallucinations are multisensory).

Beautiful... "ooooooooooooo I am insaaaaaaaaaane"! You're lucky to get such consistent variaty with hypnogogia. The most common one I've encountered is a big ass spider on my pillow. I'm pretty good at immediately recognizing the hallucination and I ususally just put my hand through it; although, admittedly I was not on the ball one time and I jumped out of bed.
A few days ago I had a REALLY WEIRD lucid dream experience.

It's not that I'm not used to having LDs, hell, I really enjoy those, because they give you endless choices to experiment and have fun.

So in one of those dreams I meet a girl, one of my many dream guides in a lucid dreams and she gives me some sort of a lucky charm. It looks like something made of wood... a flat round object with an animal carved into it on one side and egyptian hyrogliphes on the other side. That's when I wake up.

I then remember I have something similar at home, some kind of talisman, a scarabeus wood figurine, a gift from Egypt. The scarabeus is on one side of the flat figurine, the hyrogliphes are on the other side.... just like in the dream. I never really thought of the souvenir as something special, but I still put it under my pillow to see what significance it had.

So the next night I go to bed, with one hand resting on the souvenir. I soon fall asleep and find myself in a lucid dream, some kind of party with most people I know in real life and some I've never seen before. We chat and have fun and as usually, I joke with the people I know in real life, asking them if they're dreaming about me at the moment as well (I know it's silly, but I find it kind of fascinating). My lucid dream soon fades away, I wake up, change my position in bed and fall back asleep again. Strangely enough, I am back in the SAME lucid dream, same place, same people, same debate still going on, people calling "welcome back" to me and I explain to them that I woke up and excused myself for leaving "just like that." So we continue with our party and all the chatting made sense and it was like leading a usual REAL LIFE conversation. Then again. My dream starts fading and I start cursing as I wake up again. It takes a few minutes before I fall asleep again, with nothing special on my mind, but soon enough I'm there again. AS IF I'M CONSTANTLY TRAPPED IN THE SAME LUCID DREAM. Not even a repeating one. No, one that has its own real time and goes on even without me and every time I come back, people greet me again and when I'm about to wake up, they'd be sad.

Same dream setting.
Same people.
Debates folow a logical pattern.
Nothing changes.

I totally freak out and force myself to stay awake the rest of the night. I just felt exhausted and terrified.

Same thing happens the following night. Different setting, but I still keep falling into the same lucid dream, with people there knowing what's going on and welcoming me back every time to continue where we left off. It wasn't all that exciting after the first ... ten times.

I probably don't have to tell you that I put the talisman away again.

What the hell was THAT?
It was a dream. They sometimes do continue where they leave off... I've resumed the same dream many times and have also had repeat dreams.
Maybe the talisman connects you with some other people who are dreaming too, and since your dreaming anyway, might as well have a party? That is, maybe it ain't a dream but people being astral in the same astral place. What's so wrong about it?

And as far as I can see, dream paralysis is a good thing; It puts the body on automatic (breathing, heart beating etc) while you dream, so when you start walking you don't start walking. The mind notices you see something your eyes are not seeing and are processing something that's not possible, and says "oh I'm dreaming, let's turn motorics offline". The problem is that when you wake up the mind still thinks it's sleeping. The way I see it, outside stimuli should make the mind notice it's not sleeping anymore. Concentrating on sensory-data from fingers should work well because they have a lot of sensory nerves, and are rarely "dreaming" (has anyone ever felt in they're dreams?). Any other outside stimuli easily recognizible as real should also work.
Ogmios said:
...That is, maybe it ain't a dream but people being astral in the same astral place. What's so wrong about it?...

Um... how about the 'astral' doesn't exist?
Then it ain't real! And Kerrigan had some assosiations with the amulet. Or just randomly assosiated the dream with the amulet and self-suggested himself into believing that the dream would always continue when it was with him.

Or the dream just continued normally like stuff does. But out of the two possibilities the previous is more active and constructive (and fun :p)