Love your Enemies

Adstar said:
You really are having a hard time in accepting my answer aren’t you. How many more ways can you ask the same question before you accept the same answer?
What you said was this:
Adstar said:
No. you should not fight back.
If you cannot flee then yes you should just let them rape you.
Even as a devout Christian, you really should be able to understand the difficulty, no? Nobody expects religion to be easy, but if people don't want to accept the unacceptable face of the religion they were brought up in, it's hardly surprising. Why are you so surprised?

Please, Adstar, talk to your pastor and let us know what she or he said. If doctrine states that fighting back under those circumstances is wrong, then Christianity is more abominable than I already thought it was. But I'm pretty sure it's not actually that abominable.
water said:
Plus, non-resistance leads to further abuse.

So? we are not here to avoid tribulation.

John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

I do accept your answer, it is exactly like my own was at first.

Thank you.

However, other Christians here do disagree with you.

So, I think that you, Jenyar and Marc, and others, if they join in, should clear this up amongst you.

To say the least, the discrepancies between the views you offer is confusing.

So you want some kind of inter-Christian debate on non-resistance? Well there is a bit of a problem there huston lol :)

This forum is an athiest forum with an anti-Christian bent. i don't think it was set up to provide christians a discussion platform. If we are going to have an exclusive christian thread on this topic. then much of the posts are going to be preaching type posts, its unavoidable, and that’s one of the things that this atheist forum has banned. "preaching" The only way you are going to see a discussion on this is to go to a non-denominational Christian forum and make a request for such a discussion to take place.

You should not be surprised that there is disagreement between us. there are many different sects all holding to different positions on doctrines. The only way for you to clear up this thing is to read the words of Jesus direct. I think you will agree that Christians should believe in the teachings of Jesus (no matter how illogical or foolish you think they are)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Even as a devout Christian, you really should be able to understand the difficulty, no? Nobody expects religion to be easy, but if people don't want to accept the unacceptable face of the religion they were brought up in, it's hardly surprising. Why are you so surprised?

Yes i understand the difficulty, the position goes against human logic it seems irrational and absurd. My reply was to let water know that whatever angle he choose to ask the question the answer would still be the same. One can be brought up in the faith but there comes a time when everyone brought up in the faith must come to a personal acceptance of the faith. its no different for non-believers who are investigating the faith.

Please, Adstar, talk to your pastor and let us know what she or he said. If doctrine states that fighting back under those circumstances is wrong, then Christianity is more abominable than I already thought it was. But I'm pretty sure it's not actually that abominable.

I trust in the Words of Jesus i do not place my eternal salvation in the hands of another human being, no matter what fancy title they may hold. That’s the problem in this world too many people follow other people and they are lead to destruction. You call the Words of Jesus an abomination, that is your decision. I just want to let you know i do not feel insulted, You are not insulting me, when you say that you are insulting the Messiah Jesus.

John 6:63
"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
water said:
I do accept your answer, it is exactly like my own was at first.

However, other Christians here do disagree with you.

So, I think that you, Jenyar and Marc, and others, if they join in, should clear this up amongst you.

To say the least, the discrepancies between the views you offer is confusing.
I think it's rather that your understanding of our views confuses you. You are employing the slippery slope fallacy to support your argument against non-violence. Let someone insult you without retaliation does not lead to further insult - they are already insulting you and forcing them to stop is the "might is right" approach. Jesus says might does not make right, and I agree with Adstar on this point.

I am glad Adstar cleared up that he does not mean we should become willing victims. That is what I had a problem with. I don't disagree with him about the veracity of Jesus' statement, but on how it might look in practice. We still have to resist evil in principle. This means when we refrain from resisting, it is in the name of a greater resistance. But there is a time for everything (Eccles. 3), and I'm not convinced a woman who lets herself be abused by her husband or raped by her boyfriend is bringing any glory to God that way. That she will only do by the way she resists, knowing that the fight is not against flesh and blood - not against the man, but against the evil he is committing. Resisting him physically might prevent him from sinning further, but resisting with equal force ("an eye for an eye") leaves no room for justice, mercy or faithfulness.
Matthew 23:23
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices–-mint, dill and cummin [i.e. they are following the law "to the tiniest letter"]. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law-–justice, mercy and faithfulness [the greater intention]. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.​
Letting yourself be killed or humiliated for this belief without retaliating is a powerful testimony and an act of faith, but letting yourself be anonymously and privately raped or abused makes you a martyr to some principle - not to God or to faith. Non-violence for its own sake serves no purpose and no God. It becomes a blind principle of action that might just as well serve evil as good - just as Jesus was "legally" guilty of claiming to be God and King. Were his Jewish and Roman accusers right to execute him for that?
James 4:17
Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.​
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The topic 'Love your enemies' I find very interesting, Also, I find that very few people are interested in discussing this topic. Why would Jesus say 'Love your enemies'?

Peace be with you, Paul
esus said, "Love your enemies". Does GW. Bush, the most powerfull man in the world except Jesus as hIs LORD, his Commader in Chief.???

The AntiChrist who is the son of perdition and the man of sin, who is also a Deceiver, would say, "Freedom will bring about Peace; Freedom leads to Peace; Freedom is the basis for Peace". But the 'Man of Peace' says, "Freedom cannot bring about Peace, but it is only with Love and The Word of God that Peace can be established, and there is no other way because where ever Freedom Reigns, Hell Reigns there also! And All the religions, All the money, All the Knowledge’s, and All the freedom in the world cannot bring about Peace without LOVE and The Word of God. Only when LOVE REIGNS first will there be PEACE and FREEDOM. Love must come first, so that the suffering can be stopped. The LOVE that I'm writing about is having Love for the Lord, having love for the neighbor, and having reverence for the creation . Only when the people of LOVE rule the nations with The Word of God, will there be PEACE and FREEDOM. Freedom will bring about total annihilation, but let LOVE REIGN in the world, so that day of total annihilation will not come.

I have you EVER heard Pres. GW. Bush say, "Love will bring about Peace; Love leads to Peace; Love is the basis for Peace"?

Peace be with you with Love, Paul
but let LOVE REIGN in the world, so that day of total annihilation will not come.

The Day of The Lord will come and it will be a day of great destruction but it will not be a day of annihilation. What is prophesized to happen will happen there will never be a day of annihilation. We do not need to say "let LOVE REIGN in the World” Because The Love of The Truth, Jesus, Will Reign in the World. Love reigns now for the ones who have accepted Jesus as Messiah.

It is better to say let Love REIGN in your hearts, so that when LOVE REIGN's in the World you will be there to rejoice in it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Yes, I agree 100%, But if it were not for The Day of The Lord to come, mankind would be annihilated.

Peace be with you, Paul
Garry Denke said:
The reason mankind would be annihilated if it were not for Excavation Day at Exhumation Hour on this heaven (Earth) one of 144,001 planets with evolved Man now thanks to the great explorationist Pope John Paul II (currently in the Jurassic Period on the 144,001th earth) is the magnetic intensity of such planets would diminish to zero.

This will not happen because the Queen of the Commonwealth has expressed a desire to neither follow in the footsteps of the great explorationist Pope John Paul II (already reborn) nor further decrease the magnetic intensity of this heaven (Earth) by prolonging Excavation Day at Exhumation Hour of 'The Day of The Lord' any longer.
This sounds like a Ron Hubbard-like combination of Mormonism and Freemasonry. Please don't hijack our threads, Mr Denke.
ellion said:
I don't think it is a statment of "observation".

i dont think its a statement of observation either, it is an observation.
are you saying that in order for it to have any value as an observation it needs to be quantifiable/provable?

Yes. This is the problem of applying science.

i see the point your making in relation to science and god, i agree with both points. this is similar to what i said elsewhere to understand the whole you can not view its constituents in isolation. paint your picture with all the colours at your disposal.

I think you are referring to a methodological problem, which I will, for now, try avoiding to discuss it theoretically ...

See, you "believe". Do you *know*?

this is more a statement of faith, faith in my observations of our interactions.
maybe we should delve in to the nature of knowing to establish what it means to know.

Then we'd have to delve into the nature of love.

with our mind or with our hearts?

Then let's start a thread on each of this, giving the topics the attention they command.
Silas said:
Even as a devout Christian, you really should be able to understand the difficulty, no? Nobody expects religion to be easy, but if people don't want to accept the unacceptable face of the religion they were brought up in, it's hardly surprising. Why are you so surprised?

I'm afraid you think that religious people somehow view their own religion as a burden. As something that "must be done, even though one doesn't like it".

As if Christians say, when slapped, "Well, you know, I must turn the other cheek, for I am Christian, my religion tells me so".

If you think that religious people think this way, and that this is the ideal of religion -- then I think you have a lot to learn.

* * *

Adstar said:
Plus, non-resistance leads to further abuse.

So? we are not here to avoid tribulation.

No, I meant that in this sense: If someone, by using little force, gets something from you once, they will come back for more.

So you want some kind of inter-Christian debate on non-resistance? Well there is a bit of a problem there huston lol

Well, so I thought, hyper-cooperative me.

This forum is an athiest forum with an anti-Christian bent. i don't think it was set up to provide christians a discussion platform. If we are going to have an exclusive christian thread on this topic. then much of the posts are going to be preaching type posts, its unavoidable, and that’s one of the things that this atheist forum has banned. "preaching" The only way you are going to see a discussion on this is to go to a non-denominational Christian forum and make a request for such a discussion to take place.

Alright. I see.

You should not be surprised that there is disagreement between us. there are many different sects all holding to different positions on doctrines. The only way for you to clear up this thing is to read the words of Jesus direct. I think you will agree that Christians should believe in the teachings of Jesus

And this is my problem. I am constantly haunted by this idea that my understanding is never good enough, that Christians are always better at it, and that they have the final say. A newbie is a nobody and knows nothing, can get nothing right. A newbie should subject himself to the autohrity of the more knowledgeable.

Sadly, this is exactly how Christianity is sometimes practiced, at least this is my experience from youth. Believers look down on the investigating non-believers, with contempt even.

(no matter how illogical or foolish you think they are)

No, just so you know, I don't think they are illogical at all. Christianity is highly consistent (I say "highly" only because I only know a limited part of it for now).

Foolish? Well, then one had to have arguments, arguments justified by some higher authority. There are no such arguments and no such authority to my knowledge, so far.

* * *

Jenyar said:
I think it's rather that your understanding of our views confuses you. You are employing the slippery slope fallacy to support your argument against non-violence.

Sorry, I am just employing the shit I have been taught about non-violence over the years.

If you can't give me the credit that I myself indeed don't know what to think on the whole matter -- then I'm sorry for both of us.

Let someone insult you without retaliation does not lead to further insult - they are already insulting you and forcing them to stop is the "might is right" approach. Jesus says might does not make right, and I agree with Adstar on this point.

See above. If a bully gets your lunch from you once, he'll come again.

An eye for an eye rarely works. It works only when both sides are exhausted from fighting, and they refrain from further fighting due to this exhaustion, or because they wish to avoid it. But this is no way to *solve* a problem, it only postpones it.

So there has to be something else one could do to stop the abuse.

As this is the "Love your enemies" thread -- suggest how you stop a bully from taking your lunch.
How you stop someone from harrassing you.

Letting yourself be killed or humiliated for this belief without retaliating is a powerful testimony and an act of faith, but letting yourself be anonymously and privately raped or abused makes you a martyr to some principle - not to God or to faith. Non-violence for its own sake serves no purpose and no God. It becomes a blind principle of action that might just as well serve evil as good - just as Jesus was "legally" guilty of claiming to be God and King.

The crux of humanism. "You should be non-violent ... because. Isn't that self-evident?" No reason is given, and if they do give a reason, it goes like "For peace, greater good, blah blah blah."

"Let the fucker hit you, but in the name of humanity, you shouldn't hit him back." Really? And a sane person should believe this, and act on this?! This person who hit you is just as part of humanity as you, so why should you let him hit you, and you not hit back? Because then humanity would be defiled? But he has already defiled it by hitting you.

I don't believe anyone can consistently act without knowing why he acts the way he does. And some reasons just aren't good enough, even though some may claim to be acting on them.

One can't be non-violent "just because" or "out of serving humanity". When we see this humanity (" ") betrayed, denigrated, mocked at, defiled and denied every day.
I takes a lot of irrational will to hold the belief of "serving humanity" in the face of seeing it betrayed every day.

* * *

battig1370 said:
esus said, "Love your enemies". Does GW. Bush, the most powerfull man in the world except Jesus as hIs LORD, his Commader in Chief.???

The AntiChrist who is the son of perdition and the man of sin, who is also a Deceiver, would say, "Freedom will bring about Peace; Freedom leads to Peace; Freedom is the basis for Peace". But the 'Man of Peace' says, "Freedom cannot bring about Peace, but it is only with Love and The Word of God that Peace can be established, and there is no other way because where ever Freedom Reigns, Hell Reigns there also! And All the religions, All the money, All the Knowledge’s, and All the freedom in the world cannot bring about Peace without LOVE and The Word of God. Only when LOVE REIGNS first will there be PEACE and FREEDOM. Love must come first, so that the suffering can be stopped. The LOVE that I'm writing about is having Love for the Lord, having love for the neighbor, and having reverence for the creation . Only when the people of LOVE rule the nations with The Word of God, will there be PEACE and FREEDOM. Freedom will bring about total annihilation, but let LOVE REIGN in the world, so that day of total annihilation will not come.

I have you EVER heard Pres. GW. Bush say, "Love will bring about Peace; Love leads to Peace; Love is the basis for Peace"?

Just as an aside: In an episode of the X-Files, Mulder once found a witch who could fulfill any wish. And Mulder wished for "peace on earth" -- the witch granted it, and it looked thus: there was not a living person around. This is how you get peace on earth if you think that it is not the people themselves who have to do something to bring it about.
water said:
As this is the "Love your enemies" thread -- suggest how you stop a bully from taking your lunch.
How you stop someone from harrassing you.
Alright: by loving them.
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary.
-- Gandhi​

Bullies don't take your lunch because they're particularly hungry or like your food, but because they get satisfaction out of picking on you. Jesus says: give them your lunch. It robs them of the pleasure they derive out of violence and retaliation, of getting to prove how much power they have over you. It is unexpected and confusing, because it doesn't make sense to That is the conclusion Paul came to:
Romans 12:19-21
Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord [Deut. 32:35]. On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head” [Prov. 25:21-22]. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.​

NB: the "burning coals" are usually understood as bringing a sense of shame and introspection, but the historical contexts fits better with the rest of the verse (remember the phrase was already in use in Solomon's time):
" "heap burning coals" on someone's head was a blessing not a judgment (Rom. 12:20). Fire was important in Bible times. People transported it by moving coals in containers that they carried on their heads. To "heap burning coals" on someone's head was to give them a gift of love." (The only place I could find this online was here: Did you know?)
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Hi water :)

And this is my problem. I am constantly haunted by this idea that my understanding is never good enough, that Christians are always better at it, and that they have the final say. A newbie is a nobody and knows nothing, can get nothing right. A newbie should subject himself to the autohrity of the more knowledgeable.

Sadly, this is exactly how Christianity is sometimes practiced, at least this is my experience from youth. Believers look down on the investigating non-believers, with contempt even.

Well now i have to ask you what is your objective?

To find out what Non-resistance is to Christians?
Or to engage in debate with Christians about the concept of Non-violence?

Let me try and explain it this way.
I am a Christian. Now lets say in am interested in finding out the islamic view of prophesy, of last days events, how they will happen. What do i do? Well i go to a religious Islamic internet forum and I post a question. Something like this.

"What will happen when the Messiah returns according to islamic teaching?"

Now do i need to interject with Christians views on end times prophesy in that thread and turn it into a debate between Christian and islamic prophesy? No.

If all i am interested in is finding out what they think i do not need to tell them what i think. I can just sit back and read the replies without posting another reply myself. They do not even need to know that i am a Christian.

So do you want to ask question and find out their view or do you want to promote your view?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days