Love your Enemies

I'm not a Christian, but I will offer a view anyway -- as this concept in Christianity does not seem inconsistent to me, while it seems to be inconsistent to many others.

battig1370 said:
What people did and believed in the past can not be changed, but today, those who claim to be servants of Jesus, and are not obedient to His commandments are '-------' . Fill in blank.

I think by this "... are '-------' . Fill in blank." you are trying to label those people. Labels tend to stick, but the person may change. And sticking to the label you once gave them may well disable you from seeing that change.

What I find strange is that soldier in the armies of the world are much, much more obedient to their commander than Christian are obedient to their Supreme Commander, JESUS. Christian sing songs of praise to their Lord Jesus and at the same time most off them are disobedient to His commandments.

Don't forget the situation on the battlefield: The commander has a gun and will immediately shoot any deserter. All soldiers know this. For them, it is better that they fight, for there are chances that they survive the fight; but if they try to run away, they will surely be killed.

It really sadden me greatly that most Christians do not accept Jesus as their commander.

I think this is generalized; you are arguing from perfectionism of performance. Nobody *is* already perfect in his faith and in his works. But this doesn't mean that they are not trying.
If they are trying enough -- this, only God can judge.

One thing is sure: Calling yourself a Christian doesn't make you one, and others should not just accept everyone as a Christian who happens to call himself a Christian.

The disscussion on this thread is about 'Love your enemies' - ( Matt.5:43-48 ) - ( Luke 6:27 ) - ( Luke 6:35 ).

Are these Words commandments from Our Lord Jesus which is from the Father, The Word of God.? If not, it's a lie and those words should be taken out of The Gospels which is Testimony of Jesus.

What do you think about the explanation I gave earlier in this thread, in my first post here?
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A person who "loves their enemies" will have fewer enemies, but why did people maintain antagonistic relationships with jesus, even while he loved them? Perhaps they weren't ready for his type of love.
When Jesus said "Love Your Enemies", did he mean hunt them down and kill them?

Peace be with you, Paul

What about self-defence?

There is no support for self defence in the NT. in fact we are told not to resist an evil person. We can flee or hide if those options are open to us, But if we face being killed then we demonstrate our faith by accepting death in peace knowing that we have eternal life.

Matthew 5:39
"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also."

To defend or avenge ourselves may be our human notion of what is good or just but once the Messiah was raised from the dead The Ancient Of Days provided a route to eternity for sinners that did away with justice and replaced it with the justice of mercy. If The Ancient Of Days used justice to determine who would enter the Kingdom Of Heaven would we have any chance of entering it? I can be assured in myself that without the grace of the Messiah I would burn.

So if we are followers of The Messiah we shall attempt to overcome evil with good and not allow ourselves to be overcome by evil by joining in their game. The Love of The Truth is the only weapon Our Messiah has given us to use.

II Corinthians 10:3
"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds."

When we understand these things we then know why we are told to turn thy cheek, love thy enemy, do not avenge yourselves and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. It no longer sounds like foolishness, for The Ancient Of Days has made the wisdom of man as nothing He reaches out to ALL men. How then can we kill one to whom The Ancient Of Days is reaching out for, in Love.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Is it possible to love your enemies? Doesn't the term contradict itself? If someone is your enemy, isn't it implicitly saying there is an absense of love on both parties behalves? Once you "love" your enemy, are they truly your enemy? 0.o
Adstar: > [ There is no support for self defence in the NT. in fact we are told not to resist an evil person. We can flee or hide if those options are open to us, But if we face being killed then we demonstrate our faith by accepting death in peace knowing that we have eternal life.

Matthew 5:39
"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also." ]

battig1370: > 100% correct. That's what 'The Passion of the Christ' was about. Jesus did not stop the violence, the evil, and wickedness of men that was done against Him, and He did not 'Pay It Forward'. Do not Pay Hate Forward, but Pay Love Forward.

Peace be with you, Paul
WMA said:
Is it possible to love your enemies? Doesn't the term contradict itself? If someone is your enemy, isn't it implicitly saying there is an absense of love on both parties behalves? Once you "love" your enemy, are they truly your enemy? 0.o

:) Nooooooo Just because they look upon me as an enemy. Does not mean that i look upon them as an enemy. A person can be an enemy of me without me being their enemy. Just because you love your enemies, it does not mean that they will suddenly love you.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
'Pay It Forward'. Do not Pay Hate Forward, but Pay Love Forward.

"pay it forward" I have never heard this expression before. Could you take the time and explain to me what this term means?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
cole grey said:
A person who "loves their enemies" will have fewer enemies, but why did people maintain antagonistic relationships with jesus, even while he loved them? Perhaps they weren't ready for his type of love.

haha.,man love.that shouldnt be funny,but i just have an image of roman soldiers running away from jesus who is trying to hug them.
was impressed that the pope met and prayed with the guy who shot him,only just found out that.he must have wanted to slap him about though.
Adstar said:
"pay it forward" I have never heard this expression before. Could you take the time and explain to me what this term means?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Adstar look for the film entitled the same "pay it forward" a very nice idea indeed.
Yes, "pay it forward" is a very good movie about a young boy's dream to"Pay It Forward"

I'd recommend everyone to watch it. There no religion in it?

Peace be with you, Paul
Adstar said:
"pay it forward" I have never heard this expression before. Could you take the time and explain to me what this term means?

Yes, the film is called "Pay it forward", starring Kevin Spacey, Helent Hunt and H.J. Osment.
There is "no religion in it".
Adstar said:
What about self-defence?
There is no support for self defence in the NT. in fact we are told not to resist an evil person. We can flee or hide if those options are open to us, But if we face being killed then we demonstrate our faith by accepting death in peace knowing that we have eternal life.

Then this is my reason for not being Christian.

When I was 12, I was assaulted by two, each of them stronger than me.

And, according to you, I should have not fought back?

I should have just let them rape me?
water said:
Then this is my reason for not being Christian.

When I was 12, I was assaulted by two, each of them stronger than me.

And, according to you, I should have not fought back?

I should have just let them rape me?

you have no choice but to do thy will, do that and no other shall say nay.
ellion said:
you have no choice but to do thy will, do that and no other shall say nay.

This goes for everyone?
The assaulters should do their will, and noone shall say nay?

Might is right?

Also, if I kick the perpetrator and break his knee, I will be persecuted for "inflicting unproportional harm" on him. The law is on his side.
water said:
Then this is my reason for not being Christian.

When I was 12, I was assaulted by two, each of them stronger than me.

And, according to you, I should have not fought back?

I should have just let them rape me?

This is the point where most christians people compromise their faith or give up the faith completely. They cannot accept non-resistance. So your not alone in rejecting The words of Jesus, most of the world does.

Jesus faced worse and went through it like a lamb.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
This is the point where most christians people compromise their faith or give up the faith completely. They cannot accept non-resistance. So your not alone in rejecting The words of Jesus, most of the world does.

What is this supposed to mean -- "I'm not alone in rejecting The words of Jesus, most of the world does"?

Also, please see the other thread, specifically on the issue of self-defence.
Why start another thread? This one is dealing with the issue already?

What is this supposed to mean -- "I'm not alone in rejecting The words of Jesus, most of the world does"?

I do not know if i can find a clearer way of saying what i said. Your own words say "Then this is my reason for not being Christian." the reason being non-resistance, you cannot accept what Jesus said. If you reject what Jesus taught then you reject Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

If it so be that I find myself assaulted, I should not fight back -- if I am to be a Christian?
If two men set out to rape, I should just let them? According to Christianity?