Love me or die!

If the message i give troubles you, then the message i am giving you is having a powerful effect on you. This is a cause for happiness in my hope for you.

Intestinal worms have a powerful effect on me, they trouble me. Large quantities of Aspirine have a powerful effect on me, they trouble me. If I get bitten by a dog, this has a powerful effect on me, it troubles me.

Just because something has a powerful effect on me and troubles me does not mean that it is good to pursue that.
If I were a mouse, I would do my best to do what the humans wanted. Is this so different?

You are basically arguing then that might makes right.

Do you think that on all occasions when might attempts to make right, it really is right? If someone beats you up, they sure are mighty, but are they right?
Intestinal worms have a powerful effect on me, they trouble me. Large quantities of Aspirine have a powerful effect on me, they trouble me. If I get bitten by a dog, this has a powerful effect on me, it troubles me.

Just because something has a powerful effect on me and troubles me does not mean that it is good to pursue that.

All those things have no effect on your eternal existence do they. An unconvincing dodge greenburg.

When you think of it, going through hell on earth would be worth it if it secured ones eternal existence in the right place. Thankfully that is not necessary, although some people believe it is and will not believe anything that does not require them to go through hell on earth. They cannot believe something could be so simple. So when the simple answer presents itself they look over it seeking complicated ones.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
All those things have no effect on your eternal existence do they. An unconvincing dodge greenburg.

When you think of it, going through hell on earth would be worth it if it secured ones eternal existence in the right place. Thankfully that is not necessary, although some people believe it is and will not believe anything that does not require them to go through hell on earth. They cannot believe something could be so simple. So when the simple answer presents itself they look over it seeking complicated ones.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

And you are such a goooooooooooooooooooooooood person, riiight.
How can you be so evil, so malevolent, so hard-hearted. It's disgusting.

Have you any idea how many people you and those like you have sent even into murder and suicide because of your hard-heartedness?

You don't care about God nor about the people you talk to. It's all just about you, you, you, and how you can elevate yourself over others, all wrapped up in your "preaching".

Fuck you, Adstar.
If one does not believe in God than one must believe in god. You are either a man of science of religon. A man of God is of religon but a man of god is a man of science. The bible does not tell you what definition of "god" to take into consideration, because God is the lord almighty and god is a superior being. I am a man of science and do not know what God is, but I still believe in god. I believe that god the superior being could have created us and this planet because god more than likely has the answer's to unlimited or near unlimited energy and as such could have done such things. We also understand biology, but that too is still incomplete. So they could have easily, or maybe not easily, but either way, could have created us or atleast genetically enginered us to what we are now. We all are smarter, faster, strong and more resilient than ever before in history. The only thing we lack is unification. We tare each other apart in the name of race. Race, the great race. What race wins the race? WHAT ONE!

Forgive them for they know not what they do. But for what they do I know not forgiveness.

If you die as a crack head forever you will be, but if you die as president, president forever you shall be. You are as you are now, and forever it shall be. I know alot about things like this, and alot about a very big paradox that is very well explained.

Do not reject all meanings of god for god gave meaning to us. Live and let live. Do you understand what that means? Do you understand the saying "Be they as it may". If you cannot answer either, than neither shall you ever. Let live so they may be. Be as they live. So as such do to others as they do unto you. This is karma.

It may or may not exist, but you do not even reserve judgment for youself for that is for the gods. god is a superior being, and anything more superior than you is god. So for all those UFO's and what not, well you got it right.

We choose not to believe but we even see with our own eyes. Must the god's shake your hands for you to believe.

When the Seraph's spoke in my dream, I now know.
Just remember that Saint peter was crusified upside down because he believed that he did not have the honor to be crucified upright. Thus he was given judgment. That is why saint peter says aye or nay at the gates. You do not yourself reserve the right to judge even you. You yourself are biased unto youself as all others are too, so you may think you are good when if you have decieved, adultered, murdered, stole, taken a false god or saviour. You are not a good person if you have done any. To decieve is to knowing tell a false truth. To adulter is to have a baby outside of marrage, not sex. Murder, to take a persons life. Stole, not just property but ideas. False god or saviour. Take what ever god or savior you think may save you from the doom and gloom that is knocking at our Ora. Everyone notices that something is wrong, but no one knows what. I do... It's bad...
And you are such a goooooooooooooooooooooooood person, riiight.
How can you be so evil, so malevolent, so hard-hearted. It's disgusting.

Have you any idea how many people you and those like you have sent even into murder and suicide because of your hard-heartedness?

You don't care about God nor about the people you talk to. It's all just about you, you, you, and how you can elevate yourself over others, all wrapped up in your "preaching".

Fuck you, Adstar.

What was in my post that gave any justification to the way you answered?

I have never claimed to be good, i have only ever claimed to be not good. I have made it as clear as day on so many occasions. Yet people lash out like you do... i wonder why.

Mockery, false accusations and outright insults are like water off a ducks back to me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What was in my post that gave any justification to the way you answered?

It was yet another example of how you usually twist around what I say; what I say, you interpret so that it is to my disadvantage.

You started off with saying that since your message has an impact on me and troubles me, this gives you hope for me.
I say that just because something has an impact and troubles a person, doesn't mean said thing is automatically good or should be pursued.
To which you comment that that my reply was an "unconvincing dodge".

It was no dodge. I made the point that just because something has an impact and troubles a person, doesn't mean said thing is automatically good or should be pursued. This is not a dodge.
But you keep twisting around like that what people say, so that you then come up with such an interpretation of what they've said that makes them look stupid, bad, incompetent, evil, at a loss.

Or what do you think? That truth is that which hurts? And if something doesn't hurt, then it isn't the truth? And whatever hurts, it is the truth?

I have never claimed to be good, i have only ever claimed to be not good.

So now you're actually admitting you're not a good person - and yet you have throughout your posts here on this forum spoken to people in the tone that they should believe you?
Would you believe someone who claims he isn't a bad person? But we should?

You may be a bad person, but you've got the Message right and you deliver it properly, too, right? And therefore we should believe you?

You see no problem with this? You think a person can have all sorts of personal blemishes, but when they speak about God, they automatically speak the truth?

I have made it as clear as day on so many occasions. Yet people lash out like you do... i wonder why.

Do you really wonder why? Or do you just write that sentence there "I wonder why" without being the least bit interested in why this happens?

Mockery, false accusations and outright insults are like water off a ducks back to me.

And if one of "us" would say that in reply to something you said, you would say that we are just "believing what we want to believe". But that you, despite your personal blemishes, are not victim to the human frailty of "believing what one wants to believe" ...
But you do pretend to be 'certain'...about your endless guessing.

On the core issues of faith i am certain. That’s not because i was such a superior theologian with superior spiritual awareness who figured things out for myself. Nope God gave me wisdom because i was uncertain and was willing to be lead by Him and Him alone.

In my past (and still) i was very rebelliousness against the authorities of this world, If i had not come to believe Jesus i would probably have become an anarchist. I viewed the world and i discovered it was riddled with corruption and i hated it with a passion. Having been changed now i am more forgiving towards the world. My former hatred was a product of my initial idealistic hope in the world that to me was betrayed. The fault was in my unrealistic idealistic worldview. I now understand that faultiness/ corruption in this world comes from it being inhabited by faulty people given over to self destructing impulses and vanity. Of which i am one.

There is no hope in this world but the hope of the idealistic must find a safe place to rest or else life on earth will become a living hell for the idealist.

This put me in a position to listen to the Word of God and to embrace it with genuine and very real joy. A safe place for my Idealistic self was opened to me and i placed it there with full assurance in it's safety.

That’s why i am confident in the extreme. I may come across as extremely self-assured. I am assured, that’s true. But it does not spring from self.

Of course people in here can put whatever spin they desire on the things i say and how i say them, I can only but say what conscience yearns for me to say.

We are dealing with an extremely serious issue here and i am a very serious person. Sometimes when i ponder on what i am doing the responsibility of it seems unbearable and i must turn to my Friend and Father Yaveh for reassurance.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
In my past (and still) i was very rebelliousness against the authorities of this world, If i had not come to believe Jesus i would probably have become an anarchist.
But can you see how Jesus himself was a kind of anarchist?

Try reading the earliest and most accurate gospel Mark with this in mind.
My former hatred was a product of my initial idealistic hope in the world that to me was betrayed. The fault was in my unrealistic idealistic worldview. I now understand that faultiness/ corruption in this world comes from it being inhabited by faulty people given over to self destructing impulses and vanity. Of which i am one.
Forgiving the world...will not change it.
What was in my post that gave any justification to the way you answered?

I have never claimed to be good, i have only ever claimed to be not good. I have made it as clear as day on so many occasions. Yet people lash out like you do... i wonder why.

Mockery, false accusations and outright insults are like water off a ducks back to me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If all you have claimed to be was not good how odd that insults and accusations (which you immediately recognize as false somehow) are like water off a duck's back. How can someone who is so sure he knows the truth and the way to God, be so unlike most humans? Even if many pretend that they too let these things just slide off. How did you who claim not to be good, become so absolutely certain that other people cannot see your sins, sometimes, before you do?
When Jesus brings an end to evil it will not be an attempt. He will not be trying. He will just do it and it will be done.
You did not answer my question.

You cannot prevent evil. No Christian has ever prevented evil. Especially by rebelling against the Good word of Jesus. All they do when they engage in carnal combat is give satan a victory over them.
You are wrong. Of course people have prevented evil. To take a child away from the basement of a pedophile, prevents further evil. I also notice that you assume the only way to make things better is 'carnal combat'. You have a very limited range of problem solving strategies: do nothing or engage in carnal combat.

I hope when and if the day comes God will give me the courage to do so. But even if i don't it does not undermine His truth.
I am asking if you are willing to be as close to your Christ as possible. Being a good person is not simply being a salesman.

instigate a withdrawal?? My faith is not a suicide cult.
I believe you have other times mentioned a hope for this life to end. Perhaps I misunderstood.

And yeah of course i want to leave this world ASAP please God.
I guess not. Good. I am glad I had not misinterpreted you. And you wondered at my choice of the word withdrawal. How little you love God's creation. It took him 6 days to make this - God, working - and you can't wait to get out.

But i am a servant of God so it is up to Him when He pulls me out of this sewer or comes back and cleans it. Whatever comes first.
You cannot see how you think you are better than others, can you?
Or what do you think? That truth is that which hurts? And if something doesn't hurt, then it isn't the truth? And whatever hurts, it is the truth?

Coming to the realisation that i was falwed and that i could do nothing in this life to correct it was not a happy experiance. The truth does hurt but if that was the end, if that was the end of the journy then i would have grabed my gun and taken my own life. The happyness and exhilerating joy came from knowing that i was forgiven and through that forgivness i could forgive myself and others.

Without coming to that initial realisation would i have ever come to the Joy of the second relaisation? Let me tell you, a lot of people in this world think they have experianced happyness but they have no idea the awesome exhilerating joy of knowing Gods love for them.

So now you're actually admitting you're not a good person - and yet you have throughout your posts here on this forum spoken to people in the tone that they should believe you?
Would you believe someone who claims he isn't a bad person? But we should?

I will never believe in any person again. I have hope for others, i have love for others, but i trust no human and i respect no human. I know humans because i am one.

You read what i wright and you read what is written in the Bible and you decide what to believe and what not to believe. I will be genuine in what i say and you be genuine in your reading and in the end we will both be in the place we want to be.

You may be a bad person, but you've got the Message right and you deliver it properly, too, right? And therefore we should believe you?

You see no problem with this? You think a person can have all sorts of personal blemishes, but when they speak about God, they automatically speak the truth?

If it is the will of God to use human beings as conduits for His message to other human beings then he must use imperfect humans as His messengers.

If a learned and dignified man proclaims grass to be green and an uneducated man who has disgusting habbits proclaims grass to be green who is the more correct?

What should be assessed is not the one making a statement but the statement it'self. Jusdging the message by the messenger is a falwed measuring tool.

Do you really wonder why? Or do you just write that sentence there "I wonder why" without being the least bit interested in why this happens?

I ponder, I speculate, I try to find different ways to say the same thing in an effort to overcome the hounest reasons why people react the way they do. In the end i guess it is a process of elimination untill you reach a point where you turn to God and say either this guy just hates the love of your truth or you have someone else better than me who has the right way to approach this person. I hope that there is a messenger out there who can give what i have given in a style suited to the person, But often deep down the sadness within my inner self tells me that no matter what angle is persued this person just does not have a consience for the love of the truth.

And if one of "us" would say that in reply to something you said, you would say that we are just "believing what we want to believe".

Your reactions are your perogative.

But that you, despite your personal blemishes, are not victim to the human frailty of "believing what one wants to believe" ...

I am no victim. I am Saved :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
But can you see how Jesus himself was a kind of anarchist?

Try reading the earliest and most accurate gospel Mark with this in mind.

In relation to the faulty Authorities of this world. Who better to see the World for what is was and see the worldly authorities for what they where than The Messiah Jesus. The man looked into the minds of men and knew their inner thoughts and motivations.

But Jesus was different to me. He was looking at it from above i was looking at it from within. He was looking at it from a point of perfection. He had a right to be filled with wrath and hatred for the authorities and to destroy them, But instead He allowed them to execute Him and in the end He expressed His desire for them to be forgiven. If i had the power that Jesus had before i believed Jesus i would have nuked the place out of existence. It was only when i saw myself as being part of the problem that i hated and it was only after believing Jesus and seeing His love that i withdrew my hatred from the people of this world while still hating the state of existence the people of the world are caught up in.

Jesus was not an anarchist, He was the perfect Authority bringing conviction to the faulty authority.

An anarchist wants the destruction of all authority. An anarchist believes all authority is corrupt and evil. And when it comes to this world anarchists are right.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You did not answer my question.

I did, but not the answer you wanted.

I am asking if you are willing to be as close to your Christ as possible. Being a good person is not simply being a salesman.

I am not a good person. I am not a good person. I am not a good person. Sorry i cannot find a better or more plain way to say it.

I believe you have other times mentioned a hope for this life to end. Perhaps I misunderstood.

I guess not. Good. I am glad I had not misinterpreted you. And you wondered at my choice of the word withdrawal. How little you love God's creation. It took him 6 days to make this - God, working - and you can't wait to get out.

Your inability to distinguish clear and simple words either derives from a basic flaw in your comprehension ability or a dishonest desire to twist what i say.

One can have a desire to die and be free from this world and be with their God without having the belief that suicide is a legitimate path to this end.

Suicide is murder, self murder and against the will of God. But the desire to be with God in eternity is not against the will of God if one is willing to accept Gods timing in the process.

You cannot see how you think you are better than others, can you?

Did i say that i did not smell like the sewer myself? Of course part of the process is cleaning me too.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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