Love me or die!

If God had given me no such message, then no, I would fight against it. If on the other hand God had given me the message that I was to allow someone to kill me and my family, then I'd smile and die.

How would you know that the message you had received would indeed be from God, and not perhaps from someone else?
Therein lies faith. I would have to choose to believe that God sent the message.

What would be your criteria for such a choice?
What would be the signs by which you would recognize that the message came from God, and not from someone else?

If one has faith in Krishna instead of in Jesus, then one will go to hell for all eternity?

Irrespective of whom one has faith in. If one is presented with the Gospel message of the Messiah Jesus and after consideration rejects Jesus as their Redeemer and they persist in that rejection till the moment of their deaths, then yes they will be caste into the eternal Lake of fire.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Irrespective of whom one has faith in. If one is presented with the Gospel message of the Messiah Jesus and after consideration rejects Jesus as their Redeemer and they persist in that rejection till the moment of their deaths, then yes they will be caste into the eternal Lake of fire.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

But why should one have belief in Jesus as ones Saviour ?
But why should one have belief in Jesus as ones Saviour ?

Because of the Message that Jesus gives. If one is attracted to it, in it's entirety then one sees Him as the wonderful God given solution to the problem of mans imperfection.

It is the message of Jesus that goes right to the centre of ones conscience. Both convicting and then lovingly forgiving.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Because of the Message that Jesus gives. If one is attracted to it, in it's entirety then one sees Him as the wonderful God given solution to the problem of mans imperfection.

It is the message of Jesus that goes right to the centre of ones conscience. Both convicting and then lovingly forgiving.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Therein lies faith. I would have to choose to believe that God sent the message.

Then, essentially all you're doing is submitting to self-delusion, as you are choosing to believe something that very well may not be true, considering what the event will entail; your death.

1 Corinthians 1
22For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:
23But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; 24But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

:) All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You have yet to convince me. Just saying it is so isn't going to convince anyone.
I realize this is a highly condensed overview...but my question is, how do think this debate will play out over the coming few decades with the continuing polarization between growing fundamentalism and popular atheism.

Frankly, I wish the different theists would start a war and kill each other. The atheists might play a part in this war, sharpening the conflict between the various theisms.
There should be only one theistic doctrine, only one religion. Not the mess of various theisms all telling us they're the ones who have it right, and if we don't do as they say, we'll burn in hell for all eternity, or at least be stuck in samsara forever.
It is not fair, the shit we atheists and agnostics and seekers have to put up with from those who claim to believe in God.
Frankly, I wish the different theists would start a war and kill each other.

What an evil desire.

I do not wish for any such thing and would refuse to take part in it if it where ever to arise.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If atheists do not believe in an ethical deity they cannot possibly have any ethics of their own.

Now that is a crock of bullshit if I've ever heard one! Why can't they? It would seem to me they can make laws, set moral standards and bring ethics to bear whenever they want. Just because some do not "believe" doesn't mean they can't think for themselves and act the way they should in a decent way with each other. You really can't prove your statement as true but only conjecture on your part.
What an evil desire.

I do not wish for any such thing and would refuse to take part in it if it where ever to arise.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
But would you like Jesus TAKE PART in trying to stop these things. Would you like many Christians put your body on the line to prevent evil? Would you speak truth to power at risk of your own physical safety or comfort?

Or is your faith only able to instigate withdrawal from this world, which I got the impression sometimes you can't wait to leave?
But would you like Jesus TAKE PART in trying to stop these things.

When Jesus brings an end to evil it will not be an attempt. He will not be trying. He will just do it and it will be done.

Would you like many Christians put your body on the line to prevent evil?

You cannot prevent evil. No Christian has ever prevented evil. Especially by rebelling against the Good word of Jesus. All they do when they engage in carnal combat is give satan a victory over them.

We simply reveal to those who hate evil, that evil will one day cease. The good news of the Gospel.

Would you speak truth to power at risk of your own physical safety or comfort?

I hope when and if the day comes God will give me the courage to do so. But even if i don't it does not undermine His truth.

Or is your faith only able to instigate withdrawal from this world, which I got the impression sometimes you can't wait to leave?

instigate a withdrawal?? My faith is not a suicide cult.

And yeah of course i want to leave this world ASAP please God. But i am a servant of God so it is up to Him when He pulls me out of this sewer or comes back and cleans it. Whatever comes first.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No, we should just let people like you fuck us in the head, right?

If the message i give troubles you, then the message i am giving you is having a powerful effect on you. This is a cause for happiness in my hope for you.

When my message has no effect on another, that's when i get saddened when hope for them is taken away from me.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
If the message i give troubles you, then the message i am giving you is having a powerful effect on you. This is a cause for happiness in my hope for you.

When my message has no effect on another, that's when i get saddened when hope for them is taken away from me.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

I think you come on here to stir up trouble and create a few more candidates for the Lake of Fire. BTW, have you any idea of the temperature there ?

Your message has an adverse effect on others because of the way you present god. Who would want to associate with such a vicious bastard ?