Lost Civilizations and Technologies

First of all, I am not a freak.
I never cursed any body, curses are nor real, they only exist in the mind.
Why Howardstern was so mad at me I will never know.
Not because I lay a curse on him.....
The idea alone is too deranged for words.

I am not a freak, nor a witch, I don't lay curses, curses are not real.
It is not possible to curse some one.
Howardstern doubted me for being psychic.
Maybe he was afraid of that.
I don't know.
If any one knows why he was this mad with me, I really want to know why.
This is going through my head since the day he disappeared, please tell me.
I never mean to do harm, on no one, never, I am not a violent person. I don't mean to hurt any one. I only asked him to stop his action with the squirrels he likes to shoot....
That is all.