Lost Civilizations and Technologies

Hey guys,

I just noticed the last few threads and thought I'd point out my skills. Seriously, I constantly think things in my head right before somebody might say something. Like I mean think almost exactly what they were going to say and then they say it. And sometimes, I know which special movie presentations or about series's right before they are to come. Strange thing. I litterally thought I was going crazy. I'm used to the ability now though.

I dont know whether its my strange introspectual ability to analyze things like patterns subconsciously, But it seems to run in the family. In fact I have an uncle who makes a REALLY good living off that sortof thing, (Psychic, cabbalah, therapy.)
I think we do not give much credit to our sensory perceptions. That is why we get amazed when someone uses the them to its full potential....

By telepathy you mean what?
The ability to talk to other people with your mind?
The ability to read other peoples minds?
Or the ability to do both?

The word Telepathy, you can find under T in your dictionary......
If you can not react normal, then don't react!!

And Elbaz, you may have something there.
Cherish it, and do not tell others, for you see how the people here at the sciforums, react.....

They rather give a lot of comments, but it are EMPTY WORDS....

Are you all afraid, can't you all get out of your narrow-minded little reality's........

Come on, give me feedback here.....please...
found my dictionary

I'm kind of shocked the word was even in there the book is from the late 50's.
Telepathy- Apparent communication from one mind to another otherwise than through the channels of sense; thought transference.:D

I was going to post something similar to this.

I personally never had an experience with this happening.
But I just met this most extraordinary women last week and after hours of talking she told me that she could "read minds" for lack of a better explanation. But from what I gather she can tune into people and extract some thoughts from them. But also she can be in a room talking to someone and out of nowhere someone's thoughts pop in to her head. After a quick look around the room she can find the person, When this happens it's generally someone that's in a heightened sense of emotion angry, sad,etc...
Her grandmother, mother, and her to sisters also have 'it' to different degrees, some stronger than others. But it also goes beyond that into dreams that come true, That's when this 'gift' doesn't really seem to be a gift at all. For the most part they don't come often but when the do they're generally bad dreams, nightmares.
Banshee I for one completely believe you. You must be quite special yourself.
This girl swept me off my feet from the moment I met her. Like I said I don't have this gift but I knew from the start that she was very special, I don't know how or why but I did. She didn't know anything about my girlfriend passing away and after talking to me for an hour or so she asked me why I was sad and at the time I was actually in a very good mood. Then she said that there was a deep sadness in me some great loss. I was taken aback a bit but told her what happened, that was my first experience with anything like this. Trust me Banshee I am a definite believer!
Now I talk to her every night for hours, I think I'm falling in love or already in love with her, I wonder if she knows? ';)'
Thank you

Thank you for your reply Patman.
Now you know how it is, perhaps, you may understand it is not all crapp or what do you call it in english.
Thank you very much.

Originally posted by kmguru
It reminds me of the exchange between psychic Sylvia and debunker Amazing Randi on CNN Larri King show last night (sept 3,2001).

Need I say more...!

Longtime ago, I amazed myself on palm reading. I was so good, I was consistently 85% correct. And I dont believe in it. It is one of those life's mysteries, someday we will crack.

:cool: :D :D :D :D :cool:

:D :D

http://jref@randi.org/ <img src="http://jref@randi.org/images/photos/commentary.jpg">
Crack as hard as you like my friend, you will not find the answer.

Goodbye for now....
I'll be talking to you.....
Get real Banshee!

Crack as hard as you like my friend, you will not find the answer.

Not funny, Howardstern.

Narrow-minded f**ing, silly american.....

Hey Banshee, if you are the Gate Keeper of the knowledge that I seek, then the universe is but a wart on my ass ! ! ! !:D

WAFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(what a f***u***c**86*g laugh!!!!):D

Banshee, I usually will respond to the PM's that are sent to me, but occasionally I do decide NOT to respond to people such as you for the main reason being that your kind usually finds a way to alter my PM's & then complain to the administrator in the hope of having me banned from the site! And god knows that I don't want Porfiry to think that I have been sending obscene PM's to freaks from the Netherlands ! ! ! ! ! ! Besides, I do a pretty awesome job at responding with obscenity in the public forums where everyone can be witness to what is said, and by who. I prefer to keep it open that way. (Actually I'm seldom obscene (and then only in good humor & taste)). People see Howard and they automatically assume the worst!

In fact Banshee, it is likely that you will never get a PM from me. I generally only send PM messages to people that I have come to know and respect...........................................so sorry Banshee:eek:

This doesn't mean that I will not send PM's to other members at sciforums since I respect a lot of other people here. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. The main point is that I just don't respect you, Banshee!!!!!! Not at all.

So go ahead Banshee & carry out that psychic/telepathy threat that you made against me. <i>TAKE A NUMBER, MOTHER F***ER! :D I've already got several voodoo curses and other promises of death hanging over my head as it stands. </i> Amateurs!!!

If you have the great power that you claim, then please demonstrate this for all the members at sciforums. I'm sure that all present would be very interested. I know that I would!

The fact is that you don't. Probably never did.

The search for the facts to prove the phenomena of telepathy is already most elusive and difficult, without nutcakes like you getting in the way and giving the true researchers even more B.S. to contend with. Every time the news media gives air time to fruits like you and your UFO abducted buddies, the true researchers in the field are automatically placed into <u>your</u> category.
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Your words dear Howardstern, your words.
I asked you polite to leave me alone.
Don't follow me with your disgusting answers.
I am not the kind of person who complains about some one, so come on, throw it all out.

It feels good, not, for once to shout at a person you can't see, you can't stand or what so ever, and from who you don't know a thing.
Throw it all out Howardstern, it looks like you are exploding.....
Had a bad day or something?
Throw it all out Howardstern, come on......
It will do you good.....

Howardstern, if something is bothering you......you know where to find me.

The problem still lies in the proof. You can explain all day how there are so many people with this telepathy ability and how our evil callousness has led to its loss but there is not a single shred of proof. Why is there still a million dollars in prize money out there, why can't a single person come fourth with scientific proof of this phenomenon. Now I am asking you to open your mind and think. I am quite open to the possibility of telepathy but I need some sort of proof to back its reality. We are not close minded here, we are critical thinkers.
There are people enough nowaday's who have this ability. The question is why they are not taken serious.
All scientists want proof, you can get your proof.
Only if you are willing to see that there is such thing as telepathy.
If you always judge immediately without listening and/or looking well, you may never find your answer, or proof if you want.

Howardstern, where were you this afternoon?? I waited for your message, but nothing came through.......
How is this possible??????
Try it again, a little harder, I don't get any thing from you.
And that is exactly what you did, nothing....

There are plenty who will listen if any real evidence can be shown. I am one of them. What about that million dollar challenge that so many have turned down.
I am not kidding Fa_Q2, There is proof, if you are really wanting to see it.
If you open up instead of staying skeptic because there is not scientifical proof. It is something born at the same time as you. You are born with that, if you have the ability to lay telepathical contacts, or/and receiving the messages.
It is easy told, only words, you don't know the misery that can come from it.

You be happy then, stay your skeptical self, it is a lot safer....

Not necessarily so. Those that believe in Angels and supernatural, can say that sometimes God needs very bright people and recalled a few to do his work.

On behalf of those of us who came to know Howardstern in this forum, I can say that he understands the truth and his heart is in the right place. Only thirst for knowledge and free-will will liberate you...that was his essence.

Welcome to sciforums, Charon...
I'm sorry. i didn't mean to be insensitive to howardsterns friends. I think that the terrerists that did this deserve what bush and the army gives to them. I'm glad to see all the people flying the american flags today. I think that the USA is the greatest country ever.