Lost Civilizations and Technologies


Originally posted by Banshee

And then Atlantis. There is a lot more to the 'story' of Atlantis. It's not all true what Plato wrote and therefor you don't have to read the book. Some things are very difficult to explain on a science forum you know. I don't think I can tell much here. People 'feel' too much with their brains, they've lost the true connection to themselves. You have to feel with your heart not your brain.
Try to be open minded to people who have other possibilities which you may not understand at once.....
But the longer you think about it the more you'll come to the conclusion that it's not all belony or whatever the word is.
Ok. So whose heart is right? Yours or mine? Or are you trying to tell me how I'm supposed to feel as well as think. Scientists and researcher have been putting 2+2 together since the dawn of time to formulate their fact-based opinions. Some of which later were found to be FACT.
In the Bermuda Triangle, divers have found sumerged buildings, walls, roads, stone cirlces like Stonehenge and even what appear to be pyramids near Bimini under the waters of the Bahama Banks.("Atlantis, The Eight Continent", Fawcett Books, New York, 1984--referenced in Icke's book)
True/False? A group conspiracy to turn fiction into non-fiction and sell some book? And these are "New York Best-Sellers List" books too, let me tell you. These guys are rich now.........not!

I suppose you think slaves built the pyramids. The Great Giza Pyramid has enough stone in it to bulid 30 Empire State buildingds. 6 and a half million tons. Individual stones weighing 70, 200, and even 460 plus tons. But, generations of slaves built them. :rolleyes:
Icke's book talks about the prymaids also. But, Atlantis and the pyramids, it's all connected.

I don't mean to keep leaving you guys hanging but I'll tell you more as I go along. I'm about 75% done with the book.

Go buy the book! It's worth it!
Originally posted by Banshee

I stop with this and look if there's a forum here where I can put down in writing what I want to tell.
I don't think this the right place, don't know if there is a right forum for this. I start look for it. Maybe I start a thread myself.
You here are too focussed on proof and tell eachother what may be. Yeah, that'll help.
I hope they never find out what happened, because then they can destroy again.
No, thank you....

Nice "heart-felt" opinion! :D / ;)
there is also a possibility that atlantis (or any other disappeared civilization) was destroyed by an asteroid rain falling each X years. that could be a cause of nibiru (12th planet-x) or pleiades photon belt.
also, that explains why shumerian civilization had such great astronomical knowledge.
or, remember this:

1:19:24:Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;

i definately think that it was an asteroid. time to wait 2012.....

News two you whammy, a line that stretchs 40,000 miles is around the earth twice. Another thing, the caribbean plate is not vast, in fact it is very small comparatively. The azores are a couple hundred miles from the joining point of the north american and african tectonic plates. Plus the plates move in opposite directions so that whole theory of Atlntis in the azores is b.s.. Maybe that author should take a look at a map
Whammy, they find walls and pieces of buildings beneath the Black See too, so why can't Atlantis lie there?

And I will not pay attention to what you had to say to me about the Ancient Pyramids and do if you know everything.
Well, you could be very wrong.
Who are you to tell me what I know about Ancient Civilizations and their great knowledge and wisdom.......

Slaves.......YOU MAKE ME VERY ANGRY, so stop with it Whammy
You don't know what you're talking about.

Sorry Howardstern, now you are incorrect.
People don't use 100% of their brains, they do not so......
For example: Everybody can learn to communicate telepathical, are you a telepath?? Don't think so......
Ever had an out of your body experience???? Don't think so....
You want more examples. let me know, you can get them.

Let me know telepathical, I am waiting for your message.
Understand that the human mind can reach very far.
No ocean or land shall disturb the telepathical message you send.....

Although I do <u>not</u> discount telepathy (in fact I do believe that it exists), I cannot understand how you think that this could be used as an example of your belief that there are unused areas of the human brain.

Out-of-body experiences? If your are out of your body, Banshee, then doesn't this also include your mind as well?:p

If you have such overwhelming evidence of telepathy, then you should publish your findings and get the credit for it.
" I suppose you think slaves built the pyramids. The Great Giza Pyramid has enough stone in it to bulid 30 Empire State buildingds. 6 and a half million tons. Individual stones weighing 70, 200, and even 460 plus tons. But, generations of slaves built them. "

Not entirely true but a hell of a lot closer than any other theory that you can put up. Especially a higher technology or a race of extremely advanced people that sank.

" True/False? A group conspiracy to turn fiction into non-fiction and sell some book? And these are "New York Best-Sellers List" books too, let me tell you. These guys are rich now.........not! "

If I were to believe that all those New York best sellers were true then the world ended may 5 last year and life as I knew it ended at the turn of the century due to the computer crisis. Books sell based on what people want to believe, not what is real. Hence pseudoscience.

" For example: Everybody can learn to communicate telepathical, are you a telepath?? Don't think so......
Ever had an out of your body experience???? Don't think so....
You want more examples. let me know, you can get them."

I would like to believe in telepathy but there is no evidence for this at all. It is a neat concept and one that cannot truly be discounted as false yet but also cannot be said to be true. I await that day when it is proven but until then....

" People 'feel' too much with their brains, they've lost the true connection to themselves. You have to feel with your heart not your brain. "

True, but you need to learn with the brain. Too much of feeling with the heart leads to superstition and fallacy.

Atlantis is more than likely a true story in some respects. Most likely it was more advanced than other cultures of its time but still not that much technology. It would have been just another normal ancient society that was destroyed by a disaster. Who knows, that disaster may not have even been sinking. Volcano or maybe a tsunami would be near to what we have puzzled together, time changes many things. Sorry, Atlantis is not some place where they had supreme technology or were a super intelligent species. It is not a bubble on the ocean floor either.
Chariots of the Gods!

A passage from the book, "Children of the Matrix" by David Icke. Remember this is NON-FICTION!! This is documented, researched stuff.
Remember "Chariots of the Gods" I have forgot the author's name,that was all documented researched stuff!
So he said!
Also remember when D.Icke first started this,he was quoted as saying in the news papers over here,that he was"God or the son of God"
He was a TV announcer in this country.
The above are just my views as I remember them & they might not be exact fact but I am sure you could research them.
Elsewhere I noted that if there was one or more advanced civilization that used technology, then they would have knowledge of asteroids and its effect upon impact. If the civilization was similar to ours present or more advanced, we would have found relics somewhere. There has been no time capsules unearthed anywhere to give us that clue. No space junk, pyramids on moon, underground habitat etc. Each major (dino disaster) asteroid impact destroys an area the size of Texas. That lives a lot of area untouched and can have artifacts buried. No sign of stable compounds like some polymers, gold, titanium circuit boards, computers, flying machines, time travel gadgets, coke bottles, crystal chandeliers, light bulbs, large metal spindles, internal laser etched glass blocks, laser rock carving in caves, lights using unknown energy in pyramids, nuclear devices or isotopes, advanced chemicals, diamond bonded metal alloys...and the list goes on....
regarding kmguru reply about evidence of lost civilizations' progress:

i think that previous civilizations followed the path of self-realization instead of technlogical. for example:
-Telepathy vs. Telephone
-Remote Viewing vs. Television
-Connecting Cosmic Logos vs. Computers
-Teleportation vs. Vehicles as Cars, Ships & Airplanes
-Akashic Record vs. Information-Medias (Books, Newsletters, TV)

i think that explains why we cant find any hi-tech stuff from ancient people. maybe they were notified about problems of technological path? looking on our civlization - it's destroying itself. ecological time bomb was started...

a good article about self-realization vs technology (from R.K. Mueller) can be found on http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/realization-vs-technology.html
I would tend to agree with, FA_Q2. Not that an Atlantis did not exist rather that it probably did exist and was the shining glory of it's civilization. But that doesn't mean we will find those items tha kmguru has mentioned. To be advanced within the framework of the times is not a large stretch of the imagination. I don't not think that you will find some glorious civilization that had access to the same level of technology that we do today. If they did you could not keep from stumbling upon some of the areas where they got their raw materials to build, develop, and sustain their way of life. We get materials from around the globe and it takes it to make the things we have been accustom too. Sure a graded road might not last long in the span to time as far as durability goes but a mine dug into a cliff would. It would be there until that section of the contient disappeared into a plate fracture or until something major like an earth quake closed it up. Even so there would be other areas of the world more stable geologically that would remain. This is something that wuld not stay hidden for very long. Think about it. We have evidence in the form of standing stones (monolithic structures) that go back farther than any recorded history. And it can be told from where they mined their stone. We are amazed that such feats were accomplished. Some areas are under water as in the Bremuda Triangle area. Still we know where they got their material from. Why is there no such record for Atlantis? Even if it sank beneath the ocean there would be something there to find.
I don't think there will be found evidence..

And Howardstern, the ability of telepathy is gone by most op the people, just like out of your body experiences.
If you go out of your body, you can see yourself on the bed or where ever you are when you like to 'travel'.
Your body just keeps on breathing and all, 'cause you're always connected with your body.
It's not such a strange thing, you can even learn it, if you have the patience to train yourself. Try meditating first, you have to clear your head, that's a difficult thing if you're not used to it.

You can always go back to your body too, by only thinking of it.
You see, these things are not so weird as you seem to find it,
Luckily more and more people are gifted nowadays.
Maybe there is hope.....
Maybe you try to find a good book, where you can read some things about it, so you don't have to ridicule me any more.....Thank you!!
I don't know a title in english, but I'm sure the books are for sale everywhere.
Or maybe you better go to the library, then you don't have to spend money on it.
Sorry, I forgot

In the earlier day's, long ago, the ability to telepathy was a common good from every one.

Not now, when everybody has their minds on expensive cars and houses and now they are busy to distrust and destroy, they don't FEEL any more, FEEL WITH YOUR HEART, not with your mind.
And don't try to be funny again Howardstern, you'd better have some respect for other people here on the forums:(

Don't you all see??? People are greedy, suspicious and paranoid.
They don't dare to trust other people any more.
People built huge brick walls in their heads, so nothing can reach their Deeper Self.
Most people lost the ability to come in touch with their Deeper Selves, because material things is what we need....!!!

Wake up, no material things you need.
It's love........

Maybe then the humans find back what they once lost.........

I once had an idea put to me by someone ,like Banshee ,that Atlantis was actually the sea,& the vehicles described by Plato were the Dolphins & Whales.

I do understand what you are getting at. It may take us perhaps 10,000 to 50,000 years to achieve the next step in evolution if we tinker our DNA to harness new source of energy without blowing us up. It is highly unlikely that a biological specis can just evolve from animal to energy state, bypassing several level of biological intelligence. It just does not happen in nature without someone meddling with the natural process of evolution.

Therefore, we all have to go through the stage we are in. No shortcuts. And if there was such a civilization, no artifact exists. What you said is our future only. This does not mean some external influence (since you brought up Akashic Records!). The description of gadgets and machinaries in Vedas is what we see today - from napam bombs, air chariots, climate changing devices, guided and DNA targeted missiles. Either they were an extremely active imagination, or based on some truth that we can not fathom. Consider the fact that the materia medica at Vedic time has more details of herbal information than what we can do today with our HPLC and Hyperspectral technology.

But that is for another day...
Banshee: <i>"And don't try to be funny again Howardstern, you'd better have some respect for other people here on the forums".</i>
<b>I think you are funny, Banshee (again).</b>

Banshee: <i>In the earlier day's, long ago, the ability to telepathy was a common good from every one</i>
<b> How do know that Banshee? Where did you read this? Were you around in the early days, long ago?</b>

Banshee: <i>I don't think there will be found evidence.. </i>
<b>Without evidence Banshee, it remains pseudo-science. Prove it!</b>
" And Howardstern, the ability of telepathy is gone by most op the people, just like out of your body experiences.
If you go out of your body, you can see yourself on the bed or where ever you are when you like to 'travel'.
Your body just keeps on breathing and all, 'cause you're always connected with your body.
It's not such a strange thing, you can even learn it, if you have the patience to train yourself. Try meditating first, you have to clear your head, that's a difficult thing if you're not used to it.

You can always go back to your body too, by only thinking of it. "

Yea, it is so amazing what a little meditation and a few caps can do :)

" i think that previous civilizations followed the path of self-realization instead of technlogical. for example:
-Telepathy vs. Telephone
-Remote Viewing vs. Television
-Connecting Cosmic Logos vs. Computers
-Teleportation vs. Vehicles as Cars, Ships & Airplanes
-Akashic Record vs. Information-Medias (Books, Newsletters, TV) "

That makes no sense. There has to be some progression. If it was that easy then we would be using it today. Somebody would have utilized it and spread the ability.

" Maybe you try to find a good book, where you can read some things about it"

There are no good books since the entire thing is a psudoscience.

" Don't you all see??? People are greedy, suspicious and paranoid. "

hahaha. Have a mirror?

Yes, those evidences would be there but there would also be items made of other things that would last. Equivalents of today's Styrofoam, plastic and other non biodegradable substances. Mettle would be common in their society and we would find many mettle objects. None of this is found. Where is all of the evidence.
The really funny part is:

I actually <u>do</u> believe in telepathy. In fact, I personally know that it exists. I have experienced many, many telepathic experiences (honestly). But I do <u>not</u> have any documentation that I can use to convince others with.:( Often I find myself playing "the devils advocate".

I don't mean to be tough on Banshee (well maybe a little), but I would like to hear about proof over hearsay.

Telepathy exists, let me tell you that.
Why is it so hard to believe?? What is it that make you all laugh about these things.
You do not know a thing about this kind of experiences.
The only way is to experience yourself
But since everybody is to busy with keeping up appearrances, the real signs don't come to you any more.
Don't you understand, you chose for money and material posessions.
You all built walls in your mind, thick brick walls. So you do not hear if any body needs you bad.
Because you think it is easier not to believe it exists, for it might be scary to you.

Well I have information for you, I am a telapath, come and proof I am not.
You can laugh again, you silly material people, you do not know what misery it can bring to some one who lives in a world where most of the people laugh about it

You are scared for these people, who knows what they will find in your head......!!!!
There are more and more people who have the ability of being telepathic and other gifts, like an out of your body experience.
Man, THAT is scary, it can't be....Lies, drugs and things, and then they think they go out of their body.

Are you all narrow-minded people here????
Nobody ever had this experience or don't you dare writing about it, you cowards!!!

No, make fun of it and laughter......If you are happy with that behaviour, do so.........Stay as narrow-minded as you are and please do not open up to people who are a little different.
For it is not possible you all say.
And that what you all say......That is the truth isn't it???
Be happy with your narrow-minded truth!!!!!
It reminds me of the exchange between psychic Sylvia and debunker Amazing Randi on CNN Larri King show last night (sept 3,2001).

Need I say more...!

Longtime ago, I amazed myself on palm reading. I was so good, I was consistently 85% correct. And I dont believe in it. It is one of those life's mysteries, someday we will crack.