Lost Civilizations and Technologies


Registered Member
We (the terran humans) only use 20% of our brains, what the f*ck is wrong with the rest 80%. In my oppinion we are sheep of our own human-civilization, with our devices that keep us dumb.
What happened to the technology for example how the pyramids
where build? like the tools for shaping the tombstones out of pure granite in those early days?
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Yeah, a friend and I were discussing where the technology for constructing the exactitude of the pyramids has gone off to. I saw a program where they claimed that new mathematics are learned with the steady progression of the crop circles (incidentally, that's how I initially found this site--by searching about crop circles, go figure).

The jpg was interesting, but where is it from? A parchment of some sort?
Hi all!

At the 'What does God have anything to say about genes" at the Christian forum I presented a theory about why we lost this technology and used the pyrimids as an example. daktaklakpak told me that he had seen a documentary about how the pyramids were built with just sticks and bones. Perhaps you could private message him. I personally would really like to see a response from him/her on this subject which he seemed so knowledgable on.

the pyramids? .. pfff...

the pyramids must have been difficult to build, but far from impossible. there are much more disturbing monuments around the world. I don't remember the name( B... something), but there is a monument, built about 2000 bc. , situated in mountainous area, and constructed with blocks of rock of 400 tons... and the rocks where from a place 30 miles away. even today, we wouldn't be able to build such a monument. where did it come from?:confused:
the B monument

sounds like Stonehenge. assembled 4000 years ago. they moved 25-ton rocks over 20 miles to build it.
Originally posted by 0xygen
We (the terran humans) only use 20% of our brains, what the f*ck is wrong with the rest 80%.

That may not be true. Somewhere I read that we use only 10% to 20% has been misquoted over and over. Just as your physical strengh is not used to its full capacity to lift a glass of water does not mean the rest is lost forever. Perhaps, there is enough brain capacity to do whatever you need to do.

There may be some reserve when you need it...and perhaps you can improve the capacity by doing brain exercises...??

I think that the original quote was "10% of our minds' POTENTIAL." And that means that it had to have been someone's opinion -- even if it was an educated one. Because how can you know the true limit of a person's potential well enough to say that they are only using this or that percentage of it?

On a physical note, if you actually removed 80% (or even 40%) of your brain, wouldn't you be a vegetable (or dead?)
" even today, we wouldn't be able to build such a monument. "

I'm sorry but we have built much harder things than that today. We ship items in the millions of tons, not the thousands and build buildings over 100 stories tall.
We can build it today but the thing is they built it back then. It must have been really hard to construct with limited technology but still not impossible. It is amazing what one can do with determination.

" That may not be true. Somewhere I read that we use only 10% to 20% has been misquoted over and over. Just as your physical strengh is not used to its full capacity to lift a glass of water does not mean the rest is lost forever. Perhaps, there is enough brain capacity to do whatever you need to do. "

I believe there is something missing here. As far as I know we use anywhere from 8-10% of our brain for thinking. That does not mean that we use only 10% in total. The rest of the brain is entirely devoted to other specific tasks. Much is use for memory and sight. All of the 5 senses must be interpreted in a real time situation. This requires a LOT of brain power. Just because we use so little to think does not mean we are not utilizing 100% of our brain.

" What happened to the technology for example how the pyramids
where build?"

We know a little about there construction and defiantly know that it was not impossible to build with Egypt's limited resources and technology. Just because it looks big does not make it impossible.

There are many ways they could have done it. A ramp extending in a spiral around the pyramid and logs used for rolling them up that ramp is a possibility. They could also have used a lever system where you hoist one side of the rock up and support it. Then you do the same with the other side. You could do this on reputedly until you got high enough to place the block. Many other methods could be used and more than likely it was a combination of these.
It is not hart to lift a 10 ton rock it you have 10 thousand people to do it. And it is not like they were put on a short time constraint. It only took 20 – 30 years to construct one.
Have you ever read..........?

Has anyone ever read the book "Children of the Matrix" by David Icke. WOW!! There's some eye opening stuff in there.

After reading his book, it's makes me kind of leary about being in this forum. But, I think my eyes are only kind of open and I'm not much of a threat.

I sound like a weirdo right now, don't I? Read the book and you'll see!

I have to go but I'll create a post later about the topic.
Welcome to Sciforums, Whammy. I don't think I have welcomed you yet. Unusal net name. I seem to remember that Egar Cyce(?) predicted that part of Atlantis would be found in the Gulf of Mexico area. I am sure that every one has seen the stone road, near Bimini, under the ocean. So what do you think, is it part of Atlantis? Are the technologies waiting for us to find after all this time? Or did Alantis even exist? Maybe it was just a fable that was passed on and believed as much as the flat earth was believed at the time. Your thoughts?
Atlantis did exist...

Atlantis did exist. One way or another I am very sure Atlantis existed.....
Can't tell exactly why, it's a feeling deep within and I've had it for over my whol life.
I don't think that's just a coincidence. As a little child, no one thinks of Atlantis, I did....
I asked my parents, they said I had a too big imagination. It could have been when I had been a little older. Then, I was 6 years old, I do remember this like it happened yesterday.
It was the very last time I spoke to my parents about my 'strange' feelings and a knowing deep inside.

I know a lot more now, believe me....
Atlantis has been an island, long ago, in the Ancient Times.
It dissappeared in the great flood that came from a meteor crash, millions of years ago.
Some people do know and remember, they are probably descendants, how hard it is to believe.
There is an investigation now, and hypnotists, psychiatrists and other odd people want to test people who have memories about a hidden and maybe lost Civilization.
So, most of this people suddenly forget all they ever thought to remember and no scientist will touch one of them, ever!!

F**K 'em!!
Now you don't have information about where it must have been.

Somewhere in the ocean my friend, The Black See is an option too isn't it?? On discovery I saw they were looking there for Atlantis.
Why does everybody wants to know about Atlantis. What do they think they find then??
An old drawned city under the see.

It is not a right, that you can take and look for whatever you want.
Maybe Atlantis is a place you'd better leave to the imagination.
Not everything has to be discovered and ruined by human hands....
So let's keep Atlantis safe.......
Enough destruction, even in space people leave their mess.
From all those nice satellites and rockets which they send up in space, but didn't bother to take back to Earth on their way back.
No, because they can't, they didn't even think about all the mess left behind in space...

So Atlantis is safe......as long as it takes.
Honestly I don't think we will find Atlantis within my lifetime. It may never have actually existed. If it did theni t is buried where finding will not be easy. Otherwise we would already have found traces of it. But that does not quell the curiosity, rather it fuels it.

A passage from the book, "Children of the Matrix" by David Icke. Remember this is NON-FICTION!! This is documented, researched stuff.

"Atlantis was described by Plato (427-347BC), the ancient Greek Philosopher. To this day this secret network has passed on advanced knowledge to the chosen few while denying that priviledge to the mass of the people. Offical history dismisses Plato's contention that such a continent existed, but there is vast geological support for such claims. The Azores, which some believe were part of Atlantis, lie on the mid-Atlantic ridge, a fracture line that encircles the planet. This line continues for a distance of 40,000 miles. The mid-Atlantic ridge is one of the foremost areas for earthquakes and volcanoes. Four vast tectonic plates, the Eurasian, African, North America, and Caribbean, all meet and collide in this region making it very unstable geologically. Both the Azores and the Canary Islands (named after dogs, "Canine", and not canaries!) were subject to widespread volcanic activity in the time period Plato suggested for the end of Atlantis. Tachylite lava disintegrates in seawater within 15,000 years and yet it is still found on the the seabed around the Azores, confirming geologically recent upheavals. Other evidence, including beach sand gathered from depths of 10,500-18,440 feet, reveals that the seabed in this region must have been, again geologically recently, above sea level. The oceanographer, Maurice Ewing, wrote in National Geographic Magazine, that: Either the land must have sunk two or three miles or the sea must once have been two or three miles lower than now. Either conclusion is startling."
That's just a little something-something from the book. There is so much more history and research in the book about Atlantis. But, that's not what the book is about,

There is something much bigger that Atlantis ties into. I want to talk about it but, nobody has read the book and I can't really say much without giving a lot of detail. I'm actually intimidated really! :eek:
I know that sounds crazy but, all of you have to find that book.

The only hint I feel comfortable giving is,....."Laura Croft."

I should be able to check out any response to the post tomorrow but after that, not until Tuesday because I'm going out of town.
I assure you that you have my interest. Just because we have not read the book does not mean that we may not have a discussion of the subject. It will inform all who read and have simular interest. This geologic evidence is new to me. There are several other areas which bear looking at. I believe that Plato made mention of it being near England. (It's been a long time so I may be wrong here as I also remember there being mention of beyond the pillars of Hercules)

Further there is evidence that has come to light of yet another possible civilization buried beneath the sea near Cuba. This one recently found. As yet there has been no proper investigation of the area. However National Geographic has agreed in principal to film and document the investigation when it starts.
Originally posted by 0xygen
We (the terran humans) only use 20% of our brains, what the f*ck is wrong with the rest 80%. In my oppinion we are sheep of our own human-civilization, with our devices that keep us dumb.
What happened to the technology for example how the pyramids
where build? like the tools for shaping the tombstones out of pure granite in those early days?

<i>Now now, Mr. Ocky-gen, we can't have harsh languge here!</i>

The 80/20 figure that is continually referred to is from an archaic set of tests that goes back to the beginning of the 20th century. It is <u>incorrect</u>. It comes from a time in which hardly any brain functions were understood. Even today, much of the brain is misunderstood. It would be well to remember that mother nature (evolution) is very stingy about giving out gifts to living organisms that are not absolutely necessary for the lifeform's survival. In fact I can state, with great confidence, that most all people do use the majority of their brains.

Examples & proof of this don't presently come to mind, therefore I can only suggest that you should look for newer data. The fact is that people generally do use 100% of their minds. The inefficiency lies in how well they organize and prioritize their thought processes. Most conscious thought processes are governed, and often limited, by the organisms' primal emotional desires for food and procreation.

The mind will atrophy from lack of use, much in the same way that muscles do, if unused. The general population of human beings tend to expend much of their gray matter on pursuits of emotional satisfaction, ect.....

<b><i>To say that there is this magical 80% of untapped grey matter is to state that humanity was a race of ....gods, during previous thousands of millenia ago!</b> For this would be the only way to account for such proposed brainpower aquired</i>.
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Sorry Howardstern...

Sorry Howardstern, now you are incorrect.
People don't use 100% of their brains, they do not so......
For example: Everybody can learn to communicate telepathical, are you a telepath?? Don't think so......
Ever had an out of your body experience???? Don't think so....
You want more examples. let me know, you can get them.
Let me know telepathical, I am waiting for your message.
Understand that the human mind can reach very far.
No ocean or land shall disturb the telepathical message you send.....

And then Atlantis. There is a lot more to the 'story' of Atlantis. It's not all true what Plato wrote and therefor you don't have to read the book. Some things are very difficult to explain on a science forum you know. I don't think I can tell much here. People 'feel' too much with their brains, they've lost the true connection to themselves. You have to feel with your heart not your brain.
Try to be open minded to people who have other possibilities which you may not understand at once.....
But the longer you think about it the more you'll come to the conclusion that it's not all belony or whatever the word is.

I stop with this and look if there's a forum here where I can put down in writing what I want to tell.
I don't think this the right place, don't know if there is a right forum for this. I start look for it. Maybe I start a thread myself.
You here are too focussed on proof and tell eachother what may be. Yeah, that'll help.
I hope they never find out what happened, because then they can destroy again.
No, thank you....
I agree with Howard. I have stated along these lines elsewhere in the forum.

Could you please condense and post the most juicy part of that book "Children of Matrix". It sounded like a SF book I read by Colin Wilson, long time ago. If you have watched Startrek Voyager series, I will direct you to pay attention to a specific episode where Seven of Nine tried to assimilate several gigaquads of data and came up with the conspiracy theory... all sound and logical...

Hieee....Telepathy is a very powerful tool. Were you in my dream last night? If so, thank you. :)
You are in the right place for you thoughts. just start a new thread under Pseudoscience.