Lorentz invariance and the multiverse, possible or not?

To those who read and don't post, I understand that you are seeing both the content and the disparaging remarks back and forth. Sorry about all the disparaging remarks. I believe differently than the small group who have and voice disdain for me. Possibly their disdain stems from the fact that I believe differently and don't buy the same theories that they believe are truth and reality. As soon as someone indicates they are not as taken by the mainstream this small group attacks them. And they will attack this by saying I'm not qualified to have an opinion that differs from their learned and rigorously obtained appreciation of the mainstream. We both know that science doesn't have the answers yet, and I don't disparage science or the professionals about that.

Read this and tell me if you feel good about what we know so far: http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/vacuum.html

The mainstream is a can of worms, lol, no offense; it is the best we can do under the scientific method. My view is based on speculation and a few in the mainstream don’t condone laymen speculating.
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Here is the next topic regarding the bubble universes discussed in the Mersini-Houghton paper. Probably no one will be interested enough to address this content with an on-topic response but I always keep an open mind.

There is another noteworthy speculative difference between the bubble universes of the eternal inflation models and QWC; a difference which isn’t related to the cosmological principle, it concerns vacuum energy density (that link is a prerequisite reading for this particular topic).

Mersini-Houghton's paper and the footnotes are also required reading.

It concerns my personal take on the nature of the vacuum energy density of bubbles vs. the energy density of QWC arenas, and the relative action that ensues across the landscape of the respective models as a result of the difference in energy density of the models.

Do you know what a ‘true vacuum’ is vs. a ‘false vacuum’ in the context of the multiverse papers? If you do you could say you do.

The bubbles discussed in the Mersini-Houghton paper are called true vacuums of lower energy content and they nucleate into the false vacuum of the inflating spacetime landscape which is of higher energy density. It is vacuum energy density (dark energy) that drives the inflation of the bubbles and the bubbles are said to have a lower energy density than the background in which they nucleate.

Do you understand the scenario and how the energy flows from the inflating spacetime background to the bubbles. The bubbles of true vacuum and low energy gradually equalize with the density of the spacetime landscape. Do you know which way the energy density of a bubble goes when it thermalizes with the background? Think about it. A bubble of true vacuum, low energy density, inflates into the false vacuum of the landscape which is of higher energy than the bubbles. Therefore the energy density of the bubbles increases as they inflate. Any comments about that? Say so if you have a different view of the energy density changes that take place in the bubbles.

There’s more …
Don't stop. You bring readers and there is always a chance that someone will respond to the topic.
That was part of the reason I stopped replying to your QWC threads. But instead of seeing it as that you decided to think some bad thing had happened in my life, even though I kept posting elsewhere.

As for you personally, your ego exceeds the US national debt,
You're the one who uses the adjective 'Perfect' in the title of his musings.

Don't get me wrong, I think I'm smarter in regards to physics and maths than you, Pincho, mpc and 98% of the people on this forum. But then Pincho et al think the same. But unlike the hacks here I can demonstrate it so it's a justified position to have. I don't describe myself or any of my work as perfect. I don't think myself above correction by anyone if they can demonstrate it. I don't think myself above learning from anyone if they can justify themselves. The same cannot be said for a great many of the hacks here, yet you have colourful descriptions for my ego but not theirs.

Some of the hacks are open about their beliefs about themselves. Farsight thinks his work is worth 4 Nobel Prizes. Sylwester describes his work as the 'Everlasting Theory'. You use 'Perfect' in your title. Pincho and mpc think they've explained everything. Magneto named his work 'Super Principia Mathematica', eluding to the magnum opus of Newton. And none of them can demonstrate an understanding comparable to even an undergraduate. And yet you call me egotistical and not them? It's because they don't call you on your BS.

I'm realistic about my demonstrable abilities. They, you, are unrealistic about your non-demonstrable supposed abilities. You have double standards because I don't pander to your nonsense.

you have no self respect
You say this not because I talk about myself or my self image or my views (I generally don't) but because I'm not nice to you and other hacks here. I'm nice to people who honestly want to learn and I'm respectful to people who have earnt respect, including people I consider smarter than me. You don't want to accept it's because of some negative traits you have, you want to put the blame on someone else. It's like when a hack claims there's some conspiracy against his work when a journal rejects it, rather than face up to the many flaws in the work. So rather than accept some of your short comings in regards to science you are putting the blame on me, that I must have something wrong with me not to play nice with you.

If I had an actual personality issue, no self respect and an ego you could choke an elephant with why do I play nice with people like Rpenner, Prometheus, Cpt, Guest etc? I have no issue saying they each know things I do not about physics or mathematics. I did a maths degree and I have no problem saying Guest is better at maths than me. I actually like conversing with him, I learn things when I do that. Similarly just last week (or so) Cpt corrected something I'd been mistaken about wrt probability, I accepted the correction and thanked him.

Rather than pointing the finger at people like myself and Cpt, saying there's something wrong with us personality wise despite having no evidence, no knowledge about us in real life and the fact we can get on with other people fine, look a little closer to home.

and you are a bad agent when it comes to representing the professional community.
How many times do you need to be told I'm not here in a professional capacity? You yourself a few posts ago said the Pseudo forum carries with it the disclaimer it is not to be held to professional standards. You can't simultaneously say that and complain I'm not being professional. I'm capable of discussing things in detail, both in the main forum and Pseudo, I did it with Jack_ and his issues with relativity, the problem is you won't or can't listen or understand. If I were here as an official representative, employed to officially represent some organisation, then I'd play nice. I've actually done that on a forum once as it happens. But I'm here as me, nothing else.

Besides, if I were to be acting all professional and want to hold the scientific method up as something to follow I'd be asking people to justify their claims but when I do that you and other hacks complain. If you want to engage in an Alpha rules discussion on something then I'll do it but be aware that you would also be bound by such rules, you'd need to answer relevant questions when asked them. You'd not be allowed to claim I have personal life issues unless you could provide evidence. You'd not be allowed to make claims about possible personality issues without evidence. Whether I have any self respect is not a matter of opinion, it isn't like saying "I don't like you" or "You are mean to me". It's an assertion about something which is objective, which can be tested for. As such making it without evidence is simply fabricating it.

I half imagine you'll just mass quote this post and give a 1 line response to try and dismiss it, perhaps something along the lines of "Get help" or "Nothing but ad homs!" but anyone comparing this lengthy post about my views of you with your lengthy post about your views of me will see I've been a lot more level headed and coherent. I've certainly used a lot less vitriolic language and haven't made any assertions about your personal life, as I have no information about it. I've patiently explained why your comments are self-contradictory or unjustified or inaccurate. If you feel I have been mistaken about some things, such as your double standards in regards to assessing the egos of Cpt and I compared to the egos of mpc, Pincho, Farsight etc then please explain why I'm mistaken. I'm offering you a more civil discourse than you have offered me. Hopefully you'll engage in a bit more than a one line response.
That was part of the reason I stopped replying to your QWC threads. But instead of seeing it as that you decided to think some bad thing had happened in my life, even though I kept posting elsewhere.

You're the one who uses the adjective 'Perfect' in the title of his musings.

Don't get me wrong, I think I'm smarter in regards to physics and maths than you, Pincho, mpc and 98% of the people on this forum. But then Pincho et al think the same. But unlike the hacks here I can demonstrate it so it's a justified position to have. I don't describe myself or any of my work as perfect. I don't think myself above correction by anyone if they can demonstrate it. I don't think myself above learning from anyone if they can justify themselves. The same cannot be said for a great many of the hacks here, yet you have colourful descriptions for my ego but not theirs.

Some of the hacks are open about their beliefs about themselves. Farsight thinks his work is worth 4 Nobel Prizes. Sylwester describes his work as the 'Everlasting Theory'. You use 'Perfect' in your title. Pincho and mpc think they've explained everything. Magneto named his work 'Super Principia Mathematica', eluding to the magnum opus of Newton. And none of them can demonstrate an understanding comparable to even an undergraduate. And yet you call me egotistical and not them? It's because they don't call you on your BS.

I'm realistic about my demonstrable abilities. They, you, are unrealistic about your non-demonstrable supposed abilities. You have double standards because I don't pander to your nonsense.

You say this not because I talk about myself or my self image or my views (I generally don't) but because I'm not nice to you and other hacks here. I'm nice to people who honestly want to learn and I'm respectful to people who have earnt respect, including people I consider smarter than me. You don't want to accept it's because of some negative traits you have, you want to put the blame on someone else. It's like when a hack claims there's some conspiracy against his work when a journal rejects it, rather than face up to the many flaws in the work. So rather than accept some of your short comings in regards to science you are putting the blame on me, that I must have something wrong with me not to play nice with you.

If I had an actual personality issue, no self respect and an ego you could choke an elephant with why do I play nice with people like Rpenner, Prometheus, Cpt, Guest etc? I have no issue saying they each know things I do not about physics or mathematics. I did a maths degree and I have no problem saying Guest is better at maths than me. I actually like conversing with him, I learn things when I do that. Similarly just last week (or so) Cpt corrected something I'd been mistaken about wrt probability, I accepted the correction and thanked him.

Rather than pointing the finger at people like myself and Cpt, saying there's something wrong with us personality wise despite having no evidence, no knowledge about us in real life and the fact we can get on with other people fine, look a little closer to home.

How many times do you need to be told I'm not here in a professional capacity? You yourself a few posts ago said the Pseudo forum carries with it the disclaimer it is not to be held to professional standards. You can't simultaneously say that and complain I'm not being professional. I'm capable of discussing things in detail, both in the main forum and Pseudo, I did it with Jack_ and his issues with relativity, the problem is you won't or can't listen or understand. If I were here as an official representative, employed to officially represent some organisation, then I'd play nice. I've actually done that on a forum once as it happens. But I'm here as me, nothing else.

Besides, if I were to be acting all professional and want to hold the scientific method up as something to follow I'd be asking people to justify their claims but when I do that you and other hacks complain. If you want to engage in an Alpha rules discussion on something then I'll do it but be aware that you would also be bound by such rules, you'd need to answer relevant questions when asked them. You'd not be allowed to claim I have personal life issues unless you could provide evidence. You'd not be allowed to make claims about possible personality issues without evidence. Whether I have any self respect is not a matter of opinion, it isn't like saying "I don't like you" or "You are mean to me". It's an assertion about something which is objective, which can be tested for. As such making it without evidence is simply fabricating it.

I half imagine you'll just mass quote this post and give a 1 line response to try and dismiss it, perhaps something along the lines of "Get help" or "Nothing but ad homs!" but anyone comparing this lengthy post about my views of you with your lengthy post about your views of me will see I've been a lot more level headed and coherent. I've certainly used a lot less vitriolic language and haven't made any assertions about your personal life, as I have no information about it. I've patiently explained why your comments are self-contradictory or unjustified or inaccurate. If you feel I have been mistaken about some things, such as your double standards in regards to assessing the egos of Cpt and I compared to the egos of mpc, Pincho, Farsight etc then please explain why I'm mistaken. I'm offering you a more civil discourse than you have offered me. Hopefully you'll engage in a bit more than a one line response.
This thread (and presumably that last content post) has been viewed 30 times since I posted it, not including my views to check spelling and copy it off to my hard drive. I assume that there are a few who read it and have some interest in the topic. Maybe you won’t post for fear of being put in with me as a deluded pea brain. I don’t mind that but I can see how you would. But I have interest in the topic and the number of views could indicate I’m not alone. I continue on posting to continue to evolve my own view of cosmology and if there are a few who have some quiet interest in the topic then I care about you too. So I will continue from where I left off in that last content post and hope that someone with some class will participate.

It is my speculation that my description of the vacuum energy difference between the bubbles and the initial inflating background of the spacetime multiverse cosmologies arises from the quandary faced by the theorists about the source of the inflation energy in a bubble. The source of energy which can be shown to exist in the universe is not addressed by the mainstream consensus or by the multiverse spacetime models.

Or is it. If our observable or known universe, what I would phrases as our extended Hubble volume of space, was really one of the bubbles then the multiverse cosmology solves the preconditions problem, sort of, if you don’t stop to think about it, lol. The precondition to any bubble is the spacetime landscape that has false vacuum and relative higher energy density. All new bubbles nucleate into it as true vacuums. The story is that the energy we observe in our bubble comes from outside our bubble. And the dark energy driving the inflation of the new bubble is the vacuum energy density that is created as a new true vacuum bubble forms or nucleates within the false vacuum. So hence those are the preconditions of any given bubble.

But wait. Wasn’t there an initial bubble the formed that provided the inflating space time landscape for the other bubbles to form in? That initial inflating landscape would have no initial conditions. That means that it had a beginning that is not explainable and to use it as the preconditions for current or new bubbles simply pushes the unaddressed beginning far into the past. I’m pretty sure that it is clear to you what it means about all spacetime models? If so say so. Make my day, lol.
You're the one who uses the adjective 'Perfect' in the title of his musings.
AlphaNumeric said:
I don't describe myself or any of my work as perfect.
AlphaNumeric said:
You use 'Perfect' in your title.
AlphaNumeric said:
Don't get me wrong, I think I'm smarter in regards to physics and maths than you, Pincho, mpc and 99% of the people on this forum.

You’re not as smart as you brag about being. Your reference to me naming my musings “perfect”, mentioned three times is this completely self serving 1000 word post, would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. For someone so smart in math and physics, and someone who supposedly has read my posts in which I have mentioned the perfect cosmological principle many times and linked to it often, your ignorance is astounding. I think it makes you the dunce.

You’re not as smart as you brag about being. Your reference to me naming my musings “perfect”, mentioned three times is this completely self serving 1000 word post, would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
I read the following :

the perfect cosmological principle applicable to QWC which I mentioned here: http://www.sciforums.com/showpost.php?p=2816465&postcount=91


and the Perfect Cosmological Principle that is characteristic of QWC?
and took it to be you saying 'perfect' is an applicable adjective to your work.

As for self serving, I gave a lengthy explanation of my views, explained contradictions in your claims and offered you a line of discussion. Hardly 'completely self serving'. Once again you pepper your posts with what Wikipedia would call 'weasel words'. If you'd described my post as off topic, fine. If you'd described it as lengthy, fine. If you'd described it as something perhaps better done via PM, fine. Instead you use hyperbola and describe it as 'completely self serving' when it obviously isn't. I'm trying to engage you in open, honest discussion but you don't seem to be capable of it. This just illustrates my comments about you, you exaggerate and misrepresent and yet demand I act more honest and forthright than you are willing to act? That is hypocritical. It's also extremely daft to misrepresent someone when all any third party has to do to check your claims is just to scroll up and read the relevant posts for themselves.

For someone so smart in math and physics, and someone who supposedly has read my posts in which I have mentioned the perfect cosmological principle many times and linked to it often, your ignorance is astounding.
Firstly, I don't claim to know all maths and physics. Secondly, I don't read all your posts. As much as you've previously claims I'm obsessed with you the fact is I don't read all your posts, especially after I made a point to leave you alone for several months. I've stated as much to you several times now, you can't now pretend you don't know I deliberately left you alone for a period of time. Yet now you're complaining I haven't read enough of your posts. Sorry but you aren't the centre of my universe.

I think it makes you the dunce.
Once again more hyperbola. So because I don't know all of physics and I haven't read all of your posts I must be a dunce? Clearly I'm not a dunce, I made a mistake. Shock horror, I'm willing to say that! Fine, you were referring to some particular principle in physics. I mistakenly thought you were using the adjective yourself. There, no problem saying it.

Once again you've shown you aren't willing to be a bit mature about things, you go straight for the vitriol. This just makes your comments about my supposed personality issues all the more unsupported. Each time you do it you make it seem more and more like you're projecting.

A little bit of honest discourse wouldn't go amiss. I'm capable of it with other people, the sticking point seems to be your responses. Go on, give it a try. You might find you benefit from it.
I read the following :

and took it to be you saying 'perfect' is an applicable adjective to your work.

As for self serving, I gave a lengthy explanation of my views, explained contradictions in your claims and offered you a line of discussion. Hardly 'completely self serving'. Once again you pepper your posts with what Wikipedia would call 'weasel words'. If you'd described my post as off topic, fine. If you'd described it as lengthy, fine. If you'd described it as something perhaps better done via PM, fine. Instead you use hyperbola and describe it as 'completely self serving' when it obviously isn't. I'm trying to engage you in open, honest discussion but you don't seem to be capable of it. This just illustrates my comments about you, you exaggerate and misrepresent and yet demand I act more honest and forthright than you are willing to act? That is hypocritical. It's also extremely daft to misrepresent someone when all any third party has to do to check your claims is just to scroll up and read the relevant posts for themselves.

Firstly, I don't claim to know all maths and physics. Secondly, I don't read all your posts. As much as you've previously claims I'm obsessed with you the fact is I don't read all your posts, especially after I made a point to leave you alone for several months. I've stated as much to you several times now, you can't now pretend you don't know I deliberately left you alone for a period of time. Yet now you're complaining I haven't read enough of your posts. Sorry but you aren't the centre of my universe.

Once again more hyperbola. So because I don't know all of physics and I haven't read all of your posts I must be a dunce? Clearly I'm not a dunce, I made a mistake. Shock horror, I'm willing to say that! Fine, you were referring to some particular principle in physics. I mistakenly thought you were using the adjective yourself. There, no problem saying it.

Once again you've shown you aren't willing to be a bit mature about things, you go straight for the vitriol. This just makes your comments about my supposed personality issues all the more unsupported. Each time you do it you make it seem more and more like you're projecting.

A little bit of honest discourse wouldn't go amiss. I'm capable of it with other people, the sticking point seems to be your responses. Go on, give it a try. You might find you benefit from it.
You realize that falls a little short of manning up don't you?
I can't help but notice what whenever I give a lengthy exposition of my position and attempt to engage you in rational discourse you always fail to meet me in the middle. I quite readily said I was mistaken and you complain I don't 'man up'. What does that say about your inability to admit you just flat out invented lies about posters here? I misread a post of yours, you knowingly invented claims/stories about me.

Now I ask you, which of us is having trouble 'manning up' here? And before you reply with some off hand comment which is short with the truth consider the fact anyone else reading only has to read our posts to see what we said so misrepresenting me only reflects badly on you.
I can't help but notice what whenever I give a lengthy exposition of my position and attempt to engage you in rational discourse you always fail to meet me in the middle. I quite readily said I was mistaken and you complain I don't 'man up'. What does that say about your inability to admit you just flat out invented lies about posters here? I misread a post of yours, you knowingly invented claims/stories about me.

Now I ask you, which of us is having trouble 'manning up' here? And before you reply with some off hand comment which is short with the truth consider the fact anyone else reading only has to read our posts to see what we said so misrepresenting me only reflects badly on you.
Flow of energy in multiverse cosmologies

I’ve been trying to be contemplative the universe and get away from the off-topic chat and I did a post over on the QWC thread that mentioned where I was going with the energy density and flow of energy in the multiverse cosmologies:
quantum wave said:
As those posts and that simple topic made it to the “Lorentz Invariance in a Multiverse, Possible or Not?” thread I set off on the more interesting topic of the difference in the direction of energy flow between the spacetime bubble multiverses and the false vacuum spacetime background vs. the direction of flow between QWC arenas and the universal cosmic wave energy background. The direction of flow is the opposite, flowing from the higher energy background to the bubbles in spacetime, and from the higher energy arenas to the background in QWC.
What do you say we discuss this topic?

Did you read the Mersini-Houghton paper? Do you understand the John Baez link about the cosmological constant?

Science does not have this nailed down. I know science has not come to a consensus on the topic. I speculate about what the universe and the invariant laws of nature would be like to produce what we observe in nature. That is my thing, my shtick. It is what I’m interested in. It rubs people the wrong way and I assume it does that because they have a specialty or two in the mainstream of science and they think that I am being blasphemous by talking about what science does not know when they would bet a fortune that they know more math and science than I ever will. CptBork’s thing with me is that I couldn’t possibly understand what science does know without the math and if I don’t understand what it does know I’m not qualified to speculate about what it doesn’t know. I disagree and I stand up for myself in the regard that I can understand the limits of science and what I say science does not know, science does not know. If I am wrong I encourage CptBork and anyone to simply point to the science that I am wrong about.

With AlphaNumeric it is different. When I started posting he was a hot hand against false science, idle and irresponsible speculation and unfounded fantasy ideas. He demanded evidence of claims and presented science and math to support his position. But he went beyond that and made it about the individual and about himself. He never was able to prove that my speculations were wrong when it came to known science or math but I seemed to fit perfectly into the mold of those he was successfully attacking and started to attack me personally. That is why we didn’t become friends.

So I continue to speculate, I spend a huge amount of my idle time in science, and I have a clue that the CptBorks and AlphaNumerics don’t give me credit for. I am within their stereotypes and they have their prepared statements that they believe must apply to me. So I enjoy the off-topic chat as much as they do and I keep on with my speculations hoping someone can prove I have science wrong, because believe it or not, having a consistent internally compatible view of the natural laws of the universe is my big goal.

They should try it, lol.
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QW replied to my last post pretty quick but I didn't reply to him so he decided to prod me via a PM to tell me the ball is back in my court now. Obviously I wasn't giving him enough attention he wanted.

Flow of energy in multiverse cosmologies
Sorry, I don't see how that follows on from what you quoted me saying. I asked you to clarify your claim you were trying to help yet were deliberately fabricating claims about people.

If you would address the question I'd stop asking it, it's pretty simple.

I’ve been trying to be contemplative the universe and get away from the off-topic chat
Sorry but when someone deliberately and repeatedly lies, especially about someone's personal life they have no knowledge of, it's something which generally gets people's backs up.

Now if you'd just answer the question, admit to fabricating stories and apologise I'd let it go. You can't turn this around on me. You lied and I've called you on it. You're now trying to weasel out of it by saying "But it's off topic!!" as if it's my fault I think your lies deserve to be pointed out. Take a bit of responsibility for your actions.

and I did a post over on the QWC thread that mentioned where I was going with the energy density and flow of energy in the multiverse cosmologies:
I told you I didn't read much of that thread. The only recent post I've made was to Pincho, I didn't read anything else in the thread in the surrounding pages. Sorry but I just don't follow you around keeping notes of all your posts.

What do you say we discuss this topic?

Did you read the Mersini-Houghton paper? Do you understand the John Baez link about the cosmological constant?
No, I didn't read the paper and I haven't read the link but I'd wager I have a decent enough grasp of the cosmological constant concept and models to be able to talk about it.

It rubs people the wrong way and I assume it does that because they have a specialty or two in the mainstream of science and they think that I am being blasphemous by talking about what science does not know when they would bet a fortune that they know more math and science than I ever will.
Once again you invent narratives for people. I have no problem people thinking about stuff science can't explain or even conceptualise. The issue I have is the way you, you, go about it. You need to realise you are not representative of all people who think outside the box or don't agree with science. Some of them manage it in a very interesting and informative way but unfortunately the hacks on this forum site are not among them.

Some of the most interesting talks I've been to are on topics like "Is quantum field theory the best method for particle physics?". Right now in the news there's the "Was Einstein wrong?" thing about neutrino speeds. I find it very interesting and if it turns out he was then WOW, I'd love to still be in particle physics because it'll be an amazing decade to be doing research. All the rules out the window, new ideas up for grabs. But the important thing is that it would be led by evidence, people don't throw the rules out the window for no reason and they are rational about the new ideas.

I disagree and I stand up for myself in the regard that I can understand the limits of science and what I say science does not know, science does not know.
I would wager Cpt's issue is that you understand the limits of science so far as someone else has explained to you. You aren't getting the information first hand or deducing it for yourself, you have to be told it. Once someone has sufficient mathematical understanding they are able to examine results for themselves, see first hand the limits and the reason for the limits of current science. For example, why is there a CP problem in QCD but not QED? Why does supersymmetry solve the hierarchy problem but not automatically the dark matter problem? Sure, I could tell you but you wouldn't understand why, you'd only be able to either accept it or reject it, there's no middle ground of understanding.

As for your second comment that what you say science doesn't know science doesn't know that's a little over the top don't you think?

With AlphaNumeric it is different.
But he went beyond that and made it about the individual and about himself. He never was able to prove that my speculations were wrong when it came to known science or math but I seemed to fit perfectly into the mold of those he was successfully attacking and started to attack me personally. That is why we didn’t become friends.
Wow, where to start.

Firstly it isn't my position to prove your claims false. As with anything following the scientific method it is up to the person making the claim to provide evidence for it. This is why I say things like "There's nothing for me to disprove" or "It's impossible to nail shit to the wall". My criticisms are not that I couldn't disprove your claims but that your claims are incapable of being disproven as they are not scientific. They lack any structure, any derivation, they are nothing but your whims and flights of fancy about things outside of your experience and knowledge. I have said on more than one occasion that if you were hit by a bus tomorrow no one could continue your work because its nothing but your views. Lock two people in different rooms with the 2 postulates of special relativity and they'll both eventually derive $$E=mc^{2}$$. Lock two people in different rooms with your posts and they will come up with utterly different things. That's the reason why your work is nonsense and pointless.

Secondly the person who always makes things person is you. As I've been trying to get you to face up to in this thread you have repeatedly fabricated out of thin air narratives about people, both about their personalities and their personal lives. Others have commented on the level of low brow insults and vitriol you spew too, it's not just myself and Cpt. In fact in the very thing I'm replying to you make suppositions about me based on your own views, rather than what has actually transpired. You keep telling me my views of you, even when I correct you.

So I continue to speculate,
Unfortunately you speculate about things you have no information on, be it physics or be it people like myself.

I spend a huge amount of my idle time in science
Didn't you state qwc is not meant to be scientific? It was an attempt to get me off your back.

and I have a clue that the CptBorks and AlphaNumerics don’t give me credit for.
You have yet to show it. Honestly, please provide a link to a post or two of yours where you show a decent understanding of science you couldn't get from 30 minutes on Wikipedia.

I am within their stereotypes and they have their prepared statements that they believe must apply to me.
You keep saying that we just have 'prepared statements' and the like, as if we don't actually read what you say, we just have knee jerk reactions. I repeatedly make lengthy posts where I reply paragraph by paragraph to your posts, dissecting them and explaining my views. Typically your response is to mass quote and reply with 1 sentence.

If anything you are the one with prepared statements, I'm the one who actually responds with indepth posts.

I keep on with my speculations hoping someone can prove I have science wrong, because believe it or not, having a consistent internally compatible view of the natural laws of the universe is my big goal.
So you have this big goal but when I said you obviously want people to think your work is worthwhile you had a go at me. And you also said what you're doing isn't an attempt at science. Science is about understanding the universe and that's your goal so you are trying to either do science or compete with it. As such you should be willing to stand up to some scrutiny, which you are always unwilling to do.

They should try it, lol.
Both Cpt and I are paid to help develop understanding of the universe, which we got as a result of proven track records.

Your post has demonstrated, again, you like to invent narratives about people. In fact you go further than that, you rewrite history to some degree by ignoring how you don't reply to direct questions or how I will go through your posts line by line and reply. Instead you have a rose tinted view where all Cpt and I do is give knee jerk reactions and just pigeon hole you. You accuse us, particularly me, of arrogance and being insulting but you spit more vitriol than us and your ability to engage in discussion is much poorer than ours. I admitted my mistake about the whole 'perfect cosmology' thing without needing to be told twice, yet you've refused to admit to lying for a great many posts now. You have often accused me of being obsessed with you but when I ignore your posts because you don't enter into my thoughts you send me a PM prodding me.

I think a good summary of your general behaviour is that you project a lot. Much of what you lay at other people's feet applies to yourself. This becomes clear when you make one of your particularly abrasive posts with lots of name calling and story fabrication, often in reply to posts of mine like this one where I explain myself in detail. It highlights the large gap between the truth and your version of it.
QW replied to my last post pretty quick but I didn't reply to him so he decided to prod me via a PM to tell me the ball is back in my court now. Obviously I wasn't giving him enough attention he wanted.

Sorry, I don't see how that follows on from what you quoted me saying. I asked you to clarify your claim you were trying to help yet were deliberately fabricating claims about people.

If you would address the question I'd stop asking it, it's pretty simple.

Sorry but when someone deliberately and repeatedly lies, especially about someone's personal life they have no knowledge of, it's something which generally gets people's backs up.

Now if you'd just answer the question, admit to fabricating stories and apologise I'd let it go. You can't turn this around on me. You lied and I've called you on it. You're now trying to weasel out of it by saying "But it's off topic!!" as if it's my fault I think your lies deserve to be pointed out. Take a bit of responsibility for your actions.

I told you I didn't read much of that thread. The only recent post I've made was to Pincho, I didn't read anything else in the thread in the surrounding pages. Sorry but I just don't follow you around keeping notes of all your posts.

No, I didn't read the paper and I haven't read the link but I'd wager I have a decent enough grasp of the cosmological constant concept and models to be able to talk about it.

Once again you invent narratives for people. I have no problem people thinking about stuff science can't explain or even conceptualise. The issue I have is the way you, you, go about it. You need to realise you are not representative of all people who think outside the box or don't agree with science. Some of them manage it in a very interesting and informative way but unfortunately the hacks on this forum site are not among them.

Some of the most interesting talks I've been to are on topics like "Is quantum field theory the best method for particle physics?". Right now in the news there's the "Was Einstein wrong?" thing about neutrino speeds. I find it very interesting and if it turns out he was then WOW, I'd love to still be in particle physics because it'll be an amazing decade to be doing research. All the rules out the window, new ideas up for grabs. But the important thing is that it would be led by evidence, people don't throw the rules out the window for no reason and they are rational about the new ideas.

I would wager Cpt's issue is that you understand the limits of science so far as someone else has explained to you. You aren't getting the information first hand or deducing it for yourself, you have to be told it. Once someone has sufficient mathematical understanding they are able to examine results for themselves, see first hand the limits and the reason for the limits of current science. For example, why is there a CP problem in QCD but not QED? Why does supersymmetry solve the hierarchy problem but not automatically the dark matter problem? Sure, I could tell you but you wouldn't understand why, you'd only be able to either accept it or reject it, there's no middle ground of understanding.

As for your second comment that what you say science doesn't know science doesn't know that's a little over the top don't you think?

Wow, where to start.

Firstly it isn't my position to prove your claims false. As with anything following the scientific method it is up to the person making the claim to provide evidence for it. This is why I say things like "There's nothing for me to disprove" or "It's impossible to nail shit to the wall". My criticisms are not that I couldn't disprove your claims but that your claims are incapable of being disproven as they are not scientific. They lack any structure, any derivation, they are nothing but your whims and flights of fancy about things outside of your experience and knowledge. I have said on more than one occasion that if you were hit by a bus tomorrow no one could continue your work because its nothing but your views. Lock two people in different rooms with the 2 postulates of special relativity and they'll both eventually derive $$E=mc^{2}$$. Lock two people in different rooms with your posts and they will come up with utterly different things. That's the reason why your work is nonsense and pointless.

Secondly the person who always makes things person is you. As I've been trying to get you to face up to in this thread you have repeatedly fabricated out of thin air narratives about people, both about their personalities and their personal lives. Others have commented on the level of low brow insults and vitriol you spew too, it's not just myself and Cpt. In fact in the very thing I'm replying to you make suppositions about me based on your own views, rather than what has actually transpired. You keep telling me my views of you, even when I correct you.

Unfortunately you speculate about things you have no information on, be it physics or be it people like myself.

Didn't you state qwc is not meant to be scientific? It was an attempt to get me off your back.

You have yet to show it. Honestly, please provide a link to a post or two of yours where you show a decent understanding of science you couldn't get from 30 minutes on Wikipedia.

You keep saying that we just have 'prepared statements' and the like, as if we don't actually read what you say, we just have knee jerk reactions. I repeatedly make lengthy posts where I reply paragraph by paragraph to your posts, dissecting them and explaining my views. Typically your response is to mass quote and reply with 1 sentence.

If anything you are the one with prepared statements, I'm the one who actually responds with indepth posts.

So you have this big goal but when I said you obviously want people to think your work is worthwhile you had a go at me. And you also said what you're doing isn't an attempt at science. Science is about understanding the universe and that's your goal so you are trying to either do science or compete with it. As such you should be willing to stand up to some scrutiny, which you are always unwilling to do.

Both Cpt and I are paid to help develop understanding of the universe, which we got as a result of proven track records.

Your post has demonstrated, again, you like to invent narratives about people. In fact you go further than that, you rewrite history to some degree by ignoring how you don't reply to direct questions or how I will go through your posts line by line and reply. Instead you have a rose tinted view where all Cpt and I do is give knee jerk reactions and just pigeon hole you. You accuse us, particularly me, of arrogance and being insulting but you spit more vitriol than us and your ability to engage in discussion is much poorer than ours. I admitted my mistake about the whole 'perfect cosmology' thing without needing to be told twice, yet you've refused to admit to lying for a great many posts now. You have often accused me of being obsessed with you but when I ignore your posts because you don't enter into my thoughts you send me a PM prodding me.

I think a good summary of your general behaviour is that you project a lot. Much of what you lay at other people's feet applies to yourself. This becomes clear when you make one of your particularly abrasive posts with lots of name calling and story fabrication, often in reply to posts of mine like this one where I explain myself in detail. It highlights the large gap between the truth and your version of it.
Off topic and wrong.

You want a response, get to the topic of the thread.
I’m addressing a topic that most of you have never considered unless I’m mistaken and if I am you could tell me.

The topic is the difference in the direction of energy flow between the spacetime bubble multiverses and the false vacuum spacetime background vs. the direction of flow between multiple arenas like in QWC that have preconditions of pre-existing space, matter, and energy.

When professionals start thinking about preconditions they want them to be quantifiable and they want some evidence to support them. In my pea brained layman view that is why the consensus cosmology of the Big Bang which consists of General Relativity, Inflation, and the Cosmological Principle stops short of mentioning preconditions or t=0.

There are many professional advocates of various alternative cosmologies, some addressed in the John Baez page, but until someone wants to discuss a specific version I have a thread going here about the multiple bubble universes as described in the footnotes of Mersini-Houghton’s paper and which she describes and references in her paper.

The source of the energy is the thing. Tell me where you think it came from. That will require speculation and if you don’t speculate this will be a waste of time for you.
I’m addressing a topic that most of you have never considered unless I’m mistaken and if I am you could tell me.

The topic is the difference in the direction of energy flow between the spacetime bubble multiverses and the false vacuum spacetime background vs. the direction of flow between multiple arenas like in QWC that have preconditions of pre-existing space, matter, and energy.

When professionals start thinking about preconditions they want them to be quantifiable and they want some evidence to support them. In my pea brained layman view that is why the consensus cosmology of the Big Bang which consists of General Relativity, Inflation, and the Cosmological Principle stops short of mentioning preconditions or t=0.

There are many professional advocates of various alternative cosmologies, some addressed in the John Baez page, but until someone wants to discuss a specific version I have a thread going here about the multiple bubble universes as described in the footnotes of Mersini-Houghton’s paper and which she describes and references in her paper.

The source of the energy is the thing. Tell me where you think it came from. That will require speculation and if you don’t speculate this will be a waste of time for you.

The energy in my theory comes from the bumping together of Aether. As Aether overlaps it breaks zero state, because the Aether is spherically entropic, and overlapped Aether isn't. The bubbles are created by opposing flow directions of magnetism, and gravity. Some of the flow leaks out through the membrane like a filter. Between two membranes the leak meets up, overlaps more aether and pushes any two bubbles apart. Don't ask me about inflation, I have infinite Aether so I don't need inflation. Aether = 0, so no problem having infinite Aether it still = 0.
The energy in my theory comes from the bumping together of Aether. As Aether overlaps it breaks zero state, because the Aether is spherically entropic, and overlapped Aether isn't. The bubbles are created by opposing flow directions of magnetism, and gravity. Some of the flow leaks out through the membrane like a filter. Between two membranes the leak meets up, overlaps more aether and pushes any two bubbles apart. Don't ask me about inflation, I have infinite Aether so I don't need inflation. Aether = 0, so no problem having infinite Aether it still = 0.
I was asking about the source of the energy. If you have bumping together of Aether (I guess I asked) what is the source of the Aether. If you say it came from a zero state, how is that different from "nothing".
Pincho, BTW thank you for an on topic response. Now don't get off into your delusions. This is about my delusions, lol.
. . . if one 'truly' believes his own pet theory/hypotheses . . . so be it . . . .go ahead and post . . . . but with the caveat that some others may disagree with your tenets. The neat thing about human intellect is that everyone is endowed with levels of creativity and intellect. These fora are a melting pot of ideas . . . including the Good . . . the Bad . . . . and the Ugly. The goal here should be . . . ferreting-out the logical and meaningful from the less substantial, while being open to all ideas. In the end, The truth 'will out'!.
. . . if one 'truly' believes his own pet theory/hypotheses . . . so be it . . . .go ahead and post . . . . but with the caveat that some others may disagree with your tenets. The neat thing about human intellect is that everyone is endowed with levels of creativity and intellect. These fora are a melting pot of ideas . . . including the Good . . . the Bad . . . . and the Ugly. The goal here should be . . . ferreting-out the logical and meaningful from the less substantial, while being open to all ideas. In the end, The truth 'will out'!.
Point taken.

You do not wish to comment on the source of the energy in your view?
I was asking about the source of the energy. If you have bumping together of Aether (I guess I asked) what is the source of the Aether. If you say it came from a zero state, how is that different from "nothing".

The Aether is nothing. It is +1 membrane with a -1 central negative mass. mathematically that is nothing. It is spherical, mathematically a sphere has no mathematical advantages in a 3D space.. nothing. The illusion in your mind is to think of nothing as zero, because maths includes a zero. Take the zero out of maths, and change maths so that it always must use two numbers.. opposites. So now zero doesn't exist. the first way to make zero now is +1 + -1. Now you have corrected a mistake in mathematics, and nothing is +1 + -1. Everything has an equal, and opposite.. zero doesn't exist on its own.
OK, I'll try not to get into your detail there, lol, but I hear you saying that the universe had a beginning, it came from nothing, and you have imagined a logical way, in your way of thinking, for that to occur.

I don't see the logic.

There can be preconditions to the Big Bang from which a Big Bang can be speculated to occur without resorting to "something from nothing". If you want to go with "something from nothing" you need to have understandable logic to get to "something". I don't see it.

We have evidence of one big bang. That is my evidence for speculating that there could have been multiple big bangs, and from multiple big bangs it is easy to derive big bang events occur from those preconditions.