Lorentz invariance and the multiverse, possible or not?

I am assuming no such thing but otherwise I agree!
Yes, my statement was not what I meant to say. We had just returned from a Ray's game and the Miranda Lambert concert, it was late, and ... well I should have said I agree, and I speculate :eek:.

When professionals start thinking about preconditions they want them to be quantifiable and they want some evidence to support them. In my pea brained layman view that is why the consensus cosmology of the Big Bang which consists of General Relativity, Inflation, and the Cosmological Principle stops short of mentioning preconditions or t=0.

There are many professional advocates of various alternative cosmologies, some addressed in the John Baez page, but until someone wants to discuss a specific version I have a thread going here about the multiple bubble universes as described in the footnotes of Mersini-Houghton’s paper and which she describes and references in her paper.

The source of the energy is the thing. Tell me where you think it came from. That will require speculation and if you don’t speculate this will be a waste of time for you.
The source of the energy for spacetime models might be God, it might be green speghetti monsters, but it won't be mentioned so you have to look at alternatives. Any smart ;) guys disagree?

Don't worry, I know that if you are a smart guy you won't disagree, lol.

So since you have read the Mersini-Houghton paper and the John Baez page, you will agree that spacetime cosmologies fail in providing an explanation for the source of energy except that "space-time has a certain structure of cause-and-effect and that it supports fields of particles in that space-time" described by rpenner in the thread, "The speed of light may have been broken".

rpenner said:
Originally Posted by rpenner
areasys, if true, it's much worse than that.

All of physical observation to date is consistent with the framework of relativistic quantum field theory being true, which is that space-time has a certain structure of cause-and-effect and that it supports fields of particles in that space-time. Even through this framework supports faster-than-light phenomena, a mathematical theorem of this framework says changes to the quantum fields propagate only at speed c. This means while particles may move faster, slower or at the speed of light, observed signals cannot move faster than the speed of light. Faster-than-light particles, if they exist, in this framework, can carry energy and momentum, but must have a property of non-localization so that they cannot be used to send signals faster-than-light. Also, low-energy particles must travel faster than high-energy particles. Also the mass-squared must be negative.

And if not all of that is true, then neutrinos just don't obey the laws of physics as we understand them -- they would be super-natural relative to the reality we do understand and would require a completely new and superior model to hold both neutrinos and the rest of physics in a common framework. And that's the only way physics would make progress, because the history of physics has, since Newton, been about unification in theory -- there is only one universe, and its parts should have some common organizing principles.

But, neutrinos are not magic. Their existence was predicted from the reliable known laws of physics being inconsistent with energy and momentum studies with some types of particle decay. Their electroweak properties are well-modelled by reliable known laws of physics. So it is widely held that neutrinos are well described by the general framework of relativistic quantum field theory. And we don't have good evidence that they are magic or that all of the predictions of them being faster-than-light are in evidence.

Further, more sensitive observations over much longer distances contradict these current results.

It seems simpler to believe at this point is someone mismeasured an angle or the curve of the Earth, or ignored, double-counted or got the sign wrong on one of the corrections needed because the Earth is an inertial environment, nor is it homogenous and spherically symmetrical, and the end points of the experiment are in relative motion.
And he is probably right that there will be errors found that will restore conficence in spacetime. But still, you have to say that spacetime had a beginning and if it did where did the energy come from to establish it? God? Ex nihilo as QQ suggests which cannot be science? Or what?

It is obvious that we need an alternative cosmology that has always had energy. It will not be any of the spacetime multiverse cosmologies because they all suffer the "something from nothing" curse.
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The source of the energy for spacetime models might be God, it might be green speghetti monsters, but it won't be mentioned so you have to look at alternatives. Any smart ;) guys disagree?

Don't worry, I know that if you are a smart guy you won't disagree, lol.

So since you have read the Mersini-Houghton paper and the John Baez page, you will agree that spacetime cosmologies fail in providing an explanation for the source of energy except that "space-time has a certain structure of cause-and-effect and that it supports fields of particles in that space-time" described by rpenner in the thread, "The speed of light may have been broken".

And he is probably right that there will be errors found that will restore conficence in spacetime. But still, you have to say that spacetime had a beginning and if it did where did the energy come from to establish it? God? Ex nihilo as QQ suggests which cannot be science? Or what?

It is obvious that we need an alternative cosmology that has always had energy. It will not be any of the spacetime multiverse cosmologies because the all suffer the "something from nothing" curse.

Ignore me then, but putting ALL and CURSE is a bit insulting to me.
Not intended. And I didn't know yours was a spacetime cosmology. Nothing you have said fits spacetime.

Sorry, I automatically replace the word spacetime with Aether.
Spacetime is an unknown in science. Einstein used it to replace the Aether. He made the 4D from an unknown as well. I fixed those, and I just translate very quickly when I read posts.
Sorry, I automatically replace the word spacetime with Aether.
Spacetime is an unknown in science. Einstein used it to replace the Aether. He made the 4D from an unknown as well. I fixed those, and I just translate very quickly when I read posts.
I thought so. Don't let it happen again, :bugeye::mad:;).
Does anyone (not you right now, Pincho, later maybe) disagree that a cosmology that depends on something from nothing is a curse. Let me add some insight from rpenner before we get into a feud about spacetime: http://www.sciforums.com/showpost.php?p=2824739&postcount=188

rpenner said:
Originally Posted by rpenner
It was from areasys' thread http://sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=110089 where I urged him to join this one.

The framework I was talking about is the theoretical framework of relativity + quantum mechanics + particles = relativistic quantum field theory and this encompasses QED (the successor theory to Maxwell's Electromagnetism), Electroweak theory and Quantum Chromodynamics (the successor theory to the "nuclear strong force") which together make up the standard model of particle physics (which includes neutrinos as they are currently understood). If neutrinos are FTL and localizable and move faster at higher energies, then not only would they exist outside of current understandings of relativistic quantum field theory (and therefore outside of any simple modification of the standard model of particle physics) but the 1908 concept of "space-time" possibly would not survive the upheaval required.

"Space-time" is only a good theoretical concept if the symmetry preserved by local Lorentz transformations is dependable, and to date it has been utterly dependable. So far we have just one claim of observation of FTL neutrinos based on a lattice of measurements. Ideally, people will check all the measurements and calculations and attempt replications of similar or better statistical strength. Only then would this claim of observation rise to the level of fact. But if confirmed as fact, then existing theory would be wrong and we might have to wait a long while before a unified theory can replicate all the successes of the current framework and include FTL-signalling neutrinos -- that's the scientific standard of a successor theory.

So since if FTL-signalling neutrinos are assumed as fact, the theoretical framework of space-time which started about 1908 may turn out to be unreliable, its nonsensical to talk about it as a physical thing until you have a successor theory that preserves the concept. And if FTL-signalling neutrinos are assumed to be factually untrue, then it is impossible for the current observation to have any impact on the theoretical framework of physics. As neither assumption has been demonstrated, the scientific thing to do is to pursue truth with research, experiment, observation and education.
That is pretty educational and shows that spacetime is not just the standard consensus cosmology of Big Bang Theory, but is a whole framework where Lorentz invariance applies.

The whole framework does not hinge on the theory of general relativity but is a general description of the environment that encompasses the standard particle model and the standard Big Bang cosmology.

The future successful theory will unite the two and the five main explanations of the cosmological constant in John Baez's paper will be resolved to one consensus view.

In the mean time it is my deluded pea brained hobby to follow all this and speculate about what cosmology that includes both the macro and micro realms might look like. My topic is right now about the source of the energy that drives the expansion that we observe in our Hubble volume of space and that is theorized in the bubbles of the spacetime multiverse cosmologies.
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In the mean time it is my deluded pea brained hobby to follow all this and speculate about what cosmology that includes both the macro and micro realms might look like. My topic is right now about the source of the energy that drives the expansion that we observe in our Hubble volume of space and that is theorized in the bubbles of the spacetime multiverse cosmologies.
I’ll just go ahead and write out my pea brained scenario of Big Bang universe and space time to the point where we recognize the accelerating expansion and anyone who wants can object and correct it. These are not speculations within QWC; they are supposed to be a layman’s view of spacetime that originated with the Big Bang.

I envision the initial event as an infinitely dense zero volume point of space, a mathematical singularity derived by backtracking our expanding universe to the limit and arriving at an infinitely dense point of space. The beginning of Big Bang Theory (BBT) found this point of space bursting into an expansion of the space.

The expansion is the inflation of the initial singularity and the subsequent expansion that we observe as the galaxies and galaxy groups separate at an accelerating rate.

The beginning was the simple origination of this zero volume point of space.

This zero volume point of space got active about 14 billion years ago, but there is no telling how long it might have been “in waiting”, or if it originated at the instant that it became active. It would be consistent with BBT to say that event happened without preconditions.

The initial singularity is really a mathematical singularity that describes our observable known universe when expansion and inflation are backtracked in time to the limit, i.e. to a point of space.

Spacetime emerges from the zero volume point in space and as it inflates a volume of space appears. We go from a point to a volume with three spatial dimensions and a time dimension very rapidly in the first instant.

Logically, if inflation is a process that proceeds from t=0, then at each instant or measure of time, new space occurs and the volume of the universe increases. From a very early point in time the size or the volume of space is determined by the rate of inflation and the duration of the time that has past at that point, and we have a very quantifiable universe where each x,y,z point within it has an associated time element and we can say that each point is an event in space time. Those points comprise the spacetime continuum or the geometry of spacetime.

As of now, this spacetime continuum has been expanding for ~14 billion years and is very big and every point within it has an x,y,z,t coordinate.

It is safe to say that this spacetime continuum has energy in it and I’ll define energy as the tension imposed on the space as inflation/expansion stretches it. The tension would be a growing vacuum and the energy would be vacuum energy density. Out of this vacuum energy density there is a process of particle formation associated with the spacetime field of particles. The individual spacetime point events express their presence relative to all other points via their individual ability to curve spacetime.

During expansion these individual curvatures take advantage of perturbations or energy density fluctuations in the spacetime continuum, maybe caused by the reverberation of the big bang event itself, and those perturbations allow points of space to be become differentiated and to group together and spacetime becomes a field of particles. Each grouping retains the curvature of the individual spacetime events that make up the particles and so the groups each have a relative curvature associated with them.

These relative curvatures accommodate the formation of particles and nucleosynthesis and then gravity … wait, no gravity, just curvatures of spacetime equivalent to the summation of the x,y,z,t events encompassed by the particle. Particles, using their curvature, are able to clump as expansion continues. Particles, atoms, molecules, produce electromagnetic radiation and the dark universe lights up; stars, galaxies, galaxy groups and huge structure forms. As clumping plays out the galaxies and galaxy groups are moving away from each other and evidence shows that the rate of separation between the galaxies in accelerating.

We attribute that acceleration to the vacuum energy density. The matter that exists exerts pressure against the vacuum. The vacuum is not perfectly off set by the pressure of the matter and the acceleration is the slight differential between the vacuum and the pressure. It is called the cosmological constant and is discussed in the John Baez link. http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/vacuum.html
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. . . .as posted elsewhere . . . QGP (Quark-Gluon Plasma) --> VP (Virtual Particles) --> matter (observable) + CMB
. . . .as posted elsewhere . . . QGP (Quark-Gluon Plasma) --> VP (Virtual Particles) --> matter (observable) + CMB
Notice that I was editing when you posted so see the changes.

I would say that you could look at my pea brained scenario and fold in the QGP and VP right into it to produce particles and CMB with no trouble.
. . .we must be VERY careful here! . . . . . we're bordering on positing continuous creation as a viable alternative to the Standard Cosmological Model . . . a lot of folks 'in-the-box' may be offended! tee hee!
. . .we must be VERY careful here! . . . . . we're bordering on positing continuous creation as a viable alternative to the Standard Cosmological Model . . . a lot of folks 'in-the-box' may be offended! tee hee!
No, I don't think so, lol.

I should mention again that the scenario I just described is my layman's view of the standard spacetime, Big Bang Theory in a nutshell. It differs significantly from your continuous creation and my QWC, and our two ideas might have many similarities but seem to have significant differences. Mine is essentially a steady state arena process across the landscape of the greater universe that complies with the Perfect Cosmological Principle. I think yours agrees with the more common and usual Cosmological Principle. I discussed both of them and the differences earlier in the thread.

The idea is to come up with some explanation for the source of energy in BBT.

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. . .we must be VERY careful here! . . . . . we're bordering on positing continuous creation as a viable alternative to the Standard Cosmological Model . . . a lot of folks 'in-the-box' may be offended! tee hee!

Continuous creation, or the Steady State Theory would require the creation of 1 hydrogen atom per cubic meter every billion years, and about 5 times that in dark matter.

One of the problems is that this creation would also have to include helium, deuterium, and a small amount of lithium, because there is no way to create helium-3 or deuterium in the proper proportions via stellar nucleosynthesis.

Another problem is that it also requires proton decay, which has been looked for, but not yet found.

It also contradicts astronomical observations of the far universe. If steady state were true, then the universe has always been there, and always looked the same. But when we observe galaxies and quasars far back in time, they look distinctly different.

If you want to think 'out of the box', you must still confine your theories to what observation tells us.
Continuous creation, or the Steady State Theory would require the creation of 1 hydrogen atom per cubic meter every billion years, and about 5 times that in dark matter.

One of the problems is that this creation would also have to include helium, deuterium, and a small amount of lithium, because there is no way to create helium-3 or deuterium in the proper proportions via stellar nucleosynthesis.

Another problem is that it also requires proton decay, which has been looked for, but not yet found.

It also contradicts astronomical observations of the far universe. If steady state were true, then the universe has always been there, and always looked the same. But when we observe galaxies and quasars far back in time, they look distinctly different.

If you want to think 'out of the box', you must still confine your theories to what observation tells us.
Careful AlexG, you are on the verge of contributing.
. . . . QGP (~ 10 x e120 erg/cc energy flux) was existent pre-BB . . . . it may have been the source for BB . . . OR, it may be the source for a continuous process that exists now via the transformation described above . . . . i.e., ~10 x e120 (QGP energy flux est.) --> ~ 10 x e60 erg/cc (est. energy confined in observable universe (matter + CMB) . . . probably quantifiably 'calculatable' (not by me - not a mathematician!) as a 'one-way' free-energy transformation process that is, however, locally 'reversed' in black hole environments . . . email (wlminex@msn.com) for narrrative + illustrative figures for this hypothesis, if interested . . . .

. . . . QGP (~ 10 x e120 erg/cc energy flux) was existent pre-BB . . . . it may have been the source for BB . . . OR, it may be the source for a continuous process that exists now via the transformation described above . . . . i.e., ~10 x e120 (QGP energy flux est.) --> ~ 10 x e60 erg/cc (est. energy confined in observable universe (matter + CMB) . . . probably quantifiably 'calculatable' (not by me - not a mathematician!) as a 'one-way' free-energy transformation process that is, however, locally 'reversed' in black hole environments . . . email (wlminex@msn.com) for narrrative + illustrative figures for this hypothesis, if interested . . . .

I'm interested. I have gone the route of having people send me their files attached to email and I haven't found it productive. I encourage you to do it step by step in conjunction with the thread, either this one or the QWC 2011 thread, so that we can compare and I can steal what I want and get it to fit my scenario, lol.

Seriously, the QWC thread would be better right now. Here I am developing my view of the standard cosmology a little better with the help of people like you (I won't mention AlexG also yet, lol). What you say makes sense and is worth attention so just note that I can tell from what you just said that the Big Bang may have had preconditions, the QGP, or instead of a big bang as such there might be a steady process that is on-going that provides the energy I am looking for.

But look at my scenario of BBT and let's see if we can agree where they say the energy comes from, i.e. the spacetime continuum, the particle field, vacuum energy density and matter energy pressure, off-setting to produce the accelerating expansion. After that we can compare different possibilities that use preconditions instead of the initial singularity.
I'm interested. I have gone the route of having people send me their files attached to email and I haven't found it productive. I encourage you to do it step by step in conjunction with the thread, either this one or the QWC 2011 thread, so that we can compare and I can steal what I want and get it to fit my scenario, lol.

Seriously, the QWC thread would be better right now. Here I am developing my view of the standard cosmology a little better with the help of people like you (I won't mention AlexG also yet, lol). What you say makes sense and is worth attention so just note that I can tell from what you just said that the Big Bang may have had preconditions, the QGP, or instead of a big bang as such there might be a steady process that is on-going that provides the energy I am looking for.

But look at my scenario of BBT and let's see if we can agree where they say the energy comes from, i.e. the spacetime continuum, the particle field, vacuum energy density and matter energy pressure, off-setting to produce the accelerating expansion. After that we can compare different possibilities that use preconditions instead of the initial singularity.

You sound like a sensible inquirer/scientist . . . . go ahead and email me your ideas and I'll send mine (but I won't be a pest!) . . . perhaps we can meld some collaborative ideas . . .

You sound like a sensible inquirer/scientist . . . . go ahead and email me your ideas and I'll send mine (but I won't be a pest!) . . . perhaps we can meld some collaborative ideas . . .

I don't have anything to email you. I do it in my threads on a discussion basis and any comments relative to the topics are treated with respect. As the ideas develop I capture them in a file but it is just copies of posts. From there I revise from start to finish periodically and then start a new thread with the updates.

I'd love to meld some ideas but lets do it on the forum and in the appropriate threads. Why not start a thread, ignore the posts that don't address the content, and we can contribute to each other that way? I feel sure we can have some fun, lol.