living elementary particles

@zotkin --

The textbooks you've been using are way out of date. At high speeds a photon can have some mass, though it's effectively negligible, but at rest a photon has no mass.
Photon has inertial mass. Photon has a gravitational mass. These masses are the same.
MECHANICS. BERKELEY PHYSICS COURSE. Volum 1. C. Kittel, D. Knight, A. Ruderman. 14.2 Gravitational mass of the photon.
In what frame of reference photon is at rest?
Which implies that the structure can only have a particle with nonzero rest mass?
What is mass?
Mass is a result of flow energy. A photon is a creator of flow energy... it creates a wave of flow energy. Cause, and effect. If a photon is cause, then at rest it doesn't create an effect. Science throws the word mass around.. again.. words that it links to maths, and gets the description of those words wrong, but gets the maths right.
Let's admit that the particle contains two components. Each of components has kinetic energy and energy of weight of rest. Besides, these components are connected by any interaction. Energy of their communication is negative. Energy of a particle as a whole is equal to the sum named энергий. Basically, energy of communication on the module can appear to the equal sum positive composed and then energy of a particle will be equal to zero, in readout system in which she is based. The weight of rest of a particle means also will be equal to zero. Hence the particle with zero weight of rest can have structure, basically. Probably zero weight of rest has appeared at a photon, elektron-pozitronnogo a resonance, as one of consequences of adaptive evolution of substance.
There is another consequence which can, in principle, to fix by experiment. From the viewpoint of modern physical concepts photon is absorbed by an atom as a whole. But it certainly is not the case. The absorption of a photon is a process of transformation of elementary particles. To apply all the major microcosm macroscopic category. Hence the category of space and time.
Photon is absorbed or emitted by an electron or a nucleon of the nucleus, rather than an atom as a whole. Take an electron. If the microparticles to apply the category of space and time, it is evident that processes such as absorption or emission of a photon, the electron transition from one energy state to another, and change the energy characteristics of the atom as a whole take place at different time intervals. Moreover, the emission-absorption of a photon is almost instantaneous compared to the electron goes from level to level, and change the energy characteristics of an atom. Atom is much more extended system than an elementary particle. We assume the latter two processes simultaneously, since they are the same order. Consequently there will be a delay effect. Electron emits a photon. The electron energy decreased by the photon energy, of course. But in the atom changes occur over a longer period of time. Consequently there will be a visible violation of the law of conservation of energy. Energy characteristics of an atom in a short period of time will be longer than they should be according to the law of conservation of energy. This effect can be fixed experimentally. This is a consequence of my conception. You can check out.
Imagine that for some of the simplest single-celled organisms is a process of sexual reproduction. How do you call two conjugating Infusoria - husband and wife? It's not a joke, but in fact. Laugh or not, the nature of the objects will not change. The main purpose of the atom in nature - the production of photons, the carriers of information. Or do you think that the atom has appeared only appeared to you and engaged in sexual reproduction? You are wrong. Exchange of information plays a fundamental role in nature. That's it.
Of course, my theory involves the problem of the quantum properties of the microparticles. As if the elementary particles are biologically organized a microcosm of all macroscopic applicable categories, including microparticles corpuscles. The historical sequence of discoveries is not necessarily the cause-effect relationship. If the first wave were discovered in the media - waves in gases, liquids and solids - it does not mean that they are the basis of the wave properties of the microparticles. The situation is reversed. And the first problem to be solved is the following - must be explained from the properties of microparticles probabilities of processes with their participation and their mathematical form. And then look at how likely a microcosm become real waves in macroscopic media. Obtained here are simple and there's no scientific mysticism. Of course to solve these problems is difficult. Especially the first one. In order to explain the quantum properties of the microparticles, ie, to explain why the probabilities have the appropriate type, be aware of their detailed structure. But to understand these details interfere with the quantum properties. It turns out kind of vicious circle.
I've already answered that question, but I'll repeat the answer. The fact that the interaction energy components of the particle is negative. In general, it can be modulo equal to the sum of kinetic energies of the components and, consequently, the total energy of the particle is zero. Hence the rest mass is zero. Thus, the rest mass of the particle can be zero and at the same time, it has a structure. Of course, problems can arise, for example, form or description of the processes during the transition to terminal velocity. But this is the problem of special relativity. I only use the invariant quantities. It is obvious that the number of genes in a photon does not depend on its velocity.
It is obvious that the number of genes in a photon does not depend on its velocity.

What is obvious is that your ideas are completely bonkers. They make as much sense as a soup sandwich.:shrug:
I have not once said that the elementary particle is an open system. I will try to show that, using experiments on the decay ka plus meson. Ka plus meson decays into pi plus pi meson and a meson zero at pi pi meson plus zero meson and another meson pi zero, the pi meson, plus a further pi meson plus and minus pi meson on. The probabilities of various channels, but they are observed. Assume that the particles can be separated to infinity. Finally, we come to the level absolutely stable particles, in other words to the atoms to elementary particles. We call these components are immutable. Now we assume that the index of the particles in the formula for the reaction indicates the number of a certain kind of immutable.
If you compare the right and left sides of the equations thus obtained, we come to the conclusion that there is no immutable. Consequently, they are consumed from the medium. And that means an elementary particle is an open system with respect to the environment. However, it retains all its characteristics, in particular energy. This shows that the elementary particle hard-organized system.