living elementary particles

It's not about originality. The fact that an elementary particle? How can I get a prize? Who I give her? I'm not saying that I do not want to get something for their work. But I have to acquaint public with the results of their work. Otherwise, my work is worth nothing. Who is my discovery, the opportunity to apply biology to the theory of elementary particles - do not like can not read my messages. Nobody makes it on the genes delat. Composite elementary particles contain two simple set of genes. Such particles 528. Hence all the elementary particles 560. This is of course approximate. If we discard the lepton-baryon resonances, which are not observed, is about 300 particles. In my opinion a good idea. This is mainly the resonances in which genetic exchange their sets of parts. There are resonances that specialized in the course of evolution because of the need to share information. Is an atom and a photon.
What is a photon. Photon does not enter into a form is not simple for the genes particle. Therefore the photon particle complex of genes. It contains two simple set of genes. Photon complex of genes such as the proton. Photon is the same elementary particle like the others. In particular, it has a structure. An indication of the genetic structure of the photon has one of the equations of quantum electrodynamics. The right side of this equation is linear in the operator of the photon, the left contains the product of an operator on the operator of an electron positron. The value of the photon in nature is obvious - he is a carrier of information over long distances.
This nonsense doesn't even rise to the dubious level of pseudoscience.

It's pure cesspool material.
What is a photon. Photon does not enter into a form is not simple for the genes particle. Therefore the photon particle complex of genes. It contains two simple set of genes. Photon complex of genes such as the proton. Photon is the same elementary particle like the others. In particular, it has a structure. An indication of the genetic structure of the photon has one of the equations of quantum electrodynamics. The right side of this equation is linear in the operator of the photon, the left contains the product of an operator on the operator of an electron positron. The value of the photon in nature is obvious - he is a carrier of information over long distances.

I suspect there is a translation problem. I also suspect that a perfect translation would not make any more sense!:shrug:
It is unclear what confuses you? Photon has a structure. Photon contains genes. Never heard of it? Now you will know. Photon most suitable candidate for a carrier of information. It is stable, is absorbed and emitted by matter, has great speed. Moreover, this rate is the highest possible speed in nature. And the speed of light in vacuum, the same maximum in all inertial reference systems, in other words for all massive bodies and their systems. It's an ideal option. The rate of the carrier of information - and that is a photon in a vacuum - the maximum possible for all bodies, regardless of where and how they move. It is clear that this feature is the photon came from him as a result of the evolution of matter. That is the basic position of the SRT is the result of the evolution of information-sharing mechanism. That is a physical law is a consequence of the biological needs of the elementary particles that need to exchange information to adapt to external conditions and to exist.
It is unclear what confuses you?
Some of the sentence structures are difficult to follow. The parts that are structured so that they are readible are absurd and almost psychotic in nature.

Photon has a structure. Photon contains genes.

I do not think that you know what genes are. If you do know what genes are, then this is one of those psychotic sounding parts.

Never heard of it? Now you will know.
I know what a gene is and I know what a photon is. They would go together about as well as a turd in a punch bowl.
living elementary pasrticles

Origin it is absolutely right. Genes which contain in cages of its body it really as a turd in a punch bowl. I have shown that the substantive provision of the special theory of relativity has appeared as a result of evolution of the mechanism of information interchange. It is possible to show that there is communication between some fundamental facts following besides from information interchange evolution. We will compare two ways of manufacture of photons. It annihilation and radiation of photon by atom. The first way more primitive. It is well visible. The more vigorously goes annihilation the less substances remains in the field spaces. Another matter atom. Than more intensively the atom is radiated especially by it is prepared for photon absorption. It is natural to assume that the atom has appeared at later stage of evolution of the mechanism of information interchange. But after occurrence of primitive atom, necessity in annihilation has disappeared. Besides annihilation destroyed particles transforming them into photons which poorly co-operate with each other. Hence there were three scenarios of change of situation. Or such phenomenon as annihilation should disappear. Or should there will be mechanism of division of particles and antiparticles in space. Or should the relation of number of antiparticles and particles will change. The nature has chosen the third way of evolution. The number of particles - protons, neutrons and electrons - much more surpasses number of their antiparticles. But reduction of number of antiparticles couldn't have place if preservation laws baryon and lepton numbers were carried out. Means these laws of preservation have appeared only on last stage of evolution of substance and their basic purpose to support certain parity between number of particles and antiparticles. Thus following facts - unequal quantity of matter and antimatter in the Universe, existence of atom and existence of laws of preservation barion and lepton numbers - appear connected among themselves.
"Photon contains genes"


I think you need to look up what the word "photon" means because I don't think it means what you think it means.
Elementary particles are divided into simple, containing a set of simple gene - metastable particles, and the complex containing two simple set of genes - resonances. Resonances can be found in several energy states. An example would be the first public response - the pion-nucleon resonance delta. In this regard, the resonances are intermediate between the particles and form atomami.Poetomu natural to assume that the ancestor of the atom had an electron-proton resonance. Photon was the result of the evolution of the electron-positron resonance. This is indicated by its genetic structure. It is difficult for the genes elementary particles were the stepping stone for the emergence of atoms and photons.
What is a photon. Photon does not enter into a form is not simple for the genes particle. Therefore the photon particle complex of genes. It contains two simple set of genes. Photon complex of genes such as the proton. Photon is the same elementary particle like the others. In particular, it has a structure. An indication of the genetic structure of the photon has one of the equations of quantum electrodynamics. The right side of this equation is linear in the operator of the photon, the left contains the product of an operator on the operator of an electron positron. The value of the photon in nature is obvious - he is a carrier of information over long distances.

I hear what your saying . Consider this as the rudiment . Capillary action combined with vibration. All natural phenomena. Now slim a skin over capillary action and vibration. All natural occurrence with resonance of factors. Very thing has a set code of vibration . Not all the individual vibrations cause resonance though . This we can plainly learn from sound engineering . What causes vibration ? Resonating factors of vibration . Whjat you think , Listen to the music

Note : The last sentence of your rant = Photons carry information over vast distances . Yeah . That was it , the rest W.T.F. Don't know ?
coin my new phrase and then I will google it and see if there are any cranks that think the same thing : Frequency signatures

God it is bad day for dyslexia < Thank you guys for inventing spell check . Kisses , Big Kisses

I am back from google . I hit the mother load guys . Let Me know what you think about that ?

Look at those fucking numbers Dyw. You think some ones attention is trying to be gotten ? Fuck the spirits are talking today . Get Me out of this delusion . I hope my link works . Her goes push send

Ah fuck ! Got to see what the fuck i fucked up.

Back again . You got the library , but I can't seem to get to the paper written . I give up on that one . Fuck Me any way . If you care about it you will google your self
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Leave you your vibration. Photon is the same elementary particle like the others. It has a structure. It contains genes. There occur some complicated processes. While there have not got the experiment and theory. This is a matter for the future, it is a matter of time. My theory is just the beginning. Second of your question I do not understand. Why do you often eat very obscenity.
The biological approach makes it possible to explain the red shift. Photon in the intergalactic vacuum for a long time does not interact with matter. For a long time, it is not absorbed and is not emitted by atoms. That is not updated. Therefore, the photon noticeably aging. The consequence is a decrease of photon energy, its redness. There is no global expansion of the substance. The great explosion of a myth as the deluge, but this fantasy created by physicists.
The biological approach makes it possible to explain the red shift. Photon in the intergalactic vacuum for a long time does not interact with matter. For a long time, it is not absorbed and is not emitted by atoms. That is not updated. Therefore, the photon noticeably aging. The consequence is a decrease of photon energy, its redness. There is no global expansion of the substance. The great explosion of a myth as the deluge, but this fantasy created by physicists.

So red stuff is usually old? So if it gets updated does it turn white? Is blue shifted light updated to the point that it is getting younger.

Are you typing this from a hospital?
The biological approach makes it possible to explain the red shift.

Good idea!*
I wonder if we can use photons as an an explanation for biology?

For example: you're not the brightest bulb out there, are you?

* Just for you (since it appears to be necessary) that was sarcasm.