List of evil corporations

A list of Evil Corporations!

:eek: We are Assuming that Evil is meant to be anything harmful to others or the environment in a terrible way. Here is my List of "Evil Corporations"

- The Biggest Evil Corporation is the Goverments that Allow Evil Corporations to exit. (all the Government wants is to take taxes from them)

- Any company that causes environmental pollution like BP (British Petrolum)

- Insurance Companies: You are forced to have a car insurance, without it you are an illegal driver. I don't like them not because I am not a safe driver, but because they charge too much on your insurance. Mutal Liberty is one of them

- Companies that sell products over the internet. First of all, the products are worth less and are junk. Companies that sell Fitness products or Weight loss drugs. Second, If you are persuaded to purchase any product, they will ship you the same product over and over, taking advantage of your credit card.

- Some fast food chains: Sell pre-made foods that have lost their original vitamins and provide nothing more useful than Taste. Like McDonalds, their food tastes good, but provide no nutritional ingridients. I am not persuaded to eat their foods, but their main Target is children.

- And etc...

Thank you,

I hope nobody gets offended ;)
I went thru this thread and see there are many users who no longer post.