List of evil corporations

Thats crap
im talking about when i first installed it CRASHED

Imagin if i bought a car like that
ring them up
"oh sorry theres noway we can test it in every condition, sorry you went driving at night, in the rain and nither the brakes or the lights workes"

That is just BULL SHIT. If they can't get it to work DON'T relese it.

I wan't something that will ATLEAST BOOT all the way through
Evil corps?

Hmmmm. I would have to say

microsoft because they make crappy software and try to force people into things

bioware because they are boastful jerk offs who put their personal preferences before the truth

creative labs because they make crummy drivers for their hardware (and don't offer good customer service), try to make products they shouldn't be (they should stick to sound cards, opening a vendor in the video card market is just causing trouble) and try to buy over everything that exist in the computer world

I really don't keep up with business news so I would know which companies are deceptive, or are manufacturers of chemical pollutants, etc....
Originally posted by Asguard
Thats crap
im talking about when i first installed it CRASHED

Imagin if i bought a car like that
ring them up
"oh sorry theres noway we can test it in every condition, sorry you went driving at night, in the rain and nither the brakes or the lights workes"

That is just BULL SHIT. If they can't get it to work DON'T relese it.

I wan't something that will ATLEAST BOOT all the way through

Yeah maby it did, but there is still software running in the background, things left over in the system registry etc.

The difference between a Car and a piece of software is HUGE. A car is a complete product. Now if you bought a brand new computer and tried to install something on it, and it crashed, you would have a reason to complain.

If they can't get it to work DON'T relese it.

Would you prefer to have to use DOS? because that is all you would end up with!
Originally posted by Clarentavious
Evil corps?
microsoft because they make crappy software and try to force people into things

Microsoft AGAIN.... Are they trying to force you into something? You poor thing... Out of interrest how are they doing this? Is there some kind of mind altering technology that works through your monitor? Or when you try to click Netscape does the mouse dissagree and move to the Internet Explorer icon instead??

If you guys don't like Microsoft, then use Linux or an Apple or even better stop using a computer altogether!

Actully i AM talking about a brand new computer with a clean hard disk and it crashed while installing windows


No we wouldn't be running dos, we would be running 95 if they had taken the time to do it right
Originally posted by Asguard

No we wouldn't be running dos, we would be running 95 if they had taken the time to do it right

hmmm. So whats wrong with it? Like I said, if you do not like it go back to DOS...

I have random resets... but it is a hardware problem NOT a software. Does the computer BEEP before crashing?
Im going to wipe the whole thing and start again soon (i keep putting it off because i don't want to lose the address for here and stuff)
Thanks for doing that Sjmarsha.

I wanted to do that long time back,but i was a little hesitant.I am a great fan of DOS, may be thats why i am currently involved in making some core part of it.the EXEC function...

Your right

Add to that any company who works with a goverment on bio, chem or Nuke weapons
I have been using microsoft software based PC since 1983. Besides using it for home, we used it to control refineries and chemical plants. If it would be crashing every 10 minutes, no body would be using it.

Just a tip...if you are using it at home, buy the total product from a good company and dont pile up questionable programs. My win 2000 never locked up, win98 locks up once a month but that is my desktop with everything on it such as scanner, laser printer, inkjet, network,stereo system for line recording, and a lot of software - over 1500 personal and business. If I switch to Mac, I will be limited to only a handful of personal software and zero business software. I also evaluate business software demos and every few months I clean up those. But it leaves a lot of dlls hanging so I have to use cleansweep to clean them up.

My kids use theirs - it slows down if not regularly defraged...other than that they run fine (except when a virus messes up...the mellisa virus creator got 20 months jail time)...
Sciforum members are smart, so instead of listing evil corporations, we should consider them as "stupid" corporations. Why? Consider this.

This morning I got a call from a company to provide a high level consultant to Citigroup to design and improve their performance (profitability and revenue).

Citigroup has 192 million customers in 100 countries
Their revenue is $67 billion
Their CEO makes $40 million per year
They lost a few billion in Argentina peso devaluation.

The job order was to find a person that is an expert on designing and improving performance of a company. The budget is probably $3 million dollars. Now going rate for such short term outside consultants is $1600/day to $3000/day depending on the needs. They were willing to pay only $560/day (In New York - the hotels charge $200/night).

Here is my question. Should not the CEO who makes $40 million per year (~$160,000/day) should be designing and fixing the company? Now suppose we charge them $120,000 for that work, should not they come off pretty cheap?

What will really happen is that they will hire the lowest bidder at $30,000 (total) that will use up that $3 million budget in 3 months and result in nothing. They would save $90,000. In the mean time they will lose a few more billions plus they have to redo the project in say 6 months using super high priced help (if they learned the lesson) after laying off another 800 people.

Those 800 people and their families will name the Citigroup - the evil corporation of the year. They will pull out all their money from Citigroup and move it to a competitor.

Now are you getting the picture...

Is that stupidity or what?
This is the daddy of them all I.D SOFTWARE
Although quake3 was almost boring the first 2 cost me more then they could ever repay.