List of evil corporations


Please don't take offence :)
It was just the style of your replies did actually remind me of Tony1's format.

When I mentioned generic humour, it was meant in the context of the mood of your posts from a generic point of view.

I was not offended. My skin is thicker than that. Thanks. :)

You are just one of many others who have mentioned I 'sound like someone else.' At least you've added some variety to the mix.

Perhaps, someday, I'll sprout my own identity. :D
The Catholic Church;

One of the world's largest landowners,
More money than God,
Preach a doctrine encouraging overpopulation,
Busted my chops for 12 years of Catholic school,
Busted my chops when I married an Italian girl,
They wear funny hats,


I can't believe that I've never thought of the church as a corporation. The analogy works so well!

Evil Corporations:

Manchester United Plc.
Plc, not Football Club.
So very commercial.
Id have to say Procter and Gamble. There has been some rather odd things said about them...Quite some time ago i heard on tv that the owners were satanic? LOL
I think that you could call all corporations evil: they are creations of human greed. They exist and function for only acquisition of profit--self-serving monsters. That's their nature.
Damn Bowser, you took the words out of my mouth :D

Being sued for slandering... well the meat industry is seriously f**ked anyway. That industry is the reason this northern hunter/gather individual stopped eating flesh...

(.. hmmm, in that way they did me a favor... ):bugeye:
Satan inc


i mean
Microsoft inc

Calton football club:p (only people from OZ will understand that, maybe only people from Vic)

The banks (not joking here)
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!@!#$$#@#^&%!!!#@&@%% F###ING BANKS !!!!!

my bloodpressure just skyrocketed - BANKS

Asguard, don't say that word again!

As far as I can tell... A corporation becomes Evil when they become big. Therefore as soon as they get too big, they will become unpopular and therefore poor. Then they should become popular and therefore rich... do you see my point?

This doesn't happen, why not? Because there are NO Evil corporations.

No i mean Calton

dad goes for collingwood, mum for richmond, and i go for the bomers

My sister said she was going to change to calton and mum and dad both said she would have to move:D

Teri 2:

is the bendigo bank near where you live?
im with them and they are great
they keep operning MORE branches and there comunity bank idear is brilliant


Thats not true

its coustimer care that matters
i don't like microsoft because i think they dilibratly put in bugs so you have to upgrade and the banks, well anyone from here will understand

same with petrol companys
go the department of consumer afairs:D
It was amazing how fast all my banking problems vanished when I became a shareholder of Westpac bank. One day I had the same problems as anyone. The next day, none at all. Preferential treatment ahoy.
Originally posted by Asguard

i don't like microsoft because i think they dilibratly put in bugs so you have to upgrade

Do you really believe that?!? When have you ever paid to fix a bug? NEVER thats when... You do not have to upgrade to the latest version of Windows do you? They do not force you...

Just be thankfull that they release patches...
Why exactly should i be thankful that they make patches to make the software do what it was surpost to do when it was bought?

In this country they would be in trouble for false addvitising for doing that

Its against the law for you to say a product dose something it dose not

Enron, oh wait, forget about that.

How about General Electric, owns everthing. And you know what? The Disney Corporation is like the mafia. I think I need to ask Mickey a "favor".:D
Originally posted by Asguard
Why exactly should i be thankful that they make patches to make the software do what it was surpost to do when it was bought?

In this country they would be in trouble for false addvitising for doing that

Its against the law for you to say a product dose something it dose not

There is no way that they can test the software with every combination of software on the market. Most of which they do not make. If you remove every other piece of software on your system, It will work properly.