
How many times do you need to be told that $$E=mc^{2}$$ doesn't apply to the photon!!! No one in the physics community has ever said that. They have said $$E^{2} = (mc^{2})^{2} + (pc)^{2}$$ applies to it. If you can't even ask relevant viable questions your entire contribution to this and any other thread in regards to the photon is undermined.

Since when is the mainstream physics community made up of internet forums? It isn't. While there's 'interested people' on this forum there's very few people who are actually doing physics research. Ben, Prometheus, myself, Guest and CptBork are actually in the physics or maths research communities. Yes, there's plenty of confusion on internet forums but thats because the people on said internet forums are not actively studying mathematics or physics so they are not aware precisely of what the mainstream community does. You're not looking at the mainstream community and yet you're claiming there's confusion. How can you not see that its stupid to evaluate the research community without looking at the research community. If you claim something about the mainstream community then you should be looking at textbooks and papers, not forums. If there's confusion in the research community it should be evidence at places like, where you'll find research papers from the majority of the community.

If you can't even look at the right material you have no right to complain people aren't doing things properly.

How is that Wikip quote relevant? It doesn't back up your claim the Higgs isn't a serious pursuit, it does the opposite.

What reading? You haven't read any books or papers. You have no information which comes from the research community directly, you seem to get all your information second or third hand via forums or pop science articles. Your research doesn't seem to involve doing anything active.

The existence of the photon and the nature of SR are seperate things. SR can be invalid yet our experimental results for the photon will be unchanged. The photon could not exist (if your ramblings are vaguely right, which they aren't) and yet SR would remain. You have made the mistake of making them equivalent. And the Higgs is a prediction of quantum field theory which is built on quantum mechanics and special relativity. The prediction of the Higgs would not have been made without special relativity because otherwise you don't have quantum field theory.

That's the reason I'm shitty with you, you just make things up about topics you have absolutely no knowledge of. I am not shitty with you because I fear you or anything like that, I don't lose a nanosecond of sleep about anything you've said, you're a nut who'll amount to nothing. I'm shitty with you because I dislike wilful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty in people and you have it in spades. You lie again and again and you lie about something I know about. You're effectively telling me my job when you know nothing about my job. When you piss on someone's shoes don't be surprised when they aren't pleasant to you. I know you desperately want to validate yourself by convincing yourself you're making the mainstream community worried but you aren't. You're just a pathetic hack who is desperately lying to convince yourself you aren't a failure in physics.

Its due to the dimensionality of large scale space. Anyone whose seen generalised Schwarzchild solutions or done string theory knows why we see gravity have an inverse square law. You're not putting forth any new ideas QQ and you'd know that if you bothered to open a book and not just read internet forums.

Those are flat out lies. Provide a quantitative accurate model for one, just one, phenomenon. To be '100% accurate' you must have a quantitative model. Given you can't do even high school mathematics I don't believe your claim. If you can't justify these claims you'll be (again) demonstrating you're a massive hypocrite by complaining the mainstream is supposedly not justifying their claims while you just make shit up and never justify it.

I'll quote from wiki which appears to give a reasonsable account of the Higgs.
Notice the bits that are highlighted.
The Higgs boson particle is one quantum component of the theoretical Higgs field. In empty space, the Higgs field has an amplitude different from zero; i.e., a non-zero vacuum expectation value. The existence of this non-zero vacuum expectation plays a fundamental role: it gives mass to every elementary particle that has mass, including the Higgs boson itself. In particular, the acquisition of a non-zero vacuum expectation value spontaneously breaks electroweak gauge symmetry, which scientists often refer to as the Higgs mechanism. This is the simplest mechanism capable of giving mass to the gauge bosons while remaining compatible with gauge theories. In essence, this field is analogous to a pool of molasses that "sticks" to the otherwise massless fundamental particles that travel through the field, converting them into particles with mass that form, for example, the components of atoms. Prof. David J. Miller of University College London provided a simple explanation of the Higgs Boson, for which he won an award.[9]

In the Standard Model, the Higgs field consists of two neutral and two charged component fields. Both of the charged components and one of the neutral fields are Goldstone bosons, which act as the longitudinal third-polarization components of the massive W+, W–, and Z bosons. The quantum of the remaining neutral component corresponds to the massive Higgs boson. Since the Higgs field is a scalar field, the Higgs boson has no spin, hence no intrinsic angular momentum. The Higgs boson is also its own antiparticle and is CP-even.

The Standard Model does not predict the mass of the Higgs boson. If that mass is between 115 and 180 GeV/c2, then the Standard Model can be valid at energy scales all the way up to the Planck scale (1016 TeV). Many theorists expect new physics beyond the Standard Model to emerge at the TeV-scale, based on unsatisfactory properties of the Standard Model. The highest possible mass scale allowed for the Higgs boson (or some other electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism) is 1.4 TeV; beyond this point, the Standard Model becomes inconsistent without such a mechanism, because unitarity is violated in certain scattering processes. Many models of supersymmetry predict that the lightest Higgs boson (of several) will have a mass only slightly above the current experimental limits, at around 120 GeV or less.

Supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model (so called SUSY) predict the existence of whole families of Higgs bosons, as opposed to a single Higgs particle of the Standard Model. Among the SUSY models, in the Minimal Supersymmetric extension (MSSM) the Higgs mechanism yields the smallest number of Higgs bosons: there are two Higgs doublets, leading to the existence of a quintet of scalar particles: two CP-even neutral Higgs bosons h and H, a CP-odd neutral Higgs boson A, and two charged Higgs particles H±.

There are over a hundred theoretical Higgs-mass predictions.[10]

...and yet there appears to be no mention of how the Higgs generates the constancy of Gravity. Nor how the Higgs can accommodate Cosmic Expansion and maintain the constancy of gravity universally and simultaneously whilst adhereing to the relative simultaneity issues generated by SRT. Given that the proposed Higgs Bosun has mass up to and beyond 1.4TeV plus.

Would you agree that the universe as a whole is expanding uniformally and universally?
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Regarding my theory I have tried in the past to discuss it, but unfortunately it proved impossible to do so. I am certainly not going to bother again.
I am just a web designer and not so good one at that trying to find a way to explain the evidence I have in a way that makes sense to you guys. That's all...

I have no ability nor time to spend 8 years plus in University courses that wouldn't guarantee success any way given the calibre of the math , calculus and physics languages skills needed to compete on the scientific stage. So we shall wait until the evidence is presented and you guys can ask your questions then.
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Ok in case you didn't get it the first time I'll post it again....
What you don't get is we are not interested in your meaningless words.

Derive some very well confirmed equation from you non-standard models. Calculate some numerical result that agrees with experimental measurements with your meaningless words. It does not increase your creditability as a physicist to just keep repeating words.

Your words have the same validity as this explanation: "Magic makes it so." That, like your words, can calculate no result, predict nothing, and explain nothing because neither your words nor "Magic makes it so" can produce any numeral results.

Yet even though you have no numerical computation power, you CLAIM your theory is 100% accurate!
That claim should be posted in the thread: "Jokes and funny stories."
Regarding my theory I have tried in the past to discuss it, but unfortunately it proved impossible to do so.
Link to said thread. I have asked you repeatedly to provide the work related to one, just one, phenomenon in the universe which your work can actually model accurately. You haven't provided any such example. I asked you to provide justifications for your claims and you refused. If you think that me asking you to justify your claims is making discussion 'impossible' then you're a hypocrite, because you're demanding someone provides you with evidence for mainstream claims and models. You've made huge claims like saying you can model consciousness and you provide nothing. The reason its proved impossible to discuss your 'work' is because you won't answer any questions on it which ask for anything beyond vacuous superficial arm waving.

I am certainly not going to bother again.
You never bothered in the first place.

I am just a web designer and not so good one at that trying to find a way to explain the evidence I have in a way that makes sense to you guys. That's all...
That explains it, you're making a website about something in physics so you can convince yourself you're doing science, not just wasting your time playing with HTML.

I have no ability nor time to spend 8 years plus in University courses
You've got the time to write webpages and come up with your own theory but you haven't got time to open a short introductory book on anything relevant? Bull.

Though that's assuming you even have the capacity to understand university level physics or maths, which I don't believe for one second.

that wouldn't guarantee success any way given the calibre of the math , calculus and physics languages skills needed to compete on the scientific stage.
Pathetic excuse. If everyone thought like that no one who isn't the best in the world would bother to learn anything. I'm not able to compete with the best people in physics but the knowledge I've learnt certainly has helped me, both in my understanding of the world and in getting employment. Learning is not about becoming the best or competing on the world stage, its about expanding your horizons, challenging yourself and ultimately providing you with useful tools and understanding you can make use of. Stop trying to give excuses as to why you've done absolutely zero work or reading before then spouting ignorant claims on a subject you know nothing about.

So we shall wait until the evidence is presented and you guys can ask your questions then.
And now you have another reason to ignore any and all things people say to you about your challenge, as you are using it as an excuse not to back up your own claims. Excuse after excuse, you are trying to convince yourself you haven't failed at science because its someone else's fault. After all, why bother reading a book on a subject you know to be wrong? Of course one might ask how you can know something to be wrong when you won't read it?
What you don't get is we are not interested in your meaningless words.

Derive some very well confirmed equation from you non-standard models. Calculate some numerical result that agrees with experimental measurements with your meaningless words. It does not increase your creditability as a physicist to just keep repeating words.

Your words have the same validity as this explanation: "Magic makes it so." That, like your words, can calculate no result, predict nothing, and explain nothing because neither your words nor "Magic makes it so" can produce any numeral results.

Yet even though you have no numerical computation power, you CLAIM your theory is 100% accurate!
That claim should be posted in the thread: "Jokes and funny stories."

my theory is 100% accurate because it has to be..
any way this is not about physics but more about paranoia.
And now you have another reason to ignore any and all things people say to you about your challenge, as you are using it as an excuse not to back up your own claims. Excuse after excuse, you are trying to convince yourself you haven't failed at science because its someone else's fault. After all, why bother reading a book on a subject you know to be wrong? Of course one might ask how you can know something to be wrong when you won't read it?

If I am wrong I loose the money... the existing $100 usd is out of my own pocket the rest will be someone elses and all will be secure knowing you will never be able to support your physics.

and that just pisses you off doesn't it?
your constant ranting is ample evidence of that.
I can prove my theory but you can't... now aint that a joke!
my theory is 100% accurate because it has to be..
And why does it 'have to be'? If I'd provided that as a response to your challenge, "QED is 100% right because it has to be" you'd never have accepted that. You're oozing hypocrisy by demanding the mainstream provide evidence (and then ignoring any and all things put in front of you) yet you make BIGGER claims, like 100% accurate models of consciousness, and provide nothing.

any way this is not about physics but more about paranoia.
Its about your inability to accept you're not very good at maths and physics so you're trying to convince yourself you don't need to understand it, you've made up your own.

If I am wrong I loose the money... the existing $100 usd is out of my own pocket the rest will be someone elses and all will be secure knowing you will never be able to support your physics.
I'll bet $1000 your work won't get published in a reputable theoretical physics journal. Your convoluted construction of an unwinnable challenge doesn't void all the experimental evidence for photon based phenomena in science. There's plenty of experimental evidence for the photon and its properties (which are accurately modelled without 'total confusion' in the mainstream models), you're having to make so many caveats which have no basis in mainstream models in order to avoid accepting evidence. I'll make my challenge much simpler, all you need to do is get published in a reputable physics journal.
And why does it 'have to be'? If I'd provided that as a response to your challenge, "QED is 100% right because it has to be" you'd never have accepted that. You're oozing hypocrisy by demanding the mainstream provide evidence (and then ignoring any and all things put in front of you) yet you make BIGGER claims, like 100% accurate models of consciousness, and provide nothing.

Its about your inability to accept you're not very good at maths and physics so you're trying to convince yourself you don't need to understand it, you've made up your own.

I'll bet $1000 your work won't get published in a reputable theoretical physics journal. Your convoluted construction of an unwinnable challenge doesn't void all the experimental evidence for photon based phenomena in science. There's plenty of experimental evidence for the photon and its properties (which are accurately modelled without 'total confusion' in the mainstream models), you're having to make so many caveats which have no basis in mainstream models in order to avoid accepting evidence. I'll make my challenge much simpler, all you need to do is get published in a reputable physics journal.

ah ha... gotta ya.... $ 1000.00 is that usd or something is on Alphanumeric you is on....

work published in a reputable theoretical physics journal... to list the titles you consider reputable so that we can nail this bet down?

btw the HIggs and consciousness including unconsciousness are essentially the same thing....
And why does it 'have to be'? --[re:100% accurate]
well for starters the gravitational constant is 100 % constant so it obvously has to be predicted 100% accurately doesn't it.

Hint: and there is only one possible way that can be formulated that includes every single bit of matter in this universe simultaneously and allows for inperceptable and perceptable cosmic expansion and contraction.

go on have a guess ?
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If I am wrong I loose the money... the existing $100 usd is out of my own pocket the rest will be someone elses and all will be secure knowing you will never be able to support your physics.
Running any sort of competition can be problematic, after all offering up a prize requires someone to act as a mediator, the overall "rules" have to be plainly written so as not to cause misinterpretation and the overall Judgement would normally be done by a panel or some sort of peer review (like a Jury system)

If it's left to a persons own "Prove me wrong and you'll get $100" it becomes problematic, after all your pet theory might change depending on what arguments are sought, which means you'd never part with your $100 on the grounds that your theory has room for growth.

You can get an idea of just how pulled apart such contest are by looking at the Randi prize and how the rules and documentation over the years have changed to attempt to deal with all the people that would otherwise try to find loopholes.

AlphaNumeric said:
I'll bet $1000 your work won't get published in a reputable theoretical physics journal.
I would suggest not betting that, after all the Nobel prize have been given to persons of ill repute before that have no way benefited Science or global stability. It would be very easy to suggest that various journal's could easily be swayed to print pseudoscience (especially if the Yes men have anything to do with it.)
Running any sort of competition can be problematic, after all offering up a prize requires someone to act as a mediator, the overall "rules" have to be plainly written so as not to cause misinterpretation and the overall Judgement would normally be done by a panel or some sort of peer review (like a Jury system)

If it's left to a persons own "Prove me wrong and you'll get $100" it becomes problematic, after all your pet theory might change depending on what arguments are sought, which means you'd never part with your $100 on the grounds that your theory has room for growth.

You can get an idea of just how pulled apart such contest are by looking at the Randi prize and how the rules and documentation over the years have changed to attempt to deal with all the people that would otherwise try to find loopholes.

I would suggest not betting that, after all the Nobel prize have been given to persons of ill repute before that have no way benefited Science or global stability. It would be very easy to suggest that various journal's could easily be swayed to print pseudoscience (especially if the Yes men have anything to do with it.)
It is a bit silly because as already agreed by many posters, including Alphanumeric and Billy T, the prize, no matter how big it is or how many independent jusdges are involevd will never be won. Simply because it is impossible to win. In fact on the currently developing web site front page it states to the effect of such quite clearly.
But it also states why such an absurd award is needed given the impossibility of it.
However the general public do not know this and that is the target audience or at least those who believe incorrectly that light is as modelled and science has evidence to support it's position. Which it does not and can not.

I would bet even the President of the US of A believes that light effect model has been evidenced as all literature even remotely related presumes this to be the case.
It is the attitude of posters such as Alphanumeric and his cohorts at JREF that have provoked me into talking this step and that is all I can say about it.
With a bit of luck I will make some money on top of it simply because of the sheer arrogance and paranoia demonstrated. [ I may donate that money if worth doing so to the research for an alternative.]

These details are yet to be decided upon, and depend on other parties involved in the marketing and implimentation of the campaign.

Of course transperancy of assessment and awarding the prize has to be spot on.

However it is simlpy the need to provide the evidence demonstrating how matter is not implicated in a way that would compromise the clarity of the result.
I can tell you now and I think most would agree this is utterly impossible to do.
After a while of the "no end unil resolved" campaign sure I am going to look like a fool to some but I can assure you I wont be the only one....and to be honest I have nothing to loose anyway.

As far as my alternative theory [zero point theory] is concerned this may very well be resolved prior to launching the web campaign making the whole idea of a photon challenge redundent and obsolete.

I end up with a great web site template to use [ if I remain interested as a hobby] and get $1000 from Alphanumeric if he repeats his offer, when he and every one else sees the evidence and it's generalised explanation on probably all the journals and not just a select few.
and I may consider donating the $1000.00 to the mathematical interpretations needed to ensure technological advancement.

as the aquisition of money will not be an issue because as you can imagine what sort of money is involved far exceeds any possible comprehension and you know what I couldn't give a hoot. Why? Global Mental Health budget to start with...not to mention the energy market but it is essentially about the mental health of this planet that is involved most of zero point theory and the evidecne to go with it alters the understanding of mental health, asthma and a whole host of health issues dramatically. Yeah Asthma and similar respiratory [throat] conditions are actually mental health issues - along the lines of respiratory paranoia. [ linked almost directly to the oppressive behaviour similar to that demonstrated by a certain nasty poster in this thread. and no they are currently totally unaware of their contribution to the Asthma pandemic]
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Here is an print screen review of the developing opening or landing page of

Well I have a theory on zero-point energy, it's based upon Smale's horseshoe and takes into consideration that spacetime has been stretch and folded. As for the number of times, well I couldn't say, as these folds aren't necessarily localised to a Universe frame of reference but a smaller composite acting as the universe. (say on a per atom proximity.)

It's very similar to how fragmentation occurs on a computer's harddrive, smaller composite programs take up a certain amount of space only leaving some areas of free space, when a larger datafile is applied it has to be split between free spaces around those already taken, causing fragmentation. Fragmentation in a way is a good argument for relativity and non-locality, since it places things in different spaces while being maintained as one instance.
Well I have a theory on zero-point energy, it's based upon Smale's horseshoe and takes into consideration that spacetime has been stretch and folded. As for the number of times, well I couldn't say, as these folds aren't necessarily localised to a Universe frame of reference but a smaller composite acting as the universe. (say on a per atom proximity.)

It's very similar to how fragmentation occurs on a computer's harddrive, smaller composite programs take up a certain amount of space only leaving some areas of free space, when a larger datafile is applied it has to be split between free spaces around those already taken, causing fragmentation. Fragmentation in a way is a good argument for relativity and non-locality, since it places things in different spaces while being maintained as one instance.
nice, I am glad you are demonstrating an interest in physics as the critical thinking required can do wonders for your computer skills...:)
fragmentation or breaking of sym-etry [e23t] also offers a certain protection against viruses, did you know that?
nice, I am glad you are demonstrating an interest in physics as the critical thinking required can do wonders for your computer skills...:)

Well my analogy is slightly flawed because computer fragmentation "Splits" files, when dealing with a universe of "folded" spacetime, you wouldn't "split", instead you would fold and create a vector that is maintained as an instance. From it's perspective however it would be oblivious to the spacetime distortion, unless of course by design, it's suppose to be observed from that perspective.

It's actually part of my argument for identifying that the Universe is actually an Emulation since to my knowledge it's functions can be replicated mathematically and applied to simulations. (I define emulation since people play games and shoot at sims, I wouldn't want everyone to reason since we are a sim we could be shot at, so emulation makes more sense. Emulations also open the way for emulative tunneling, that would be tunneling between recursive emulated layers.)
Well my analogy is slightly flawed because computer fragmentation "Splits" files, when dealing with a universe of "folded" spacetime, you wouldn't "split", instead you would fold and create a vector that is maintained as an instance. From it's perspective however it would be oblivious to the spacetime distortion, unless of course by design, it's suppose to be observed from that perspective.

It's actually part of my argument for identifying that the Universe is actually an Emulation since to my knowledge it's functions can be replicated mathematically and applied to simulations. (I define emulation since people play games and shoot at sims, I wouldn't want everyone to reason since we are a sim we could be shot at, so emulation makes more sense. Emulations also open the way for emulative tunneling, that would be tunneling between recursive emulated layers.)
but the sims are somewhat entangled are they not, all those relationships going 0n as they have been...hmmm....Stryder, Gandaf may wish to speak to you given your knowledge of the.......wait for it.......

three sim rings....:bugeye:
fragmentation or breaking of sym-etry [e23t] also offers a certain protection against viruses, did you know that?

Ah but Fragmentation can also allow for Stenography, upon defragmentation you'll lose your secret message and even your cereal packet decoder ring won't be able to help.

In the case of the universe that wouldn't be so much a secret message as the viability to observe another parallel universe, as when you defragment, you would be fragmenting it from observation.
Ah but Fragmentation can also allow for Stenography, upon defragmentation you'll lose your secret message and even your cereal packet decoder ring won't be able to help.

In the case of the universe that wouldn't be so much a secret message as the viability to observe another parallel universe, as when you defragment, you would be fragmenting it from observation.
did I ever tell you the true story of the Flamingo Child?