
Come on guys.

Billy, Quantum Quack said "The photon as described by science does not exist". See his post here. Alphanumeric, who considers himself to be a qualified physicist, said "A photon is certainly localised into a small region of space, even to a single point" here. And yet we know from the Double- slit experiment that interference occurs, so it isn't localised into a small region in space. If it were, the double-slit experiment would be magic. And science rejects magic. Hence this discussion.

Quantum Quack: Just to make sure I haven't misunderstood you, do you accept that electromagnetic waves exist, and that they have a quantum nature as demonstrated by Einstein in On a Heuristic Point of View Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light?
good post! it is obvious that there is major confusion over the nature of this modelled object.

Now regarding your question.

I can't really answer that in this thread even though I wouuld like to get into it as not only is it off topic what I think or believe but it would serve no purpose other than further confuse people.
Since all the flaming I have got over ths issue in 4 years of attempting to discuss it I have concluded that it is not possible to have a rational discussion on it. The ramifications are way to dramatic to allow it as demonstrated by the hysterics by fellow posters.
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Although a large number of photons does follow classical laws, individual photons do not - they follow the laws of quantum mechanics. Some things that seem very sensible from a classical law are not defined and do not really exist in QM theory.
I assure you that everything is sensible, even if quantum theory currently lacks an adequate interpretation of the underlying reality.

For example an electron does not have an exact location and this fact is NOT just that we can not measure it position precisely. It precise position does not exist so asking where it is precisely in a non-sense question.
There's no problem with that Billy. You'll have heard saying the photon isn't a point particle, and talking about waves and displacement and distortion, and pair production, where we make an electron and a positron out of a photon. So the same applies to the electron. It isn't a point particle either.

I strongly suspect that is also true of your question - I.e. it is fundamentally a non-sense question. - Such as: "Does the tail of a unicorn touch the ground when it stands still?" is a classical non-sense question. And for the same reason I.e. neither unicorn tails not electron positions exist.
What question? Surely not the one I asked of QQ? If you're referring to the width of a photon, the photon doesn't have a width. It isn't localised. For a real-world example of what I mean by this, ocean waves aren't localised either. You might think that an ocean wave is a metre high and four metres in wavelength, but under the surface the rotational wave-motion extends to a much greater depth:

... Alphanumeric, who considers himself to be a qualified physicist, said "A photon is certainly localised into a small region of space, even to a single point" here. ...
I don't doubt he did, many physicists assume that. I did before I became a Graduate student at JHU, which is especially strong in physical optics.

For example the world's first deffraction grading ruling machine was still in the basement when I was there and "Optics" was one of the five qualifying exams before you were allowed to begin your Ph.D. research. Most all, except the high energy physics group students, did something related to physical optics for their Ph.D. I measure the shift and width of radiation lines from Argon ion in a very dense plasma - some of them "collision broadened" by stark effect, were lines more than an Angstrom wide and shifted from their normal wave length by half an Angstrom! The theory for stark effect on ions in a plasma had just been developed by Hans Griem and I provided the first measurements of it.

But to come to the point: Alphanumeric, like many good physicists, may be ignorant of fact that photons have considerable length, but unlike QQ, when shown how this is demonstrated, I am sure he can learn the truth and change. I.e. if he reads: he will change his opinion on this I am confident - he is not stubborn and ignorant as QQ is. I have the impression, that he is much more well versed in the math of physics, than in some of its experiment aspects - Certainly much better than I am in the math of physic.
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good post! it is obvious that there is major confusion over the nature of this modelled object.
Thanks. Yes, there does seem to be confusion.

Now regarding your question. I can't really answer that in this thread even though I wouuld like to get into it as not only is it off topic what I think or believe but it would serve no purpose other than further confuse people. Since all the flaming I have got over ths issue in 4 years of attempting to discuss it I have concluded that it is not possible to have a rational discussion on it.
It is. But you just have to find the right people to discuss it with.

All I will say is that you need to look at what space is properly. You need to say to yourself, If there is nothing there but a "property" called vacuum then what exactly IS there?
Pressure or lack of it is not a substance as most seem to imply in their discussions. The vacuum of space or more correctly the void of space is only what it isn't and not what it is.
I have looked into this. Tussled with it even. Space certainly isn't some substance. And nor is energy.

There is no aether, in any form no matter how we try to make one exist it simply doesn't. So in absolutum what does that leave us with?
Distance? And changes in distance? Or perhaps that would be better described as gauge change? Or difference? Something that causes "pressure" and "potential" and action and motion? I find it difficult to describe space in terms of anything else, because it's so unique and fundamental. I have a little saying: Space isn't made of anything. Everything is made of it.

Once you grasp the meaning of what I just wrote in full you will start to see something much better than magic.....
I hope I've grasped something, and I certainly dislike magic, even quantum magic. Perhaps we won't share a common view on everything, but it's good to talk.
I don't doubt he did, many physicists assume that. I did before I became a Graduate student at JHU, which is especially strong in physical optics.
That's great. I'm seeing a lot of interest in photonics these days. One guy sent me Ehrenberg and Siday's The Refractive Index in Electron Optics and the Principles of Dynamics which predicted what's usually called the Aharonov-Bohm effect, this often being presented as an "action at a distance" quantum phenomenum.

For example the world's first deffraction grading ruling machine was still in the basement when I was there and "Optics" was one of the five qualifying exams before you were allowed to begin your Ph.D. research. Most all, except the high energy physics group students, did something related to physical optics for their Ph.D. I measure the shift and width of radiation lines from Argon ion in a very dense plasma - some of the "collision broadened" by stark effect lines were more than an Angstrom wide and shifted from their normal wave length by half an Angstrom! The theory for stark effect on ions in a plasma had just been developed by Hans Griem and I provided the first measurements of it.
Brilliant stuff. Hands on. Good man.

But to come to the point: Alphanumeric, like many physicists, may be ignorant of fact that photons have considerable length, but unlike QQ, when shown how this is demonstrated, I am sure he can learn the truth and change. I.e. if he reads: he will change is opinion on this I am confident - he is not stubborn and ignorant as QQ is. I have the impression, that he is much more well versed in the math of physics, than in some of its experiment aspects - Certainly much better than I am in the math of physic.
No comment Billy.
... So the same applies to the electron. It isn't a point particle either. ...
That is true but it has a center of mass in the clasical POV which should have an exact position, but does not. I.e. the electron differs from the zero mass photon in several ways - can not travel at the speed of light, for example.
No problem Billy.

Apologies, I have to go. Please will you and QQ try to be friendly? I think you do share some common ground, rather more than you might think.
assessment: 2/10: No useful content and fails to add anyting of value to this threads topic. | fail
I asked you in that post you quoted and in previous posts of mine to justify how you think you're in any position to evaluate the scientific merits of other people's work/posts when you fail to meet the basic standards of science yourself. Rather than reply you say I get a 2/10, thus again demonstrating you think you're in any position to evaluate my scientific comments/contributions but are unable to justify that.

[It is saying a lot of different things and appears totally confused
I asked you for references, where are they? Can't you justify what you say about the mainstream? Surely you're going to need to provide justification for such claims about the mainstream for your website, can't you prove any now?

I have personal experience with the mainstream theories relating to the photon, electromagnetism, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory. There's no 'total confusion', the models of light are extremely successful.

hey! I didn't need to invent dark energy and matter, 98% missing, just to make up for the error ! You did!
That in no way responds to my comment. I pointed out that you wondering how the mainstream can say the photon is consistent with $$E=mc^{2}$$ demonstrated you both don't know what the mainstream says and that you're willing to be deceptive and just make stuff up. The mainstream never said $$E=mc^{2}$$ applies to the photon, it says $$E^{2} = (mc^{2})^{2} + (pc)^{2}$$ applies to the photon, which has m=0. Look it up. Perhaps if you bothered to find out what the mainstream said you'd realise there's no 'total confusion'.

you only have to read this thread and it becomes totally obvious or can't you read?
No, the confusion comes when someone has to explain a very precise but complex theory to someone else who doesn't have much knowledge/experience of physics. By the very nature of using analogies there's only so much you can explain. If I were talking to another theoretical physicist about light I'd not need to use analogies and we'd not be 'totally confused', the exchange of information would be much much faster and much much more precise. You need to have people spoon feed you because you can't or won't learn it for yourself and you then think that if you get confused its because physicists are confused, rather than you being at fault. There's no confusion in the physics community, you simply can't accept the shortcomings lie with you.

utterly false - link required
You've already dismissed submissions, so you're acting as judge. You also made up the criteria without consulting any physicist to find out what the community says. You've had no input from anyone who knows the relevant physics at any step, in fact you've actively ignored it.

that Alphanumeric provide evidence to support his credibility attacks in future.
I'm claiming you don't have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the mainstream to formulate your challenge properly and fairly. That's a response to your position, not a positive position in and of itself. Can you provide evidence you do have sufficient understanding of the mainstream community to formulate an honest challenge?

pewing verbal crap about what someone has said with out support is terribly dishonest IMO.
Your comment about the photon and $$E=mc^{2}$$ is evidence for my comments about your knowledge. All the previous times you and I have crossed paths you've failed to show any real understanding and have ignored corrections by anyone who does. Can you provide a link to any post of yours where you demonstrate what you'd consider a high degree of understanding for any particular area of physics?

The fact that the moderators are allowing him to make his unsupported allegations is truely one of concern
It's a 'concern' that I point out when you misrepresent the mainstream community?

Poster Alphanumeric is probably a high quality software package
Brilliant, complain I'm making 'unsupported allegations', which is a 'concern', and then make one of your own! Not only that but your 'allegation' (not that I'd call it that personally) would mean, if true, you can ignore me as why bother arguing with a software routine?

You're really grasping at straws with this one!

You have made numerous unsupported accusations in an attempt to destroy credibility.
You seem to be assuming you have credibility to begin with. Credibility is earnt. If you want credibility in regards to your views of physics then you need to demonstrate you have informed views. You demonstrate the opposite in every thread about physics you post in. You never had any credibility.

orry board memebers but the fact that I have to defend myself from such vitriol is exactly why the Photon Challenge has been launched.
You seem to have a tendency to exaggerate. You've previously said I show 'hatred', that my comments are unbecoming a human being, that I'm 'vitriolic'. You seriously over estimate how much thought I give to you and other cranks here. You're amusement, you don't incite hatred in me, I hold you in vague contempt (I consider intellectual dishonesty and wilful ignorance as extremely bad traits a person can have). I have no reason to hate you because I have little interest in you or your opinions and I can't have strong feelings about something I barely acknowledge. Cranks often want to convince themselves I 'hate' them because it means they are worrying me or 'rocking my world' but not one crank has even caused the slightest tremor in my world view. Take Reiku for instance, he likes to think I have some special interest in him, that I worry he might be smarter than me and hence my jealousy becomes hatred and that's why I'm unpleasant to him. Not only do I think he is far too stupid to ever do anything in science beyond high school level but he's entertaining. I didn't reply to his threads a lot out of loathing, I enjoyed slapping him about. Same goes for my replies to Farsight, he isn't endangering science I've done, he's amusement. I think all of you just need to accept no one really gives a hoot about your whinings about science.
I asked you in that post you quoted and in previous posts of mine to justify how you think you're in any position to evaluate the scientific merits of other people's work/posts when you fail to meet the basic standards of science yourself. Rather than reply you say I get a 2/10, thus again demonstrating you think you're in any position to evaluate my scientific comments/contributions but are unable to justify that.

I asked you for references, where are they? Can't you justify what you say about the mainstream? Surely you're going to need to provide justification for such claims about the mainstream for your website, can't you prove any now?

I have personal experience with the mainstream theories relating to the photon, electromagnetism, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, quantum field theory. There's no 'total confusion', the models of light are extremely successful.

That in no way responds to my comment. I pointed out that you wondering how the mainstream can say the photon is consistent with $$E=mc^{2}$$ demonstrated you both don't know what the mainstream says and that you're willing to be deceptive and just make stuff up. The mainstream never said $$E=mc^{2}$$ applies to the photon, it says $$E^{2} = (mc^{2})^{2} + (pc)^{2}$$ applies to the photon, which has m=0. Look it up. Perhaps if you bothered to find out what the mainstream said you'd realise there's no 'total confusion'.

No, the confusion comes when someone has to explain a very precise but complex theory to someone else who doesn't have much knowledge/experience of physics. By the very nature of using analogies there's only so much you can explain. If I were talking to another theoretical physicist about light I'd not need to use analogies and we'd not be 'totally confused', the exchange of information would be much much faster and much much more precise. You need to have people spoon feed you because you can't or won't learn it for yourself and you then think that if you get confused its because physicists are confused, rather than you being at fault. There's no confusion in the physics community, you simply can't accept the shortcomings lie with you.

You've already dismissed submissions, so you're acting as judge. You also made up the criteria without consulting any physicist to find out what the community says. You've had no input from anyone who knows the relevant physics at any step, in fact you've actively ignored it.

I'm claiming you don't have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the mainstream to formulate your challenge properly and fairly. That's a response to your position, not a positive position in and of itself. Can you provide evidence you do have sufficient understanding of the mainstream community to formulate an honest challenge?

Your comment about the photon and $$E=mc^{2}$$ is evidence for my comments about your knowledge. All the previous times you and I have crossed paths you've failed to show any real understanding and have ignored corrections by anyone who does. Can you provide a link to any post of yours where you demonstrate what you'd consider a high degree of understanding for any particular area of physics?

It's a 'concern' that I point out when you misrepresent the mainstream community?

Brilliant, complain I'm making 'unsupported allegations', which is a 'concern', and then make one of your own! Not only that but your 'allegation' (not that I'd call it that personally) would mean, if true, you can ignore me as why bother arguing with a software routine?

You're really grasping at straws with this one!

You seem to be assuming you have credibility to begin with. Credibility is earnt. If you want credibility in regards to your views of physics then you need to demonstrate you have informed views. You demonstrate the opposite in every thread about physics you post in. You never had any credibility.

You seem to have a tendency to exaggerate. You've previously said I show 'hatred', that my comments are unbecoming a human being, that I'm 'vitriolic'. You seriously over estimate how much thought I give to you and other cranks here. You're amusement, you don't incite hatred in me, I hold you in vague contempt (I consider intellectual dishonesty and wilful ignorance as extremely bad traits a person can have). I have no reason to hate you because I have little interest in you or your opinions and I can't have strong feelings about something I barely acknowledge. Cranks often want to convince themselves I 'hate' them because it means they are worrying me or 'rocking my world' but not one crank has even caused the slightest tremor in my world view. Take Reiku for instance, he likes to think I have some special interest in him, that I worry he might be smarter than me and hence my jealousy becomes hatred and that's why I'm unpleasant to him. Not only do I think he is far too stupid to ever do anything in science beyond high school level but he's entertaining. I didn't reply to his threads a lot out of loathing, I enjoyed slapping him about. Same goes for my replies to Farsight, he isn't endangering science I've done, he's amusement. I think all of you just need to accept no one really gives a hoot about your whinings about science.
uhm just wondering when you may actualy be interested in discussing the topic or providing input into the issues for the benefit of the readers and yourself?
Let's discuss the mass-energy-momentum relationship and the photon. You asked how the photon can be consistent with $$E=mc^{2}$$. I've repeatedly pointed out that the mainstream never said that, the mainstream said something different. I'm trying to get you to discuss what you think the mainstream says about the photon. You're refusing because you know if you did discuss it you'd make it clear to everyone you haven't a clue what the mainstream says.
Let's discuss the mass-energy-momentum relationship and the photon. You asked how the photon can be consistent with $$E=mc^{2}$$. I've repeatedly pointed out that the mainstream never said that, the mainstream said something different. I'm trying to get you to discuss what you think the mainstream says about the photon. You're refusing because you know if you did discuss it you'd make it clear to everyone you haven't a clue what the mainstream says.
Alphanumeric, You may think other wise but I am not totally with out intelligence.
Of course mainstream must conclude a non issue regarding the issue of consistency with E=mc^2 after all the photon is modelled is it not?

I was not quoting mainstream with my question, after all why would I do that?
I was deliberately asking for how this is so?

How mainstream can take an absolute universal equation such as this one and allow an exception with out expecting an absolute equation to be come less than absolute?

Accordingly the photon is an exception and does not apply nor does it infringe upon the equation.

But IMO it should and it doesn't which I find perplexing due to the nature of an absolute universal equation such as E=mc^2.
So the photon which can not be proved to exist independent of mass is a special case. Why? That is all I asked.
What forces us to accept that it's special status is necessary?
What is the imperative that drives the need to exempt it from having mass as required by the equation?
And presuming that it can't be evidenced to be as commonly described why should I or any novice or erudite layperson believe you?

You will eventually find, I suspect that this is only the case due to the fact that no other possible alternative was available at the time of successfully creating the photoelectric model. [circa 1905]
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Alphanumeric, You may think other wise but I am not totally with out intelligence.
And yet you come out with :
How mainstream can take an absolute universal equation such as this one and allow an exception with out expecting an absolute equation to be come less than absolute?

Accordingly the photon is an exception and does not apply nor does it infringe upon the equation.
I've told you and other people have told you in this very thread that $$E=mc^{2}$$ is a special case of the actual 'universal equation', $$E^{2} = (mc^{2})^{2} + (pc)^{2}$$. For all on-shell particles that equation is true, the electron, the photon, the graviton, the Higgs boson, everything. For particles with no mass you have m=0 and the equation becomes $$E=pc$$. If you use De Broglie's formula for p you get $$E = hf$$. That's the equation for the photon energy! Its all consistent! $$E=mc^{2}$$ comes from $$E^{2} = (mc^{2})^{2} + (pc)^{2}$$ if you set p=0. But you can't set p=0 for a particle with no mass because particles with no mass always move at the speed of light. Thus $$E=mc^{2}$$ is the equation you get for a particle with mass at rest. Any particle which is moving will not obey $$E=mc^{2}$$ because $$E=mc^{2}$$ is about REST MASS.

You have just demonstrated you not only won't read what the mainstream says but even when more than one person spells it out for you in this thread you don't get it. And yet you think you're worth listening to when you complain about the mainstream?! You clearly haven't got a clue what the mainstream says. Someone with only 30 minutes of reading about energy and mass on Wikipedia wouldn't make the mistakes you are!
And yet you come out with :

I've told you and other people have told you in this very thread that $$E=mc^{2}$$ is a special case of the actual 'universal equation', $$E^{2} = (mc^{2})^{2} + (pc)^{2}$$. For all on-shell particles that equation is true, the electron, the photon, the graviton, the Higgs boson, everything. For particles with no mass you have m=0 and the equation becomes $$E=pc$$. If you use De Broglie's formula for p you get $$E = hf$$. That's the equation for the photon energy! Its all consistent! $$E=mc^{2}$$ comes from $$E^{2} = (mc^{2})^{2} + (pc)^{2}$$ if you set p=0. But you can't set p=0 for a particle with no mass because particles with no mass always move at the speed of light. Thus $$E=mc^{2}$$ is the equation you get for a particle with mass at rest. Any particle which is moving will not obey $$E=mc^{2}$$ because $$E=mc^{2}$$ is about REST MASS.

You have just demonstrated you not only won't read what the mainstream says but even when more than one person spells it out for you in this thread you don't get it. And yet you think you're worth listening to when you complain about the mainstream?! You clearly haven't got a clue what the mainstream says. Someone with only 30 minutes of reading about energy and mass on Wikipedia wouldn't make the mistakes you are!

I understand your angst, but you are like most scientists, presuming that massless particles exist when they don't so all the equation variations you have cited are by default just mathematical contiviances explaining an observation of an effect demonstrated by mass and using mass.

The photon Challenge is about highlighting this presumption as it is so entrenched that any question is immediately buried with the presumption of an objects existence when this has never been evidenced independant of mass.

The existence of a massless particle has to be evidenced first independant of mass before it has any "legs" with me at all.
Of course an imaginary massless particle can have any attributes needed to support the belief in it's existence.
Ah so you complain about how the mainstream fiddle the equations until someone points out you don't know what the mainstream say about equations and suddenly you change your tune and all the equations are "just mathematical contiviance" anyway.....

Great backtracking there QQ. You've realised you have demonstrated your ignorance and now you're making excuses. The fact remains you just demonstrated you have no clue what the mainstream says, whether or not the equations are "just mathematical contiviances" is irrelevant to your claims about how the mainstream are 'totally confused'. How can you possibly know what the mainstream is or isn't confused about when you have no clue what it says?
The graviton?
The Higgs Boson?
all theoretical and given the belief in a photon impossible to be revealed nor understood.

The Higgs Boson is an inverse point particle [re: inverse sphere ] and has absolutely no mass unless you consider negative mass a susbstance.
Gravitons do not exist as gravity is just spacial volume collapsing from 3 dimensions toward zero dimensions using time [ energy ] as the governing factor
see..totally off the wall to any one who considers the universe in mechanistic Einstien/Minkowsky terms.

Alphanumeric I know you are fishing. I also know you know that the Higgs has been discounted years ago from being a serious pursuit and the so called Graviton is mere speculation. [ for lack of any alternative ]

The problem is that even if you got all the info you are fishing for you will not be able to do a damn thing with wanna know why?
You wanna know how to open a star gate? or construct a stable wormhole? of uncover the TOE?
sorry to disappoint you but ....
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I'll repeat the question I listed in response to your post
The photon which can not be proved to exist independent of mass is a special case. Why? That is all I asked.
What forces us to accept that it's special status is necessary?
What is the imperative that drives the need to exempt it from having mass as required by the equation?
And presuming that it can't be evidenced to be as commonly described why should I or any novice or erudite layperson believe you?
Essentially it is askiing:
Why do we need to have a model that requires massless particles?
What is it that makes it imperative to physics to use massless particles in it's modelling?
This I do not know, from a mainstrem perspective, and I wonder if any one does now that it is lost to time [ since 1905]
Alphanumeric and others that want to use abuse as a way of getting me to divulge information. It wont work the way you want it to as most of what I have been talking about has already been known on this planet for some time but they do not have the final keys to it and that will not be available for comment.
just to tease you even more see if you can read the small print:

A screen shot of the web site.


and it will not be published until the evidence needed to support is publically demonstratable globally.
The graviton?
The Higgs Boson?
all theoretical and given the belief in a photon impossible to be revealed nor understood.
The whistling sound you're probably hearing is my point flying over your head.

My point is that you said "The mainstream says [X] and it also says [Y], how are these compatible?!". In fact the mainstream doesn't say [X] and [Y], you have failed to find out or understand what the mainstream actually says. Since all of your whining is about how you perceive a state of "total confusion" and "inconsistency" in the mainstream the fact you don't know what the mainstream actually says completely undermines your whining.

When I commented that $$E=mc^{2}$$ doesn't apply to the photon you complained that surely that means the mainstream are making a special case for the photon. To quote you exactly : "How mainstream can take an absolute universal equation such as this one and allow an exception with out expecting an absolute equation to be come less than absolute?". I then had to explain to you AGAIN that $$E=mc^{2}$$ is not a universal expression, its a particular case of a universal expression. The expression $$E^{2} = (mc^{2})^{2} + (pc)^{2}$$ is applied universally to all particles in mainstream physics and to illustrate that I mentioned particles which are entirely theoretical, the Higgs and the graviton, to demonstrate that all particles, observed and not, have that equation apply to it. So you complaint that physicists claim a universal equation which isn't applied universally is wrong, both on the equation which is said to be universal and also which particles the mainstream applies it to.

Whether or not the Higgs or graviton exist is irrelevant to the issue of whether or not the models of them in the mainstream apply 'a universal equation' to them. They do. There's no inconsistency. You are wrong in your claims and understanding of the mainstream. The fact you're now saying "Oh it doesn't matter, they don't have evidence anyway" is irrelevant, you claimed something about how the mainstream models them and thus the only relevant issue is the theoretical models. Which you got wrong.

The Higgs Boson is an inverse point particle [re: inverse sphere ] and has absolutely no mass unless you consider negative mass a susbstance.
Gravitons do not exist as gravity is just spacial volume collapsing from 3 dimensions toward zero dimensions using time [ energy ] as the governing factor
see..totally off the wall to any one who considers the universe in mechanistic Einstien/Minkowsky terms.
So its bad for physicists to use logic and rigour to make predictions about gravity and the Higgs but its okay for you to just make shit up? Are you that blind to your hypocrisy?

I also know you know that the Higgs has been discounted years ago from being a serious pursuit
Are you deliberately making up lies or do you believe what you're saying? I spent the last 4 years in a physics research group in a university working along side a great many people who examine the Higgs model and calculate the effects such a model would have at the LHC and Fermilab, both of which many of them have visited and/or worked at. You only need to look at the theoretical physics section of to see that the Higgs is a serious and active area of research. Last year Fermilab published results which narrows down the range of energies the LHC needs to explore. The main motivation for the LHC is the Higgs boson and the unitary completion of the Standard Model.

I seriously can't understand why you would knowingly lie to someone who has hands on experience of particle physics research about particle physics research!! I know you're used to speaking to people who aren't in the physics research community and thus are unlikely to know what precisely is or isn't taken seriously but you and I have crossed paths enough times for you to know I'm not one of those people. You could lie to me about what is or isn't serious research in biochemistry, I have no real active knowledge about it, but you can't pull the same trick with particle physics research.

and the so called Graviton is mere speculation. [ for lack of any alternative ]
Speculation motivated by previous knowledge of particle physics. You obviously think, given what you just said about the Higgs and graviton, that any random speculation is just as valid. You have no clue as to the scientific method.

The problem is that even if you got all the info you are fishing for you will not be able to do a damn thing with wanna know why?
What do I need to 'fish' for? You're providing everything up front! You just demonstrated you don't know what the mainstream describes mass-energy-momentum relationships with, you don't know how the mainstream models the photon, you are willing to lie about said things you don't know, you lie to physics researchers about physics research, you have demonstrated a complete lack of integrity and honesty. I don't have to go 'fishing' for anything.

You wanna know how to open a star gate? or construct a stable wormhole? of uncover the TOE?
sorry to disappoint you but ....
You're trying to change the subject. I haven't said anything about any of those things and the existence of the Higgs and/or graviton is immaterial to any of those things really. Rather than learning your 'science' from pop science magazines which exaggerate and twist the findings of actual scientists I suggest you read some books and papers. And all of those things are irrelevant to the point I was making, that you don't know what the mainstream says about the photon or anything else. Your challenge stems from what you perceive to be 'total confusion' and 'inconsistency' in the mainstream but since you obviously have no understanding or knowledge of the mainstream your challenge is based on your problems, not the mainstreams. And you're too lacking in maturity and intellectual honesty to accept its your fault you don't understand.
The whistling sound you're probably hearing is my point flying over your head.

My point is that you said "The mainstream says [X] and it also says [Y], how are these compatible?!". In fact the mainstream doesn't say [X] and [Y], you have failed to find out or understand what the mainstream actually says. Since all of your whining is about how you perceive a state of "total confusion" and "inconsistency" in the mainstream the fact you don't know what the mainstream actually says completely undermines your whining.

When I commented that $$E=mc^{2}$$ doesn't apply to the photon you complained that surely that means the mainstream are making a special case for the photon. To quote you exactly : "How mainstream can take an absolute universal equation such as this one and allow an exception with out expecting an absolute equation to be come less than absolute?". I then had to explain to you AGAIN that $$E=mc^{2}$$ is not a universal expression, its a particular case of a universal expression. The expression $$E^{2} = (mc^{2})^{2} + (pc)^{2}$$ is applied universally to all particles in mainstream physics and to illustrate that I mentioned particles which are entirely theoretical, the Higgs and the graviton, to demonstrate that all particles, observed and not, have that equation apply to it. So you complaint that physicists claim a universal equation which isn't applied universally is wrong, both on the equation which is said to be universal and also which particles the mainstream applies it to.
I never said that mainstream said this and maintsream said that please. I am asking what mainstream says....

Whether or not the Higgs or graviton exist is irrelevant to the issue of whether or not the models of them in the mainstream apply 'a universal equation' to them. They do. There's no inconsistency. You are wrong in your claims and understanding of the mainstream. The fact you're now saying "Oh it doesn't matter, they don't have evidence anyway" is irrelevant, you claimed something about how the mainstream models them and thus the only relevant issue is the theoretical models. Which you got wrong.

See above~
So its bad for physicists to use logic and rigour to make predictions about gravity and the Higgs but its okay for you to just make shit up? Are you that blind to your hypocrisy?
vitriol again....

Are you deliberately making up lies or do you believe what you're saying?
what am I saying again? links please...

I spent the last 4 years in a physics research group in a university working along side a great many people who examine the Higgs model and calculate the effects such a model would have at the LHC and Fermilab, both of which many of them have visited and/or worked at. You only need to look at the theoretical physics section of to see that the Higgs is a serious and active area of research. Last year Fermilab published results which narrows down the range of energies the LHC needs to explore. The main motivation for the LHC is the Higgs boson and the unitary completion of the Standard Model.
Looking for a particle that doesn't exist should keep you occupied for another 20 years or so...

I seriously can't understand why you would knowingly lie to someone who has hands on experience of particle physics research about particle physics research!! I know you're used to speaking to people who aren't in the physics research community and thus are unlikely to know what precisely is or isn't taken seriously but you and I have crossed paths enough times for you to know I'm not one of those people. You could lie to me about what is or isn't serious research in biochemistry, I have no real active knowledge about it, but you can't pull the same trick with particle physics research.
links to support your vitriolic allegation please...
Speculation motivated by previous knowledge of particle physics. You obviously think, given what you just said about the Higgs and graviton, that any random speculation is just as valid. You have no clue as to the scientific method.
well said....go on...

What do I need to 'fish' for? You're providing everything up front! You just demonstrated you don't know what the mainstream describes mass-energy-momentum relationships with, you don't know how the mainstream models the photon, you are willing to lie about said things you don't know, you lie to physics researchers about physics research, you have demonstrated a complete lack of integrity and honesty. I don't have to go 'fishing' for anything.
I am not provding everything up front as I said....more to come...

You're trying to change the subject. I haven't said anything about any of those things and the existence of the Higgs and/or graviton is immaterial to any of those things really.
Obviously so to is the photons existence irrelevant to physics. Imagine what would happen if you sent the last 4 years trying to prove the photons existence instead of other more remote objects such as the Higgs or the Graviton?

Rather than learning your 'science' from pop science magazines which exaggerate and twist the findings of actual scientists I suggest you read some books and papers. And all of those things are irrelevant to the point I was making, that you don't know what the mainstream says about the photon or anything else. Your challenge stems from what you perceive to be 'total confusion' and 'inconsistency' in the mainstream but since you obviously have no understanding or knowledge of the mainstream your challenge is based on your problems, not the mainstreams. And you're too lacking in maturity and intellectual honesty to accept its your fault you don't understand.
eh what can I say...just more vitriol
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When yout theoretical Higgs Bosun can account for Cosmic Expansion including the length expansion and maintaining the Gravitational constant universally simultaneously, may be we can swap notes about the Higgs again....

until then...

repeat the questions ad nauseum and watches alphanumeric squirm like a worm on a hook as he avoids addressing them by attacking credibility and applying deliberate diversion tatics.

Essentially it is askiing:
Why do we need to have a model that requires massless particles?
What is it that makes it imperative to physics to use massless particles in it's modelling?
This I do not know, from a mainstrem perspective, and I wonder if any one does now that it is lost to time [ since 1905]
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