

you see there was this guy who stumbled upon a secret and not just any old secret but THE secret and not just a petty human one either....and well the sims were history after that.
the wrote a book on it to clarify his thoughts


disguised as a sci fi thriller and never published in the shops. All about the universe during 1985/86. Earth time.
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you see there was this guy who stumbled upon a secret and not just any old secret but THE secret and not just a petty human one either....and well the sims were history after that.

I wouldn't know anything about that, however it does neglect the rather twisted variant of how the universe could be wielded like a bulletproof jacket although any nut hellbent on killing themselves and anyone else would obviously shoot your protagonist.

In some respects it's very similar to Norse Legend in regards to Baldr's death by Loki's inadvertent hand.

So don't go wielding that universe like a bulletproof jacket.

QQ, one query though, does this mean you are actually more a Quantum Hack than Quack?
... You're oozing hypocrisy by demanding the mainstream provide evidence (and then ignoring any and all things put in front of you) ... There's plenty of experimental evidence for the photon and its properties (which are accurately modelled without 'total confusion' in the mainstream models), you're having to make so many caveats which have no basis in mainstream models in order to avoid accepting evidence. ...
Yes. I gave 10 separate proofs of energy packets traveling between source and detection here:
But as you say, he will not accept and pay no matter what proof is supplied. No.8 was so simple a bright 7 year old* has noticed it and yet strongly shows something (we call light) is traveling thru the air between sun and your eye:

(8) Fact that the setting sun appears not to be round like when it is high yet there is absolutely no change in either the mass of the Earth or the distance to the sun – I.e. a MassDistance theory’s inputs (if there were any calculation possible in it) would be identical for both cases but by MAGIC the results are different.

Sort of like requiring 2+5 = 6 at sunset and 2+5 = 7 at high noon. (Same inputs give different outputs.) Be careful in explaining this. You might be tempted to say "something" is passing thru different amounts of air, but your MassDistance theory assumes nothing is and is stuck with fact there is no change in either masses or distances of the Sun/Earth system between noon and sunset.

*QQ demonstrates less intelligence than a bright 7 year old and uses circular logic. (My theory is correct because it is 100% correct - thus it has to be correct.)

PS Since QQ's theory is only words, he keeps changing the name. I have stuck with "MassDistance" as cannot (and don't think name important) keep up with his changing names. Recently it has been the "light effect" theory, but now seems to be the "zero point" theory. I call it the "Magic does it" theory as that too can predict nothing and calculate nothing, so seems like a more honest description.
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Yes. I gave 10 separate proofs of energy packets traveling between source and detection here:
But as you say, he will not accept and pay no matter what proof is supplied. No.8 was so simple a bright 7 year old* has noticed it and yet strongly shows something (we call light) is traveling thru the air between sun and your eye:

(8) Fact that the setting sun appears not to be round like when it is high yet there is absolutely no change in either the mass of the Earth or the distance to the sun – I.e. a MassDistance theory’s inputs (if there were any calculation possible in it) would be identical for both cases but by MAGIC the results are different.

Sort of like requiring 2+5 = 6 at sunset and 2+5 = 7 at high noon. (Same inputs give different outputs.) Be careful in explaining this. You might be tempted to say "something" is passing thru different amounts of air, but your MassDistance theory assumes nothing is and is stuck with fact there is no change in either masses or distances of the Sun/Earth system between noon and sunset.

*QQ demonstrates less intelligence than a bright 7 year old and uses circular logic. (My theory is correct because it is 100% correct - thus it has to be correct.)

PS Since QQ's theory is only words, he keeps changing the name. I have stuck with "MassDistance" as cannot (and don't think name important) keep up with his changing names. Recently it has been the "light effect" theory, but now seems to be the "zero point" theory. I call it the "Magic does it" theory as that too can predict nothing and calculate nothing, so seems like a more honest description. what other mistakes are you making?

If you are not reading my posts and are just posting to flame then why bother!?
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Billy T,
posted by Alphanumeic:
And why does it 'have to be'? [re:100% accuracy]

well for starters the gravitational constant is 100 % constant so it obvously has to be predicted 100% accurately doesn't it.

Hint: and there is only one possible way that can be formulated that includes every single bit of matter in this universe simultaneously and allows for inperceptable and perceptable cosmic expansion and contraction.

go on have a guess ?
Even if light is considered as mass-less, they do need certain impetus to guide them in their motion. Otherwise, as inertia is not applicable to mass-less bodies, light would never able to travel in straight line at regulated speed; this it does. Although light is considered to have no mass, it does not prevent it having matter content. Light is mass-less because no external effort, in the direction of its motion, can affect its motion.

Light is continuous flow of photons through universal medium. Universal medium creates the photons, initiates and sustains their motions at constant level. Photons cannot survive without their motions. Universal medium supply required energy no initiate and sustain photons’ motions. For details, kindly refer to ‘Hypothesis on MATTER’