Lies Atheists Tell

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The bible is peer reviewed, though. Millions approve of it. How can something else, reviewed by different peers, be held up as evidence against it? :shrug:
M*W: That is your opinion.

Actually it is the opinion of scientists themselves, Care to concede or do you need to actual quotation?

************M*W: That's just your opinion. Can you prove "divine authorship" without using the bible as your reference? No you can't.

I don't need to. The evidence is for the bibles inspiration is contained in the bible and I don't mean because it says it is. The bibles claim to be the Word of God is based upon biblical prophecy. There are a number of these prophecies which have been fulfilled in our day to the detail. No other holy book can make this claim and no one else has been able to offer a list of unambiguous prophecies. Again, you may not find them convincing, but I do. And so did the great Sir Isaac Newton who even wrote a book about it.

M*W: When you have not familiarized yourself with scientific and anthropological research on the bibl and its history, you are arguing from an ignorant standpoint. Had you researched the peer-reviewed literature regarding the various studies of the bible, you wouldn't bring up such a lame point.

what peer reviewed literature are you refering to and about what? The bible is understandably the most critiqued book in history. Many liberal theory's have been debunked, some remain. Yet there is no proof than anything in the bible is false.

M*W: It is not your place to judge atheists or persons of any belief. If that's why you came here, you're in the wrong place. You don't know anything about atheists or how we came to our beliefs or lack thereof. Most atheists have studied christianity and other religions more than theists have studied their own religions. You're shooting blanks, and you're missing.

apparently not, I seem to have hit a sore spot with you. You can dish it out but like many atheists, you cannot receive it. btw, where did I 'judge' atheists? While I have not stated anywhere that I hope atheists will all go to hell or anything like this, someone on this forum has at stated that I am going there. So you may be picking on the wrong person. I have merely been pointing out what I feel to be errors leading atheists and their moronic sock puppets on the internet have been spewing. If you wish to agree that it is incorrect that religion is the cause of most wars you would distinguish yourself from some of your peers as being rational in light of the facts offered on that point at least.
Actually it is the opinion of scientists themselves, Care to concede or do you need to actual quotation?


I don't need to. The evidence is for the bibles inspiration is contained in the bible and I don't mean because it says it is. The bibles claim to be the Word of God is based upon biblical prophecy. There are a number of these prophecies which have been fulfilled in our day to the detail. No other holy book can make this claim and no one else has been able to offer a list of unambiguous prophecies. Again, you may not find them convincing, but I do. And so did the great Sir Isaac Newton who even wrote a book about it.


what peer reviewed literature are you refering to and about what? The bible is understandably the most critiqued book in history. Many liberal theory's have been debunked, some remain. Yet there is no proof than anything in the bible is false.


apparently not, I seem to have hit a sore spot with you. You can dish it out but like many atheists, you cannot receive it. btw, where did I 'judge' atheists? While I have not stated anywhere that I hope atheists will all go to hell or anything like this, someone on this forum has at stated that I am going there. So you may be picking on the wrong person. I have merely been pointing out what I feel to be errors leading atheists and their moronic sock puppets on the internet have been spewing. If you wish to agree that it is incorrect that religion is the cause of most wars you would distinguish yourself from some of your peers as being rational in light of the facts offered on that point at least.

M*W: You are fully and unambiguously deluded.
The flood may have provided the energy source for the catatrophic plate tectonics we see evidence of today.
What a fascinating concept. The tsunami that devastated parts of Indonesia , Thailand, Sri Lanka and India, which arose out of plate tectonic movement, was somehow the result of energy provided by the Flood. So Noah's Flood generated another flood some five thousand years later.:shrug:
that is what is commonly taught in school and you are regurgitating it very well. Interestingly however, the bible appears to indicate otherwise:–10&version=50;

The flood may have provided the energy source for the catatrophic plate tectonics we see evidence of today.

1. The Bible is the collected mythology of ancient Jews, and as such is not a reliable source of scientific information.

2. No amount of flooding can account for the movement of tectonic plates. This is driven by the great heat generated in the core of the Earth, which causes convection currents in molten rock.

Your notions of history are quaint, but out of date by several hundred years.
2. No amount of flooding can account for the movement of tectonic plates. This is driven by the great heat generated in the core of the Earth, which causes convection currents in molten rock. .
Just so we are technically accurate. Most of the heat is generated within the mantle, not the core, since uranium, thorium and the other major radioactive elements are lithophile rather than siderophile.
The convection currents are present within solid, not molten rock. This may be facilitated in part by partial melting, but this is likely an incidental part of the process.
1. The Bible is the collected mythology of ancient Jews, and as such is not a reliable source of scientific information.
M*W: This is true, but I would also venture back in time a few thousand years to include the myths of the Egyptians, Canaanites and the Sumerians, et al.
The bible is peer reviewed, though. Millions approve of it. How can something else, reviewed by different peers, be held up as evidence against it? :shrug:

I notice this has been glossed over by the "great minds". Is the question so difficult? Or is it easier to ignore the questions of theists or call them deluded?
Most studious reviews of the book show some historical correlation, but it is by no means a reliable record of what actually happened. For instance, many passages were changed so that later events seemed to be fufillments of earlier prophecies, such as the notion that Jesus was born of a "virgin", even though earlier versions only meant "young woman".
it has already been acknowledged that science cannot deal what happened before the beginning.
And so ? :confused:

If after examining the evidence for its divine authorship and concluding that it is indeed convincing one should trust it. Sure
So.. what if I'm not convinced, then what. Or is this the part where you say "Or else..." ?

depends upon what you mean by "literal". Some parts are clearly not literal as noted by the context. When Jesus stated: "Whosoever drinketh of this water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life" (John 4:14). Clearly Jesus isn't stating that a thirst quenching water well will spring forth from everyone who "drinks this water". Bible believing Christians use the same grammatical devices that everyone else uses when determining what is literal or figurative. But I disagree that to take the bible literally is idiotic.
So what is it then ? Rational ?
What about well-known bible stories such as Noah's Ark ? Is it to be taken literally ? And if not, how did you determine that ?

If I have "stomped on atheists here" it is because atheists foolishly believe that they are the guardians of rationality and science.
Guess what.. it seems to me that YOU are foolishly believing that Christians are the guardians of rationality and science.
Way to go for attacking people for their person views though, regardless of whether or it's true.

They are neither. In my view, I don't even understand how an atheist can explain logic, since it is an immaterial universal truth and not part of the material world.
Or so says you. Shred of evidence ? I guess not.. :rolleyes:

I do understand how the Christian explains it, because the world was created by a conscious logical being we call "God".
See above.
Draygombs paradox

Without Time God didn't have enough Time to decide to create Time.

God is defined as The Conscious First Cause -
The First Cause is That which caused Time.
Consciousness is that which lets one make a decision.
A Decision is the action of changing ones mind from undecided to decided.
Time is the measure of change.


Something which is caused can't be required by that which causes it.


Time is required for Change.
A Decision is a Change.
Decisions require Time.
Consciousness can't let one make a decision without Time.
Consciousness requires Time.
God is Conscious.
God requires Time.
God can't be the cause of Time if God requires Time.
God isn't the cause of Time.
God isn't The First Cause.
If God isn't The Conscious First Cause then God doesn't exist.
God doesn't exist.

how can you know anything about before the beginning?
there was NO beggining,..Universe always existed..NO creator needed,
Answer, you can't, unless you read the bible that is.
Any rules you feel apply to God, don't.

logic just doesnt exist in your part of the world,huh?

using bible to prove god doesnt work

circular reasoning fallacy: stating in one's proposition that which one aims to prove.
(e.g. God exists because the Bible says so; the Bible exists because God influenced it.)

and using the bibles definition of God DISPROVES his existence nicely
read it and weep

you can shout until youre blue in the face and stomp your feet in anger but logic and reason will always destroy a fallacious argument...

and YOU've lost ...get used to it!
Actually, the real fault of Atheists is that they go about their Arguments like Lawyers... they phrase their discussions in argument designed for them to win.
when you can prove in a court of Law that god exists I will believe in it.
can you do it?
of course not you would be laughed out loud and booted out just like the Cretinists were.
They focus narrowly on a God based on primitive Hebrew and Greek Theological Premises. I have never met an Atheist yet who discussed any Theological Notion of God less than 1000 years old. They dredge up Old Theology and Flawed Religions. They beat up weak Enemies.
at least youre honest about admiting that you and your beliefs are weak.:D
Well, it must be said to their credit that most atheists are only amateurs.
google "famous atheists",..see how amateurish are they
Do we really expect that Atheists should have degrees in Comparative Religion.
atheists have better things to do then waste their lives daydreaming about fictious characters.
As it is, they express all this bitterness and hatred toward God
how can anyone but a brainwashed imbecile love xian god???

Quran is even worse btw!
Indeed, Atheists all seem to meet about the same Profile... adolescent mentalities fresh rebelling against parental authority and eager to express their own individuality.
as always youre full of shit and LIES..
hey just b/c YOU like to be a SHEEPLE dont expect everyone to follow.
of course theres no god..and SIN is just a Self INflicted Nonsense
What a fascinating concept. The tsunami that devastated parts of Indonesia , Thailand, Sri Lanka and India, which arose out of plate tectonic movement, was somehow the result of energy provided by the Flood. So Noah's Flood generated another flood some five thousand years later.:shrug:
as typical of the Cretinists apologetic strategy,
Dan seems to be making up BS as he goes along! ;)
The bible is peer reviewed, though. Millions approve of it. How can something else, reviewed by different peers, be held up as evidence against it? :shrug:
millions are brainwashed into blindly believing... on Faith...its that simple.

once you start questioning the bible you 'll notice there are way too many inconsistencies and contradictions that dont add up to our empirical evidence of the world,not to mention the idiotic nonsense about talking snakes and such :rolleyes:
The first monotheism we have direct evidence for is the worship of Aten. Coincidentally the flight of the Jews from Egypt coincides with the persecution of Aten worshippers and the torah seems to describe the forcible conversion from polytheism and the worship of the very popular locally, golden calf. Its not unreasonable to assume prior to this they were polytheists like every one else in the region and in fact the earliest portions of the torah use the plural gods instead of god.
Humans seem to be inherently hypocrites. The political party that raises taxes the most screams the loudest criticizing the other for raising taxes. Murderers & rapists are holier than thou toward other criminals. Thieves get more upset than others when stolen from. The worst liars accuse others of lying. A christian accuses atheists of lying while christianity is full of it.
The first monotheism we have direct evidence for is the worship of Aten. Coincidentally the flight of the Jews from Egypt coincides with the persecution of Aten worshippers and the torah seems to describe the forcible conversion from polytheism and the worship of the very popular locally, golden calf. Its not unreasonable to assume prior to this they were polytheists like every one else in the region and in fact the earliest portions of the torah use the plural gods instead of god.

Actually, the biblical accounts of the alleged "exodus" dates to around 1440 BCE. Akhenaten, who instituted Aten worship, ruled between 1350-1330 BCE. Even alternative dates provided by Syro-Palestinian archaeologists that have suggested some sources for the exodus myth don't coincide
with Akhenaten's rule.

It is, however, an intuitive connection and there may be an, as yet, unrevealed link.
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