Let's cut through the chase: Jesus didn't exist.


Well, one correct out of six isn't bad I guess. :rolleyes:
But it's out of order and poorly explained.

(Lucifer=the Morning Star= the planet we now call Venus)

Medicine woman, I'm curious as to where you got this ? Is it that you are just quoting someone elses blantantly erromeous equivalents ?
M*W: I research the specific philosophy of astro-theology. Astro-theology is the study of how ancient myths became modern religions based on the ancient worship of cosmological symbols through the study of solar and lunal models. This is not to be confused with astrology.

If you don't understand what I have posted, how do you know it's out of order? Try again.

I've studied this subject long enough to understand the concepts of how the myths (religions) came about. I've also posted the bibliography for this topic numerous times in the past. I don't think it is necessary to have to post a bibliography every time a new member doesn't understand what I write, so I'm not going to post it again. I suggest you read my previous posts, if you are interested in this subject before you comment on something you don't understand.

On History International (http://www.historyinternational.com/) they are having the naked archaeologist:rolleyes: give his opinion on who wrote the Bible. This is the same person, along with the titanic guy, who found where Jesus was buried...wonder whatever happened to that? it was big for two days but dropped out of sight. Bet they read my post on it and decided to drop it...h ha ha

On History International (http://www.historyinternational.com/) they are having the naked archaeologist:rolleyes: give his opinion on who wrote the Bible. This is the same person, along with the titanic guy, who found where Jesus was buried...wonder whatever happened to that? it was big for two days but dropped out of sight. Bet they read my post on it and decided to drop it...h ha ha
M*W: I watch him sometimes when I get a chance. What is his religious affiliation? This might be interesting to know.

I remember when James Cameron was 'backing' the hoax of them finding Jesus's burial place. Whatever happened to that? It was a hoax being hyped up for Cameron to make another titanic movie this time about the burial place of Jesus. I recall that there was a Jewish filmmaker involved in this hoax as well. Can't remember his name, but I do remember his face. He's in the entertainment business. What else can I say. People will pay money to go see the assumed burial place of Jesus. What happened to it? I think they were bombarded by the liberal media and maybe enough individuals to quash their idea.

There have been other 'findings' that have proven to be hoaxes... James, the brother of Jesus's ossuary, the family tomb of the holy family, the natural father of Jesus, a Roman soldier, buried somewhere in Gaul, Noah's Ark, the GofE, the bones of St. Peter underneath St. Peter's, Egyptian chariot wheels at the bottom of the Red Sea... the list goes on infinitum. You get it.

I think James Cameron may have gotten the idea that he could make even more money if he made a film about Jesus not existing. Now that would be a documentary!

Besides, any degreed archeologist knows that it is not within their professional stature to make the determination if Jesus's tomb existed, all they can legally do within the parameters of their scientific knowledge is to dig for relics and date them to a period of time and location. (Skinwalker, correct me if I'm wrong here). An archeologist could find and date the fibers of say the loincloth of a man of Jesus's day, but the archeologist could not make the determination that it actually belonged to Jesus. Just like the seplechur that these two entertainment writers say they found, they may have found a tomb-like structure, but they can't prove it belonged to Jesus. Every profession has it's legal parameters. Archeologists are scientists, not entertainment specialists. I don't think they'll ever make that movie. And let's face it, the naked archeologist may be degreed, but he's also in it for the entertainment, not science.
m*w... you're wrong. jesus existed. he was the sun. also known as: mithra, krishna, the light and so on...

that's why people continue to believe in christ, because there is "light" in the bible. there are good things, but also bad things.

the sun is good. darkness is bad. because i if everything is dark, i'm blind. but when there is light, knowledge, wisdom, everything is clear.

it's not just jesus who is the symbol of the sun. the sun, light is also a symbol of jesus/god.
the sun is good. darkness is bad

Try telling that to someone with solar urticaria or a nocturnal animal. Further to which, darkness rarely causes severe burns or blindness if you look at it.

Your statement that seemed to be an absolute is fundamentally flawed.
the sun is good. darkness is bad. QUOTE]

BELIEVE in anything, that's your right to do so. No one can take that belief that you have away from you but never try to tell anyone that they are wrong in BELIEVING in whatever they want to for that only shows that you cannot have any tolarance for others views that differ from your own.
Try telling that to someone with solar urticaria or a nocturnal animal. Further to which, darkness rarely causes severe burns or blindness if you look at it.

but nothing is 100% bad because the yin and yang symbol says so.
that's why darkness is good for some, but most beings like the sun.

there is little darkness in light, and there are little good things in darkness.
but nothing is 100% bad because the yin and yang symbol says so.

"Yin (dark) and yang (light) are descriptions of complementary opposites rather than absolutes."

Your "sun is good, dark is bad" absolute statement is not yin and yang and is also fallacious.

there is little darkness in light, and there are little good things in darkness.

Verbal poop - except the first part which pretty much goes without saying.. there's little darkness in light :bugeye: congratulations. However, to say there's "little good things" in darkness is meaningless tripe, and only sits in your brain because you personally spend that time unconscious and/or you personally can't see too well in it.

Of course none of this stops your former statement from being as inadequate and fallacious as it was.
m*w... you're wrong. jesus existed. he was the sun. also known as: mithra, krishna, the light and so on...

that's why people continue to believe in christ, because there is "light" in the bible. there are good things, but also bad things.

the sun is good. darkness is bad. because i if everything is dark, i'm blind. but when there is light, knowledge, wisdom, everything is clear.

it's not just jesus who is the symbol of the sun. the sun, light is also a symbol of jesus/god.
M*W: Yorda, you've gotten that backwards. The sun exists. It has been called God since the beginning. Two-thousand years ago people started calling the sun Jesus. The sun is the symbol for Jesus. Jesus is an anthropomorphism of the sun. Get it?
I agree that the character of Jesus as described in the bible did not exist.

But I don't think it was sun-worship that the early Jesus cult was based around.

Christianity expanded from Judaism, which isn't strictly sun-worship. There were sun-cults around in the copper age and bronze age, which Judaism was originally based on, but by the 20's-30's CE, the time period around which early Christianity formed, Judaism was no longer a sun-cult. By that time, it had made the radical switch to full monotheism.

So, the cult of Christ is probably not based on sun-worship. It's probably based on several historical figures, whose personalities were cobbled together into a single figure. It was a cult of Hebrew nationalism, combined with a deep-seated regional sentiment of anti-Romanism.
M*W: Let's get right down to it. Jesus didn't exist, and there is no proof that confirms he existed. Why is it that people continue to believe he is their dying demigod savior? When will they ever learn that there is no Jesus. No savior. No heaven. No hell. No religion? When will you people realize you are living a big fat lie?
First of all, it's cut to the chase! Second of all, he was God, not a demigod. A part of the holy trinity. Thirdly, let people believe what they want. I don't make fun of your constant astological posts. Finally, the existance of God can not be disproven. You can't prove a negative. So you have no basis to claim that God doesn't exist.
Atheists aren't the ones who have to provide proof. The burden rests on those making positive claims. Because you cannot prove a negative, and because the existence of god cannot be disproven, YOU and your monotheist ilk have to prove its existence through empirical evidence.

When something has yet to be proven, you either look at it with scepticism, or with agnosticism. Atheism is merely scepticism towards the question of the existence of god.
M*W: Yorda, you've gotten that backwards. The sun exists. It has been called God since the beginning. Two-thousand years ago people started calling the sun Jesus. The sun is the symbol for Jesus. Jesus is an anthropomorphism of the sun. Get it?

do you have any evidence to back that claim up?, and i dont mean references, i mean actual proof. because according to all of the present information we have thats not true.

sun worship is not the root of christianity.

M*W: Yorda, you've gotten that backwards. The sun exists. It has been called God since the beginning. Two-thousand years ago people started calling the sun Jesus. The sun is the symbol for Jesus. Jesus is an anthropomorphism of the sun. Get it?

i used to think that you've gotten it backwards, but now i realize that it works both ways. when you look at the details it's very clear that there is a connection between the sun and god: they are very similar.

god is everything. and when god is physical matter in its purest form, he is a star. and when god is a human being in its purest form, he is like jesus.

people created the story about the sun-god because the sun is a perfect metaphor for god (the savior, light, within ourself). that's why people started to worship it in the first place: because, in a sense, the sun IS god.

the sun was worshipped in ancient egypt for the same reason that lions and cats were worshipped. the lion is a metaphor for god, it is the first sign of the zodiac, the father of all others. fire element.