Let's cut through the chase: Jesus didn't exist.

KennyJC I hope you enjoyed this life and that you are an Athiest. For your next will be forgotten.

Look into the old testament, there is proof in the writing.

Mathematics in the written word, 3 dimentional matrices showing and proving the 2000 year time loop. It is he who figured out all of physics, chemistry and mathematics. Do not degrade what you cannot comprehend.
M*W: Let's get right down to it. Jesus didn't exist, and there is no proof that confirms he existed. Why is it that people continue to believe he is their dying demigod savior? When will they ever learn that there is no Jesus. No savior. No heaven. No hell. No religion? When will you people realize you are living a big fat lie?

My apologies, but I was not aware that you knew everything to know about our universe; please, anything else you wish to add? Surely someone who knows that which, normally, cannot be experienced must be a harborer of great knowledge!
Oh my dear man, let me explain. 2000 years for you he walked, he did and he knew. I do not know, but you must read up on your quantum physics. I am only 12,000 pages or so into my work. I have 2 times that left for research. Math. Physics. Chemistry. The metaphysical bond of you is a manifest destiny. Who's dream was the dream for life to live yours as you shall, as you walk as I do. What I know is too great to explain. please read the topic, what the world may fear. Free thoughts. Take into consideration of all things possible, impossible is not a word, improbable is, the bible that you know i will never read. But I do know, will not, shall not see God, but god I shall see.
Heaven is nothing more the seeing more than our solar system. Only a few will ever see this amazing sight, Celestial bodies are heaven.

Hell is those who have no faith in their life, no positive outcome, those who are in demise or distress.
1. Jesus was the son of the intelligent creator of the universe put on Earth via a virgin birth who grew up to perform impossible miracles and came back from the dead to ascend to heaven.
2. Jesus was a preacher who managed to get some followers
3. Jesus was crazy
4. Jesus was a magician/showman
5. Jesus was ordinary but he was subject to the self-indulgent story telling of the time which exaggerated his actions
6. Jesus never existed and is a character in a story.

Do Christians somehow deep down think that number one is most likely to be true?
7. Humanity is crazy.
Well my lovely lady. There is actually quite a bit of proof that Jesus did exist...A more difficult thing to prove is whether or not he rose from the dead after being crucified. Please give proof that he did not exist, posts like this tend to get a bit annoying. (I sometimes do this myself).
Well my lovely lady. There is actually quite a bit of proof that Jesus did exist... A more difficult thing to prove is whether or not he rose from the dead after being crucified. Please give proof that he did not exist, posts like this tend to get a bit annoying. (I sometimes do this myself).
M*W: If you're referring to the truth that Jesus is a metaphor for the sun (sun-of-god, that is), then I will concede that the myth of Jesus does, in fact, exist. I could go on to say that Jesus was "crucified" and "died" when the sun went down and he "rose again" on the third day (the timeline for a complete full or new moon. A new moon rises with the sun as does the planet Venus. That's where the scriptures refer to Jesus (sun) as the morningstar (which is also Venus which rises with the sun).

But to get back on topic regarding "proof" of Jesus's existence. The Romans had no valid documentation of the existence of Jesus, except for the blurb in Josephus's work which has proved to be a forgery. The NT is not proof of Jesus's existence nor is it proof of any of the apostles' existence. The bible was written allegorically and metaphorically, and is open to interpretation. However, to understand the bible as it was written, one would need to have background knowledge in astro-theology to interpret it the way it was intended.

I don't believe that Jesus existed as a god-man, and it is not reasonable that I should prove his non-existence. You cannot prove a negative. The burden of proof is on the one who believes Jesus existed, so that would be you. I would certainly be interested in any proof you can supply.

I am posting a grievence of personal thought in religon. This is not of praise and of religon is should be of praise.

I will explain that heaven is space, the body of void and celestial objects. Nothing has a beauty more beautiful than this.

Hell is for those who live in hell, those who hate and those who grieve. Hell is for those who starve in the night, who's will loses the will to fight. The fright that you give, the pain thats endured, the whips that crack as the guns do too. This is the hell, are you in it too?

His existance is real, but his journey is the question, where did he come from, you are just guessing. Quit the idol lie, dont be a denier, this is no lie, but it is a joke.

I would not know as if he could rise from the dead, this does preturb me, but there are many books, books are the only proof of anything. They are written documents of long dead men. If he didnt exist, why would the church try to hide some of the writings that prove his existance.

I do have a backround of astro-theology, along with a backround of metaphysical sciance, also known as hyper-physics. These answer all of these questions.
I am posting a grievence of personal thought in religon. This is not of praise and of religon is should be of praise.

I will explain that heaven is space, the body of void and celestial objects. Nothing has a beauty more beautiful than this.

Hell is for those who live in hell, those who hate and those who grieve. Hell is for those who starve in the night, who's will loses the will to fight. The fright that you give, the pain thats endured, the whips that crack as the guns do too. This is the hell, are you in it too?

His existance is real, but his journey is the question, where did he come from, you are just guessing. Quit the idol lie, dont be a denier, this is no lie, but it is a joke.

I would not know as if he could rise from the dead, this does preturb me, but there are many books, books are the only proof of anything. They are written documents of long dead men. If he didnt exist, why would the church try to hide some of the writings that prove his existance.

I do have a backround of astro-theology, along with a backround of metaphysical sciance, also known as hyper-physics. These answer all of these questions.
M*W: Fraid not. You might want to consider posting in the poetry section. You really don't fit in here.
I gave you the answer's but you being so naive, have decided not to endulge youself with the science of chemistry and the bonds that endure you and your menial thoughts. If you see what I have endulged my mind with, it would more than likely give you a death defying headache.
I gave you the answer's but you being so naive, have decided not to endulge youself with the science of chemistry and the bonds that endure you and your menial thoughts. If you see what I have endulged my mind with, it would more than likely give you a death defying headache.

You really mustn't frighten people like that. You should keep such esoteric to yourself !
[snip] and it is not reasonable that I should prove his non-existence. You cannot prove a negative.

You're absolutely correct, so I'm not sure how/why you initially posted this "cut through [sic] the chase" topic. Since this is a "scientific" forum, should not your post have been something along the lines of "Let's cut to the chase: what scientific evidence is there for Jesus' existence?"