Let's cut through the chase: Jesus didn't exist.

Hello, Dave?

I suppose no explanation of rules is forthcoming. Or perhaps Dave has no idea what rules he refers to himself?

Do you have a set of rules, Dave? If so, what are they and why would you need them?

Have you no self-control? Are you a criminal?

Do explain yourself, Dave.
(Q) said:
Hello, Dave?

I suppose no explanation of rules is forthcoming. Or perhaps Dave has no idea what rules he refers to himself?

Do you have a set of rules, Dave? If so, what are they and why would you need them?

Have you no self-control? Are you a criminal?

Do explain yourself, Dave.

Well I suppose I had to sleep, apologies for my adsence I just didn't see your name on the main page so wasn't aware that you were going to post so quickly again.

Adultery, would you do it?
Adultery, would you do it?

I know it's not been aimed at me, but much like you answered someone elses question on my post, I'll do the same:

Sure I would. If my heart desired a different woman, and things with my wife and I were falling apart.. certainly.

Am I a bad man?
John 3:19

19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

This in itself rises a very interesting question that has never been answered:

Why, given an eternity to plan it out, did god fuck up so bad? A third of his angels left him, the very first people that existed went against him, everyone then went against him to such a degree that he had to drown them all, everyone continued to go against him which meant he had to commit suicide and still to this day everyone goes against him. Even those that profess to follow and love him cannot obey his laws for ten minutes.

Surely you wouldn't argue that people created people to be so bad... would you?

Read the New Testament, and the Old Testament in context..

Done. Were you going to provide a proper answer to my question?

Are you completely dumb or just an ignorant twit?

A quality, informative, mature response. Thank you. Of all the christians to question, you were clearly the best.

But although you didn't give me much to work with, let's take a look at what you said:

"The many rules that were governed by the priests in that day and age are redundant"

"not being a Levite priest and not living in the year 2000bc or so I realise that this doesn't apply to me."

"But being a Christian I follow Christ, and not being a Jew nevermind a Levite priest the passage you are referring only tells a story, and is meaningless to the way I live my life."

Given your statements, it would seem my statement stands: The OT is redundant - so sayeth you. It seemingly has little worth other than an interesting story to help pass the time. Now, you can either debate the issue or you can continue with your pissy little insults. I am eager to see which route you take.

Obviously you haven't read it or you don't know what wisdom means/is. I suspect a bit of both.

Absolutely right on both counts. So, now please tell me what "wisdom" you were referring to. Thanks.


I think the OT law is harsh.

So you disagree with god?

But a child that disrespects his parents breaks one of the big ten -- I wouldn't stone them, but they do have a big problem.

So you are hereby saying that god is wrong with his laws and that if you were under those laws you would ignore them?

I also feel that a christian is my brother or sister, hence I wouldn't want to throw the switch on them, anymore than you'd want life in prison for your wife if she murdered someone. It's a personal issue.

So you're agreeing that you only support the death penalty when it comes to atheists?

christians do not agree on capital punishment

Oh.. the bible, (the authority on the matter), is that confusing?

however without capital punishment, my savior couldn't die on the cross for my sins.

Well, his argument was against capital punishment - and while it didn't save him, it has saved a lot of people since. Then along come you folk demanding that people get killed. You make a farce of every word jesus ever said.

You'd think we'd have progressed, become more moral since the year 0. Guess not.

Your way, don't they both get the same punishment?

Well it has to be case by case - which is also quite often the problem. Do you kill a woman that killed her abusive husband? (You probably would because she's taking up resources and space), but there is a fine line that needs to be taken into account. This is why heat of the moment killing usually gets less time than premeditated. We've all had fights with our wives. What if it gets a little heated and 'by accident' the husband or wife gets killed? Would you be so adamant in demanding their death and saying how big and tough you are that you would indeed flick the switch?

How would you punish the US judicial system? Would the jurors be guilty of premeditated murder for finding the defendant guilty or would you slap it on the judge?

Well, if the system I espouse was put into place, there would be no killing - and thus no judges or jurors to find guilty.

Not exactly.

So what exactly? You said these laws would be undertaken in hell - which invariably includes stoning prostitutes to death. So please, explain it "exactly".

But not to Jesus.

So you're now anti-capital punishment?

My point is that their life is in grave danger.

So is the life of every person that jaywalks. What's your point?

I'm sorry for the confusion, I guess you'll have to ask again.

No. The two times were sufficient enough to understand that you contradict yourself.

According to the NT, it was faith that pleased him.

According to the OT - which was written when it occurred, in the presence of god - it was fear. You cannot argue against text written at the time compared to text written 2k years later.

"Without faith it is impossible to please god."

Man, I get pleased if someone buys me a beer. Why is your god so uptight? Why all these "impossibilities" for an all loving god?

So attempted murder doesn't count.

No. Attempted murder gets tried on the count of attempted murder, not murder. There's a slight difference between the two.

Lavish indeed.

It's all about perspective Woody. Because you have the freedom to bonk a woman, to shop at the local store, to visit the seaside, to go to the cinema, to eat a take away curry, you do not recognise the hardship of having nothing but a 10 * 10 with metal bars. Please, commit a small crime and get a month in prison - then we'll see if you change your opinion.

Perhaps we should send you some of Castro's cuban prisoners that he released in our country. That's how cuba takes care of its crime problem.

So because Cuba has justice issues, better to just kill them all?

Perhaps the US could release all it's criminals in your country so you all can take care of them.

I fail to see the relevance. They'd get jailed here and not killed. But it's curious to see why a highly atheist country like England, (you yourself said there's no religious people here), has relatively low crime rate whereas your country - 87% religious, has an astoundingly high crime rate.

Because the prisons are overcrowded.

Well, if you'd stop telling people that it's ok to kill atheists, the crime rate would undoubdtedly go down a little. Then if your god would stop talking to people and tell them to go slaughter someone, the crime rate would go down even more.

My opinion vs. yours.

Ok, now we need to judge which "opinion" has more merit. Ever been inside a prison Woody?

My opinion vs. yours. Why should you care anyway, aren't humans just animals?

Yes, humans are {just?} animals. No, I don't agree with the slaughter of animals either.

I guess that's why you think humans are not animals. You obviously have a very low opinion of animals - probably a side effect of your religious beliefs. Well, we've already established that with your "bag o' kitties".

I care for all animals Woody, even the human kind.

So they frankly wouldn't care if nobody showed up at the service.

I suppose that's a personal thing. Of course just like churches, they stand to lose money if nobody turns up. I have no issues with business - and the church is one of the biggest businesses on the planet. Nothing wrong with that, and I guess the synagogues are little different. However, seemingly the jews trust that other jews will go there. Churches these days are seemingly so afraid that people wont turn up, they do regular recruitment drives to try and get anyone to go. They relax the beliefs, ("yes we now accept gays"), in order to find more punters. "Yes, we accept evolutionists, gays, women priests and even fortune tellers.. come along one and all... The bible no longer means anything".

Never heard of him.

I'll call your bluff. You're a liar.

Anyway, I was interested to see what your earlier point was going to be. You asked me if any of the beings I listed had dinner. I said yes, Gilgamesh did. So.. what was your point? It's a shame, but I see you forgot all about it.
christians do not agree on capital punishment

You could have fooled me - Look at America... And doesn't the Bible say 'an eye for an eye'? Or is that just one of the parts of the Bible (Word of God) you as a Christian are ashamed of...
SnakeLord said:
Am I a bad man?

Well this is going off topic and turning into a "Does God exist" thread, or will if I continue down my train of thought.

It is all about perspective, from your perspective it is probably a completely natural thing to do, it seems unnatural to me however.

Do you think the world would be a better place if we were all slappers or all loyal?(Just out of curiosity)
SnakeLord said:
This in itself rises a very interesting question that has never been answered:

Why, given an eternity to plan it out, did god fuck up so bad? A third of his angels left him, the very first people that existed went against him, everyone then went against him to such a degree that he had to drown them all, everyone continued to go against him which meant he had to commit suicide and still to this day everyone goes against him. Even those that profess to follow and love him cannot obey his laws for ten minutes.

Surely you wouldn't argue that people created people to be so bad... would you?

I do not know enough about angels to comment on their rebellion, but following the fall and the grasp of morality combined with free will give people choice. A bit like super markets today give vast amount of choice compared to corner shops 10 years ago. Very few people used to eat the healthy stuff and everyone ate the tasty bad for you stuff, loads of people died of heart problems(and still do) the goverment does something about it and advertisements pop up all over the place, alot of people can't get enough of the healthy stuff now.

And the answer is in the verse you replied to with this question.

Done. Were you going to provide a proper answer to my question?

It was answered. If you see any levite priests roaming around London ask them this question if you want a different answer.

Given your statements, it would seem my statement stands: The OT is redundant - so sayeth you. It seemingly has little worth other than an interesting story to help pass the time. Now, you can either debate the issue or you can continue with your pissy little insults. I am eager to see which route you take.

I agree, the book is redundant in your hands.

Absolutely right on both counts. So, now please tell me what "wisdom" you were referring to. Thanks.

First of all tell me what wisdom means to you?
Well this is going off topic and turning into a "Does God exist" thread
:eek: :rolleyes:

Welllll!!... Don't ya know, every time we chat here on sciforum and it happens to be religion it turns out "does god exist" thread. :D

SL said:

This in itself rises a very interesting question that has never been answered:

Why, given an eternity to plan it out, did god fuck up so bad? A third of his angels left him, the very first people that existed went against him, everyone then went against him to such a degree that he had to drown them all, everyone continued to go against him which meant he had to commit suicide and still to this day everyone goes against him. Even those that profess to follow and love him cannot obey his laws for ten minutes.

It's called free will. It means anyone can choose to love or hate God.

It isn't becasue everyone is "so bad" rather God is "so good" and His standards are so high. We can't keep up with Him.

So you disagree with god?

No, I don't disagree. I thought my dad's own rules were harsh. I think he made some of them just to see if I would obey him, not because they were right or wrong. When I showed him I could obey he gave me privileges. It was his way of showing love by testing me before he turned loose. The test was senseless at the time, and I didn't understand -- but it showed my true character for better or worse. The Father in heaven is the same way.

So you are hereby saying that god is wrong with his laws and that if you were under those laws you would ignore them?

Nope, obeying some of those laws in our day would put you in prison. When Moses was in the desert for 40 years with no agriculture, no shepherding, relying totally on God for the survival of about 600 thousand people, living off of manna, you know-- it seems a smart guy like you could figure out things were a lot different back then. Could you imagine God being present among these people, and they broke his laws right in front of him? You have the excuse of ignorance, but they did not.

So you're agreeing that you only support the death penalty when it comes to atheists?

No, not necessarily. But I wouldn't throw the switch on my own brother, sister, mother, father, child or wife. surely you can understand that.

Oh.. the bible, (the authority on the matter), is that confusing?

There are more important issues than that. The bible doesn't say whether masturbation is right or wrong either. Onan spilled the seed, so what? If Jesus was in a man's body, which I believe he was, then he had nocturnal emissions (ejaculation), went to the crapper, peed, burped, and farted just like the rest of us. Does the bible talk about it? No.

Well, his argument was against capital punishment - and while it didn't save him, it has saved a lot of people since. Then along come you folk demanding that people get killed. You make a farce of every word jesus ever said.

You'd think we'd have progressed, become more moral since the year 0. Guess not.

Well I've had the same argument with a christian police officer if that makes you feel any better. He agrees with you on the abolition of capital punishment. But you know, I agree that a scum bum like John Wayne Gacy deserved every bit of what he got. Do you have any idea what he did to those 33 young boys he killed, and he isn't even sorry - no he enjoyed every minute of it. Could you even imagine what a 9, 10, or 11 year old boy would have gone through? Must I be explicit about the strange sex, sadism, and pain and suffering they went through. It's like this -- the more they suffered the more Gacy enjoyed it. This is where you and I part company, because you look at his life as worth something even when there is absolutely no chance he will reform. While people like this live, they become monsters in the nightmares of other young boys, or anyone that testified to put him in prison. They are always thinking -- "what if this guy gets out?" I think we as a society deserve some peace of mind, and we receive it when the guy is dead. He didn't just kill people, he went against all of us.

Well, if the system I espouse was put into place, there would be no killing - and thus no judges or jurors to find guilty.

Mighty noble of you, but that is not the system we have in the US, and we are required by law to serve on a jury when we are called upon. So once again, who gets the blame -- the jurors, the judge, or everyone?

So what exactly? You said these laws would be undertaken in hell - which invariably includes stoning prostitutes to death. So please, explain it "exactly".

The bible teaches there will be punishment in hell that is appropriate to the crimes committed.

So is the life of every person that jaywalks. What's your point?

The sin will be punished when the ten commandments are broken. Honoring your father and mother is one of the ten commandments. The NT says you better do this if you want to live very long.

According to the OT - which was written when it occurred, in the presence of god - it was fear. You cannot argue against text written at the time compared to text written 2k years later.

Can you show me the verse that confirms your view. Remember that "fear" in elizabethan english means "respect" in modern vernacular. Words change over time. If somebody saddled an "ass" in the bible it wouldn't mean what it sounds like today you know.

Man, I get pleased if someone buys me a beer. Why is your god so uptight? Why all these "impossibilities" for an all loving god?

Faith is His beer.

It's all about perspective Woody. Because you have the freedom to bonk a woman, to shop at the local store, to visit the seaside, to go to the cinema, to eat a take away curry, you do not recognise the hardship of having nothing but a 10 * 10 with metal bars. Please, commit a small crime and get a month in prison - then we'll see if you change your opinion.

You make a rest home sound so bad. Won't I face the same loss of freedom when I get old? Some people stay in a rest home for 20 years or more and they didn't do anything wrong but get old -- they have no hope of ever being "paroled". Your prison punishment is no punishment at all, rest home patients are "punished" worse than most prisoners. They can take it, so what's the big deal when a crook does time?

Ever been inside a prison Woody?

Yep, I was arrested when I was young and foolish.

I'll call your bluff. You're a liar.

Who is Froodoo or whatever? Is that Scoobydoo's uncle? :bugeye:
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davewhite04 said:
Well I suppose I had to sleep, apologies for my adsence I just didn't see your name on the main page so wasn't aware that you were going to post so quickly again.

Adultery, would you do it?

Sorry, I thought no one slept here. ;)

I also thought you were going to explain the rules you referred to earlier. Why are you asking me about adultery?

Please explain.
(Q) said:
Sorry, I thought no one slept here. ;)

I also thought you were going to explain the rules you referred to earlier. Why are you asking me about adultery?

Please explain.

Rules that govern your conduct and make you the type of person you are.

People might call you a slapper if you slept around alot for example. Or not a trustworthy person if you were a noted thief.

I kept it simple and concentrated on adultery, and simply asked if you would break this rule or even if this rule matters to you at all(in which case it's the same as answering you would break it).

As I said to SnakeLord, this is perhaps off topic so it might be best to take this chat into a new thread.
It is all about perspective, from your perspective it is probably a completely natural thing to do, it seems unnatural to me however.

What seems unnatural? Losing your feelings for one person and eventually gaining feelings for another?

Of course as far as "natural" is concerned we only need look at life. There is hardly an animal on the planet that is mongamous, (I can personally only think of dolphins that are). Perspectives aside, the actual evidence points at it being completely natural to have more than one mate.

Do you think the world would be a better place if we were all slappers or all loyal?(Just out of curiosity)

Would I rather see all these people being faithful while not having feelings for the people they're with? No...

And the answer is in the verse you replied to with this question.

No it isn't, and your supermarket diatribe was a waste of space. Try again. Let it be said that 'free will' isnt the issue. We will use our free will as guided by our natures. If it is in your nature to be nasty, you will choose the nasty route. Might I ask who created our nature?

I agree, the book is redundant in your hands.

Don't try and pass the buck. I have already quoted you saying it was worthless. K?

First of all tell me what wisdom means to you?

Come now, I asked you first, (a couple of times). Point out the wisdom.


It's called free will. It means anyone can choose to love or hate God.

As explained above, this isn't about free will.

No matter what you do, you cannot get a butterfly to kill. No matter what you do, you cannot stop a tiger from killing. Thus is their nature.

Who was it that created human/angel nature than when given it's free will they seemingly all decide to take the worst possible course?

It isn't becasue everyone is "so bad" rather God is "so good" and His standards are so high. We can't keep up with Him.

I see, so nobody is really doing anything that bad, we're just short of perfect? (i.e human).

When Moses was in the desert for 40 years with no agriculture, no shepherding, relying totally on God for the survival of about 600 thousand people, living off of manna, you know-- it seems a smart guy like you could figure out things were a lot different back then.

I never said things weren't different, I was just seeing how you would try and justify the OT being redundant - while then arguing that one of it's laws is not even though it was done away with by jesus, (in your own words).

Of course I understand how hard it would be with 600,000 people walking through a desert - but that number soon dropped once they asked for some meat which angered god and made him kill the mass majority.

Could you imagine God being present among these people

From the biblical text all that "presence" led to was death by plague, earthquake and annihilation for asking for food.

and they broke his laws right in front of him? You have the excuse of ignorance, but they did not.

Couldn't have been that worthy of worship then. He's gone 60 seconds and people start worshipping a cow instead lol. That pretty much sums it up.

The bible doesn't say whether masturbation is right or wrong either.

Shock horror, whatever will we do?

Onan spilled the seed, so what?

Yeah, I said "so what" aswell - just a shame god didn't.. instead deciding to kill the man for such an evil crime.

Do you have any idea what he did to those 33 young boys he killed, and he isn't even sorry - no he enjoyed every minute of it. Could you even imagine what a 9, 10, or 11 year old boy would have gone through?

Understandable, but now he's dead and gives even less of a shit, (because he's dead). Where's his suffering?

The bible teaches there will be punishment in hell that is appropriate to the crimes committed.

Crimes as in masturbation, fortune telling and being gay right? Just out of interest, which of these crimes leads to the longest burning?

Honoring your father and mother is one of the ten commandments. The NT says you better do this if you want to live very long.

I remember my grandfather telling me about his dislike for his parents. He lived until 90 something. The NT is obviously wrong.

Can you show me the verse that confirms your view.

"Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear god.." Gen 22:12

Remember Woody, Abraham had already had long conversations with god. The bilbical fact that Abraham was consulting with god instantly shows that 'faith' is not an issue. He is openly aware that god exists and is there.

Remember that "fear" in elizabethan english means "respect" in modern vernacular.

Please back this statement up.

Faith is His beer.

Fear is his beer. Read your bible.. it's stated 300 or so times.

"Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning."

" 'Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind, but fear your God. I am the LORD"

"Do not take advantage of each other, but fear your God. I am the LORD your God."

The fact of the matter is that people are run by fear - and that's what floats god's boat, (that and burning cow flesh). Faith has only come into the picture since god vanished.

You make a rest home sound so bad.

No wonder nobody wants to go there.

Your prison punishment is no punishment at all

I disagree. Once you tell me your experience of the 'inside' we can talk further.

rest home patients are "punished" worse than most prisoners

You're wrong.

Who is Froodoo or whatever? Is that Scoobydoo's uncle?

This weak attempt at humour shows you're a liar. Humans are so predictable.
davewhite04 said:
Rules that govern your conduct and make you the type of person you are.

I don't need rules to govern my conduct nor to make me the type of person I am. No one does. If you had read the article by Chapman Cohen linked earlier in this thread, you would understand that the morals and ethics to which we govern our conduct are a result of social interaction between people and groups of people, and that they were practiced long before religion was invented.

If you use Moses and the ten commandments as your rules for which you govern your conduct, you'd have to quantify what it was people did to each other before those rules were allegedly created.

From the article:

"Are we to believe that if we had never received a revelation from God, or even if there were no belief in God, a mother would never have learned to love her child, men and women would never have loved each other, men would never have placed any value upon honesty or truthfulness or loyalty?

So morality existed in fact long before it was defined or described in theory. Man did not first discover the laws of physiology in order to realize the need for eating or breathing, to digest food or to inhale oxygen. Nor did the rules, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, etc., first make stealing and killing wrong. A moral law makes explicit in theory what is implicit in fact. The fact creates the rule; it is not the rule that creates the fact."

People might call you a slapper if you slept around alot for example. Or not a trustworthy person if you were a noted thief.

Therein lies the problem with so-called religious values, they assume everyone's a criminal or adulterer from the get go. It does not ascribe to the concept that men value honesty or truthfulness or loyalty, it assumes man will always be the worst he can be when at his best.

I kept it simple and concentrated on adultery, and simply asked if you would break this rule or even if this rule matters to you at all(in which case it's the same as answering you would break it).

Adultery, or the hindrance thereof is not a rule, nor does it matter to anyone, evidently. And by anwering that it doesn't mean anything to me does not confirm squat, it simply means I don't acknowledge a rule of conduct that exists on the premise that I would break it if it didn't exist.

Christian adulterers run rampant throughout the world, irregardless of that so-called rule. Clearly, it means nothing to them either.

I am quite able to control myself to not lust after another mans woman. It has nothing to do with the woman of course, it is the respect I hold for the man in that I wouldn't want him to bed my woman either. But of course, he respects me too and wouldn't lust after my woman for exactly the same reasons.

That is how we live as social beings, as individuals and as a group. These practices have not been revealed by a god, as they have existed long before gods and marriages were conceived.

If you disagree with that, then you would have to admit that all men and women were adulterers prior to that commandment. If all men and women were not adulterers, then you have to explain what stopped them from being such?
SnakeLord said:
What seems unnatural? Losing your feelings for one person and eventually gaining feelings for another?

No, this has a high chance of happening. What seems natural to me is to be loyal to the person I chose to be loyal with in the beginning, like you say even some animals achieve this.

Would I rather see all these people being faithful while not having feelings for the people they're with? No...

Attitudes like this is one of the things that is wrong today. Kids growing up in broking homes etc. Yet your answer is it's natural, animals do it so there's nothing wrong with it.

No it isn't, and your supermarket diatribe was a waste of space. Try again. Let it be said that 'free will' isnt the issue. We will use our free will as guided by our natures. If it is in your nature to be nasty, you will choose the nasty route. Might I ask who created our nature?

You aren't looking for answers your looking for arguments and a chance to make people look bad so you feel good, how sad.

Don't try and pass the buck. I have already quoted you saying it was worthless. K?

Right time for you to use that brain of yours. I wrote:

The many rules that were governed by the priests in that day and age are redundant

You wrote:

k. The OT is redundant. god's laws are redundant. Was just clarifying.

And you have continued writing that the whole OT is redundant, stating that I said it was. Do you know the difference between stating that the rules marshalled by the priests in the OT are redundant to Christians today and saying that the whole OT is redundant?

Are you lying again?
(Q) said:
I don't need rules to govern my conduct nor to make me the type of person I am. No one does.

OK, we'll remove all police and close the courts down Q says we don't need them because of an article written by an intellectual.

If you use Moses and the ten commandments as your rules for which you govern your conduct, you'd have to quantify what it was people did to each other before those rules were allegedly created.

Interesting point. So do you think there were many Mugabe's or Saddam Husseins at the time of Mose's? Or do you think everything was rosy then as no rules are needed in anyway?

From the article:

"Are we to believe that if we had never received a revelation from God, or even if there were no belief in God, a mother would never have learned to love her child, men and women would never have loved each other, men would never have placed any value upon honesty or truthfulness or loyalty?

So morality existed in fact long before it was defined or described in theory. Man did not first discover the laws of physiology in order to realize the need for eating or breathing, to digest food or to inhale oxygen. Nor did the rules, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, etc., first make stealing and killing wrong. A moral law makes explicit in theory what is implicit in fact. The fact creates the rule; it is not the rule that creates the fact."

There are many holes in what this guy is saying, and to be fair to the thread starter I not comment.

Therein lies the problem with so-called religious values, they assume everyone's a criminal or adulterer from the get go. It does not ascribe to the concept that men value honesty or truthfulness or loyalty, it assumes man will always be the worst he can be when at his best.

I don't know what religious values you're referring too, and from a biblical perspective it is not the case. Jesus said this:

Matthew 9:12-14
12 When Jesus heard that, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’[a] For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”

Christian adulterers run rampant throughout the world, irregardless of that so-called rule. Clearly, it means nothing to them either.

Maybe it did mean something, but they decided to break the rule.

I am quite able to control myself to not lust after another mans woman. It has nothing to do with the woman of course, it is the respect I hold for the man in that I wouldn't want him to bed my woman either. But of course, he respects me too and wouldn't lust after my woman for exactly the same reasons.

Excellently described.

That is how we live as social beings, as individuals and as a group. These practices have not been revealed by a god, as they have existed long before gods and marriages were conceived.

Please prove this.

If you disagree with that, then you would have to admit that all men and women were adulterers prior to that commandment. If all men and women were not adulterers, then you have to explain what stopped them from being such?

Not really, I believe God talked to many nations, not just one, well before He issued those commandments.
davewhite04 said:
OK, we'll remove all police and close the courts down Q says we don't need them because of an article written by an intellectual.

Come now, Dave, that's very disingenuous of you. I asked you earlier to explain yourself in regards to those rules and you did not. Now you're using your own deceitfulness to mock me. Very immature, Dave.

Interesting point. So do you think there were many Mugabe's or Saddam Husseins at the time of Mose's? Or do you think everything was rosy then as no rules are needed in anyway?

What does that have to do with anything? Are you now claiming all men were Husseins? Really, Dave, you're not making much sense here. Are you claiming that not a single man or woman had one iota of honesty, truthfulness or loyalty prior to your set of revealed rules?

There are many holes in what this guy is saying, and to be fair to the thread starter I not comment.

If there are many holes, then please reveal them, that would be the only fair thing to do. I'm quite sure you can't though and that is the reason why you won't, it has nothing to do with your regard for the thread starter.

You simply are unable to do it.

And if you actually think you can, we can easily start another thread and go through the article word for word. Would you accept such a challenge, Dave?

I don't know what religious values you're referring too, and from a biblical perspective it is not the case. Jesus said this:

Matthew 9:12-14
12 When Jesus heard that, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’[a] For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”

So, what exactly does that wishy-washy quote mean? Can YOU quantify it, Dave?

Maybe it did mean something, but they decided to break the rule.

Yes, they did, they broke the rule, Dave. That's exactly the point. Can you quantify that in any way?

Excellently described.

Thank you, and no gods were required in its conception.

Please prove this.

The proof is in the putting, Dave. Civilisation wouldn't exist if that wasn't in practice. That is a foregone conclusion. You don't appear to accept the fact that man can be honest, loyal and truthful all on his own. You appear to view man as something that requires restraints in all aspects of his being. That simply does not follow.

Not really, I believe God talked to many nations, not just one, well before He issued those commandments.

Perhaps, but unfortunately he was unable to deliver the exact same message to all people equally and unequivocally. As a result, we now have thousands of religions holding completely different views of moral conduct, some diametrically opposed to others.

Christianity and Islam come to mind. How do you explain those discrepancies, Dave?
What seems natural to me is to be loyal to the person I chose to be loyal with in the beginning, like you say even some animals achieve this

1 animal, (to my knowledge). If you want to debate over what is more moral, (although we're then just debating opinion), then sure.. but if we keep this to a 'natural' and 'unnatural' case, then the evidence would point at natural.

Attitudes like this is one of the things that is wrong today.

And you get to ultimately decide what's right and what's wrong 'with the world today'? If you were to ask me I'd say religion is what's wrong with the world today - it comes down to personal preference, (like what biblical laws to follow or not follow), which is indeed a lot of my point. You make the decision that a specific law is redundant because you don't agree with it. You'll make some excuse: "i'm not an old jew" etc to try and justify not upholding your own god's laws even though that very same god and that very same book clearly tell you that you must, (not one dot, not one stroke etc).

Kids growing up in broking homes etc

Seemingly it would either be that or growing up in an unhappy home. The latter is generally of far more detriment to the child than the former.

Yet your answer is it's natural, animals do it so there's nothing wrong with it.

We weren't debating right or wrong, we were debating natural or unnatural. Remember?

You aren't looking for answers your looking for arguments and a chance to make people look bad so you feel good, how sad.

One more petty insult aside, would it be possible to actually answer the question posed? Here it is again:

Might I ask who created our nature?

Right time for you to use that brain of yours.

Yet another petty insult. No doubt this is a shining example of that "love thy neighbour" thing jesus went on about. Let me guess, the NT is redundant too?

And you have continued writing that the whole OT is redundant, stating that I said it was

Without having anything that need be followed in the OT, it becomes "not needed" - ergo redundant. It can still remain of some value as a briefly interesting story book, (as I stated), but as a tool, a guide from your god to help you live life, it is redundant.

It is generally spoken of as being a law book, god's laws, god's word.. If you no longer need to listen to those laws, those words.. it is redundant.

As Woody claims, the old laws were done away with by jesus. Other than to sit back and read about god doing a multi-hitler, the OT is redundant. It "need" not be read at all.

You did of course claim that it contained wisdom, but although I've asked you 4 times now it seems you cannot show where.

Do you know the difference between stating that the rules marshalled by the priests in the OT are redundant to Christians today and saying that the whole OT is redundant?

I'd be interested for you to tell me.

So, in summary:

1) Might I ask who created our nature?

2) Explain the "wisdom" you are referring to.

3) If you get the chance kindly apply some of that christian love, (unless that too is redundant)

4) Explain the "difference" to me.

SL said:

No matter what you do, you cannot get a butterfly to kill. No matter what you do, you cannot stop a tiger from killing. Thus is their nature.

Well, actually you can but I get the gist. Ever heard of the zebra swallowtail butterfly? the caterpillar is cannabilistic.


It also feeds on native american paw paw trees. The fruit tastes like a cross between mango, bannana, and egg custard. I have some paw paw seeds would you like me to send you some? They should do well in England. Supposedly dinosaurs loved them.


As for a tiger, just keep it fed, pull its teeth and claws, and no problem.

As explained above, this isn't about free will.

What does free will mean to you, assuming there is a God?

I see, so nobody is really doing anything that bad, we're just short of perfect? (i.e human).

Correct. Imperfect does not compare to perfect.

Of course I understand how hard it would be with 600,000 people walking through a desert - but that number soon dropped once they asked for some meat which angered god and made him kill the mass majority.

Wrong. He sent them quail until they were completely sick of eating quail, then returned them to the manna diet. Yes he was ticked about it. I don't know how many were killed, but he gave his reasons:

Ye shall not eat one day, nor two days, nor five days, neither ten days, nor twenty days; But even a whole month, until it come out at your nostrils, and it be loathsome unto you: because that ye have despised the LORD which is among you, and have wept before him, saying, Why came we forth out of Egypt?

Yep, He loathes people that despise him and he kills them. Those that despised, and wished they were back in Egypt as slaves were killed for being so thankless. Not a good way to treat your superiors, no?

From the biblical text all that "presence" led to was death by plague, earthquake and annihilation for asking for food.

Wrong. He gave them the meat they asked for. Do you like a t-bone steak? What if you had to eat it every day, every meal, for a long, long time? You'd probably get sick of it too?

Couldn't have been that worthy of worship then. He's gone 60 seconds and people start worshipping a cow instead lol. That pretty much sums it up.

And what would you do if you saw the english channel parted between england and france, walked across it, and stood on the other side? It wouldn't take long to be an atheist again now would it or would you even change to start with?

Yeah, I said "so what" aswell - just a shame god didn't.. instead deciding to kill the man for such an evil crime.

So why did God kill him, do you think it was masturbation? As I recall, Onan was having sexual intercourse when this happened.

Crimes as in masturbation?

Where did you get that from? Please show the verse.

I remember my grandfather telling me about his dislike for his parents. He lived until 90 something. The NT is obviously wrong.

So he didn't even love his own parents? Why not?

Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear god.." Gen 22:12

The hebrew word used is "yare' {yaw-ray'}", and the meaning of it includes "reverance"

Hebrews 11:17 says:

By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,

How do you reconcile your interpretation of Gen 22:12, unless you're just twisting scriptures to prove your own point?

The fact of the matter is that people are run by fear - and that's what floats god's boat, (that and burning cow flesh). Faith has only come into the picture since god vanished.

I'm not scared of God. Where love is, there is no fear.

This weak attempt at humour shows you're a liar. Humans are so predictable.

Sorry, but I don't watch any movies. Tell me who he is/was. Also, an apology is in order. Actually two since you've said it twice. :eek:

Frodo Baggins

I asked my wife and 10 year old daughter. Neither of them heard of Mr./Mrs. Frodo Baggins.

You need to find a more civil way of expressing yourself.
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(Q) said:
Come now, Dave, that's very disingenuous of you. I asked you earlier to explain yourself in regards to those rules and you did not. Now you're using your own deceitfulness to mock me. Very immature, Dave.

I simply pointed out a flaw in your philosophy.

What does that have to do with anything? Are you now claiming all men were Husseins? Really, Dave, you're not making much sense here. Are you claiming that not a single man or woman had one iota of honesty, truthfulness or loyalty prior to your set of revealed rules?

No, what I'm saying is that back in the day of Mose's the earth wouldn't have been a bed of roses.

You simply are unable to do it.

You create a thread and I'll point out a flaw.

And if you actually think you can, we can easily start another thread and go through the article word for word. Would you accept such a challenge, Dave?

Ah you read my mind.

So, what exactly does that wishy-washy quote mean? Can YOU quantify it, Dave?

It simply means that during the time of Jesus' ministry there were people that needed Him more than others. That's why He didn't mingle with the righteous He mingled with the sinners of that day, thus suggesting that there were people who needed Him alot more then others. Murderers, prostitutes, tax collectors etc...

Yes, they did, they broke the rule, Dave. That's exactly the point. Can you quantify that in any way?

I can explain that. Christians are human just like everyone else.

The proof is in the putting, Dave. Civilisation wouldn't exist if that wasn't in practice. That is a foregone conclusion. You don't appear to accept the fact that man can be honest, loyal and truthful all on his own. You appear to view man as something that requires restraints in all aspects of his being. That simply does not follow.

A group of people need guidelines, this is evident today.

Christianity and Islam come to mind. How do you explain those discrepancies, Dave?

I was thinking thousands and thousands of years ago, well before the formation of Christianty or Islam.
If you were to ask me I'd say religion is what's wrong with the world today

If you ask me, lack of religion is what's wrong with our country today, that combined with your type of naturalistic thinking. But hey, we all have our opinions, we haven't lost them yet.

You make the decision that a specific law is redundant because you don't agree with it. You'll make some excuse: "i'm not an old jew" etc to try and justify not upholding your own god's laws even though that very same god and that very same book clearly tell you that you must, (not one dot, not one stroke etc).

I didn't make an excuse, I spelt it out using the Bible, and considering we are debating the Bible I can't see the problem. You're still waffling on about these rules in the books of Mose's, can you not understand the word CONTEXT! You just can't accept an answer, it just bounces of your forehead.

Seemingly it would either be that or growing up in an unhappy home. The latter is generally of far more detriment to the child than the former.

And you would know, I actually have first hand experience and you're wrong.

We weren't debating right or wrong, we were debating natural or unnatural. Remember?

Your first response to me was about being right or wrong, or more specifically does commiting adultery make you a bad man. Read what you write first.

Might I ask who created our nature?

God. But our free will determines who we become.

Yet another petty insult. No doubt this is a shining example of that "love thy neighbour" thing jesus went on about. Let me guess, the NT is redundant too?

I guess you're the typical person who can give but can't take eh? Actually responding to your message is a sign of love. I'm not doing it to make myself feel good, I promise you.

Without having anything that need be followed in the OT, it becomes "not needed" - ergo redundant. It can still remain of some value as a briefly interesting story book, (as I stated), but as a tool, a guide from your god to help you live life, it is redundant.

Not really, reading the OT allows you to become familar with your creator. Also, there are prophesies in there, none of which have been dud, that are coming to fruitation now. That is another topic, and one that I have little knowledge about.

As Woody claims, the old laws were done away with by jesus. Other than to sit back and read about god doing a multi-hitler, the OT is redundant. It "need" not be read at all.

Woody is right in a sense, most of the stuff is covered by Jesus in anyway. The OT has to be used to backup who Jesus is and what Jesus said otherwise we would have no reference material.

You did of course claim that it contained wisdom, but although I've asked you 4 times now it seems you cannot show where.

Considering you have been unable to comprehend my explanation of the rules marshalled by the levite priests, and are not willing to explain what wisdom means iyo so far, then I don't think I'll post more material to confuse you yet.