Let's cut through the chase: Jesus didn't exist.

KennyJC said:
The doctors probably used the word 'miracle' to describe how unlikely a recovery was. I doubt they actually meant that it was impossible for you to recover without the guidance of a mythical being.

I use the word miracle too but never attribute it to an imaginary friend.

The point was miracles do happen..
You wanted proof, I tried to offer some from first hand experience.
You won't accept that either, but ridiculed what I had to say.
If you chose to remain a skeptic, thats your loss.
In speaking to the rich young ruler after he lifted up his eyes in hell, while pleading for someone to go to his loved ones...he was told;
"They have the scriptures....."the law and the prophets" if they have not believed, neither will they believe if someone raised from the dead".
There is probably nothing I can do for you, mister KennyJC.
The point was miracles do happen..

If you mean that it is possible for highly unlikely events to happen, then I agree.

In speaking to the rich young ruler after he lifted up his eyes in hell, while pleading for someone to go to his loved ones...he was told;
"They have the scriptures....."the law and the prophets" if they have not believed, neither will they believe if someone raised from the dead".

Thats impressive that they managed to find quote straight from hell... Or is it just a story?
It's not just a story....it's been proven to me beyond the shadow of a doubt.
But I can't give that belief to someone else....of course.
You need to be shown yourself to your own satifaction.
Maybe that will happen someday, in someway....
You really can't get all you need, taking someone elses word for it.
But faith cometh by hearing, and hearing...the word of god.
Then it's between You and God on an individual basis....
Theres no groups, no religious organizations that are going to give it to you.
There has always been men with gifts from God, "prophets, apostles, evangelists, teachers, and pastors".
These won't be found in any religious organizations of men.
Not the ones with a real message from God.
If you have an ear to hear......you'll recognize His "Voice".
If not, you'll likely be deceived.
Miracles are bullshit!. Yea, you believe something extraordinary happened to ya! heck, if you believe so much in miracles get in front of a Semi-truck coming at ya 80 miles an hour, if you survive, after they scrape your ass off the grill, "it's a miracle". :rolleyes:

The above was only told for entertainment purposes, no dumbass would ever step in front of a speeding semi-truck, and believe that they will survive. :D ;)

And now here's Penn&Teller on miracles:click

Joe Bless You!

TheVisitor said:
It's not just a story....it's been proven to me beyond the shadow of a doubt.
But I can't give that belief to someone else....of course.
You need to be shown yourself to your own satifaction.
Maybe that will happen someday, in someway....
You really can't get all you need, taking someone elses word for it.
But faith cometh by hearing, and hearing...the word of god.
Then it's between You and God on an individual basis....
Theres no groups, no religious organizations that are going to give it to you.
There has always been men with gifts from God, "prophets, apostles, evangelists, teachers, and pastors".
These won't be found in any religious organizations of men.
Not the ones with a real message from God.
If you have an ear to hear......you'll recognize His "Voice".
If not, you'll likely be deceived.
Fair enough. And please can we not have an endless line of posts saying "Beyond a shadow of a doubt, huh? Beyond a shadow of your doubt, maybe, but that's not convincing...." etc etc.

Godless, don't you .... get bored? Just tearing down the same old stuff day after day? I personally have had my fill of merely deriding the irrational and have tried to move on to other things.
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Godless, don't you .... get bored? Just tearing down the same old stuff day after day? I personally have had my fill of merely deriding the irrational and have tried to move on to other things.

Bored?. LOL... NO! I don't get bored, I don't live on this site. I've been here aproximately 5 1/2 years and still have less than 3k posts. Compared to some new comers I've seen that only been here say a year or so and accumulates over 3k posts. ;) So no I don't get bored, seen lots of idiots come, and seen them go!
Assuming approx. 5 min per post... (reasonable looking at content and quality), 2750 posts (at the time of posting) runs up to approx 10 days sitting at some computer - this done typing mostly arrogant tripe...

This does not include the reading phase, which would push it surely up to more than a month. :)

That's a year's vacation time in some posts... spend a year of free time reading and producing tripe...

Arrogant tripe! coming from your worthless ass this seems to be a compliment. Thanks Asswhipe!
qwerty mob said:
way to make an ass out of you and ming.
True... who knows how long it might take to type such nonesense... ? ;) Maybe 10 min... even worse...
Probably, typing more slowly would allow some of the crap to actually make sense. :D
Let me unsubscribe lest I fall into this pit of offal...
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actually reading the nonsense that you type is a bit boring and tidious, that's why I skim over it, as how long it took me to type this. I type over 70wpm! k. :D
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Let's get right down to it. Jesus didn't exist, and there is no proof that confirms he existed. Why is it that people continue to believe he is their dying demigod savior? When will they ever learn that there is no Jesus. No savior. No heaven. No hell. No religion? When will you people realize you are living a big fat lie?

Why do you continue to believe in something that you have no evidence of, Jesus never existed, what a lame argument.

It does not matter is Jesus ever existed or not, Jesus was not the Christ.
wayne_92587 said:
Why do you continue to believe in something that you have no evidence of, Jesus never existed, what a lame argument.

It does not matter is Jesus ever existed or not, Jesus was not the Christ.

M*W: Is it that English isn't your mother tongue, or is it simply that you cannot read?
If you're back reading this thread, Medicine Woman, I wonder if you had a response to some of my posts of the last five pages or so.
I've really just got a problem with these Christians that think pretending to help others out of kindness grants them permission to throw their nonsense on people that are less fortunate. I could makeup anything and if people were hungary and sick enough make them claim a monkey animal as their savior, what a joke!
Silas said:
If you're back reading this thread, Medicine Woman, I wonder if you had a response to some of my posts of the last five pages or so.

M*W: Sorry Silas. I've been away for a week, but I'm back now. I'll check out your posts and get back to ya.
water said:
Medicine Woman,

What difference does it actually make to *you* if Jesus never existed and the Christian faith is not based on real events?

M*W: What it would mean to *me* would be all those years of research that I've put into this subject would finally come full circle to fruition. Even though somebody else may get the credit for it and get rich, it would still bring Christianity down, and for that, I would hope to be a contributor bringing the truth to humanity.