Let's all have a big fight over my mortal soul.

Assuming that atheism is an "educational system"? What does this classify as? Re-education?

semantics. you profess ignorance of the implications of what you wish to advance? rather one dimensional, i think. with damning consequences if i may further add

q aint got shit
allow me to warm up
i really do intend harm
semantics. you profess ignorance of the implications of what you wish to advance? rather one dimensional, i think. with damning consequences if am may further add

Back at you buster. Or do you profess knowledge of the damning consequences (or absence thereof) of what you wish to advance? Eugenics and racism, or elimination of the riff-raff is not a religious domain. If "love thy neighbor" can become so twisted, what are your guarantees for the benefits of individualistic hubris? Oh wait, let me guess, you have a VISION!
eBooks hurt the bit that lies between my brain and my eyes.

My optic nerve. Terrible grief in my optic nerve.
Because what we usually consider to be our "self", is actually directly and indirectly made up of what other people have said about us or to us.
A self exists only in direct or indirect relation to others.

Hence we look for answers elsewhere.

Look but don't find usually.
CHAPTER 4 is where it's at, though

I'll give it a miss if its alright with you.

Its interesting that both Hitchens and Amis were pro-Iraq and Afghan War..as Dawkins is of the same ilk has he squeaked anything about it or does he prefer to hide away in academia?
I'll give it a miss if its alright with you.

Its interesting that both Hitchens and Amis were pro-Iraq and Afghan War..as Dawkins is of the same ilk has he squeaked anything about it or does he prefer to hide away in academia?

what does that have to do with the discussion here?
are you sure you are not allowing your personal opinion about him interfere with your ability to process his logic?
A lot.

Especially if these 'secularists' are encouraging the bombing of your country.

Oh, I'm sorry, I am aware that I can't expect everyone to be able to know that one thing is one thing, and another thing is something else, but sometimes i forget