Let's all have a big fight over my mortal soul.

Athiests come out swinging just as much as thiests and on one website specifically designed for a dialogue between christians the christians tend to be much more polite.

In regards to all of the Christians forums which I've been involved, they appear to be polite, but are merely stroking each others delusions. They usually ban the ass of atheists right out of there.

I have sympathy for anger directed at the institution of the church and for people who never seem(ed) to notice all the problems with it, but I can only repeat it is not my experience that online atheists are curious and polite and only lash back.

Religion is a disease spreading through the minds of people that has the capability to ultimately destroy mankind. "Curious and polite" should not be and usually are not characteristics when dealing with diseases.
but I can only repeat it is not my experience that online atheists are curious and polite and only lash back.

No they most definitely are not. They can be as evangelistic as any knock-on-a-door Jehovah's Witness.

Some of them even practise duplicity (or are deluded) about their own beliefs.
No they most definitely are not. They can be as evangelistic as any knock-on-a-door Jehovah's Witness.

If by 'evangelistic' you mean spreading education, I would agree.

Some of them even practise duplicity (or are deluded) about their own beliefs.

Agreed, sort of. From a theists point of view, which is entirely hypocritical, they cannot understand why atheists can't see their sky daddies. Of course, the hypocritical portion of their argument is that they can't see anyone else's sky daddy but their own.

So, what's the difference between a theist and an atheist. One less god?

Duplicity? You are the epitome of the deceiver.

I notice a shift in the tone of the debate coming from what seems to be an athiest.

Religion is a disease spreading through the minds of people that has the capability to ultimately destroy mankind. "Curious and polite" should not be and usually are not characteristics when dealing with diseases.

Huh, what are you talking about? Why can't they be explained? Or is that referring just to you?

My emphasis. I think it is clear what he is implying.
And you're not a kafir? Do you believe in ALL gods purported to exist?

If I call water paani does it change?:shrug:

I believe that all ideas about God are with regard to the same God.

What we see as differences between ideas are just differences in viewpoints about God.

But as a kafir, I understand that notion is also beyond you.
I don't think this latter descripton fits even the posts here at SCIF, but from my experience on a wide variety of forums your generalization does not fit. Athiests come out swinging just as much as thiests and on one website specifically designed for a dialogue between christians the christians tend to be much more polite.

I have sympathy for anger directed at the institution of the church and for people who never seem(ed) to notice all the problems with it, but I can only repeat it is not my experience that online atheists are curious and polite and only lash back.

As far as my friends I think you may be right about the first few seconds of the discussion, but it shifts into 'proving' my beliefs are irrational. I've gotten very much better at just hitting a tangent at that point, taking the conversation somewhere else.

I can only talk from my own experience. And that does not include my experiences online, only real life experiences.

Your beliefs are irrational to an atheist, but the 'disproving' as you see it arises from curiosity not from hostility.
Again, I can only speak from my on experiences.
The use of labels is a very effective way of dehumanisation and degradation. It is a weapon used by people in power to justify oppression.

Its called framing.


Well, it is the first time I have had someone tell me that I am diseased because of my beliefs. And while you and I suffer from different strains of the disease - or are they completely different diseases - perhaps we will end up in the same quarantine.

Had any interesting symptoms recently?
I can only talk from my own experience. And that does not include my experiences online, only real life experiences.

Your beliefs are irrational to an atheist, but the 'disproving' as you see it arises from curiosity not from hostility.
Again, I can only speak from my on experiences.


I notice a shift in the tone of the debate coming from what seems to be an athiest.

My emphasis. I think it is clear what he is implying.

Yes, but people behave differently online it seems. I rather build my experiences from real life. For all I know he's saying it like that to annoy you.. :shrug:
Well, it is the first time I have had someone tell me that I am diseased because of my beliefs. And while you and I suffer from different strains of the disease - or are they completely different diseases - perhaps we will end up in the same quarantine.

Had any interesting symptoms recently?

Just BAMing (bitch and moan). You?
For all I know he's saying it like that to annoy you.. :shrug:

You are correct about that, he has a vicious streak and carefully picks and chooses words intended to denigrate. But does that make him less culpable or more?
Just BAMing (bitch and moan). You?
Well, to really drag out the metaphor, I have to admit that my fever is very mild recently and I have had few fever-induced hallucinations recently. I find the disease is cyclic, chronic and incurable.
You are correct about that, he has a vicious streak and carefully picks and chooses words intended to denigrate. But does that make him less culpable or more?

Well I am certainly not saying that all atheists are the way I described them. But by far the majority of atheists I know are like that, including myself.
Of course there are always people that are just waiting for an opportunity to stomp on people that are different, among them many atheists no doubt. I can only guess to what they imagine to achieve with that.
On the other hand, certain aggressive behavior can also be caused by frustration and experience with certain individuals.. It's always wrong to generalize but atheists are people too ;)
Well I am certainly not saying that all atheists are the way I described them. But by far the majority of atheists I know are like that, including myself.
Of course there are always people that are just waiting for an opportunity to stomp on people that are different, among them many atheists no doubt. I can only guess to what they imagine to achieve with that.
On the other hand, certain aggressive behavior can also be caused by frustration and experience with certain individuals.. It's always wrong to generalize but atheists are people too ;)

The frustration and experience arising from an ability to demonstrate to them why the atheists are right, I suppose?:rolleyes:

Leading to drastic measures such as these?

frustrated and experienced said:
Religion is a disease spreading through the minds of people that has the capability to ultimately destroy mankind. "Curious and polite" should not be and usually are not characteristics when dealing with diseases.
The frustration and experience arising from an ability to demonstrate to them why the atheists are right, I suppose?:rolleyes:

Leading to drastic measures such as these?

Well maybe..
I wasn't about to say names but have you ever tried discussion something with VitalOne ? After meeting a few of those kind of people one might be misguided to believe the majority of theists are like that.
Well maybe..
I wasn't about to say names but have you ever tried discussion something with VitalOne ? After meeting a few of those kind of people one might be misguided to believe the majority of theists are like that.

When I hear complaints about religious evangelism from atheists I always look at their persistence in "educating" some of the theists and wonder why they complain.