Let's All Call God "Allah"?

Is this a Good Idea? Why?

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Yea I'm sure. We dont believe we are a part of the Shia sect, therefore we are not. We are an entirely different sect of Islam.

Maybe you are but you just don't like the sound of it...

So, what exactly sets the Alawi apart from the other Islamic sects?

Let me guess... you just like being alawite but you don't even know what that means.
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I didn't ask how large the sects are...

So Shias don't follow the way of the prophet? Doesn't the Quran tell muslims to do that...

They believe Mohammed is the messenger, but they follow some different practices, since they broke away politically immediately after the Prophets death, they have their own Hadeeth, separate from Sunnis. However, they follow the same Quran and the pillars of Islam are the same.
I am alawi not shia otherwise they would be called the same thing. Assad is an alawi as well. I am not very religious however but my family is alawi so I just say I am.
I am alawi not shia otherwise they would be called the same thing. Assad is an alawi as well. I am not very religious however but my family is alawi so I just say I am.

So do you (the alawi) follow the Madhabs or the Imams?
"Dutch bishop: Call God ‘Allah’ to ease relations
Roman Catholic leader stokes already heated debate on religion

AMSTERDAM - A Roman Catholic Bishop in the Netherlands has proposed people of all faiths refer to God as Allah to foster understanding, stoking an already heated debate on religious tolerance in a country with one million Muslims.

Bishop Tiny Muskens, from the southern diocese of Breda, told Dutch television on Monday that God did not mind what he was named and that in Indonesia, where Muskens spent eight years, priests used the word "Allah" while celebrating Mass.

"Allah is a very beautiful word for God. Shouldn't we all say that from now on we will name God Allah? ... What does God care what we call him? It is our problem.""

Wow! This is a very difficult issue...
I agree AND disagree with him. I agree that the name of God is not that relevant and shouldn't be such an issue. However, the difficulty lies on the fact that this is just a form of appeasement. Ans, as we've learned from WWII, appeasement does nothing more then empowering those who are "appeased" and reinforce their behaviour. So having said that, while I applaud his attempt to create dialogue and understanding, I do not see this as a good strategy.

Why not just be laid back and say nothing.
That is a very weak copout that the religiously deluded use constantly to justify their delusions in the face of the obvious contradiction presented when so, so many of their believers "sin" according to Christian mythology.

The frequent target of the "not a real Christian" accusation is the homosexual, but whenever Christians are criticized for the frequency of abortions, adultery, divorce, murder, rape, child molestation, etc. the self-righteous will invariably say that this isn't the fault of Christianity since these aren't real Christians.

Sorry. These people are devout; follow Xian mythology; attend cult rituals like communion and prayer; and genuinely believe in your silly god. They are Christians. There status as such doesn't depend on one or two nutbars that bury their heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge them simply because they disagree with their actions or can't face up to the fact that Christianity is a failed religion in that it hasn't solved the problem of "sin" among its deluded followers.

I've no doubt failed to convince you and you'll continue to claim "they're not real Christians" forever, but it doesn't change the fact that they are. They're every bit as deluded as you about your gods.

The same goes for Islamic apologists, by the way, who make the same weak and disingenuous excuses about Muslims they disagree with.

Bigotry, it seems, is the most common characteristic of the religiously deluded.

What a bigoted rant.

Sorry. These people are devout; follow Xian mythology; attend cult rituals like communion and prayer; and genuinely believe in your silly god. They are Christians. There status as such doesn't depend on one or two nutbars that bury their heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge them simply because they disagree with their actions or can't face up to the fact that Christianity is a failed religion in that it hasn't solved the problem of "sin" among its deluded followers.

It was never meant to solve the problem of sin in this world. It was meant to solve the problem of the consequence of sin. No religion has ever solved the problem of sin and neither will any atheist programme the world is doomed to destruction because of sin, With the groth of knowledge it is only a matter of time when sin will have the impact nessecary to bring about the end of life on this earth.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Allah means God in Arabic.
Arab Christians say Allah also you thick headed dimwits who have no frddgin' life.
Call Him what you want
Are you Alawi Norsefire?
You know that Alawites aren't included in Islam and are lucky to even be part of Islamic sects?
Salams :D
P.S. There shouldn't be sucha thing called religious. You either follow Islam or you don't...
Well, why don't we call Christians Muslims, then we can all participate in suicide bombings and killings, and everyone would be forgiving and even supportive?! :D

God of the Christians is not, repeat NOT, the same as Allah.

Baron Max

hello Maximus

Because christians and moslims are different. Why dont we all call moslims christians, so that we can become gay and kill inocent people?:D

God of the christians is Jesus. God of the jews is Yawheh. God of the Moslims is Allah. Guess what? There's no more than 1 God. Jesus is Allah which is Yawheh

or why dont we call christians jews, so that they can go bomb themselves and kill innocent children?:confused:

hello norseFire

the muslim god and christian god are the same figure, it states that in the quran. the quran is not meant to be a seperate religion to the bible, it is supposed to be an add on addition with minor corrections.

basicaly the 3rd testament.


Thank Goodness the Man of reason MR CHI is around to sort you guys out

Thank you Mr Chi, saves me having to spell it for these guys.


take it ez
Are you Alawi Norsefire?
You know that Alawites aren't included in Islam and are lucky to even be part of Islamic sects?
Salams :D
P.S. There shouldn't be sucha thing called religious. You either follow Islam or you don't...

dear Juju,

what do you mean they are luicky to be part of Islamic sects, what is that meant to mean. As if being Muslim is some elite club or social group.

the Prophet (PBUH) always used to promote equality amongst people and to be amuslim you only have to belive in God and follow the teachings of Muhammed and the previous Prophets (PBWT)

Lucky to be a muslim indeed... its whats in the heart that counts..

I dont see what luck has to do with it.

take it ez
"Dutch bishop: Call God ‘Allah’ to ease relations
Roman Catholic leader stokes already heated debate on religion

AMSTERDAM - A Roman Catholic Bishop in the Netherlands has proposed people of all faiths refer to God as Allah to foster understanding, stoking an already heated debate on religious tolerance in a country with one million Muslims.

Bishop Tiny Muskens, from the southern diocese of Breda, told Dutch television on Monday that God did not mind what he was named and that in Indonesia, where Muskens spent eight years, priests used the word "Allah" while celebrating Mass.

"Allah is a very beautiful word for God. Shouldn't we all say that from now on we will name God Allah? ... What does God care what we call him? It is our problem.""

Wow! This is a very difficult issue...
I agree AND disagree with him. I agree that the name of God is not that relevant and shouldn't be such an issue. However, the difficulty lies on the fact that this is just a form of appeasement. Ans, as we've learned from WWII, appeasement does nothing more then empowering those who are "appeased" and reinforce their behaviour. So having said that, while I applaud his attempt to create dialogue and understanding, I do not see this as a good strategy.

It is not just about names in this case. The Allah of the Koran is not the God of the bible. If the God of the bible is the true God, then allah is a false God that does not exist.

The description of Allah in the qu'ran is different from the description of God in the bible.

Unknowable: Allah is so transcendent, so exalted, that no man can ever personally know Allah.
Nonpersonal: Allah is not to be understood as a person. This would lower him to the level of man.
Nonspirit: The idea that Allah is a person or a spirit is considered blasphemous and demeans the exalted One.
Unitarian: The Koran specifically denies that Allah is a father, that Jesus is the Son of God and the Holy Spirit is God.
Unlimited: The Koran describes Allah as able to do anything, anytime, anyplace, anywhere. He is not even limited by his own nature.
Capricious: Allah in the Koran is totally capricious and untrustworthy. He is not bound by his nature or his word.
No Love: The concept of Allah having feelings toward man is foreign to Islamic teaching. That would reduce Allah to a mere man and is blasphemous to a Muslim.
Passive in history: Allah does not personally enter into human history. He deals with the world through his word, prophets, and angels. He does not personally deal with man.
No attributes: The so-called 99 attributes of Allah are all negative, what he is not like. No positive attributes are listed.
Works: There is no savior or intercessor or concept of grace in the Koran.

Jehovah [The one true God, of the bible]
Knowable: Jesus Christ came into the world so we could know God personally (John 17:3).
Personal: The God of the Bible is spoken of as a person with intellect, emotion, and a will.
Spirit: That God is a spirit was taught by Jesus Christ himself in John 4:24.
Trinitarian: The Bible reveals God as One in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All share equally the divine nature.
Limited: The biblical God is limited by His own nature. He cannot lie or contradict Himself.

Trustworthy: Because God is always true to His nature, he is completely trustworthy and consistent.
Love: The biblical God's chief attribute is love as shown in such places as John 3:16. He has feelings for his creatures, especially man.
Active in history: In the incarnation, God himself enters history and acts to bring about man's salvation.

Attributes: The Bible tells us what God is and what He is not. Grace: The God of the Bible provides a free salvation for man through a Savior who acts as an intercessor between God and Man (1 Timothy 2:5).

Also the muslim is not sure that he will go to heaven. The doctrine of having to earn your salvation by good works, in Islam, leaves the muslim always uncertain that his good works out weigh his bad works. The muslim is not certain he will go to heaven and thinks he might go to hell. The only (false) certainty that a muslim falsely thinks he has of going to heaven is if he dies in a Jihad holy war.
Not lucky as in flip a coin lucky...
What you say is right and i have nothing against Alawites it's just that they have altered with Islam. Instead of 5 pillars that Allah has given us, they themselves have added another 2.
They put Imam Ali in the divine light and not our prophet (SAW).
They have another book other than the Quran.
They do not have to pray, fast, pay zakkah or go to hajj as this is only for 'pure' souls.
They believe in reincarnation.
There are some Alawites that follow Islam well, but majority is a bit...well out of place. You should read up on the Alawi sect.
Salams :D
the muslim god and christian god are the same figure, it states that in the quran. the quran is not meant to be a seperate religion to the bible, it is supposed to be an add on addition with minor corrections.

But the problem with that idea is that the quran says that Jesus was a prophet where the bible claims he is actually the son of God. One of the foundations in the quran isn't it, that God is one, not three and that he has no son and to suggest that he does is blasphemy? Isn't that what's written around the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem?

On the issue of calling God Allah, if it is an act of appeasment I agree we're getting into very dangerous territory. What good does appeasment do?
Not lucky as in flip a coin lucky...
What you say is right and i have nothing against Alawites it's just that they have altered with Islam. Instead of 5 pillars that Allah has given us, they themselves have added another 2.
They put Imam Ali in the divine light and not our prophet (SAW).
They have another book other than the Quran.
They do not have to pray, fast, pay zakkah or go to hajj as this is only for 'pure' souls.
They believe in reincarnation.
There are some Alawites that follow Islam well, but majority is a bit...well out of place. You should read up on the Alawi sect.
Salams :D


thank you for your response, and apologies for not getting back to you sooner.

so do this Alawites call themselves muslims??

Take it ez
While both Islam and Christianity are based on the same deity, and thus its name really should have no effect, I think this is an exceptionally bad idea. In fact I would even go so far as to say that this is a King in a lengthy ancestral line of rotten ideas.


Because I know how stupid devout theists can behave, and calling this deity "Allah" will be viewed by fundamentalist muslims and even a sizeable portion of moderate muslims as a victory, and they will move to become even more deep rooted on this planet.