Let's All Call God "Allah"?

Is this a Good Idea? Why?

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There is no gay christian, jew or moslim, because they are contradicting their own beliefs. So they might call themselves whatever, but they aren't

I have also read that some people have seals set on their eyes and hearts; I usually do not argue with people like that.
I Christianity anyone who sins and says that they have not sinned is not a true Christian.

A homosexual can be a Christian if they acknowledge that the sexual act of homosexuality is sin.

It is the same with any Christian no matter what there personal weakness is.

So it is not the matter of if one sins but the attitude one has towards that sin.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
There is no gay christian, jew or moslim, because they are contradicting their own beliefs. So they might call themselves whatever, but they aren't

Its more than likely that you know a gay muslim, but you will never find out who it is..
If I would ask me what's your name and I would say "I am", how would you interpret my answer?

How about this. Add "just" to the sentence: "I just am". That is "I just exist".

If i were to assume you were honest, i would have to accept "I am" as you name.
I Christianity anyone who sins and says that they have not sinned is not a true Christian.

That is a very weak copout that the religiously deluded use constantly to justify their delusions in the face of the obvious contradiction presented when so, so many of their believers "sin" according to Christian mythology.

The frequent target of the "not a real Christian" accusation is the homosexual, but whenever Christians are criticized for the frequency of abortions, adultery, divorce, murder, rape, child molestation, etc. the self-righteous will invariably say that this isn't the fault of Christianity since these aren't real Christians.

Sorry. These people are devout; follow Xian mythology; attend cult rituals like communion and prayer; and genuinely believe in your silly god. They are Christians. There status as such doesn't depend on one or two nutbars that bury their heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge them simply because they disagree with their actions or can't face up to the fact that Christianity is a failed religion in that it hasn't solved the problem of "sin" among its deluded followers.

I've no doubt failed to convince you and you'll continue to claim "they're not real Christians" forever, but it doesn't change the fact that they are. They're every bit as deluded as you about your gods.

The same goes for Islamic apologists, by the way, who make the same weak and disingenuous excuses about Muslims they disagree with.

Bigotry, it seems, is the most common characteristic of the religiously deluded.
Its more than likely that you know a gay muslim, but you will never find out who it is..

Actually I do not know many moslims and those I do know are happily in a relationship therefore= straight.

And I am alawite, not suunnnii
If i were to assume you were honest, i would have to accept "I am" as you name.
You obviously don't understand. You see... I actually have a name, since I'm a limited entity. God is unlimited, hence He has no name.
Why are there so many different sects in islam anyway? Is it because of different interpretations of the Quran?

So basically, only one sect in Islam can go to heaven?
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Why are there so many different sects in islam anyway? Is it because of different interpretations of the Quran?

The majority of Muslims (over 90%)belong to Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jamah, or those who follow the way of the Prophet, the followers of Abu Bakr, the Sunnis. The Shias (around 7%) were those who chose Ali as the successor. Besides that, there are the Sufis, or the Islamic mystics and other smaller denominations like the Kharajites, very few of whom are really there.
No, it's not

Are you sure? We call them the Ansaris.

The Alawites are a Middle Eastern sect of Shi'ite Islam[2][3] prominent in Syria. Alawī is not to be confused with Alevi, a different religious sect based in Turkey, although they share the same etymology.

The Alawi take their name from Imam Ali, cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, also the 4th and last "rightly guided Caliph" of Islam. The French recognized the term Alawī when they occupied Syria in 1920. Historically, the Alawites have been called Nusayrīs (Arabic: نصيريون), Nasiriyya, and Ansariyya. The term Nusayriyya became one of insult, and they themselves preferred to be called Alawiyya to show their reverence for Ali.

The majority of Muslims (over 90%)belong to Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jamah, or those who follow the way of the Prophet, the followers of Abu Bakr, the Sunnis. The Shias (around 7%) were those who chose Ali as the successor. Besides that, there are the Sufis, or the Islamic mystics and other smaller denominations like the Kharajites, very few of whom are really there.

I didn't ask how large the sects are...

So Shias don't follow the way of the prophet? Doesn't the Quran tell muslims to do that...