Let's All Call God "Allah"?

Is this a Good Idea? Why?

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No allah is the name of a arabic pagan moon god used by those that worship a black stone and a city called Mecca. as a name for the God of Abraham whom they mistakenly think they are guided by.

YAVEH is the God of Abraham

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No allah is the name of a arabic pagan moon god used by those that worship a black stone and a city called Mecca. as a name for the God of Abraham whom they mistakenly think they are guided by.

YAVEH is the God of Abraham

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Wrong. Allah was not the name of a moon god. Read this thoroughly and get back at me. Easily the most convincing arguments against this "Allah/moon god" myth.


Interesting...whether the statue was even a moon god (forget the name) or not is unknown.

According to Yadin, this statue can represent a deity, a king, or a priest. He says that all the "three alternatives are possible", but he "believes it is a statue of the deity itself".[13] However, it appears that later he had modified his views. Writing in the Encyclopedia Of Archaeological Excavations In The Holy Land, Yadin describes the same statue as

Basalt statue of deity or king from the stelae temple...[14]

Subsequent scholarship has described the same statue either in uncertain or neutral terms. For example, Treasures Of The Holy Land: Ancient Art From The Israel Museum describes the statue of the seated figure as:

It depicts a man, possibly a priest, seated on a cubelike stool. He is beardless with a shaven head; his skirt ends below his knees in an accentuated hen; his feet are bare. He holds a cup in his right hand, while his left hand, clenched into a fist, rests on his left knee. An inverted crescent is suspended from his necklace.

You're confusing "hubal" with "Allah". Here is a great website for that.


Moreover, the hypothesis that Hubal was originally the proper name of Allah suffers from serious difficulties. In the battle of Uhud, the distinction between the followers of Allah and the followers of Hubal is made clear by the statements of Prophet Muhammad and Abu Sufyan. Ibn Hisham narrates in the biography of the Prophet:

When Abu Sufyan wanted to leave he went to the top of the mountain and shouted loudly saying, 'You have done a fine work; victory in war goes by turns. Today in exchange for the day (of Badr). Show your superiority, Hubal,' i.e. vindicate your religion. The apostle told ‘Umar to get up and answer him and say, God [Allah] is most high and most glorious. We are not equal. Our dead are in paradise; your dead are in hell.

The same incident is narrated in Sahih of al-Bukhari with a slightly different wording (also see here).

Abu Sufyan ascended a high place and said, "Is Muhammad present amongst the people?" The Prophet said, "Do not answer him." Abu Sufyan said, "Is the son of Abu Quhafa present among the people?" The Prophet said, "Do not answer him." Abu Sufyan said, "Is the son of Al-Khattab amongst the people?" He then added, "All these people have been killed, for, were they alive, they would have replied." On that, 'Umar could not help saying, "You are a liar, O enemy of Allah! Allah has kept what will make you unhappy." Abu Sufyan said, "Superior may be Hubal!" On that the Prophet said (to his companions), "Reply to him." They asked, "What may we say?" He said, "Say: Allah is More Elevated and More Majestic!" Abu Sufyan said, "We have (the idol) al-‘Uzza, whereas you have no ‘Uzza!" The Prophet said (to his companions), "Reply to him." They said, "What may we say?" The Prophet said, "Say: Allah is our Helper and you have no helper."
No allah is the name of a arabic pagan moon god used by those that worship a black stone and a city called Mecca. as a name for the God of Abraham whom they mistakenly think they are guided by.

YAVEH is the God of Abraham

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Yaveh is the name of the fat hoe down my block, I think.........could've sworn it was.......
Because christians and moslims are different. Why dont we all call moslims christians, so that we can become gay and kill inocent people?:D

God of the christians is Jesus. God of the jews is Yawheh. God of the Moslims is Allah. Guess what? There's no more than 1 God. Jesus is Allah which is Yawheh

or why dont we call christians jews, so that they can go bomb themselves and kill innocent children?:confused:

Are you saying that there are no gay muslims ? :roflmao:
Allah is not the name of God. It is the Arabic word that means ''God".

Is "God" the name of God? No, it's your word for it. Christians in Syria call God Allah just like Moslims

Why not call God Yahweh? or Jesus?
Or Tao? Or ______ ?

(Btw, "Yahweh" literally means "I am", which can be interpreted as "no name")
No allah is the name of a arabic pagan moon god used by those that worship a black stone and a city called Mecca. as a name for the God of Abraham whom they mistakenly think they are guided by.

YAVEH is the God of Abraham
M*W: No. Abraham was a pagan idol worshipper as was his father before him, and they lived in a land where all of the people were pagan idol worshippers. Abraham and Sarah were at least half brother/sister of the same pharaohic father (and that would be in Egypt). However, I know christianity doesn't teach this fact , so you would have no way of knowing the truth.
:confused: "I am" can be interpreted as "no name" ?
If I would ask me what's your name and I would say "I am", how would you interpret my answer?

How about this. Add "just" to the sentence: "I just am". That is "I just exist".
M*W: No. Abraham was a pagan idol worshipper as was his father before him, and they lived in a land where all of the people were pagan idol worshippers. Abraham and Sarah were at least half brother/sister of the same pharaohic father (and that would be in Egypt). However, I know christianity doesn't teach this fact , so you would have no way of knowing the truth.
Babilonian gods?
If I would ask me what's your name and I would say "I am", how would you interpret my answer?

How about this. Add "just" to the sentence: "I just am". That is "I just exist".

"Just" is just a word. A concept. By believing in something, not just forcibly believing in it, you are deluding yourself. We must know. Think binary logic as the predilection to conception and re-conception. God is a spontaneous creation at will and will only, this is why one can never perceive God as one would any other object. God inheres in matter, not objects.

Matter is in reality. Objects are of our perceptions of matter and that is why matter cannot be conceived, because reality is beyond perception.

Reality must be perceived prior us, if we were to try to perceive reality directly ourselves our minds would become lost or destroyed by the overwhelming amount of information. This cannot be proven otherwise using perception.
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Are you saying that there are no gay muslims ? :roflmao:

Yep, there is no gay Moslim, Christian or Jew. Now, there are people that call themselves Moslims, Christians, or Jews, but if they were truly devout they wouldn't be gay. Get what I mean?
Absolutely: they'd just think "I want to be devout, so I'll just stop being gay" :rolleyes:
Yep, there is no gay Moslim, Christian or Jew. Now, there are people that call themselves Moslims, Christians, or Jews, but if they were truly devout they wouldn't be gay. Get what I mean?

Yeah i get what you mean. You mean your religion oppresses gay people so that they dont dare to come out as being gay, maybe you will cut their head off if they do ?
Yep, there is no gay Moslim, Christian or Jew. Now, there are people that call themselves Moslims, Christians, or Jews, but if they were truly devout they wouldn't be gay. Get what I mean?

I know devout gay Muslims. When they say bismillahi rrahmani rraheem, they believe it.
I know devout gay Muslims. When they say bismillahi rrahmani rraheem, they believe it.

Huh? How is it possible, Sam? Or are you saying that anyone who just says that they're Muslim (or whatever), then they are ....if they believe it? They don't have to follow any of the dictates of the religion? They just say, "Hi, I'm a gay Muslim." ....and everyone is supposed to agree with it???

Baron Max
Huh? How is it possible, Sam? Or are you saying that anyone who just says that they're Muslim (or whatever), then they are ....if they believe it? They don't have to follow any of the dictates of the religion? They just say, "Hi, I'm a gay Muslim." ....and everyone is supposed to agree with it???

Baron Max

you can also meet them

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There is no gay christian, jew or moslim, because they are contradicting their own beliefs. So they might call themselves whatever, but they aren't