Let's All Call God "Allah"?

Is this a Good Idea? Why?

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Fancy Virtual Reality Monkey
Valued Senior Member
"Dutch bishop: Call God ‘Allah’ to ease relations
Roman Catholic leader stokes already heated debate on religion

AMSTERDAM - A Roman Catholic Bishop in the Netherlands has proposed people of all faiths refer to God as Allah to foster understanding, stoking an already heated debate on religious tolerance in a country with one million Muslims.

Bishop Tiny Muskens, from the southern diocese of Breda, told Dutch television on Monday that God did not mind what he was named and that in Indonesia, where Muskens spent eight years, priests used the word "Allah" while celebrating Mass.

"Allah is a very beautiful word for God. Shouldn't we all say that from now on we will name God Allah? ... What does God care what we call him? It is our problem.""

Wow! This is a very difficult issue...
I agree AND disagree with him. I agree that the name of God is not that relevant and shouldn't be such an issue. However, the difficulty lies on the fact that this is just a form of appeasement. Ans, as we've learned from WWII, appeasement does nothing more then empowering those who are "appeased" and reinforce their behaviour. So having said that, while I applaud his attempt to create dialogue and understanding, I do not see this as a good strategy.
We would be better calling God as "The undefinable one"; I don´t think that priest is taking in consideration religions external to the "Abrahamic movement", and that makes it almost impossible.
It's really none of my business, but this is funny. What should we all call our imaginary father figure in the sky? How about Bob?
"Dutch bishop: Call God ‘Allah’ to ease relations
Roman Catholic leader stokes already heated debate on religion

AMSTERDAM - A Roman Catholic Bishop in the Netherlands has proposed people of all faiths refer to God as Allah to foster understanding, stoking an already heated debate on religious tolerance in a country with one million Muslims.

Bishop Tiny Muskens, from the southern diocese of Breda, told Dutch television on Monday that God did not mind what he was named and that in Indonesia, where Muskens spent eight years, priests used the word "Allah" while celebrating Mass.

"Allah is a very beautiful word for God. Shouldn't we all say that from now on we will name God Allah? ... What does God care what we call him? It is our problem.""

Wow! This is a very difficult issue...
I agree AND disagree with him. I agree that the name of God is not that relevant and shouldn't be such an issue. However, the difficulty lies on the fact that this is just a form of appeasement. Ans, as we've learned from WWII, appeasement does nothing more then empowering those who are "appeased" and reinforce their behaviour. So having said that, while I applaud his attempt to create dialogue and understanding, I do not see this as a good strategy.
M*W: Al-lah and El-oh are pretty close if you ask me. Although I really don't give a rat's ass what anybody calls a non-existent deity, it makes more sense than calling it "god." That's just an olde English term that is derived from "good." An example would be, "god be with ye" which is long for "goodbye."
It makes no matter. Muslims also refer to God as Khuda (after the Kurdish word for God), Rab, Rabba, etc.
Allah is not the name of God. It is the Arabic word that means ''God".

Is "God" the name of God? No, it's your word for it. Christians in Syria call God Allah just like Moslims

Why not call God Yahweh? or Jesus?
The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy don't have names, imsc.

The only one is Santa Claus; Kris Kringle.

So far, the Abrahamic god is by far the most cruelest, immoral and murderous entity to ever take the stage. I say we call him Arnie.

Although, he won't be back!
Well, why don't we call Christians Muslims, then we can all participate in suicide bombings and killings, and everyone would be forgiving and even supportive?! :D

God of the Christians is not, repeat NOT, the same as Allah.

Baron Max
Well, why don't we call Christians Muslims, then we can all participate in suicide bombings and killings, and everyone would be forgiving and even supportive?! :D

God of the Christians is not, repeat NOT, the same as Allah.

Baron Max

Because christians and moslims are different. Why dont we all call moslims christians, so that we can become gay and kill inocent people?:D

God of the christians is Jesus. God of the jews is Yawheh. God of the Moslims is Allah. Guess what? There's no more than 1 God. Jesus is Allah which is Yawheh

or why dont we call christians jews, so that they can go bomb themselves and kill innocent children?:confused:
Why dont we all call moslims christians, so that we can become gay and kill inocent people?

or why dont we call christians jews, so that they can go bomb themselves and kill innocent children?

Would you openly say these things in front of Christians?
the muslim god and christian god are the same figure, it states that in the quran. the quran is not meant to be a seperate religion to the bible, it is supposed to be an add on addition with minor corrections.

basicaly the 3rd testament.

"Dutch bishop: Call God ‘Allah’ to ease relations
Roman Catholic leader stokes already heated debate on religion

AMSTERDAM - A Roman Catholic Bishop in the Netherlands has proposed people of all faiths refer to God as Allah to foster understanding, stoking an already heated debate on religious tolerance in a country with one million Muslims.

Bishop Tiny Muskens, from the southern diocese of Breda, told Dutch television on Monday that God did not mind what he was named and that in Indonesia, where Muskens spent eight years, priests used the word "Allah" while celebrating Mass.

"Allah is a very beautiful word for God. Shouldn't we all say that from now on we will name God Allah? ... What does God care what we call him? It is our problem.""

Wow! This is a very difficult issue...
I agree AND disagree with him. I agree that the name of God is not that relevant and shouldn't be such an issue. However, the difficulty lies on the fact that this is just a form of appeasement. Ans, as we've learned from WWII, appeasement does nothing more then empowering those who are "appeased" and reinforce their behaviour. So having said that, while I applaud his attempt to create dialogue and understanding, I do not see this as a good strategy.

I call God The God of Abraham.

It is not a good idea to call God allah because allah is not the God of Abraham.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Allah is the God of Abraham
Jesus is the God of Abraham
Yaweh is the God of Abraham

They are the same.