lesbian justice

james, at what time during school did you turn 18?

i turned 18 half way through year 12, so your suggesting that at the moment i turned 18 (during the 3rd term, semester 2) i should suddenly ditch my classes because im bi and my parents have tried to supress that by sending me to a catholic school?

inspite of the fact that the LAW says they cant discriminate based on sexual oriantation

wow, for someone who is so surportive of womens rights, you are rather bigoted. what about alowing discrimination in the work place? or shops with signs which says "no gays alowed"????

universities which only alow "straight" students and teachers?

even catholic and independent schools recive public money and are under the laws of the land and those laws (except in NSW) forbid discrimination based on sexual oriantation (as shown if you read the quote i posted above)

so your saying that we should go back to the age when the church superseeded the state huh?
39 Discrimination by educational authority in student area
An educational authority must not discriminate--

(a) in any variation of the terms of a student's enrolment; or
(b) by denying or limiting access to any benefit arising from the enrolment that is supplied by the authority; or
(c) by excluding a student; or
(d) by treating a student unfavourably in any way in connection with the student's training or instruction.

The only reason i mention this anyway is because I think in U.S it is up to the school and there have been cases where same sex couples were not allowed in public school proms.

To be honest i think they figure there would be problems because high school aged people can be very immature. That is the impression i get behind public schools banning this. I am not an expert on this subject.
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john the US isnt australia. discrimination of all types are banned by legislation in australia across the board where as in the US its only public organisations which have to subscribe to the antidiscrimination legislation
john for your infomation i just went through EVERY state and territory antidiscrimination act and there are two which have the exception for religious educational facilities (just a note but these only include highschool and below NOT tertiarry facilities like ACU). these are NSW and the ACT

if you want to double check this is a list of all antidiscrimination acts

james, at what time during school did you turn 18?

I had left school by the time I turned 18.

i turned 18 half way through year 12, so your suggesting that at the moment i turned 18 (during the 3rd term, semester 2) i should suddenly ditch my classes because im bi and my parents have tried to supress that by sending me to a catholic school?

Certainly, if it was a major issue for you. You were old enough to decide whether you could accept your school's intolerance or not.

inspite of the fact that the LAW says they cant discriminate based on sexual oriantation

Does that law apply to private schools, especially religious ones? From what you posted above, it seems to me that a private religious school can propagate whatever religious ideas it wants to. And if they include intolerance of homosexuality, then that's just fine.

wow, for someone who is so surportive of womens rights, you are rather bigoted. what about alowing discrimination in the work place? or shops with signs which says "no gays alowed"???

As far as I can see, your sexual preference should seldom if ever be an issue in the workplace or in shops. Therefore, discrimination in those instances is unreasonable. When it comes to private schooling, however, there are plenty of choices of where you can send your child. I think schools should be able to set up as Catholic, or non-denominational, or using alternative educational methods (within certain limits) or catering to specific needs (e.g. disabled students) or whatever. If your child won't fit in, send them to an another school, or send them to a generic state school which must accept all comers.

Turn it around. Suppose somebody were to set up a "gays only" private school? Do you think that would be acceptable? I have no problem with it, in principle.

Of course, any private school that discriminates is limiting the pool of bright and talented students it will accept, so it's potentially their loss.

IF you take your anti-discrimination to its natural end point, you'd outlaw all religious-based schools. Is that what you want?

universities which only alow "straight" students and teachers?

Most universities in Australia are public universities. However, some are private (e.g. the Australian Catholic University). I wonder what ACU's policy is on sexuality? You could possibly find out if you're interested.

even catholic and independent schools recive public money and are under the laws of the land and those laws (except in NSW) forbid discrimination based on sexual oriantation (as shown if you read the quote i posted above)

Suppose I were to set up an Islamic school that teaches Islam, the Qur'an and Sharia law. Should it be forced to teach that homosexuality is acceptable, and to advertise that it accepts homosexual students, in your opinion?

so your saying that we should go back to the age when the church superseeded the state huh?

No. I said nothing of the sort. The idea is to separate church and state, ideally. That means that church schools should not be dictated to by the state, and vice-versa. See?
james only two juristintions exempt any schools from the anti discrimination legislation. the ACT and NSW, all others have exeptions specifiying that they are ONLY talking about minium age limits and alowance of same sex schools alone.

I have just been through all the acts indervidually but feel free to recheck them, i posted the link above

as for ACU all tertially instiutes are included in all the provisions of the antidiscrimination legislation across the board. Further more ACU IS a public university BTW, it accepts people through the normal admissions into HECS placements.

now on muslim schools YES i belive that they should be forced to teach the same as all other educational facilities. In fact its LAW across the board that schools MUST teach exactly the same basic curiculam as the state schools. This includes the same sexual education (thank god). would you accept a muslim school that didnt teach maths to women for instance? should girls be denied the same education standeds as boys because there parents are muslim or do the rights of the state overule this?

yes this isnt in the same legue but we do have VERY high suicide rates for young homosexuals because of the descrimination they face.

im sorry if this didnt flow, i was interupted by a phone call:)
Wouldnt surprise me if he would have protested two males slow dancing at his school dances. No, wouldnt surprise me at all. Especially with a bunch of friends around him.

is it me accused of being homophobic? why?
sorry the title's so stupid, couldn't think of anything more relevant/better.

my gf's formal is on in a few months, everyone is encouraged to bring boyfriends, but they've forbidden girls from bringing lesbian partners. this is a catholic all girls school, and going on what my gf's said there's about 10 girls who consider themselves lesbians, and a few of them consider themselves in serious relationships, and wish to bring partners.

is the school allowed to do this? this is in NSW by the way.

sorry but if it is a catholic school then they have say over who brings what partner
At our school we were allowed to 'bring a friend' if we didn't have a date - (ie) of the same sex. However, I think they would have received too much stick from their peers if anything romantic was suggested, so the occasion never arose.

james, the laws of the land superseed the laws of the church

I agree, but one could argue that students at the school should be Catholic.
well thats up to the school, they can discriminate by faith but they cant by sexual oriantation except in NSW and the ACT. actually its the ACT which surprised me when going through the acts, they are usually the most progressive of all the goverments in australia.

In fact in all other states the only discrimination alowed is by age (ie they can say someone cant advance if they are to young), gender (in the case of single sex schools alone) and religion (in the case of religious schools). anti discrimination laws on the basis of Sexual oriantation, race, political views ect are still aplicable
Wouldnt surprise me if he would have protested two males slow dancing at his school dances. No, wouldnt surprise me at all. Especially with a bunch of friends around him.

Well either way i can see these policies due to safety issues.

To be fair, there are also many parents who would have problems with it. Just giving the viewpoint from a broader perspective.

Don't you mean a narrower perspective ?
What Asguard said. That's discrimination and they should kick up a stink about it. :mad:

Lesbian justice. Hmm, I'm not sure whether to get excited or be scarred.

No...Don't cut yourself..
Let the lesbians dance. I mean really.
Since this is an Ethics forum and not simply a 'Law Discussion' Forum I would like to say that while their may be no legal recourse against said private school
I think it is immoral to keep the lesbians from dancing with their partners.

Next thing you know they won't let in Jews.