Legalise drugs and prostitution?

should we legalise drugs and prostitution

  • yes we should legalise drugs and prostituton

    Votes: 24 72.7%
  • just drugs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • just prostitution

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • never should they be legalised, (state why)

    Votes: 3 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Never should they be legalized.

Instead of legalizing blatantly harmful activities, we should crush signs of them ruthlessly. Legalizing atrocities will inevitably lead to an exponential increase in the practice of them. There is no reason why we should encourage selling one's self to strangers, or slowly eroding one's state of health and mind through money-draining affairs.
Dogmatists always know what is best for everyone else.

Prohibition goes beyond
the bounds of reason
in that it attempts to control
a man's appetite by legislation,
and makes a crime out of things
that are not crimes.
- Abraham Lincoln
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I am not for most drugs because that is direct path to mass depression, on the other hand I am 500% for prostitution because it brings happiness to busy people.
Never should they be legalized.

Instead of legalizing blatantly harmful activities, we should crush signs of them ruthlessly. Legalizing atrocities will inevitably lead to an exponential increase in the practice of them. There is no reason why we should encourage selling one's self to strangers, or slowly eroding one's state of health and mind through money-draining affairs.

well if the girls are going to do it anyway, should'nt it be made as safe has possible, if it is legalised then they will be safe.
TW Scott said:
Like having recreational drug centers where you can buy and use your drugs, but must buy and use them there. No take out orders, ever.
Those recreational drug centers better be very carefully planned and built then, because the last place I'd want to be doing a hallucinogen is in some strange place full of people I don't know. That's a recipe for disaster.
Kadark said:
Legalizing atrocities will inevitably lead to an exponential increase in the practice of them.
First, I don't see how smoking a joint once a week is an atrocity. Second there's no reason to assume legalizing drugs will lead to an 'exponential increase' in use. In fact Amsterdam shows the opposite trend, legalized drugs lead to less drug use. 'Soft drugs' are legal, while 'hard drugs' (heroin, cocaine, morphine, LSD) remain illegal. The results can be seen here:
lucifers angel,

well if the girls are going to do it anyway, should'nt it be made as safe has possible, if it is legalised then they will be safe.

So if enough people constantly break the law, we should simply legalize that specific practice? That's a pretty asinine solution, with all due respect.


First, I don't see how smoking a joint once a week is an atrocity.

Except for the fact that marijuana is dangerously addictive. People who start off smoking a joint once a week usually end up smoking it numerous times a day.

'Soft drugs' are legal, while 'hard drugs' (heroin, cocaine, morphine, LSD) remain illegal.

"Soft drugs" almost always lead to "hard drugs". Banning one and allowing the other is a lopsided and poor solution.


I think we should crush Kadark. That would do society a great service. :D

//Unsheaths scimitar

Come and get me!
well if the girls are going to do it anyway, should'nt it be made as safe has possible, if it is legalised then they will be safe.

Yeah, but then I think "would I want my kid doing this?" I'm ok with ditch digger, garbage collector, etc, but working in the sex industry....sigh. Yeah, if porn movies are legal, prostitution should be as well.
So if enough people constantly break the law, we should simply legalize that specific practice? That's a pretty asinine solution, with all due respect.
If enough people want it legalized then yes, we should legalize it. Government represents the people, if they people want it legal the government is obligated to obey their wishes. Not that it ever works like that in real life, but that's the principle on which every modern country is built.
Except for the fact that marijuana is dangerously addictive. People who start off smoking a joint once a week usually end up smoking it numerous times a day.
Except for the fact that it's not dangerously addictive. There's a big difference between physical addiction and psychological dependence. Physical addiction means even when you want to quit you can't. If you're psychologically dependent on something it means you don't want to quit. Marijuana is an example of the latter, along with things like caffeine and sugar. Once you decide to quit it's very easy to do.
"Soft drugs" almost always lead to "hard drugs". Banning one and allowing the other is a lopsided and poor solution.
No, grouping all drugs together and treating them the same is a poor solution. Not one of them is the same as any other, any approach that doesn't recognize this fact is bound to fail. Just as the war on drugs has been failing for the past 50 years.
Except for the fact that marijuana is dangerously addictive. People who start off smoking a joint once a week usually end up smoking it numerous times a day.

Even if it were true (and it isn't), what business of yours is it if someone smokes weed once a day, a month, or a year?
Xelios err you were right until you added caffine and sugar. Refined sugar IS pysically adictive as it causes the releace of endophins just like nicotinee and morphine do (well actually morphine IS the chemical but thats beside the point). Cafinen is also a stimulant and YES is adictive as well (Though both are not to the same exstent as narcotics or nicotine)

If enough people want it legalized then yes, we should legalize it. Government represents the people, if they people want it legal the government is obligated to obey their wishes. Not that it ever works like that in real life, but that's the principle on which every modern country is built.

Most people aren't smart enough to know what is and what isn't good for them. Illegal acts which are truly harmful should remain illegal, regardless of how incessant people's whining gets. Rules are established for a reason, and they shouldn't be reformed on the basis of unnecessary complaint. There is no reason for drugs/prostitution to be legalized; rather, it is a small minority which fiends for its approval, considering they practice such activities themselves. It is too dangerous a mindset to legalize and tolerate everything people begin to complain about. In such a system, there ends up being no rules whatsoever.

Except for the fact that it's not dangerously addictive. There's a big difference between physical addiction and psychological dependence. Physical addiction means even when you want to quit you can't. If you're psychologically dependent on something it means you don't want to quit. Marijuana is an example of the latter, along with things like caffeine and sugar. Once you decide to quit it's very easy to do.

No, it's certainly not "very easy" to quit. Anybody who thinks so clearly has no experience, personally or locally, with the drug.

No, grouping all drugs together and treating them the same is a poor solution. Not one of them is the same as any other, any approach that doesn't recognize this fact is bound to fail.

So where is the line drawn? Clearly, your method leaves some satisfied, and others dissatisfied. Any method of separating which drugs should and shouldn't be legal is based on arbitrary choices. In reality, each drug is more harmful than the last. All of them are harmful, although each have different ways of causing their damage.

Just as the war on drugs has been failing for the past 50 years.

The war on drugs was meant to fail.
Most people aren't smart enough to know what is and what isn't good for them.

Good for them you're around to make their decisions for them! Would you "allow" people the freedom to take up dangerous hobbies, such as motorcycle riding, rock climbing, or skydiving?

Illegal acts which are truly harmful should remain illegal, regardless of how incessant people's whining gets. Rules are established for a reason, and they shouldn't be reformed on the basis of unnecessary complaint. There is no reason for drugs/prostitution to be legalized; rather, it is a small minority which fiends for its approval, considering they practice such activities themselves.

Often those reasons are based on archaic dogma from ancient creation myths. That's a reason, but certainly not a good one. You've got a twofer there; both an appeal to tradition, and an appeal to popularity.

It is too dangerous a mindset to legalize and tolerate everything people begin to complain about. In such a system, there ends up being no rules whatsoever.

Oops, watch out, that slope is slippery! First people can smoke weed without fear of incarceration, next comes legalized murder!

No, it's certainly not "very easy" to quit. Anybody who thinks so clearly has no experience, personally or locally, with the drug.

Here in the US, millions of people regularly smoke Marijuana. And hold down jobs, raise families, and otherwise contribute to society. I smoked it occasionally for years. Smoked only on weekends for several years. Then I went back to school, and I decided I didn't like the residual effect on my memory. So I stopped. And that was that. Anecdotal to be sure, but certainly not atypical. I don't use anything stronger than caffeine anymore. And I've never been with a prostitute. Yet I believe that it is none of my business if others should choose to do either

So where is the line drawn? Clearly, your method leaves some satisfied, and others dissatisfied. Any method of separating which drugs should and shouldn't be legal is based on arbitrary choices. In reality, each drug is more harmful than the last. All of them are harmful, although each have different ways of causing their damage.

Not an easy question to answer. One thing is certain; if an illegal drug isn't as harmful as one that is legal (Marijuana isn't as harmful to your body or mind as alcohol), then that illegal drug should certainly be decriminalized.
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Kadark said:
All of them are harmful, although each have different ways of causing their damage.
Let me guess. All drugs are harmful, and particularly the ones that grow all by themselves, like cannabis, opium, peyote, mushrooms.
But of course pharmaceuticals (some people call these things "drugs") are all good for us?

Which drugs company do you work for, then?
Let me guess. All drugs are harmful, and particularly the ones that grow all by themselves, like cannabis, opium, peyote, mushrooms. But of course pharmaceuticals (some people call these things "drugs") are all good for us?

Which company do you work for?

You got it twisted, compadre. I hate most prescription drugs as much as I do illegal drugs. You've never heard my rants against the pharmaceutical companies?
Kadark said:
I hate most prescription drugs as much as I do illegal drugs.
So you've decided not to take any kind of drugs whatsoever?

(A concept I personally find somewhat amusing, in this modern day & age.)
So you've decided not to take any kind of drugs whatsoever?

(A concept I personally find somewhat amusing, in this modern day & age.)

Fortunately, I haven't needed them. I find that preventing the problem from ever happening is a much better solution than trying to fix the problem once it occurs. Many prescription drugs today are given to problems that could have been avoided with a healthier lifestyle.
No, it's certainly not "very easy" to quit. Anybody who thinks so clearly has no experience, personally or locally, with the drug.

The person who has no experience with the drug here is you. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. One personal example: I used to smoke weed about twice a week in high school. During college, since I was both full time student and full time employee, I had no time and was also focused on saving money so I stopped the habit. Now I only do it on special occasions. Another: I know plenty of people who went to med school. Like me, a few of them were semi-regular smokers. One of them was a complete pot head, smoking every night. She, along with the majority of those med school kids that I know, all have stopped. Why? No time. A few of them haven't smoked it in years. And considering they're all doing well for themselves so far, I'm sure that, even though they were regular smokers back in the day, they'll go on to lead very successful lives (even if they do have a puff once in a while).

This idea of yours that marijuana can somehow magically destroy most people's life via addiction is completely ridiculous.
Yeah, but then I think "would I want my kid doing this?" I'm ok with ditch digger, garbage collector, etc, but working in the sex industry....sigh. Yeah, if porn movies are legal, prostitution should be as well.

but if your daughter really wanted to do it, wouldnt you want her to be in a safe place where she has rules, and so do the customers??

Also i think that if a child is bought up with respect for herself then they wouldnt want to do it
Its no secret i think that drugs and prostitution should be legalised, here is my arguement for think this:

1, if we legalise such activities they will be better regulated
2, Will help get younger girls/boys of the streets, and into houses were they will be looked after.
3, if drugs are legalised then the goverment will be able to get a tax revenue from them,
4, They will be sold only in places that are registered
5, people will become less addicted, because they will only sell a certain amount.
6, if prostitution is kept to certain areas, then people with young families know where they are, and will keep away.
7. The girls/boys will only be hired, under strict tests,
8, they will be tested on a regular basis
9, anyone using drugs should not be able to become working people
10, there will be less rape, it wont eradicate totally but it'll make a start at doing so.

It seems to me that the goverment hasn't given this much thought they could tax the working women/men and also tax drugs! I know many of us don't like paying tax, but its an evil necessity, we have to keep our schools and hospitals open, and i know i hate the police, but tehy have got to stay here and we have to pay for them!

your thoughts?

Does that include hard drugs ?