Legalise drugs and prostitution?

should we legalise drugs and prostitution

  • yes we should legalise drugs and prostituton

    Votes: 24 72.7%
  • just drugs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • just prostitution

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • never should they be legalised, (state why)

    Votes: 3 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think prostitutes would be less likely to be abused because if it was a legal profession then they could press charges without the fear of being arrested themselves. Although I think that it is terrible that people take drugs and harm their bodies I don't think I nor anyone else should tell them what to do with their body. Someone could tell me that they don't think I should play sports or martial arts anymore because of the harm it does to my body. Its exactly the same thing to me. I wouldn't want anyone telling me what i can and can't do to my own body.
It would be ridiculous to allow such atrocities to be within a society; at what cost do the benefits come at? The cost of morality? No.

How in the world can you raise a family, love your country, and be a good man when you are surrounded by filth?

These practices are simply vile, according to many, and they are simply people giving into lust and greed. Legalize? No. Punishable by death? Certainly!
We MUST be tough on crime, people, NOT lenient and letting the crime become legalized!
Sports should be made illegal too. They make everything terrible, I just think of all the lives that could be saved if there were no sports. professional or otherwise. I lived through drug addictions and sports addictions they are one and the same.
Both are moral evils.
agree drugs are bad,..but prostitution? no way,
we are all selling ourselves, in a way,
some sell their brain power,others sell their muscle when we work,
so whats the big deal about selling sex?
it should be legal and taxed like any other business,would be a win win situation.
It would be ridiculous to allow such atrocities to be within a society; at what cost do the benefits come at? The cost of morality? No.

How in the world can you raise a family, love your country, and be a good man when you are surrounded by filth?

These practices are simply vile, according to many, and they are simply people giving into lust and greed. Legalize? No. Punishable by death? Certainly!
We MUST be tough on crime, people, NOT lenient and letting the crime become legalized!

Yeah, someone taking narcotics should be put to death, because that directly harms everyone.

Being a good person does not depend on others not taking narcotics or being prostitutes.

Go grow a prefrontal cortex.
Yeah, someone taking narcotics should be put to death, because that directly harms everyone.

They should be put to death for the offense of using drugs in order to prevent them from harming themselves further by using drugs. Obviously. Snuff the smokers before they can snuff themselves out!
Norsefire said:
These practices are simply vile, according to many, and they are simply people giving into lust and greed. Legalize? No. Punishable by death? Certainly!
We MUST be tough on crime, people, NOT lenient and letting the crime become legalized!
I take it you're joking. If
scorpius said:
agree drugs are bad,..but prostitution? no way,
Wait, what?

The way I see it niether has anything to do with morality. They're both choices that affect only the life of the person making them. I call that personal freedom, and IMO deciding that someone isn't allowed to have that freedom is morally wrong.

Also, nobody here should be under the illusion that taking drugs immediately means harming your body. Many drugs do no physical harm at all, including LSD, mushrooms, DMT, cannabis (maybe some due to the smoke, though the most recent studies show THC actually works against cancer) and ketamine. These are drugs that can't kill you no matter what dose you take, and all of them have a long history of medical use and study. One or two people have died from ketamine overdose, but it took a concentration of 600mg per litre of blood to do it, thousands of times the threshold dose.

Drugs are a favorite topic of mine, I've done lots of reading about them over the past few years. I guess it's interesting to me that 50 micrograms of LSD can send an 80 kg person into wonderland for 8 hours.
Prostitution is legal (or solicitation is no longer illegal), in a certain country.

So how's that little social experiment going? A quick glance at any newspaper or local rag reveals a large number of "Adult Entertainment" offerings, many obviously from private addresses, and the place is now something of a local haven for women of all nationalities to arrive in and ply their trade free of legal hassles.

There are still gangs setting up shop, and there are still children in the scene, just like when it was illegal to openly solicit, you know, yourself for sale. But plenty of women did it despite the risks of being arrested.

In other words, prostitution has made its presence felt and more openly, but things haven't changed much at all, except there are more prostitutes here now, and although Immigration tries to stop foreign, and particularly Asian, women arriving on a visitor's visa from working in the sex industry, as it's called, I doubt they're able to stop all that many.

The whole "illegal" drugs thing gets more Orwellian when you look at what pharmaceuticals conglomerates do to push new drugs and recoup production costs, and governments do to push drug users into jails, and prosecute the "user". It does start to look decidedly skewed when you realise that the "illegal" drugs have been used for probably tens of thousands of years medicinally, whatever that might mean.

You might think a plant or a fungus is breaking the law by growing a natural substance, which a drugs manufacturer has to compete with, incur costs, and so recover those costs, with the help of cooperative authorities?
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Norsefire said:
How in the world can you raise a family, love your country, and be a good man when you are surrounded by filth?
Well, for starters you tell yourself you're surrounded, by filth.

Which then makes it a lot easier to tell yourself that you're a good person - since you seem to be surrounded by persons who are not good, or filth.
I think prostitutes would be less likely to be abused because if it was a legal profession then they could press charges without the fear of being arrested themselves.
Prostitution is legal and regulated in the state of Nevada (everywhere except the counties in which Las Vega and Reno are located) and indeed the quality of their lives is enormously superior to their sisters in the other 49 states.
  • They don't work for pimps. They work for businessmen and women or corporations. And despite the reputation of corporations, they are far nicer than pimps. :) Nobody gets raped by their boss.
  • They work regular hours, with sick leave and vacations.
  • They have regular benefits such as medical insurance.
  • They get a medical checkup once a month. They don't spread disease and if they catch one they're quickly medicated before it becomes chronic.
  • They're taught how to screen prospective clients for disease. This isn't perfect, but last I heard the number of Nevada prostitutes who contracted HIV was ZERO.
  • They don't walk the streets, they work in brothels. Security is not obvious because they try to maintain a certain atmosphere, but there are some really tough guys nearby, out of sight to handle any violence. And, as noted earlier, they have the same legal rights as any citizen.
Although I think that it is terrible that people take drugs and harm their bodies. . . .
That does sound terrible but it's a small risk. I've known a whole lot of drug users since the 1960s. The only people I ever knew who "harmed" themselves did so with tobacco, alcohol and caffeine.
How in the world can you raise a family, love your country, and be a good man when you are surrounded by filth?
There is nothing on earth, save war, which is as "filthy," and has done as much harm to civilization, as religion. Yet we are forced to not only tolerate it but respect it. I don't know how long you've lived in America but literally tens of millions of Americans use the popular recreational drugs and live perfectly normal lives. The number who have problems with it is small and there are people who have problems with just about anything. The "drug-related crimes" and all the other supposed problems related to drugs are the second-order effects of drug prohibition. My parents learned that lesson in the 1920s when alcohol was illegal. They had exactly the same problems with alcohol users, alcohol sellers, and alcohol-related crime as we do today, and it all vanished when Prohibition was repealed in 1933.
We MUST be tough on crime, people, NOT lenient and letting the crime become legalized!
Your reasoning is circular and therefore fallacious. The only reason drug use and prostitution are crimes is that the government defines them as a crimes. If they were legal they would not be crimes. Duh?

We already have an example of a state where prostitution is legal, and it causes far fewer problems for the customers, the prostitutes themselves, and the general public, than it does in states where it's illegal. As for drugs, as I said, we went through that with humanity's most popular drug--alcohol--and we proved that legalization is better overall than prohibition. Prohibition created the Mafia.

Read your history, dude. You're probably too young to have ever known anyone who had to live through Prohibition. I'm not and I did.
There are legal brothels in Nevada. That is about the only accurate statement in your post.

There are also illegal prostitutes all over Las Vegas. So you will say 'well thats because of this, thats because of that' but the reality is there will always be excuses. If you think an addict is going to abide by some rules laid out for them because it looks good on paper then you are seriously mistaken. How do you stop a crack head from going out at 3am looking to score? Forget it. Or even someone snorting coke and drinking cases of beer. Rational thinking is non existent. I really dont think you have ever been around too many addicts.

* They don't work for pimps. They work for businessmen and women or corporations. And despite the reputation of corporations, they are far nicer than pimps. Nobody gets raped by their boss.
* They work regular hours, with sick leave and vacations.
* They have regular benefits such as medical insurance.
* They get a medical checkup once a month. They don't spread disease and if they catch one they're quickly medicated before it becomes chronic.
* They're taught how to screen prospective clients for disease. This isn't perfect, but last I heard the number of Nevada prostitutes who contracted HIV was ZERO.
* They don't walk the streets, they work in brothels. Security is not obvious because they try to maintain a certain atmosphere, but there are some really tough guys nearby, out of sight to handle any violence. And, as noted earlier, they have the same legal rights as any citizen.

What about the prostitutes who spend everything they make on a crack or speed or heroin? Will they magically disappear? Your living in a fantasy world.

The legal places will not hire a crack head or heroin addict PERIOD. Not going to happen. So they find the customers who are too drunk\high or just cant afford the legal 'clean' women. This has been shown to be fact and examples are all over the place.

The only people I ever knew who "harmed" themselves did so with tobacco, alcohol and caffeine.There is nothing on earth, save war, which is as "filthy," and has done as much harm to civilization, as religion. Yet we are forced to not only tolerate it but respect it. I don't know how long you've lived in America but literally tens of millions of Americans use the popular recreational drugs and live perfectly normal lives. The number who have problems with it is small and there are people who have problems with just about anything. The "drug-related crimes" and all the other supposed problems related to drugs are the second-order effects of drug prohibition.

Again, you have to be kidding. People who use cocaine or heroin are not functional. Yes, they will function for awhile but its only a matter of time when it catches up with them and the dual life they are living is exposed. Then what happens? You get written off like an old piece of toilet paper.

The only thing that really has an effect on drug use is when people see what happens to addicts, then if they are smart enough they will know that is what will happen to them. Homelessness, insanity, and being alone except for all the other addicts who just care about getting high. Also, many addicts have other problems not related to the drug itself. But the drug gives them some relief, the problem is that this is just for a short period of time and then any problems they had before are 100x's worse. You can say recreational use but it is exactly like putting a a revolver to your head with three empty chambers. You taking a big gamble.

And addicts are very much just like everyone else, they are not all underachievers or stupid people. One addict put it this way 'you are not going to beat it, it will beat you' and thats all there really is to say.

Prohibition created the Mafia.

That is another myth. The Mafia existed in Sicily and illegality of alcohol was just another thing they shown an interest in but had no real impact on their existance. Did it make a few gangsters rich? Yes, but so what. No real impact on the existence of the mafia in U.S.

I have to say Fraggle you are very naive, and i think you compare a sheltered life to reality.

Edit: A big part of addiction to hard drugs is deception. They deceive themselves first and become experts at deceiving other people- why? because they have to. That is about the only success, if you can call that success. After awhile that ability is lost but by then they are too far gone. Thats when they lose their jobs, get arrested, become prostitutes, die @ 20-30 y's old etc. Legalizing wont prevent this.
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LA i voted for just prostitution because there is no "other" spot

I am for all prostitution to be legalised and regulated to the same exstent as other employment including OH&S laws to cover it

As for drugs i think they should be DECRIMINLISED for posestion and able to be got from a chemist for adicts. HOWEVER i still think it should be illegal for the sale of hard drugs like ice and heroin from dealers firstly because they can be cut with ANYTHING and ALOT of people die because of a change in purity of a drug but secondly because ICE has so many REALLY bad side effects. As for weed i wouldnt really care if it was legalised even for sale and growth because it is harder to tamper with (what are you going to "cut" it with? tobacoo?) and because it is much safer than heoin
HOWEVER i still think it should be illegal for the sale of hard drugs like ice and heroin from dealers firstly because they can be cut with ANYTHING and ALOT of people die because of a change in purity of a drug but secondly because ICE has so many REALLY bad side effects. As for weed i wouldnt really care if it was legalised even for sale and growth because it is harder to tamper with (what are you going to "cut" it with? tobacoo?) and because it is much safer than heoin

A chemist? not realistic. When you say ICE i guess you talking about speed. Speed is pretty much like coke, do enough coke and you have your speed high. As a matter of fact i would say that 70-80% of the coke out there is cut with speed. Its much cheaper, gives the same effect. The thing is your chasing the high, as soon as it wears off your look for another hit. These are horrible drugs. They are also caustic, they deteriorate cells and when they go through your bllod stream they weaken your veins and cause vascular problems pretty much like battery acid. Heart failure, kidney name it. Not to mention brain damage.

Coke and speed are binge drugs. People can do them for days on end- that is their real point anyway. Buying from a chemist will work to a point but when the time comes you will have to go the illegal route. Are people going to go to a chemist at 3am...i dont think so and besides those particular drugs when your real high you just cannot function. Dude you cant even talk, what are you gonna do go to the chemist and grunt? No. Wont work, so thats off the table.

And for heroin, start by doing $20 a day but after awhile $20 will get you through the morning. That is why you see methadone clinics though because it can be somewhat more controlled than coke, crack or speed which can never benefit from legalization.
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err no ICE, coke and speed are different. Being in the health field i DO have some experiance in this area and speed doesnt generally lead to the rage like ICE does. Alot of truck drivers use speed to alow themselves to meet impossable deadlines. ICE on the other hand is relitivly new and causes ALOT of problems

pycotic breaks
teeth grinding ect

It has also beeen linked to the increase in assults on hospital workers, paramedics, police and mental health workers

As for chemists providing heorin your joking right?
Why is it so hard for a chemist to make consitant dose's cut with SAFE chemicals like powdered sugar for adicts RATHER than cut with BATERY acid. Oh and out of interest im not sure if your aware but increases in deaths by overdose HAVE idenitfied with a sudden increase in purity (ie when a new player comes out there is an increase in deaths) and the ambo's and cops are the ones who have to deal with it. So as someone who is about to go into the front line of this issue i DO think decrimilisation and regulation is the key.
Asguard, you are wrong. Trust me. And tell a hard core addict you are a paramedic and they will laugh at you.

The problem is we are discussing substances where rational thought has no bearing. It really is temporary insanity, so these ideas are just pipe dreams. Because the addicted brain deals very little in sane, rational thought. And in the middle of it all it is really not sane thought processes.

Let me give you just one example:

My cousin was a crack addict. His father went on vacation, he sold everything in the house including the clock on the wall.

err no ICE, coke and speed are different.

No, their effects on the body, behavior, especially the brain are very similar. And ICE is speed, just a different name.


Alot of truck drivers use speed to alow themselves to meet impossable deadlines.

Ah, i missed that part. You mean those 'pep pills'? Thats like caffeine (i think so anyway), very different from what i am referring to though.
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HOWEVER i still think it should be illegal for the sale of hard drugs like ice and heroin from dealers firstly because they can be cut with ANYTHING and ALOT of people die because of a change in purity of a drug
A good reason why the production and sale of drugs should be federally regulated, not left to some idiot in a basement with a chemistry set.
John99 said:
I have to say Fraggle you are very naive, and i think you compare a sheltered life to reality.

Edit: A big part of addiction to hard drugs is deception. They deceive themselves first and become experts at deceiving other people- why? because they have to. That is about the only success, if you can call that success. After awhile that ability is lost but by then they are too far gone. Thats when they lose their jobs, get arrested, become prostitutes, die @ 20-30 y's old etc. Legalizing wont prevent this.
And I have to say John99, you sound like a guy who's watched a family member destroy himself on drugs and compare that to the reality of drug use for the majority of people. Drug use is different than drug abuse, and while with a few drugs there's a very small distinction between the two there's usually a big line between using and abusing. Naturally you choose the few drugs with very high addiction potential when you talk about drugs as a whole. But what about marijuana? LSD? Mushrooms? Ecstasy? Why should they remain illegal?
Yes, surely decriminalisation of the likes of marijuana, LSD, ecstacy makes sense. Surely having the user purchasing from a regulated seller is more beneficial than them going to a drug dealer. The drug dealer may try to "push" more dangerous drugs, can sell to a poor standard and the buyer really has little protection if it all goes wrong(as he was performing a criminal act). I can't see why there is any reason for them to remain illegal
John99 do you have any idea how many ambo's and cops are assulted each year because they rock up at a scean where a herion adict has OD'ed (BTW herion is converted into morphine in the body and has the same effects and side effects like depressing the resporitry drive) and so stoped breathing. The ambo's adminster a dose of narloxin which reverses the effects and they get up and punch the ambo's for wrecking there high. I would MUCH rather atend a biky war than a drug OD and why does it happen?

Increase in purity is most often the cause

Then there are the effects of injecting BATTERY ACID into your vains because thats the most comon thing its cut with.

I would rather see adicts get there drugs from a chemist than see it for sale on the street. If chemists started selling them at below the street value you would wipe out MOST of the street trade and save lives in the prossess. The only reason these drug lords get into it is because they have a courned market and can make money on it, if they cant then the trade goes away.

Oh and no i dont mean "peep pills" they are nicotinee and caffine preperation sold at petrol stations.

I mean speed, a cooked up mixture of puedoefidrine and dexanphidmine.

Crystal meth (ie ICE) is a purifide form of speed (not the same thing at all) and has alot of very server side effects (the main one that worries me is rage because it is something i will proably have to deal with)

As for dealing with adicts 2 of my best friends and another friend were adicts (i havent seen them in 3 years since i moved interstate). One became a male prositute on the streets for the money to by whatever he could get his hands on
The other two smoke so much weed they couldnt get out of bed

I have seen the way drug adiction is treated currently and ITS NOT WORKING. Its time for a new aproch, where drug adiction is treated as a HEALTH issue not a criminal one. If we dont people are going to keep dying be them health proffessionals, paramedics and police, be them adicts and dealers or be them the inocent family members, wives, husbands, children of adicts
Blues, we already have every single last one of those problems and we are SPENDING an ungodly amount of money and manpower in a futile effort to curb it.

Legalize, regulate, and tax is a much better answer. Considering the profits involved and lack of risk most crime families will go mostly legit. After all there is still illegal gambling, loansharking, and protection rackets all of which do not bring such heat down on them.

All in all it is a winner if well done. Though I agree it would have to be well planned and controlled.

Like having recreational drug centers where you can buy and use your drugs, but must buy and use them there. No take out orders, ever.