Legalise drugs and prostitution?

should we legalise drugs and prostitution

  • yes we should legalise drugs and prostituton

    Votes: 24 72.7%
  • just drugs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • just prostitution

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • never should they be legalised, (state why)

    Votes: 3 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
Its no secret i think that drugs and prostitution should be legalised, here is my arguement for think this:

1, if we legalise such activities they will be better regulated
2, Will help get younger girls/boys of the streets, and into houses were they will be looked after.
3, if drugs are legalised then the goverment will be able to get a tax revenue from them,
4, They will be sold only in places that are registered
5, people will become less addicted, because they will only sell a certain amount.
6, if prostitution is kept to certain areas, then people with young families know where they are, and will keep away.
7. The girls/boys will only be hired, under strict tests,
8, they will be tested on a regular basis
9, anyone using drugs should not be able to become working people
10, there will be less rape, it wont eradicate totally but it'll make a start at doing so.

It seems to me that the goverment hasn't given this much thought they could tax the working women/men and also tax drugs! I know many of us don't like paying tax, but its an evil necessity, we have to keep our schools and hospitals open, and i know i hate the police, but tehy have got to stay here and we have to pay for them!

your thoughts?
I'm for legalizing both. Prostitutes should be no younger than 15 years old though. They should have a law enforcing that.
He's not serious.

Anyway, the US gov. can make much more be keeping drug prohibition in place. We should ask Enmos how it worked in dutch country. From what I understand it creates a new set of problems.
Both are moral evils.
Making them illegal makes as much sense as making unkindness illegal.
5, people will become less addicted, because they will only sell a certain amount.

I work at a rehab facility. A person can't become "more" or "less" addicted. An addict is an addict! and they will do whatever it takes to get their drug. They'll buy as much as they can legally, and then turn to illegal means to get the rest.
I work at a rehab facility. A person can't become "more" or "less" addicted. An addict is an addict! and they will do whatever it takes to get their drug. They'll buy as much as they can legally, and then turn to illegal means to get the rest.

Thats an excellent point. Having worked in that field myself i believe the last person to want hard drugs legalized is an addict trying to quit or when their love affair with the drug is long over...good luck explaining that to people though.
The incredibly large amount of funds spent on anti drugs campaigns, as well as the tax gained from selling drugs legally could be used to help those people that have got an addiction. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of prison space were freed up too, as there must be a lot locked away for drugs possesion.
The incredibly large amount of funds spent on anti drugs campaigns, as well as the tax gained from selling drugs legally could be used to help those people that have got an addiction. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of prison space were freed up too, as there must be a lot locked away for drugs possesion.

This is a common argument. But addicts will always turn to crime to get their fix. Once there drug and money are gone, they will turn to whatever means possible to get their fix.
Studies have also shown that the anti drug campaigns, the war on drugs etc has been COMPLETELY ineffective.
There is also more than enough money available to help people who want to get help! Still statistics show that only 4% of people who go through treatment will maintain long term sobriety.
thats sad, but it goes to show you how powerful addiction is.
it just amazes me though, because if you take drugs then you do it illegaly so why not make it legal?

that way you won't have the addicts lining up to take they're methadone at your local chemist wheil your trying to get meds for yourself! they take they're methadone in front of everyone else and honestly its scarry
The solution to every social ill is not a law. Just like the solution to every economic problem is not a tax break. What is needed is some out of the box thinking. And an out of the box solution.
you got you cocaine and you got your heroin. Cocaine is more of a binge drug and some people do it untill their heart explodes, untill that happens they will get high for hours at a clip then stay away for a few days. Heroin is more cumulative whereas you can do a little but gradually you have a few hundred dollar a day habit- every day. There are exceptions but generally this is how it works the vast majority of the time. Try and regulate a hard core addict is like having the patients run the asylum.
it just amazes me though, because if you take drugs then you do it illegaly so why not make it legal?

that way you won't have the addicts lining up to take they're methadone at your local chemist wheil your trying to get meds for yourself! they take they're methadone in front of everyone else and honestly its scarry

it looks good on the surface but in reality is not a well thought out plan.
This is a common argument. But addicts will always turn to crime to get their fix. Once there drug and money are gone, they will turn to whatever means possible to get their fix.
Studies have also shown that the anti drug campaigns, the war on drugs etc has been COMPLETELY ineffective.
There is also more than enough money available to help people who want to get help! Still statistics show that only 4% of people who go through treatment will maintain long term sobriety.
thats sad, but it goes to show you how powerful addiction is.

Kinda off topic but being around musicians my whole life, I've seen a lot of drug use and addiction. And as I've aged I've seen a lot of folks kick all kinds of drugs on their own. It's important to remember some of the most addictive drugs are already legal (Alcohol, Nicotine,RX, Caffiene) and "sobriety" is a subjective term. If you drink a pot of coffee, take a few pain killers and throw in a big dip of Kodiak snuff, you're not sober. If you tried this with no tolerance, you'd likely be laying in your own vomit with the room spinning out of control.But you broke no law and can pass a breath test.

My point is that if a person has to seek help to get off drugs, he's prone to addiction which would explain the low success rate. I've seen peole kick heroin, coke, crack, pot, booze,cigs with no help at all. I've also seen people do hard drugs from time to time and never get "addicted".
I guess my point is that the stats could be misleading and not all addicts are the same.
This is a common argument. But addicts will always turn to crime to get their fix. Once there drug and money are gone, they will turn to whatever means possible to get their fix.

Yeah, I guess it depends on what drugs we are talking about and the price of those drugs if they were legal. I mean if they could afford to supply the habit legally then there would be no resulting crimes but with the hard drugs I guess there would always be a difficulty for an addict to afford their habit.

Studies have also shown that the anti drug campaigns, the war on drugs etc has been COMPLETELY ineffective.

Yeah, I understand that the amount spend on anti drugs campaigns in the US has been in the billions with no effect at all.
Its no secret i think that drugs and prostitution should be legalised, here is my arguement for think this:

1, if we legalise such activities they will be better regulated

legalising is incredibly undesirable. what will happen is that the criminal element will view the government regulated brothels as competition, and to be able to compete with them, they have to offer something the legal market can not do: children. i can promise you that were prostitution to get legalised, you will see a sharp increase in the number of child prostitutes and trafficking victims. the criminal element won't just disappear into thin air.

you may argue that it is up to them, their choice, if they want to sell their body.

the answer is simple, really. naturally, there is more than physical harm involved. unfortunately, the majority of people naively believe that only physical harm is harmful. physical harm is the most obvious and apparent harm - that's all. it's like child abuse - it comes in many forms, but most people think that if the kid isn't physically harmed and/or manipulated, all is well. most people never look any deeper than the surface, as that requires the painful act of thinking.

2, Will help get younger girls/boys of the streets, and into houses were they will be looked after.

all the while being banged by someone? i don't think so.

3, if drugs are legalised then the goverment will be able to get a tax revenue from them,

wow, that's like being all mafioso now, are we?

4, They will be sold only in places that are registered

very idealistic of you. legalizing drug use doesn't mean people will go by the rules. by selling these openly, children will be exposed to these substances and people will abuse its usage not to mention that there will be open wars on whose turf is whose.

5, people will become less addicted, because they will only sell a certain amount.

again, that's very idealistic. addiction is addiction, there is no less to it. when one runs out of money, as they assuredly will, they will turn to desperate means to get their hand on drugs. of course we aren't even talking about behavior alterations and a lot more medical concerns for those who has no control over their usage.

6, if prostitution is kept to certain areas, then people with young families know where they are, and will keep away.

i don't honestly know what to do with this. this is just so wrong on so many levels, pretending that nothing wrong is happening.

7. The girls/boys will only be hired, under strict tests,

see response on no. 9

8, they will be tested on a regular basis

which achieves nothing but mere identification, failed medications and continued drug use.

9, anyone using drugs should not be able to become working people

and thus becomes the neo-bums that shall henceforth be the sick citizens of society. good idea, making unproductive zombies out of a state's population.

10, there will be less rape, it wont eradicate totally but it'll make a start at doing so.

wrong notion. legalizing it increases the chance of abuse, as johns would now have the confidence of taking one prostitute for themselves, feeding the women's bruised ego's with their claptrap, all the while abusing them. we are also talking about trafficking here, people becoming slaves to other's pleasure and being shipped to different countries like some kind of product. legalizing it fosters a very good environment for these kind of underground operations. doesn't paint a pretty picture now, does it?

your thoughts?

you obviously hasn't thought much of this.

you most probably never heard of the swedish prostitution model. it is basically a law that makes the buying of sexual services illegal, making the johns criminal and protecting the natural rights of a prostitue. this considerably lowers down prostitution and compells the workers to turn to more sensible jobs. of course, a country's social safety net is important in these cases.

my answers are in bold.
if we legalise such activities they will be better regulated

legalising is incredibly undesirable. what will happen is that the criminal element will view the government regulated brothels as competition, and to be able to compete with them, they have to offer something the legal market can not do: children. i can promise you that were prostitution to get legalised, you will see a sharp increase in the number of child prostitutes and trafficking victims. the criminal element won't just disappear into thin air.

Not sure how you come to this conclusion? Yes I'm sure the criminal element will want to compete, they will have to, but are there really so many people willing to pay for child prostitution? Surely there would only be a sharp increase in child prostitution if there were a sharp increase in the demand for it?