Legal age of sexual consent

What do you think the legal age of sexual consent should be?

  • 18

    Votes: 9 16.1%
  • 17

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • 16

    Votes: 21 37.5%
  • 15

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • 14

    Votes: 9 16.1%
  • 13

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • 12

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • below 12

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
Step14, I find you disgusting. You openly admit to being a peodophile and have no qualms about seducing the mentally unable (ie children), although you do not state an occasion on when it occurred.

I wonder if you are on a sex offender's register.

Girls are not old enough to realise if they want sex or not with all of the implications.

On another note, what should be the maximum age of consent. Can senile people decide whether they want sex or not?
The Rights of Young People

i remember my youth. the groundings, the yelling, merely because of sex. if i wanted it for myself, i cannot be a hypocrite and deny others the same thing. if kids wanna fuck let em!

Sexual Rights of Young People

The Rights of Young People

Adolescents and young adults do not organize constituencies effective in adult political arenas (the failures of Clean Gene anti-war brigades in 1968 are fresh; the suppression of 1936's radical youth lingers). If not provided for, they detach from adults as they perceive their elders have dissociated from them. The growth of gangs, runaway cultures, and shadow urban enterprises among the rising numbers of marginal youth... testifies to detachment. Its manifestation fuels the Golden State's biggest growth industry... a new prison every eight months, full upon opening.

After 20 years of official declarations, professional pronouncements, psychological speculations, and media hyperbole regarding "teenage violence wild in the streets," California's sophisticated statistical harbingers boil down to a primitive and unoriginal point: Deny lots of kids a fair share of society's resources, expect lots of violence. Save money on schools, spend more on prisons. Erase the future of the young, they will return the favor by erasing our legacy. "The old get old, the young get stronger," Jim Morrison foretold in 1968. A "generation war," pathetically easy for the old to declare, is impossible for the old to win.

Since 1990, the average beneficiary of Social Security, age 70, has enjoyed a healthy monthly payment increase (from $603 in 1990 to $674 in 1994). But the average AFDC recipient, age nine, has suffered a loss in their already minuscule monthly benefit ($135 in 1990, $133 in 1994). It is time for liberal senior welfare-advocates to pay attention. This imbalance is extreme.

...The problem is not caused by senior welfare per se, which (if made progressive) would be a model for family assistance programs. The problem is that today's seniors are not responding to the unprecedented security they are provided at public expense with a like attitude of beneficence toward the young and poor, but with hostility and contempt.

The Scapegoat Generation: America's War on Adolescents

Ephebiphobia - the extreme fear of youth.
Actually I agree, as attracted as I am to 15 year old girls I know it would be hella wrong to fuck one because they don't really know what they are doing. I didn't when I was 15 either. 14 year old girls are going around thinking they want a baby, teenagers are basically retarded, I am, they have this amazing brain so they think they are the smartest thing on the planet but they aren't emotionally ready for that brain and they do stupid things. They can't competently weigh consequences. I first had sex when I was 14 and I don't think I should have and I'm a guy. Girls would regret it even more. So many are becoming used up whores by the time they are 18 and thats just wrong.
Strangely I don't see how any harm would be done by two extremely young children playing with eachother in a sexual way. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not a pedophile, I don't want to watch:p young Kids will naturally get naked and look at eachother and whatever, and I think the worst thing to do is stop them and yell and get angry at them for that. It will screw them up for life if you do. Its not like they're going to have real sex anyway.
I don't think I'd say 21 , maybe 18.
Regardless, when have laws stopped anything before?
Teenagers will continue fucking at parties no matter what. This law might just make the parents more responsible.

PS: Something is wrong with the system now, teenagers have more sex than people over 18.
Well, as for all of that, you are correct: laws do not stop people from doing so. Frankly, what bothers me most (myself [regretfully] being a college student) is all of this "party @ college" nonsense. Were I given the reins, I would gladly expel all on-campus-party-animals. The way I see it is, If you want to go to school, go to school.... If you want to party, party. You cannot have both. And if you try to have both....well...I'll let us decide what comes next.....
just a point if u can drink and vote why is it wrong for u to screw?

16 or 18, DEFINITLY no latter because if ur an adult ur an adult
the point i was making was ur legally responcable for ur own actions

u can vote, u can be charged as an adult, u can drink, u can smoke, ect ect

but u can screw?
i think i would go crazy having to live with my parents for another 3 yrs. its too much, im ready to be on my own now.
wait until marriage.- pure and simple.

Do you propose sending to jail all those people who have sex outside marriage, or do you think females should not have the right to have sex with a male without requiring him to be responsible for any offspring that might be produced (so that procreation without marriage esentially entails common-law marriage)? It strikes me that females sometimes get abused into marriage just as they get abused into sex that does not entail male responsibility, so allowing even young females just to marry wouldn't decrease their chances of getting abused all that much, though admittedly it might help somewhat.

One approach that might work pretty well is for society to force similarly-aged males who procreate with young females into common-law marriage, but don't force fully adult males into that. The reason I think so many girls get abused is that they mainly have relationships with similarly-aged males. Abusive young males, who seduce via violence and their addictive qualities, are pretty much near the peak of their (abusive) powers, whereas their good similarly-aged competitors (who attract more via understanding) are not by any means so. If girls mainly had relationships with men instead of boys, good males would more tend to have the skill set necessary to triumph over their bad competitors in attracting young females, and indeed there would be no reason to suppose that good men would be less attracting of young females than bad men. Quite the contrary, considering my reasonings in the previous posts of this thread.

Females have a more strong tendency to be influenced by peers and to develop their opinions in concert with others of their sex. Since girls are so attracted to moral goodness in males, what girls consider themselves as a whole to want from sex is perhaps more ethical than what women as a whole consider themselves to want from it. Accordingly, good clean girls I honestly think have a better understanding of reproductive morality (once they have begun to have occasion to start thinking about it much) than good clean women have. Indeed, good girls seem so much more attracted to good males than good women are, I can think of no other explanation except that there aren't hardly any good females willing to behave unselfishly, which my intuition refuses to believe.

Obviously eleven-year-old girls know intuitively what morality is in males inasmuch as they are so pleased by it, and since adult females don't seem much attracted by it in comparison, the only explanation is that adult females are pretty much all immoral or that adult females have become more stupid than when they were young about what moral virtue is in males. The latter alternative seems a more economical explanation. It's like what Christ said, I guess, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Or better yet, maybe it's more like the popular saying--girls are "sugar and spice and everything nice," while boys are "snips and snails and puppy-dog tails."
Obviously eleven-year-old girls know intuitively what morality is in males inasmuch as they are so pleased by it, and since adult females don't seem much attracted by it in comparison, the only explanation is that adult females are pretty much all immoral or that adult females have become more stupid than when they were young about what moral virtue is in males
From what planet are you? How did you come to the conclusion that eleven year old girls know intuitively what morality is in males? And where did you pick up that adult women are not attracted in a man with good morals? A rather bold statement... but probably, you do have some reference material, don't you?
i find you......... fabulously insane


From what planet are you?

I'm from right here on Earth. From personal experience I know that females don't tend to be as moral in their romantic tendencies when older than younger. This first became evident to me during college orientation. Yikes! I shall never forget the empty feeling I had in the pit of my stomach after the first day of college orientation when it dawned on me what a bunch of total yahoos university students were in comparison with high school students. That despite the fact that the people in my university were supposed to be smarter than ordinary people their age. Not that high school students didn't drink and carry on, but in high school it was nothing like college life. The typical college student is scared, overburdened and just plain too drunk and screwed up for refined higher romantic sentement. And I doubt it gets any better in the work place. Yeah, the higher drinking age might discourage drinking somewhat at colleges and universities nowadays, but I doubt it does much. What is more, occuring to recent surveys, nowadays oral sodomy is rampant at universities, most coeds doing it. Having thought about the evil of sodomy, it is quite certain to me that the typical (non-sodomized) girl is going to be more clear-headed in her romantic judgements than an oral sodomite would (not that rectal sodomites are better). Yeah, OK, there are some clean adult females, and that is what I was comparing clean girls to, but I know also it is hard to be in an environment of evil like that and not react by being bitter and excessively hard-ass about everything. Some females choose to go to religious schools or consider church their only option for socializing outside the bar scene. Well if you can consider the basically 2000-year-old Christian moral system moral, you're more of a fundamentalist than I. And I'm sure it is harder on females than males. You can't function (especially on a social level) without making connections with uncouth people in your environment, and such connections are bound to harm. Jeepers, the only way I could get decent sleep at University was to keep a big fan going right by my bed to drown out all the noise from the yahoos.

People don't see the advantages of youth. In some ways, youth are extremely impressionable and more able to learn new concepts. E.g., a child can learn languages better than an adult probably. Well, adolescence is probably when girls are best able to learn about love and such. If life has offered a woman no great opportunity to learn about love (as is typically the case with a woman seeking a mate), well, she is not very likely to learn well when she is old and surrounded by so many yahoos. A young impressionable female surrounded by supporting peers who likely possess better taste than older females possess is more likely to be able to gain the insight from love that she would need to make a sound moral judgment.