Legal age of sexual consent

What do you think the legal age of sexual consent should be?

  • 18

    Votes: 9 16.1%
  • 17

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • 16

    Votes: 21 37.5%
  • 15

    Votes: 4 7.1%
  • 14

    Votes: 9 16.1%
  • 13

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • 12

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • below 12

    Votes: 5 8.9%

  • Total voters
the question goes to when we consider a person an adult able to make their own choices and live with the conseqences. Perhaps we could get at this through another nonsex related question, but i think this is a good one.

although the potential for "interesting" post is high.

I said 16, but that's just a guess, really don't know.
Are you talking about consent to sex with a person of the same age, or consent to sex with people in general?

If you ask me whether I think a girl of age 16 should be able to consent to sex with a man of age 18, my answer may well be different than if you ask me whether I think a girl of age 16 should be able to consent to sex with a man of age 50.

would you mind refrasing your post?

just people have complained and it would make my life easier:p
Originally posted by James R
Are you talking about consent to sex with a person of the same age, or consent to sex with people in general?

If you ask me whether I think a girl of age 16 should be able to consent to sex with a man of age 18, my answer may well be different than if you ask me whether I think a girl of age 16 should be able to consent to sex with a man of age 50.

I'm just curious as to the difference?
the difference is probably that the 50 year old is viewed as a predator/perv and the 18 yr old is just horny.
The difference is potentially in the level of understanding of that each party has of what is going on, along with the potential for manipulation of one party by the other.
well i dated a 16 year old and she was more experianced than me (not hard:() so 16 seems a good age to me
Originally posted by James R
The difference is potentially in the level of understanding of that each party has of what is going on, along with the potential for manipulation of one party by the other.

Sex is pretty simple. I think if you're doing it, you know what's going on...? I mean, unless you're mentally incompacitated, but that's not the issue. Manipulation? I'm sorry but that's an invalid assertion since though one certainly has more life experience, the propensity by any party involved to be manipulative is just as likely I'd say. Hehe, like 18 year old BOYS aren't manipulative. HAH.. sure. :)

I'm just saying, the rules must be consistent and to attempt to something like what you suggest is simply messed up. A sentient being should be able to screw whoever will agree to screw that sentient being, so long and there is no coersion, manipulation...etc. Age is a factor, but it is secondary to will and the particulars of the relationship in question. At least that's how it seems to me.
well i dated a 16 year old and she was more experianced than me (not hard) so 16 seems a good age to me
it doesn't matter which age is more expirienced, it matters at what age is a person more responsivle for their own actions.

i chose 16. hey.. you can get an abortion at that age.. so it seemed to fit..

actually no.. thats not the reason i chose 16.. i chose 16 becuase i think that people do know what they are doing by that age, and i think that alot of girls chose to have sex at 16, and it is not fair that girls of that age will sleep with someone and then claim staturory rape becuase of their age. so 16 sounded good.
You can drive a car at 16, which can kill you, but you can't have sex until you're 18 in certain areas, which can kill you... which is more deadly? Maybe that should be the basis for aoc.
Originally posted by James R
Are you talking about consent to sex with a person of the same age, or consent to sex with people in general?

If you ask me whether I think a girl of age 16 should be able to consent to sex with a man of age 18, my answer may well be different than if you ask me whether I think a girl of age 16 should be able to consent to sex with a man of age 50.

Sorry i didn't respond sooner, but i forgot about having made this post. :eek:

My meaning is, at what age should a teenager be able to legally have sex with anyone that's older than they are, regardless of whether the person is 18, 28, or 58.
Originally posted by notPresidentAndrew
How can anyone say that 13 and under is an adequate "age of consent?" That's far too young! Yuck!

It seems like someone is always complaining that either i didn't include enough options in my poll, or that i didn't state my question clearly enough. So i tried to cover both of those when first making my post, including an option that many people would consider outrageous. Not that i succeeded evidently, but just the same...
what are you responding to when you say that?
I'm stating that no matter what age we set as a law, they're still going to make their own decisions, regardless...