Kill All Muslims !!!

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spuriousmonkey said:
Let me just state for the record that I am going to ignore Tiassa in this discussion from now on, since he fails to see what is immoral (failure google vs. telling someone to kill himself) and furthermore this little diatribe is not on topic.

Let me also state for the record that I am going to ignore YOU in all discussions from now on since you failed to see how hateful and how bigot you are.
Proud_Muslim said:
Being an ass for some hater, being a puppet for someone who displayed increadible hate towad muslims, being this make you less than human, in fact, makes you animal.

When the Jews themselves make Israel a JEWISH issue it is ok, but when Muslims make Israel a jewish issue, it is not ok !! go fuck yourself.

What about you ? uncircumcized animal !!

And I suppose the people who socialize with you are drug dealers just like you.

Underworld dark satan.

Wow, I can feel your intense hate Proud Syrian... er Muslim. Good job!
And prate and preach about what others prove, As if the world and they were hand and glove. !! :rolleyes:

William Cowper
Proud_Muslim said:
And prate and preach about what others prove, As if the world and they were hand and glove. !! :rolleyes:

William Cowper
Tastes Great... Less Filling

PM, did you recently discover the quotation archive, or what?

Instead of getting my usual helping of your brand of flimflam, I'm now privileged with the rhetorical hokum of Nixon and Herodotus.

Thank you very much.
"If somebody is seriously suggesting killing the english then they would lose their job(unless they was in the government and talking about starting a war) and it would be offensive, same with the muslim comment it would be offensive, if its a joke, both are funny, there isnt really a difference, in fact muslims arnt a race so in theory the english comment would be racist, the muslim comment would be anti-islam, both would be wrong if meant seriously though some people may see it as absurd to say kill the english and find it funny, it depends on the context of whats said and the view of whoever hears it."

the diff is, the Englsish would not get offended by someone joking to kill them, PM couldnt take a joke, and therefore this topic was started
the diff is, the Englsish would not get offended by someone joking to kill them, PM couldnt take a joke, and therefore this topic was started
Correct, they would not be offended at all, but of course if it was serious they would be which is why PM is so annoyed. I havnt heard the radioman say what PM is so annoyed with so i cant say if he meant it as a joke or not, all i have is the words(without him saying them and the context they are fairly meaningless), i take it to mean a joke, PM takes it seriously, go figure.
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“Fair enough.”


LOL. His retort is an obvious attempt to regroup from his stupidity.

I know. I'm sorry, man, I took the cheap way out. I didn't mean to insinuate that I agreed with him. Just that he has a right to his opinion, I guess. I just don't have the heart to keep banging my head on a wall. And I think that's it's fairly obvious that that's how all these threads end up. Frankly, I have stopped peeking in this forum much lately. It's getting rather tiresome in here. I should have just left it at my original post. I don't know why I posted the second time. Apologies. I didn't mean to leave you in a lurch or anything. I figured you'd have the will to keep up the fight.
Not a problem, no worries and i didn't think poorly of you for it. I just thought I'd straighten it out.
alain said:
hey everyone!!!

arent wes and invert a cute couple??? :D

It's more than a couple. Rappa assimilated himself. Coffee followed and assimilated Invert as well.

Resistance is futile.
invert_nexus said:
We are not alone. You too will be assimilated.
Heh, and give all the net geeks nightmares since the Wes look is not what they thought 7 of 9 would look like up close. ;)
Perhaps then, we should assimilate a female.

The hive agrees.

Assimilation is imminent.
I thought I'd already been assimilated?:confused: Doesn't my pic show..... ermm oopsy..

Just kidding.. couldn't resist it..
:D :D
Most muslims think Israel should not exist. The United States of America will bomb the crap out of anyone who tries to destroy them. Thank god for George Bush.
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