Kill All Muslims !!!

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Proud_Muslim said:
like most muslims (because you're raised in a culture of jew hating)(note that you don't say "the israeli government's policies and actions are hurting my family" you say "the JEWS are hurting my family").
When the Jews themselves make Israel a JEWISH issue it is ok, but when Muslims make Israel a jewish issue, it is not ok !! go fuck yourself.
LOL! That is the first time ive seen PM use the F word.

Proud_Muslim said:
What about you ? uncircumcized animal !!

And I suppose the people who socialize with you are drug dealers just like you.

Underworld dark satan.

I wonder what the other guy did to deserve such abusive remarks. hmmm....
Proud_Muslim said:
Being an ass for some hater

FACT: Spurious has a brain and as far as I can tell, hates you because you're an asshat. The fact that you are muslim is just your crutch.

, being a puppet for someone who displayed increadible hate towad muslims,
You and your master seem to have a problem with differentiating between hate for the individual and hate for a group. It's funny that your disgusting self-importance raises disgust for you to the level of the entire muslim community. The muslims I know would find you an embarassment if they were to care that you were associated with their religion. I doubt however, that your random affiliation with whatever religion would sway them in any manner and the fact would still remain that you're a disturbed, moronic hater of all that isn't muslim.

being this make you less than human, in fact, makes you animal.
Indeed in the eyes of a hater his "enemies" are less than human. I do not like you, does that make me your enemy? Looks like your rhetoric says yes.

When the Jews themselves make Israel a JEWISH issue it is ok, but when Muslims make Israel a jewish issue, it is not ok !!
LOL. I don't see any jews here making any issues. If they did what you do to them I'd criticize them the same.

go fuck yourself.
I can feel the love.

What about you ? uncircumcized animal !!
What do you know about my cock? What if I'm circumcized? Am I not an animal then?

And I suppose the people who socialize with you are drug dealers just like you.
Drug dealer? LOL. Where the hell does that come from?
Underworld dark satan.

Please re-read your post with consideration to where the hate is coming from eh?

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LMAO! I just saw the 'Underworld dark satan' comment. Shit I laughed so hard coffee came out of my nose. :D

Was painful. :mad:
wesmorris said:
Please re-read your post with consideration to where the hate is coming from eh?


Or perhaps you should go and take a shower and watch the water coming from your body !! it will be black water because it is filled with hate.

I was too lazy too look up where you (A MODERATOR) told me the world would be a better place if I put a shotgun in my mouth.
No, you weren't. You were just afraid to because you knew from the outset when you raised the issue in order to avoid the point of your ongoing provocateurism that you were misrepresenting it.

I still think it's hilarious that the option of not making an effort to be a jerk isn't even on your radar.

Oh, well, whatever gets you off.
You then look up this thread in a second because apparently you are obsessed with these things and know from memory where all your petty arguments are located. And you blame me for being lazy and calling me dishonest.
You are lazy and dishonest.

It's called Google, Spurious, and it's real easy to use. Click the link, look at the search terms, look at the search result.

Six seconds. That's all it took.

And I still stand by the advice, so much so that I will reiterate it here:

You may not give a rat's behind about the environment you post in, but some of us do. You're welcome to be lazy, apathetic, and a complete jerk, but you'd better serve humanity by simply sticking a shotgun in your mouth and doing the right thing.

It applies as much today in this topic as it did at the time that I offered you the advice the first time. You have just as little respect for reality and just as much desire to incite discord among people.

Consider your contributions to life and ask yourself why you actually waste your time lying to people at a goddamn discussion board in order to derail other people's discussions. You know, lots of people might wonder about us here at Sciforums, and the amount of time we spend communicating or failing to communicate with one another, but it really does seem rather odd when proving to the rest of us that you have nothing to say becomes such an obsession as it has.

All I ever did was disagree with your complaint. You're the one who has chosen to make an issue out of it.

Be honest with yourself about yourself for once Spurious, and you might find it so simple, invigorating, and refreshing that you'll want to try it again.
wesmorris said:
FACT: Spurious has a brain and as far as I can tell, hates you because you're an asshat. The fact that you are muslim is just your crutch.

So now you are monkey's adovcat ? what a lovely combination ? :D

The muslims I know would find you an embarassment if they were to care that you were associated with their religion. I doubt however, that your random affiliation with whatever religion would sway them in any manner and the fact would still remain that you're a disturbed, moronic hater of all that isn't muslim.

''Always remember others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.''

Richard M. Nixon (1913 - 1994), in his White House farewell

Nah, I wont hate you in return, you are too cheap to deserve my hate.

Indeed in the eyes of a hater his "enemies" are less than human. I do not like you, does that make me your enemy? Looks like your rhetoric says yes.

Yes, you are less than a human because humans have heart and brain, they can see the injustice and do something about it, what you do is just rant and insult, typical hater.

LOL. I don't see any jews here making any issues. If they did what you do to them I'd criticize them the same.

So if you dont see any jews, does that mean jews dont exist ?? :rolleyes:

I can feel the love.

from you back??? :D

What do you know about my cock? What if I'm circumcized? Am I not an animal then?

I am sure you are not circumcized otherwise you wont be screaming out of pain here on sciforums !!

Drug dealer? LOL. Where the hell does that come from?

You writtings indicate drug dealers style, drug dealers like you view the world from a GANG perspective, they gang with like minded criminals, this is exactly what you did by ganing with the retard monkey.

Please re-read your post with consideration to where the hate is coming from eh?

Exactly, this is the question, where the hate is coming from ? look at the mirror and ask yourself this question.
You and your master are two despicable, hating, deluded pees in a pod, PM. Oxygen theives, the both of you.
You're not even worthy of being called chicken-shit, you sloppy piece of newly hatched chicklet diarrhea. :D
Proud_Muslim said:
You're not even worthy of being called chicken-shit, you sloppy piece of newly hatched chicklet diarrhea. :D

LOL. Okay then. Thanks.
''Always remember others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself.''

Richard M. Nixon (1913 - 1994), in his White House farewell

You do realize that Nixon was xenophobic, paranoid psychopath, don't you? Usually not the best guy to quote if you want to be taken seriously. Of course, I suppose he was definitely an expert on hating and being hated. But you can tell from this quote that he is trying to pretend that he doesn't hate those who hate him. I'd call that a lie. Nixon was one of the most hateful people of the 20th century. He hated everybody, including himself. And he needed others to hate him to feed his paranoid fantasies.

"You won't have Nixon to kick around anymore."
LOL. Good point IN. Oh man yeah see I thought something like that but wasn't so sure. That's a well stated point there. LOL.
invert_nexus said:
You do realize that Nixon was xenophobic, paranoid psychopath, don't you? Usually not the best guy to quote if you want to be taken seriously. Of course, I suppose he was definitely an expert on hating and being hated.

This why I quoted him, because he was a big hater, I am trying to give wes something from his own nature to understand.
LOL. Uh huh. You know what's weird is that it seems that only the paranoid schizophrenic asshats see me as a hater. You and your master fit the bill. Weird huh? I think that you think I'm a hater because I hate tiassa, and you are in love with him. You are too stupid for me to hate. Tiassa is not stupid. He's just a cunt, a dirty, disgusting, smarmy cunt. You're just a fool, but you are in love that dirty cunt and so since I think you're stupid and he's a cunt (whom I loath), I must be a "hater".

I do hate some stuff, like I dunno, bad stuff. Like when baby is raped and killed, or tiassa attempts to communicate with the other humans and then blames them because he's a cunt. I suppose if you want to label me a "hater" and an "animal" based on that shit, I would suggest you don't come within the length of my chain. Since I'm just a pathetic animal, I might get territorial and bite you.

Hey wait. Animals don't hate.

Which is it then?
invert_nexus said:
Fair enough.


LOL. His retort is an obvious attempt to regroup from his stupidity.

The words that were quoted were not necessarily paranoid, so how is that telling me something that I'll understand? Because Nixon said it, that will all of the sudden change the words to mean something different?

It was a good point that those words were from one of the most hateful people ever because he was accusing me of hating and quoting the words of a hater to do it. The words that were chosen however, aren't hateful - so PM's attempt to evade his own stupidity is transparent and inneffective.
"FACT: Spurious has a brain and as far as I can tell, hates you because you're an asshat. The fact that you are muslim is just your crutch"

LOL!!!! that is the greatest word ever, hehe, asshat

*giggles*, im gonna get strange looks from that, and so ill give this post some point

someone earlier said that if you talk about killing the English or whoever, its funny, but if you talk about killing Muslims its racist, i agree with that

also, i gotta join in with the insulting of the phrase "Underworld dark satan"

is the Underworld dark satan the brother of the underworld light satan? whose neighbour is the underworld dark angel???

i dont think all three of the words underworld, dark and satan were needed, maybe just one

hehe, asshat

ill go now
Let me just state for the record that I am going to ignore Tiassa in this discussion from now on, since he fails to see what is immoral (failure google vs. telling someone to kill himself) and furthermore this little diatribe is not on topic.
someone earlier said that if you talk about killing the English or whoever, its funny, but if you talk about killing Muslims its racist, i agree with that
If somebody is seriously suggesting killing the english then they would lose their job(unless they was in the government and talking about starting a war) and it would be offensive, same with the muslim comment it would be offensive, if its a joke, both are funny, there isnt really a difference, in fact muslims arnt a race so in theory the english comment would be racist, the muslim comment would be anti-islam, both would be wrong if meant seriously though some people may see it as absurd to say kill the english and find it funny, it depends on the context of whats said and the view of whoever hears it.
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