tiassa said:
As long as the Western faction at Sciforums (e.g. the majority) is entitled a certain degree of inherent or temporal bigotry, so it shall be for all not Western.
You are always amazing in your observation !! the westerners here have this disease of self-rightousness, apparently, they view themselves as superior over Muslims despite the fact that their own bigotry put them down the drain.
Sure, we're sensitive to certain things; the Holocaust bit seems to have incited some apoplexy around here. But I don't really care. Because we're insensate when it comes to how certain things feel to other people.
EXCACTLY !! why the hell should I care about the holocaust when my own people are being '' holocausted'' by the jews ??? why should I care about somthing not me NOT EVEN MY FATHER had anything to do with it ???
Why the world dont talk about OTHER HOLOCAUSTS ? like the holocaust against Muslims in BOSNIA or the holocaust in Rawanda which claimed 1 million lives !! why only the jewish holocaust ?? I AM SICK AND TIRED FROM THIS NONESENSE, EVERYTIME YOU CRITICIZE THE JEWS AND THEIR ACTIONS IN PALESTINE, YOU WILL BE REMINDED OF THE HOLOCAUST !! as if the holocaust some sort of moral balance ( it is ok for the jews to kill thousands of palestineans because they suffered terrible holocaust ) !
In some countries ( like Germany ), it is ok to deny god existence but you will be behind bars for denying the holocaust !! can you imagine ?? PATHETIC !
More than half a century have passed since the Jewish holocaust, isnt the time to MOVE ON ???
Of course the advice should apply to PM, and to everyone. Justice would be to move on and deal with real issues without hyperbole or pretense. In the meantime, however, since justice isn't due for a while, I'll buck for equality. PM is repugnant, the people say? Very well. I shall continue to grant him that license in my personal assessment as a poster as long as repugnant is the way of the walk.
People are not here to learn, they cant be wrong, their attack on Islam and Muslims must be always justified ( the self righoutsness disease ) so when a muslim exposes them and make NAKED their hatred and bigotry, they will turn against him.
The ongoing debate about Proud Muslim is not completely isolated in my opinion. I hold it against a backdrop of subtle and not-so-subtle anti-Islamism that has almost always been here.
Indeed, they even wanted to ban me !! ban me for what ? if the owner of this forum allow all sort of hate against muslims under FREE SPEECH, why should not I enjoy the same rights ( despite the fact that I dont hate anyone, I only hate those who hate Islam and Muslims ) !
Before 9/11 it was a result of ignorance, and posters generally shied away from being too critical of things they hadn't studied. But starting right after 9/11, we've had to put up with a string of people calling for all sorts of barbarism against people who happen to be Muslims, and as this meshes reasonably with the conventional wisdom, it doens't really stick out in the same manner as, say, Holocaust revisionism.
Well said !! when christians kill muslims in Nigeria, posters here rush to find an excuses for those christians, but when Muslims kill, it is ISLAM !! how pathetic !
I'm starting to wonder if maybe we shouldn't actually go ahead and make Islam the enemy. People generally have more respect for their enemies than has been shown Islam in general around here. And suddenly people are disturbed because it's their preferred groups on the receiving end of it?
But muslims dont want to make the west their enemy, we want to live in peace with others, but others dont want that ( invading muslim lands and bombing and killing thousands of Muslims ! )