Kill All Muslims !!!

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spuriousmonkey said:
Believe what you want to believe. Many people have seen it.

I saw it. There's a link to it in that thread about Lou I think.


I couldn't find the link but I found it quoted:

Originally posted by Lord of the Asshats
You may not give a rat's behind about the environment you post in, but some of us do. You're welcome to be lazy, apathetic, and a complete jerk, but you'd better serve humanity by simply sticking a shotgun in your mouth and doing the right thing.

Get over yourself, Monkey man. Get a grip, buy a clue.

hypocritical liar with communication deficit syndrome said:
are you done being a petty hater?

That shit is RICH.


"You may not give a rat's behind about the environment you post in, but some of us do."

It's funny how your values trump the values of others. You hate people for what they want because it isn't what you want, you goddamned lying dirtbag hater.
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Believe what you want to believe. Many people have seen it.
Yep. And you never want to actually represent the situation honestly. Keep it up, Spurious. You're making it very obvious.

No link? Keep trying, boys.
tiassa said:
Yep. And you never want to actually represent the situation honestly. Keep it up, Spurious. You're making it very obvious.

No link? Keep trying, boys.

I guess the structure of the feedback section changed and maybe this stuff got deleted. And you are aware of this. Which makes this even worse I would say. But we both know you said it.

end of discussion.
Since time began every country has been taking the piss out of other countries. For us English, it's usually the Irish or French, or Pakistanis. Further to that there's so many 'jokes' about killing all lawyers or estate agents, and one million other jokes that could be deemed offensive..

But no.. none of you say shit about that - it's only when it's something said about a muslim you all start turning into pussies. It's seemingly like you're all scared you're gonna get bombed or something.

I believe in a mans total right to freedom of speech, and total right to hate whoever he wants, be it "dumb blondes", a rival football team, or any particular country.

When someone says a similar line about a Frenchman or Irishman, everyone laughs, (and so on), but anyone dares say one word about the muslims and everyone goes schitzo..

Of course the press is just as guilty of it's over-sympathy of muslims, especially during the recent problems. The photos of apparent US military abuse of Iraqis has taken up page after page of newspaper while the Nick Berg "beheading", (which is a completely null and void term if you've not actually seen the video - the guy was chopped up like a sunday roast), only took up one column with one small picture in the majority of large American newspapers. In fact, the Globe and the Mail reserved the biggest headline to "oil at $40 worsens the pain".

Of course, if they'd feel better about people liking them- it would be a notable suggestion that they stop piling into my country for free handouts as if England is a giant charity shop. That only creates animosity - which you can see by their own statements. They don't want westerners in their country, and we don't want them in ours. How about everyone goes back to their own country and then we're all happy? Of course it will never happen with the media and population overrun with cowards.
tiassa said:
Proud Muslim

I would recommend that you make the concession of cutting the length of your citations. This will help make it more apparent when people go out of their way to call a thread something it's not.​

Point taken, thanks.

In General

"It is very interesting that so far those who responded did not condemn what this Radio host said."

On the one hand I would be disappointed in the lack of condemnation. But, as an American, I'm live in a nation that is so hung up on identity politics that my neighbors by and large won't be happy until Muslims stop being Muslims.

To the other, I'm also aware that both "land of the free" and "home of the brave" are reasonably sickening jokes about the United States right now. So the cowardice of the response is right on par with what Americans seem determined to stand for.

very well said ! I am sure the reaction would be ver different if this radio host said KILL ALL JEWS !!! :rolleyes:
invert_nexus said:
Proud Muslim,
Now, are there any muslim radio or tv personalities who have said "Kill all Americans" that you might wish to apologize for? Since we must apologize for our idiots, it is only fair that you apologize for yours.

Sure, show me some Muslim idiots who said kill all Americans and I will condemn them outright.

I invite you to come to our Muslim rooms on ( the social issues section ) I am well known there for standing up and condeming my own muslim brothers who make such hateful statements.
tiassa said:

As long as the Western faction at Sciforums (e.g. the majority) is entitled a certain degree of inherent or temporal bigotry, so it shall be for all not Western.

You are always amazing in your observation !! the westerners here have this disease of self-rightousness, apparently, they view themselves as superior over Muslims despite the fact that their own bigotry put them down the drain.

Sure, we're sensitive to certain things; the Holocaust bit seems to have incited some apoplexy around here. But I don't really care. Because we're insensate when it comes to how certain things feel to other people.

EXCACTLY !! why the hell should I care about the holocaust when my own people are being '' holocausted'' by the jews ??? why should I care about somthing not me NOT EVEN MY FATHER had anything to do with it ???

Why the world dont talk about OTHER HOLOCAUSTS ? like the holocaust against Muslims in BOSNIA or the holocaust in Rawanda which claimed 1 million lives !! why only the jewish holocaust ?? I AM SICK AND TIRED FROM THIS NONESENSE, EVERYTIME YOU CRITICIZE THE JEWS AND THEIR ACTIONS IN PALESTINE, YOU WILL BE REMINDED OF THE HOLOCAUST !! as if the holocaust some sort of moral balance ( it is ok for the jews to kill thousands of palestineans because they suffered terrible holocaust ) !

In some countries ( like Germany ), it is ok to deny god existence but you will be behind bars for denying the holocaust !! can you imagine ?? PATHETIC !

More than half a century have passed since the Jewish holocaust, isnt the time to MOVE ON ???

Of course the advice should apply to PM, and to everyone. Justice would be to move on and deal with real issues without hyperbole or pretense. In the meantime, however, since justice isn't due for a while, I'll buck for equality. PM is repugnant, the people say? Very well. I shall continue to grant him that license in my personal assessment as a poster as long as repugnant is the way of the walk.

People are not here to learn, they cant be wrong, their attack on Islam and Muslims must be always justified ( the self righoutsness disease ) so when a muslim exposes them and make NAKED their hatred and bigotry, they will turn against him.

The ongoing debate about Proud Muslim is not completely isolated in my opinion. I hold it against a backdrop of subtle and not-so-subtle anti-Islamism that has almost always been here.

Indeed, they even wanted to ban me !! ban me for what ? if the owner of this forum allow all sort of hate against muslims under FREE SPEECH, why should not I enjoy the same rights ( despite the fact that I dont hate anyone, I only hate those who hate Islam and Muslims ) !

Before 9/11 it was a result of ignorance, and posters generally shied away from being too critical of things they hadn't studied. But starting right after 9/11, we've had to put up with a string of people calling for all sorts of barbarism against people who happen to be Muslims, and as this meshes reasonably with the conventional wisdom, it doens't really stick out in the same manner as, say, Holocaust revisionism.

Well said !! when christians kill muslims in Nigeria, posters here rush to find an excuses for those christians, but when Muslims kill, it is ISLAM !! how pathetic !

I'm starting to wonder if maybe we shouldn't actually go ahead and make Islam the enemy. People generally have more respect for their enemies than has been shown Islam in general around here. And suddenly people are disturbed because it's their preferred groups on the receiving end of it?

But muslims dont want to make the west their enemy, we want to live in peace with others, but others dont want that ( invading muslim lands and bombing and killing thousands of Muslims ! )
Proud_Muslim said:
despite the fact that I dont hate anyone, I only hate those who hate Islam and Muslims
Um.. yeah... I don't know if you really don't hate anyone here, but you certainly act as if you hate absolutely every single person who does agree with you here.

Proud_Muslim said:
But muslims dont want to make the west their enemy, we want to live in peace with others, but others dont want that ( invading muslim lands and bombing and killing thousands of Muslims ! )
I have read many threads and posts by you, and it seems to me that you are always the one who is the most directly offensive to other religions and beliefs, it seems to me that you are always trying to start an intense argument, and it seems to me that you are the one who does not want to live in peace with others, at least in here.

(and yeah, :p don't get mad at me, I am only a non-religious average guy.:) :D )
Spuriousmonkey said:
I guess the structure of the feedback section changed and maybe this stuff got deleted. And you are aware of this. Which makes this even worse I would say. But we both know you said it.

It's not an issue of whether or not I said something. Wes has quoted it.

But it only took about six seconds to find - (click me)

So ... I'm aware of what? What makes what worse?
Dr. No

What irks me is HOW Islamists fight in debates.

• Taking statements (religious or whatever) out of context.
• Using Isolated cases to generalize the whole.
• Using a thousand year old occurrence to condemn the present generations.
• Argumentum Ad Hominem
• Appeals to Authority

I find it a bit irritating, too. But I don't find it much different from American politics inasmuch as you've documented those particular points. I'm sure we could probably find something under "etc." to disagree about, but I can't say there's a whole lot of difference between the five bulleted points and political methodology in the U.S.

I think most people here know the “why”. And why it could never be justifiable.

Justifiable is a separate issue from the why. I agree, it's unjustifiable. But I'm aware of the general concept of what pisses people off about the U.S. to take swings at it.

Muslim terrorists do hate liberty. They hate religious liberty of all things.

Admittedly, some people define liberty differently. Some of it is the difference in the weight of communal and individual identities.

Hell, there's a Christian church in downtown Seattle that used to advertise, "Liberty is not the freedom to do what you will, but the freedom to do what God says is right."

I don’t see the connection between loosely using the word “terrorist” and loosely “hating life”. Maybe what you mean is loosely hating enemies. Not hating life.

Given a choice between public health and the growth of industry, Americans end up choosing growth of industry. It is the prevailing ideology, though it's a tougher sell to claim it the majority. Small communities go down kicking and screaming.

But we're willing to spend human life rather liberally.

That’s what you call “elusiveness”. And people do that for a reason. Or when they are pressured into doing something they don’t agree on.

Not everybody is as simple as your imagination. I mean, as you imagine. Er ....

Something like that.

It may demonstrate the problems of orthopraxy, but it's only elusiveness if we presume Muslims to think exactly as Westerners do. Blanket assignations are dangerous in general, as we all know, but that one would be particularly irresponsible.
eddymrsci said:
Um.. yeah... I don't know if you really don't hate anyone here, but you certainly act as if you hate absolutely every single person who does agree with you here.

You can disagree but you cant hate and bash, to disagree is one thing, to hate is another, I hate those who hate not those who disagree in civilized way.

I have read many threads and posts by you, and it seems to me that you are always the one who is the most directly offensive to other religions and beliefs,

Can you show me where I said christianity is evil ? can you show me where I said Judaism is evil ? can you show me where I said Buddhism is evil ??? :rolleyes:

it seems to me that you are always trying to start an intense argument, and it seems to me that you are the one who does not want to live in peace with others, at least in here.

It seems to me that you are very confused and you dont know what's going on here, it is the haters who come and argue with me IN MY OWN THREADS not the other way around.

(and yeah, don't get mad at me, I am only a non-religious average guy.)

Dont worry, I want you to be FAIR, can you do it ?
tiassa said:
It's not an issue of whether or not I said something. Wes has quoted it.

But it only took about six seconds to find - (click me)

So ... I'm aware of what? What makes what worse?

let me get this straight.

You first deny that you ever said it. And call me basically a liar. Then wesmorris confirms that you said. Then I can't be bothered to find out where you said it exaclty. Then you find out where you said the thing you supposed not to have said and blame me for not looking enough for it?

Are you insane?
You first deny that you ever said it. And call me basically a liar. Then wesmorris confirms that you said. Then I can't be bothered to find out where you said it exaclty. Then you find out where you said the thing you supposed not to have said and blame me for not looking enough for it?

Look, Spurious ... my only point is that if anyone goes to the topic and looks it up, they'll see what I told you then. And they might find it rather laughable that the one thing that hasn't apparently occurred to you is to cease going out of your way to be apathetic, lazy, and intentionally detrimental.

The rest is your own damn problem.

However, in the meantime, before you go implying some sort of impropriety as you did, you ought to at least make sure it's not there:

Spuriousmonkey said:
I guess the structure of the feedback section changed and maybe this stuff got deleted. And you are aware of this. Which makes this even worse I would say. But we both know you said it.

end of discussion.

You're such a dishonest little monkey.

Are you insane?

Nope, I'm simply aware of reality, and that includes your cheap provocateurism.

You're repeatedly inaccurate, and now you're even moralizing based on those inaccuracies.

I mean, if you had left it at being unable to find it, I might have left you to that illusion. But no, you had to go wag your finger over a moral outrage that wasn't.

Good show.

spuriousmonkey said:
let me get this straight.

You first deny that you ever said it. And call me basically a liar. Then wesmorris confirms that you said. Then I can't be bothered to find out where you said it exaclty. Then you find out where you said the thing you supposed not to have said and blame me for not looking enough for it?

Are you insane?

You are the insane one, you cant have 1% of Tiassa's intelligence. propably he did not mean what he said and that is why he forgot it in the first place, it only shows his clean pure heart not like you, a filthy hater.
Proud_Muslim said:
You are the insane one, you cant have 1% of Tiassa's intelligence. propably he did not mean what he said and that is why he forgot it in the first place, it only shows his clean pure heart not like you, a filthy hater.

Being apologetic for something that you don't get, and then insulting the intelligence of someone who is obviously significantly more intelligent than you, calling him a hater (without even attempting to demonstrate it) in the same thread that you have demonstrated that indeed, you are a staunch hater of jews, like most muslims (because you're raised in a culture of jew hating)(note that you don't say "the israeli government's policies and actions are hurting my family" you say "the JEWS are hurting my family").

That people defend you is freakin astounding to me, as you are simply transparent, shallow and programmed. I suppose the people who jump to your defense must be, as far as I can tell... haters just like you. (oh and note that to most people, you're like a clown, like a buffoon for their entertainment)

wesmorris said:
Being apologetic for something that you don't get, and then insulting the intelligence of someone who is obviously significantly more intelligent than you, calling him a hater (without even attempting to demonstrate it) in the same thread that you have demonstrated that indeed, you are a staunch hater of jews,

Being an ass for some hater, being a puppet for someone who displayed increadible hate towad muslims, being this make you less than human, in fact, makes you animal.

like most muslims (because you're raised in a culture of jew hating)(note that you don't say "the israeli government's policies and actions are hurting my family" you say "the JEWS are hurting my family").

When the Jews themselves make Israel a JEWISH issue it is ok, but when Muslims make Israel a jewish issue, it is not ok !! go fuck yourself.

That people defend you is freakin astounding to me, as you are simply transparent, shallow and programmed.

What about you ? uncircumcized animal !!

I suppose the people who jump to your defense must be, as far as I can tell... haters just like you. (oh and note that to most people, you're like a clown, like a buffoon for their entertainment)


And I suppose the people who socialize with you are drug dealers just like you.

Underworld dark satan.
tiassa said:
You're such a dishonest little monkey.

You are weird my friend. I was too lazy too look up where you (A MODERATOR) told me the world would be a better place if I put a shotgun in my mouth. You then look up this thread in a second because apparently you are obsessed with these things and know from memory where all your petty arguments are located. And you blame me for being lazy and calling me dishonest.

honestly...get a grip on life because this is bordering on being over the edge.
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