Justice and Rape Culture: The Women Are Speaking

My sexist attitude is that men and women are different by nature. It's human nature. Each brings their own qualities to the table. If you disagree with that assessment, please argue your position.
That's not sexist. Sexism is TREATING people of the opposite sex differently.
If you can change definitions, so can I.
What are you talking about?

Not at all. I don't treat women with any less respect than I would another man.
Nonsense. I've seen it many times, right here on the forum. Do you think I'm an idiot and I haven't read any of your posts? You have a very long record.

What's there to talk about?
The first step is to recognise that there is a problem. All indications are that you're very far from completing that step.
Sexism is TREATING people of the opposite sex differently.
More specifically, it involves making the assumption that women are inferior to men and treating them accordingly. Sexists typically value women only as objects for their own use or pleasure. To the extent that they aren't that, they dismiss women as human beings.
Nonsense. I've seen it many times, right here on the forum. Do you think I'm an idiot and I haven't read any of your posts? You have a very long record.
Record of what...disagreement? Sure, I will agree with that. Maybe we can disagree about the definition of sexism, and agree that men and women are different?
Disagreement is disrespect?
Try to keep up.

You said "I don't treat women with any less respect than I would another man."

I said you do, demonstrably, as is apparent from your record of posts to this forum.

I've given it.
I can't find it.

I was asking you.
Try to keep up.

You're claiming that men and women are different in some significant way that justifies your treating women differently to men. I'm asking you what you think the relevant differences are.
This has been a long question at Sciforums, and there are reasons the answer seems as it does.

These generally aren't the posts people report. And there are reasons for that, too. Nor is this really a "science forum", but that just evades the point.

There was some public dispute about policy, in January, when I reminded↗ nobody says we have to keep them around if they're utterly full of shite; the answer↗ was, "Yeah, I do, and I've explained why, many times, at length".

And it's true, he has explained why, many times. That it does not make any real sense, to me, is beside the point; I've lost this policy argument many times. While it is encouraging to see James R↗ expressing that, "We draw a line at misogyny", and, "Misogynists are not welcome here", that's actually news to me.

Because the reason people generally don't report certain posts is the long expectation of futility.

That makes sense, I guess.

But, pervasive sexism, bigotry, racism, homophobic narratives, etc all seem like they'd be against forum rules. Making one off comments, okay. Everyone has an off day. But, if it's pervasive, that would seem to be a violation of the forum rules. Funnily enough, those pervasive attitudes can create a slippery slope of acceptance.

As adults, we shouldn't have to be babysat, but... :oops:
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I said you do, demonstrably, as is apparent from your record of posts to this forum.
I do? How so?

I can't find it.
Keep up.

You're claiming that men and women are different in some significant way that justifies your treating women differently to men. I'm asking you what you think the relevant differences are.
Well, your question makes me question your experience with women outside online forums. Have you ever been with a woman, James?[/QUOTE]

I do? How so?
Well, for starters there are numerous posts concerning women for which you have received moderator warnings.

Back in 2016, in reference to Hillary Clinton, for example, you wrote "Her twat makes no difference in the matter. It's the horns protruding from her head that give me pause."

Maybe you'd like to explain to all of us how your crude reference to Clinton's genitalia shows respect for her and for women in general, not to mention your characterisation of her as some kind of demon. I note that I haven't seen any posts from you discussing male genitalia in reference to male candidates for President.

This is just one example, mind you. Another one that comes to mind is the music video you chose to post with the explicit lyrics about how the lead singer likes his "pussy in boots", referring to various sex acts in the course of the song. Maybe you'd like to explain why it was appropriate for you to post that video, and how it shows your respect for women.

I see you couldn't find it, either. Figures.

Well, your question makes me question your experience with women outside online forums. Have you ever been with a woman, James?
Avoiding the question? Figures.

Why not try honesty for a change?
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Back in 2016, in reference to Hillary Clinton, for example, you wrote "Her twat makes no difference in the matter. It's the horns protruding from her head that give me pause."
Well, if we had clipped her tail and filed down her horns...

I'm sorry, you're cracking me up.

This is just one example, mind you. Another one that comes to mind is the music video you chose to post with the explicit lyrics about how the lead singer likes his "pussy in boots", referring to various sex acts in the course of the song. Maybe you'd like to explain why it was appropriate for you to post that video, and how it shows your respect for women.

Who doesn't enjoy sex? Is it worth a song?

I see you couldn't find it, either. Figures.
It's there clear as day. I'm not going to repeat myself.

Avoiding the question? Figures.
A little secret for you (put your ear next to the screen)... women enjoy sex, too.:biggrin:
@ Bowser -

I've read your comments in the abortion threads, and they all point to the fact that you think of men as superior, and women as inferior. You can deny that all you wish, but unfortunately for you, people here know how to read. Your comments are blatant in the ''should men have a say in abortion,'' and the ''abortion'' threads that are currently running. You have posted threads about ''women's rights,'' ''heterosexuality,'' and other threads that demean African Americans - all of them having this underlying theme that you (and those like you) are more superior than the rest of us. I'm not going to link them all here, they are here for everyone to see. Those are just a few threads I've run across your posts, but there are others, where you can't help yourself but to share how different you think men are from women, and bla bla bla. As if this needs to be constantly underscored by you; again, you placing yourself above women, because of our ''differences.''

That's what causes you to be looked at as a sexist.

And yes, I enjoy sex, as many women do, but that doesn't mean I come here to discuss it. This isn't a bar, or a locker room. It's a science forum, where there are fringe areas to discuss things outside of science, but that doesn't include posting anything we wish. The video wouldn't be out of place on another forum, but it's out of place, here. It's insulting also to men that you think all men want to see stuff like that, when they post here. Or that any men who don't agree with your sexist views of women, are somehow pandering to feminists. Your glib replies and refusal to have an actual dialogue with James, billvon or iceaura in this thread, show that you basically want to be able to post whatever you like, without reproach.

I'm not sure if you're feigning ignorance, or are truly clueless, but it could very well be the latter, as many sexists/misogynists have such an ingrained mindset that they just can't see anyone else's view. There's a third option, and that is that at times, your posts imply that you're proud to be a sexist, so maybe you're not clueless at all.
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I've read your comments in the abortion threads, and they all point to the fact that you think of men as superior, and women as inferior. You can deny that all you wish, but unfortunately for you, people here know how to read. Your comments are blatant in the ''should men have a say in abortion,'' and the ''abortion'' threads that are currently running. You have posted threads about ''women's rights,'' ''heterosexuality,'' and other threads that demean African Americans - all of them having this underlying theme that you (and those like you) are more superior than the rest of us. I'm not going to link them all here, they are here for everyone to see.

Wegs, I just think life is sacred. I didn't always feel that way, but the older I grow, the more amazing it becomes. I don't feel it's a matter of being superior as it is recognizing how special women truly are--bringing life into the world is pretty amazing. I watched my wife do it twice. If you truly are a woman, you are gifted for being just that, a woman. I feel no shame for believing that. As far as sex is concerned, yeah, it's a small aspect of life; but I would hazard that most of us enjoy it. That video I posted in the thread was--admittedly--borderline, but it was intended as lighthearted humor. If you truly were offended I apologize. Having said that, I still might offend you in the future, but it's just way I role sometimes.
Wegs, I just think life is sacred. I didn't always feel that way, but the older I grow, the more amazing it becomes. I don't feel it's a matter of being superior as it is recognizing how special women truly are--bringing life into the world is pretty amazing. I watched my wife do it twice. If you truly are a woman, you are gifted for being just that, a woman. I feel no shame for believing that. As far as sex is concerned, yeah, it's a small aspect of life; but I would hazard that most of us enjoy it. That video I posted in the thread was--admittedly--borderline, but it was intended as lighthearted humor. If you truly were offended I apologize. Having said that, I still might offend you in the future, but it's just way I role sometimes.

This a very thoughtful response & apology, Bowser and I really appreciate you posting it. #progress

When you've been discriminated against for being a woman (which I have been) and sexually harassed at work (which I have been), you tend to spot the ''sexist in the crowd'' pretty quickly. Walk a mile in someone's shoes kind of thing...

I believe that men and women are not ''the same,'' but we are equal as people. Equal in terms of rights, and so my point of view, comes from that place, if it helps.
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I don't feel it's a matter of being superior as it is recognizing how special women truly are--bringing life into the world is pretty amazing. I watched my wife do it twice. If you truly are a woman, you are gifted for being just that, a woman.
Women are just baby makers to you, though?
I would be typing forever, Beer. But if they have an advantage I don't, they are women AND mothers.
So now, you say you feel inferior to women.

How many times has that been an underlying reason for rape and murder?
Record of what...disagreement? Sure, I will agree with that. Maybe we can disagree about the definition of sexism, and agree that men and women are different?
Men and women are different. That's not sexism.
Treating men and women differently is sexism. For example, referring to a woman by her genitalia, while referring to men in more conventional terms, is sexist.