Just a question about god


I did not mean to say that one must believe in a god or practice a religion to be capable of unconditional love. I, personally, was not using "the obvious as 'evidence' and 'justification'." I know all about circular arguments, and I detest them. Please do not ascribe a single set of beliefs to every person you meet who happens to use some of the same words.

I, for one, don't practice (believe in) all the things my religion espouses, like that mary was a virgin all her life, or that birth control shouldn't be taken, or that abortion is necessarily murder, or that priests are the only ones who should officiate, or that there is a central, human church government, etc. Not believing in certain doctrines does not make one a "fair weather" believer, it makes one a thinking human being. (And, yes, I have been told often enough by my fellow intellectuals that my belief makes me less of a thinking human being. So be it.) Besides, I would rather be a "fair weather" believer, than a rule-bound demogogue who must practice all his religion says, simply because some human being somewhere told him he must practice all his religion says. (That, I would argue, is where the fault of religion lies, in the "true believers"--those who "love" people so much that they hate them--not in those people who have found the spiritual side of their religion as a way to express a peculiar set of emotions, to nourish their soul or spirit, if you will. )

Concerning definitions:

I am a fairy :)

Okay, if you don't believe that one,
Spirit comes from Latin spiritus, or breath. "an animating or vital principle held to give life to physical organisms" or "a supernatural being or essence" or "soul." Under the definition of "soul" we find, strangely enough, "the moral and emotional nature of human beings" and "the quality that arouses emotion and sentiment" (Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary , 10th ed.)

This is exactly why I try to avoid speaking about religion. It is something so close to me that I do not like to dissect it. I have dissected it in my own mind for my whole life, and I do not like to argue over something that, to me, is too deeply personal a thing to argue about. In fact, if you would like to argue about theology, I would rather not participate. I like to share ideas in an open forum, not bicker away at things until I am angry with someone I do not know. I have responded to this last post of yours and then, if you wish to continue, find someone else to play with. Or, read some past postings by fellow sciforums users. That should sate your appetite for battle.
An AI needs to be programed. We do not. We can think on our own. We develope our thoughts, emotions, habbits, ect...........An AI cannot. That is not evidence that a God created us. It means we can think on our own, and make our own decisions. We dont need an almighty dictator, like an AI would.
Because God created us without the "A" in AI. You are not being controlled, but that does not mean your freedom is earned. Aren't you taking your freedom for granted?
I think you missed it. We don't dictate our own existance, our thinking is no more than a complex of "if this then that" carried out through complexes of chemical, and electric reactions. No matter what you wish to place your faith in, it will always be that our actions are dictated by the way we percieve happenings in reality. An being we are limited to the processes we of our mind, any actions of our self would of cousre never be true "free will".
If it is too deeply of a personal thing to argue about, then why are you in the subject of relgion forums? I do not intend to offend you, but I do not intend to drop the discusion becouse you are too insecure about your religion to debate it.
I assume that last post was for me. It's not that I'm to insecure about my religion but that I see it as unprofitiable for me to tell some one, of it if they are not ready to recieve it. Also you might want to read one of my other post (if you haven't already) over in "Christianity, trinity and Jesus as Sacrifice". I don't wish to be repetitive, so I will only make metion of it. I simply do not wish to debate, over the justification of my faith. It's not that it's "personal", but that I no from my self and others like me that, if the lord has not prepared you to hear, often the words you can speak do more harm to the one you wish to help.
If you're willing to listen we can talk about what I know to be true, and why. (sorry it's a little late here)

Stop me if I offend, but you sound like a protestant catholic?

You're right. Your penis is bigger than mine. Just kidding. Couldn't resist. I come to the forum to share in an open environment. It is the difference between two forms of communication--argument/debate and communal learning. Members of "developed" cultures "debate" subjects--two combatants argue until one "wins." Members of less "developed" cultures share and discuss ideas until either agreement or mutual understanding is reached.

It is not an insecurity, it is simply a different style of communication.

...[A] typical Anglo style of presenting an argument or point of view resembles a debate--in which a position is directly stated, the opposing side is described as incorrect, supporting evidence is provided, and a conclusion offered--other cultures may neither seek combat nor come to the point directly (Condon & Yousef, 1988).
from Intercultural Communication by Samovar/Porter
Well in my faith you must have the holyghost to be apart of the church. We accually deal with god the same way you'll see the early church does in the new testiment. A lot of people do not know of the truth of this way (that the scriptures might be fulfilled). Unlike others who claim to be christians without ever interacting with him, there is not a moment after recieving the holyghost were you are ever without him. Although it is rare that he should speak to you directly, he will guide you through the scriptures. They're many works of which I can testifie that he has worked of among us, and thinks that may seem to hold great sway, but I know of my self that you will only be believe if you are prepared of god, did not they crucifie jesus even after seeing the great works he did? Uh.. it would be to much really write of in one post could if possible ask me a some pacific questions, if posiible.
That was wrong of me but I'm finding more difficult expected to focus right now. Any how I seen the sick and diseadsed healed, the dead raised (well once not to often of an occurrance), my prays are answered, but these things come with being part of the church. I know these things may seem to be big, but when you walk with the lord they are expected. But none of these things are as compeling as the word of truth.
I agree with you there Binary. You must be careful to exclude people from being Christian, though. While I subscribe to the dogma of the trinity, it in no way interferes with my belief in God, or my interaction with The Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God is in each of us who believe, because we cannot believe without Him. When we pray, it is not to an invisible God out in infinity somewhere, but to the Spirit who intercedes for us. I like to think of the Spirit as the translator between me and God, and as someone closer to me than myself. There is unbroken continuity between God, Jesus and the Spirit, they are separate only by the nature of God. When the word became flesh, the flesh distinguished itself from the word by being flesh. In the same way, the Spirit distinguishes itself from flesh by being spirit, and the Father distinguishes himself from the Son by being Father. But as God they exist as one. I say all this in utmost respect and humility and the honest search for understanding. By no means should views interfere with the truth.
I'm glad you feel that way it is not often you come across some one who is seeking the truth. Only one thing, what do you mean when you said "or my interaction with The Holy Spirit".
Evelina, do you like Waterhouse as well? The Ophelia of Millais and the Lady of Shalot by Waterhouse are two of my favourite paintings.

PS. I think we both discovered that the church is a servant to the truth, and not the keeper of it. The various Christian churches are to me like the hangings on a mobile glistening in the sun...
Well, I think about it this way: God as father is a pretty clear concept, so is God as son, but God's Spirit... that is to me the mystery of God. Everything I search for or cannot reach, every hope, uncertainty, doubt and emotion is in the Spirit. My association with Jesus and my relationship with God is through the action of the Spirit. The Spirit is God's blessing, His promise and my guide. Now that I think about it, it's more "action of the Spirit", than "interaction with". Prayer is not something one does only with words. The fruit of the Spirit is like prayers being answered and promises being fulfilled. The Spirit is the basis of my belief when the history of Jesus seems too distant to remember and the unseen Father seems to far away to reach. The Spirit is God within reach.
I take it from your reply that you do not know god. I couldn't tell from your last post if you were my brother or not, thanks for clearing that up for me. i think you still have some confusion as to what I believe or rather know. If it be that I understand your post and you are not of the true church. I you do not wish to discuss further, I will honor that, for it is of no profit to me. But for your own sake please consider the little that I've wrote, for even if you aren't ready to recieve such things now. I have told you no lies, nor do I compel you for profit, I merely hope that you might understand that you might be saved. -night

I take that back I'll probably be up for a few more minutes.

Oh, gosh it really took awhile for me to see your post.

What I'm talking about is not a state of mind, but acually god being with you as in the holyghost(gods spirit) dewling in you. It's not that I percieve god to be with me, but that he is very literally there all the time. Yes just like it is written in the new testiment of the church. I did not mention earlier but thereare many other members of the church all over the world. We may be none by several names but we prefer to be called after the way we follow, which is the way of holiness. As usual wrote back if you want more info.
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I am saved though the grace of God, by the death and resurrection of Jesus and live with the gift of God's Spirit. Nothing I do can add to that. I know God though these testimonies, through the history of his people and through the witness of the Bible.

You have not once told me how you are saved or what you believe. How are you more worthy of being saved than I am or anybody else?