Jocariah: " I have a confession to make"

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The possible solutions:

Joch is:

1) earning a phd in psychology
2) a psychologist writing a book on human responses to unbelievable claims
3) a disinformation specialist
4) CIA
5) pissed off because he/she could not earn a psychology degree
6) having a laugh
7) interested in spinning people out
8) plain nuts
9) a well meaning, but hopelessly schizophrenic human
10) a well meaning, but hoplessly schizophrenic alien
11) a well meaning, but hopelssly schizophrenic hybrid
12) an arrogant alien / human / hybrid.

In any case, Joch does not:

1) have any answers
2) respond to my simple questions, even though I did infact ask a simple question
3) have a life

And before I lose mine, I'm outta here!

Thanks Joch, you've re-affirmed my belief in my own sanity *bows*

Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
Being amused by 'inferior' beings is not the same as having a sense of humour. It is a very human trait though.

Never have I stated that I was amused by any of the posts herein, nor have I ever used the word 'inferior' in reference to others here, as you have inferred by your comments. .

It appears that you have a penchant for attempting to put words into my mouth.

But here’s a thought – being different, does not in and of itself connote superiority or inferiority. Different is simply different (i.e., dissimilar in some way).
Originally posted by fractal_choice
The possible solutions:

Joch is:

1) earning a phd in psychology
2) a psychologist writing a book on human responses to unbelievable claims
3) a disinformation specialist
4) CIA
5) pissed off because he/she could not earn a psychology degree
6) having a laugh
7) interested in spinning people out
8) plain nuts
9) a well meaning, but hopelessly schizophrenic human
10) a well meaning, but hoplessly schizophrenic alien
11) a well meaning, but hopelssly schizophrenic hybrid
12) an arrogant alien / human / hybrid.

In any case, Joch does not:

1) have any answers
2) respond to my simple questions, even though I did infact ask a simple question
3) have a life

And before I lose mine, I'm outta here!

Thanks Joch, you've re-affirmed my belief in my own sanity *bows*


Your comments appear to me to be both disingenuous and demeaning.
Cant you understand were we are coming from when we say we dont beleive sound just plain nuts to us......
Originally posted by Guyute
Cant you understand were we are coming from when we say we dont beleive sound just plain nuts to us......

Hello Guyute,

Thanks for taking the time to comment.

Whether or not you, or anyone, choose to believe me is your prerogative alone. I have no control over how I sound to anyone - I am what I am. The experiences in my life are what they are and continue to be.

If I "sound just plain nuts", well, that is a determination that is freely yours to make.

There is however an alternative available here. You may of course choose to neither believe nor disbelieve, but rather find what I say as being interesting or not to you as the case may be, and remain neutral as to its factuality.

It may be that you might simply see all of this as appearing interesting on some level, without the need to believe or disbelieve anything.

Why would you feel inclined to peruse an either or scenario in this matter?


you remember me of John Titor

The Time traveller, that maintained the discussions and logic of his story about him, that we came from 2038, etc..

You seem to be a similiar case..
Were you dont worry if people believe you or not

My case is similiar.. Im not worried if weather you are a hybrid or not, nor if Titor is a timetraveler..

The only thing is that I'll have a good time, as If I was watching a Science Fiction writer with new ideas etc..

So please enlighten us with you knowledge..

Like for example, how is your race? Are you some Gray hybrid?
When did you came here to Earth?

I hope you can answer me...

heyya Jocariah
What are these belief/disbelief decisions that everybody is in such a hurry to make?
is this a seriouse question?

or are you just pointing your finger to an issue?

what is your mission statement perameters of interface of non
ethical species?

be vauge if you need to

groove on :)
Originally posted by Jocariah
Never have I stated that I was amused by any of the posts herein, nor have I ever used the word 'inferior' in reference to others here, as you have inferred by your comments. .

it is general knowledge that doing stupid things is funny, and doing really intelligent rational things is boring and not funny. Hence a monkey is funny and a nerd is not.

hence I interpret your statements they way I did. And probably rightly so. If it was about just being different than you would have tried to part of a group...not lecture them, or be amused by them.

sorry if my interpretations are so primitive, but I have lots of monkey genes in me...not very sophisticated you cortex failed to fold properly...not enough crinkles in the grey matter...blabla...
Hello Ertai,

RE: "... Like for example, how is your race? Are you some Gray hybrid? When did you [come] here to Earth? ..."

I was born here in the northeast - my mother was artificially inseminated. I am a hybrid human, which does not mean I am not human. A hybrid rose is still a rose.

Both of my sisters, who are older than me, appear to have had no similar experiences, aside from them both saying that they were repeatedly immobilized in their bed at night by giant spiders while they were growing up.

My youngest son is a hybrid as well, his memory of his interactions with them are more detailed than my own. We had never discussed this prior to his coming to my second wife and me one day to tell us of his unusual experiences. He does a lot of automatic writing also, and seems to understand a great deal about genetics.

Alien is a rather catchall term; there are various types of aliens. My alien ancestors hail from Ara, which is a star system that appears in the southern horizon in either July or August if I’m not mistaken.

Originally posted by ripleofdeath
heyya Jocariah
What are these belief/disbelief decisions that everybody is in such a hurry to make?
is this a seriouse question?

or are you just pointing your finger to an issue?

what is your mission statement perameters of interface of non
ethical species?

be vauge if you need to

groove on :)

Hello ripleofdeath,

As I recall, when I said: "What are these belief/disbelief decisions that everybody is in such a hurry to make? ", it was out of frustration for the most part.

I don't understand the inherent need (or paradigm most likely) to classify everything that one encounters in only one of two ways.

Forgive my ignorance; I don't see why anyone would want to restrict his or her thinking in such a way - time-and-again.

It strikes me as being unfair to ones self I guess.


[EDIT]: More succinctly, I think it may have been more of a rhetorical question for the most part.
Could you please tell us of your appearance? Is it exactly like a human's, or do you have telltale features *wiggles pointy ears*

Thanks MAN !
Honestly, I don’t understand why some here are so overtly hostile towards me, simply for being different.
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