Jocariah: " I have a confession to make"

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Originally posted by Pollux V
Because if you did I would agree with whatever you said on this forum, and I think that to some extent I am a "trusted member" on this forum. You'd still have some hecklers, but more people on your side if I supported you. Doesn't it get frustrating to not be believed? You obviously want someone to believe you because you put this thread here. You want some sort of empathy, I guess. Because you feel that you are unique.

assuming, of course, that you're telling the truth

I want to help you, if you're telling the truth. You've felt different and alone all your life, if you're telling the truth. Have your friends contact me, if you're telling the truth.

You assume that I seek to have you come into agreement with me. That would be an incorrect assumption.

Whether or not you believe me to be telling the truth is of absolutely no consequence to me - believe whatsoever you choose to believe, and disbelieve whatsoever you choose to disbelieve.

You assume that the reason that I put this thread here is that I want to be believed – that is incorrect as well.

Apparently you do not understand my intent, and consequently continually make incorrect assumptions.

I have been accused of not having a sense of humor – on the contrary, this has been most humorous to me.

I am sure you are indeed a 'trusted member' of this forum, but getting "more people on my side, if you supported me'" sounds rather like you think I'm running for some sort of political office.

I assure you, I am not.

Maybe, you have overlooked my earlier explanation as to why I am here - please, take the time to reread all of my post, and I assure you, the answer, as delivered by me, is there.

In a word, cathartic.

I ended up here by the simplest of ways really. I was writing a thread called 'Our Thought Process' and decided to see it (our thought process) played out in real time, with various participants.

I then determined to come forward with who I am and what experiences I have had, with the idea being that it might be a cathartic experience for me as well – and it has.

Since I have started this thread, I have seen that our thought processes are responsible for how we see what is presented to us. Different people react to the same stimulus differently based upon their thought processes.

To say that this has simply been my little experiment would be a gross oversimplification.

This was a multifaceted endeavor actually, benefiting both sides.

:) Cheers
The Experiment would not work on a computer, our mind plays out in a different variation in real life, Do Research Please.
Originally posted by MrMynomics
The Experiment would not work on a computer, our mind plays out in a different variation in real life, Do Research Please.

This is a more perfect medium for seeing the thought process in action. In real life, as you call it, other factors such as physical appearance, stature, social and economic status enter into the equation.

The forum is a more perfect medium.

Wouldnt the Alien Dna, Dysfunction with Human Dna, How could they mix?.
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I agree with your last statement Joc.
Still, if you are an alien what kind of underpants do you wear? Take your time, there is only one correct answer:eek:
If you are a hybrid, spin a coin on a table and if you are one, it should disappear because you would have an extra energy source that would react with the flow of time because you are a hybrid and may have travelled through space.

You say that if you were an astrophysicist, you would not be able to describe everything about astrophysics to me. This makes sense, and is blatantly obvious. However, it would be possible to explain to someone who thought that the sun revolved around the earth that it was in fact the earth that revolved around the sun.

I am not asking you to tell us everything you know, just tell us something like the above that would help us change the way we view the world.


Anyone could come on to a forum and write stuff about how they were an alien, how they were enlightened etc. It doesn't mean that they are, it just means they are interested in fiction and human psychology.

Give us a simple, yet thought provoking idea that we can contemplate. I'm sure a being as enlightened as you would see that stringing people along for the fun of it is not a hallmark of enlightenment - rather it is the hallmark of lunacy and childish games. Think about it Joch - you're just not representing your fellow abductees in a way they would like to be seen.

Thay would to be seen as enlightened.

Illuminate thy forum. :m:
Re: Yes

Hello fractal_choice,

You present a very sound case, but I am here not to debate, but rather for my own benefit.

If you find anything of interest, which I have said in all of my posts thus far, simply ask for clarification and I will consider your question.

I can appreciate that this is a lot to take in at one time, especially as I have so tersely stated what I am, and the experiences that I have had leading up to how I got this way.

That having been said, if you still wish to engage me in conversation, it might be helpful if you narrowed it down to one topic at a time, and be specific as to what you are seeking to know.

Generalizations that appear to be all encompassing are of no interest to me. Remember, I am here for my benefit, for what is of interest to me – your job is to get me interested in discussing what it is that you wish to discuss with me.

I am not a teacher per se – but it may be, actually I could imagine it being a certainty really, that we would both learn at each other’s hands.

The universe works in that fashion you know.
I could get on the phone and talk to my CIA buddies to track you down, but i wouldnt waste my time on a fake.
Originally posted by Jocariah

I have been accused of not having a sense of humor – on the contrary, this has been most humorous to me.

Being amused by 'inferior' beings is not the same as having a sense of humour. It is a very human trait though.
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