Jocariah: " I have a confession to make"

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What are you talking about?
The first thing you have to expect when you say "I'm half alien" in a place like this is people not believing you. I'm one of few who would be bothered mentioning I don't believe. Others would open the thread, laugh and leave(or perhaps light heartedly make fun of you) bottom line is no one is going to believe you. I'm trying my hardest to believe, I think it would be infinitely awesome but like I said you aren't even an impressive human being. I think I could have faked it better.
I can see the way your brain works (ie your response to me just now) and there is nothing standing out as unusual.
I just think there would be, I mean do aliens get defensive when someone doesn't believe them? Perhaps, but not exactly the same way as human beings do which is exactly what you did.
You'll have to take these little things into account next time you get bored and try a stunt like this again, its a common mistake made by sci-fi writers. They make aliens like humans except maybe add something like "we can't feel what you humans call love" or some cheesy crap like that but then they act just like people anyway. The fact is even if they did learn english they would verbally react very differently to different things. If they are aliens they are a different species, very different, technically we would be closer related to crabs than aliens so the possibilities of them having a train of thought anything like ours is unbelievably slim.
You made a valiant effort but you still seem 100% human to me, thats all I'm saying.
Hello Dr Lou Natic,

First let me thank you for taking the time to comment.

Whether my comments appear as a 'stunt' or not, that is your conclusion. Is it that you have a vast knowledge of hybrids, so as to base your assumptions on what they are or are not, or what they should or shouldn't say or do?

So how is it then, that you base your conclusions?

Quote: " I'm trying my hardest to believe, I think it would be infinitely awesome but like I said you aren't even an impressive human being"

Why are you 'trying' your hardest to believe'? Nothing says you have to believe or disbelieve. Why not consider an altogether different option - simply entertain the idea of me being what I am, that is if it seems of interest to you at the time, and leave it at that - neither ‘believing' or 'disbelieving' - no need to make a decision either way at this point in time. For one thing you don’t have enough information – for another, what’s the point.

At a later date, if you should so happen upon another self-proclaiming hybrid, you might simply say, "hmmm, it's that interesting, I remember Jocariah said he was one as well"

Why choose to see everything that you encounter as ending up in only one of two ways?

What are these belief/disbelief decisions that everybody is in such a hurry to make?

Relax, the universe is not obligated to function according to your, or anyone else’s belief system, or paradigm.

For goodness sake - we used to think the earth was flat.

Originally posted by MrMynomics
People always See the normal brain to be able to explain all.

Whatever the individual’s intellect, it will always appear within a given range. Human intelligence appears within a range, so do chimps, and those being of a higher order as well.

Every species have an intellectual ceiling that can never be exceeded. It's based on genetics, the underlying genetic structure of the creature.

A Pentium II cannot perform like a Pentium III - there are inherent design limits - so too with our genetic structure.

Our problem is that we cannot conceptually understand what it means to possess an intellect greater than our own.

Try to explain to a chip, that you are a vastly more intelligent being than he.

All genetically based creatures have an intellectual ceiling.

Try Explaining

Hey man (alien) (hybrid human / alien) (whateverthe hell you are)

I know you're way up there, like, touching the ceiling and shit, but could you just, for one little moment, try and tell us what you know?

Pretend that you are just explaining a concept as if you were are physics professor explaining a concept of physics to a child. You don't have to use complicated equations, you can just tell us in words your interpretation of the universe. If you can't do that, you are not as intelligent as you might think.

At the moment you just spew enlightened drivle, and although entertaining, is no more amusing or better constructed than my outbursts on acid years ago.

Cheers ;)

this is the last warning...return to the lab, or else we are forced to use the anal probe again to extract some sanity from you.

alien (aka spuriousmonkey)

I think that my opinion for you is similar to Dr. Lou. I want to believe, but you haven't convinced me. Aliens are supposed to be of a superior intelligence, so toying with us humans, even for a half human, should be of no trouble to you. Where are all the revelations that a greater being would provide? Since this is the internet, I think that you can only give us proof in the form of what you think, rather than what you really are.

Where do the aliens come from? Easily answered, can be made up. What do they look like? Pop culture has taken care of that. How many are there? Hardly matters.

Although, to me, it sounds like you may be out of contact with your brethren, if you can talk to them, tell them to chat it up with me in the middle of the night. I'd have an interesting conversation with an alien. Also, I'd like to be able to remember the encounter. If at all possible. If they talk to me, Jocariah, and tell me that you sent them, hell I'll believe you if you tell me that 2+2=5.

But for now, you're just another FoxMulder.

Thanks mon. Take care.
Re: Try Explaining

Originally posted by fractal_choice
Hey man (alien) (hybrid human / alien) (whateverthe hell you are)

I know you're way up there, like, touching the ceiling and shit, but could you just, for one little moment, try and tell us what you know?

Pretend that you are just explaining a concept as if you were are physics professor explaining a concept of physics to a child. You don't have to use complicated equations, you can just tell us in words your interpretation of the universe. If you can't do that, you are not as intelligent as you might think.

At the moment you just spew enlightened drivle, and although entertaining, is no more amusing or better constructed than my outbursts on acid years ago.

Cheers ;)

My brother-in-law has a PhD – I can imagine his reaction if I asked him to simply sit down and write a few paragraphs about what he knows in such a way that a child could understand it.

Obviously, I could never hope to understand what he does without having learned and experienced what he has. We do however connect when we discuss cars and talk about our favorite recipes for the grill, among other things.

I don't have a PhD in those things, which I write about, but I have been extensively programmed over the course of tens of years by my keepers (a term that I choose to use to define them).

But if you want a story, here’s one.

Two tribes exist in a remote area of Africa; both tribes are very similar and have never been influenced in any way whatsoever by outside influences, that is to say, by influences outside of their respective tribes.

One day as one tribe was moving their camp to a new location, they encountered several large helicopters, flown by men very different, in terms of color and size, then themselves.

After their experience, this tribe tried to explain to the other tribe the experience they had with these strange men and their craft, which could make them, fly like birds.

This tribe had become enlightened, knowing that more possibilities existed for them and all men than they could ever have imagined – their whole paradigm was inexorably altered in one moment. They realized that some had the means and the infrastructure necessary to create such crafts. They were men, not gods, even if they looked and acted dissimilar to them.

There really was no amount of explaining that the tribe could do to explain to the other tribe what had actually taken place – they were now enlightened, and had no way to convey all that that entailed – no way whatsoever.

Maybe some of the other tribe believed, maybe some disbelieved, and maybe some taunted and called the whole tribe crazy, but whatever their reaction, it was irrelevant to those tribe members who had become enlightened to a whole new aspect of their reality.

Enlightenment is that way.

So then, what separates these two tribes? Is one tribe smarter, better hunters, more productive or better off than the other?

Of course not - one tribe is simply more enlightened than the other - and that's all.

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Re: Jocariah,

Originally posted by Pollux V
I think that my opinion for you is similar to Dr. Lou. I want to believe, but you haven't convinced me. Aliens are supposed to be of a superior intelligence, so toying with us humans, even for a half human, should be of no trouble to you. Where are all the revelations that a greater being would provide? Since this is the internet, I think that you can only give us proof in the form of what you think, rather than what you really are.

Where do the aliens come from? Easily answered, can be made up. What do they look like? Pop culture has taken care of that. How many are there? Hardly matters.

Although, to me, it sounds like you may be out of contact with your brethren, if you can talk to them, tell them to chat it up with me in the middle of the night. I'd have an interesting conversation with an alien. Also, I'd like to be able to remember the encounter. If at all possible. If they talk to me, Jocariah, and tell me that you sent them, hell I'll believe you if you tell me that 2+2=5.

But for now, you're just another FoxMulder.

Thanks mon. Take care.

Hello Pollux V,

Thanks for taking the time to comment.

What you are saying does not sound unreasonable to me, however why should I prove to you what it is that I am.

I am not here to convince or prove anything to anybody.

You seem to misinterpret my intent for being here.

I'm stuck on this planet like everybody else - the only difference is that I know first hand there is more to the universe than what appears to be the norm.

Call it enlightenment.

Hello Jocariah,

Ive been watching some of your posts, and its interesting.. you seem always to answer in a very calm way.. and you way of thinking, writing, and the correct way you express yourself... it truly is a good way to "prove" at least that your just not just one more dumb kid on the forum..

At least you dont loose your temper and keep straight answers all the time..

The question is, not that I believe you, I would be lying if I did said so, could you give us any of actual info on your present situation..

Like, how is your race (your native race, not the human race), their basic characteristics, were their homeplanet is, or if there is one or not... maybe from other dimensions, who knows..

And maybe you could then enlight us too, even if 90% of the people watching this forum wont even care about it..
At least I believe that your an inteligent human being behind the keyboard, capable of good philosophycal discussions and responses..

So Im here waiting for more information regarding you and your species, and your life and the universe in general

Here is your line

There really was no amount of explaining that the tribe could do to explain to the other tribe what had actually taken place – they were now enlightened, and had no way to convey all that that entailed – no way whatsoever.

How about white colored men flying like the birds?
Besides, with your next comment you contradict yourself:

Maybe some of the other tribe believed, maybe some disbelieved, and maybe some taunted and called the whole tribe crazy, but whatever their reaction, it was irrelevant to those tribe members who had become enlightened to a whole new aspect of their reality.

In other words, you are saying there was no way whatsoever to convey what they had seen, yet some of the other tribe believed what they were told by the tribe that witnessed the event. Doesn't make sense, does it? At the very least it is a contradictory statement.

Maybe some of the other tribe believed

Comon dude, do you really expect me to believe that after 10 years, there is not one story you have to tell that you could not, in no way whatsoever, convey in such a way as to enlighten us in some way? As I said before, give it a shot, we might just understand.

Enlightenment is that way.

Enlighten me already then! You just admitted it was possible!

So then, what separates these two tribes? Is one tribe smarter, better hunters, more productive or better off than the other?

Of course not - one tribe is simply more enlightened than the other - and that's all.

Where did the ceiling theory go?

Is this enlightened?

-fact bit

I know for a fact the world is run by international bankers and other luminaries of the global system. I know that our current political structure only allows for debate within a narrow range, to make the people feel as if they have choice, when in fact the two arms of the political system are part of the same controlling body. I know that the elites are using a campaign of terror to scare people to the point where they will accept tyranny. I know all these things.

-end fact bit

So, you fill me in on the bits I don't know, such as "yeah, the greys from the 43th dimension actually control the rockefellers" or something like that, that I have no possible way of knowing at the moment. You know stuff, then tell us. Or, when the aliens showed me the universe from their perspective, earth was but a grain of sand on the shores of their beach, or maybe it was bigger than the universe. Maybe the aliens showed you how every thought we have effects every being in the universes and that through feedback off this universal bath of energy, we can gain knowledge. Maybe they showed you invisible energy fields that we can't measure yet; maybe they showed you lifeforms that are bigger and more invisible than the darkest reaches of space? Maybe they showed you a 4 dimensional matrix that contained every possible continuum of every universe, or something cool like that.

You know what I'm saying man? Bounce some of your ideas off of us. At the moment you have not said anything apart from showing your ability to use the english language at a university standard level.

I await your reply; sadly I do not expect any revelations.

Re: Here is your line

Originally posted by fractal_choice
" ...You know what I'm saying man? Bounce some of your ideas off of us. At the moment you have not said anything apart from showing your ability to use the english language at a university standard level.

I await your reply; sadly I do not expect any revelations."


It appears you would like the universe explained to you all at once.

Best of luck

Re: Jocariah - Leading the way to enlightenment for half a year

Originally posted by fractal_choice

Remember these posts from last year Joc?

So, it's time to let out the first "secret" now!

:) LOL

I can appreciate your frustration – but as we know information is built one precept upon another, so on and so forth, over time.

Suppose for example that I was an astrophysicist, and you wanted to know all about astrophysics, and in a few short paragraphs no less. Where would I start? Where would any astrophysicist start?

Your perception of knowledge, and how it is acquired, seems to be amiss.
however why should I prove to you what it is that I am.

Because if you did I would agree with whatever you said on this forum, and I think that to some extent I am a "trusted member" on this forum. You'd still have some hecklers, but more people on your side if I supported you. Doesn't it get frustrating to not be believed? You obviously want someone to believe you because you put this thread here. You want some sort of empathy, I guess. Because you feel that you are unique.

assuming, of course, that you're telling the truth

I want to help you, if you're telling the truth. You've felt different and alone all your life, if you're telling the truth. Have your friends contact me, if you're telling the truth.
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