Jocariah: " I have a confession to make"

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Registered Senior Member
I'm a human hybrid - a genetically manipulated human being and alien mixture – raised for the most part, by aliens.

To be honest, I think more like they do than I do like humans do.

All of my life I've been trying to be human, act human, be like humans are - it was overwhelming at times.

Being human comes naturally to most people, I would imagine - but for me, I've had to work at it.

The good news, at least for me, is that I look 100% human. The bad news is that I desperately miss my family, who just so happen to look nothing at all like me.

In a lot of ways I feel betrayed – left here, on this planet, away from my own kind – and my own kind looking nothing like I do

A mongrel I guess.

Main Entry: mon·grel
Pronunciation: 'mä[ng]-gral, 'ma[ng]-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, probably from mong mixture, short for ymong, from Old English gemong crowd -- more at AMONG
Date: 15th century
1 : an individual resulting from the interbreeding of diverse breeds or strains; especially : one of unknown ancestry
2 : a cross between types of persons or things

At any rate – just thought I’d get it off my chest and see what happens.

As with anything else, there are good and bad (from my personal perspective that is - not in an absolute sense) aspects to being as I am.

I have been extensively programmed (subconsciously) by whom ever you would choose call those creatures of alien descent or ancestry. The term I prefer is keepers - although on some level I feel as if they are family to me as well.

The bad part of growing up this way is that I spend the majority of time with my earthy affairs and nighttime with them (but not every night).Growing up, I was extremely tired a lot of the time during the day.

My mother knew that I was different somehow and was distant to me – but I did have two women (from among my keepers) who nurtured me as I was growing up. I loved them very much and still miss them. Maybe someday I will see them again, but I doubt it. I also wonder if they miss me.

Being delusional (or just plain crazy as some might refer to it), would in some ways be much preferred to being what I really am. At least one can receive treatment for being delusional.

But then, both my wife and I would need to be treated for the exact same delusions - you see, she has shared a lot of these experiences with me and has oftentimes been the first to notice the markings on my body, the black helicopters that follow me, waking up with them in the room - on, and on, and on, and on.

So - this is what I am.

This is what I live with day-in, day-out, 24/7/365.
Consider the norm

A word to the wise - if you plan to engage me in conversation regarding this matter - maybe it is that one would have a curious interest in this situation - just remember that this is my life, it is who I am, it is what I have lived with – it is ‘all’ that I know.

Just because I am not what many would consider the norm, doesn't mean that I would suffer fools.

I know more about all aspects of being human than you - in addition, you don't have the slightest clue as to what I am or what I have or have not experienced.

Most people tend to think that the way, in which they were raised, the way in which they have experienced their life, their thoughts and ideas and values, is how all have experienced life.

Obviously, that, especially in my case, could not be further from the truth.

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The only reason that I have for coming here in this fashion, at this point in time, can best be summed up with just one single word; cathartic.


With all due respect, what’s funny to me is that all of the ‘full-blooded’ humans on this planet, for the most part, don’t know what is going on, on their own planet – including all of the scientists and experts from all fields of science.

Being a part of these quasi-phenomena, so-called herein because they are phenomena that really reside in the netherworld of your daily consciousness – and brilliantly existing there I might add, having been placed there with forethought and predetermination, by those of a higher order, I can’t help but marvel at the intricacies, apparent to me.

UFO’s - real or not
Abductees – real or not.
Crop circles – real or not

Always, they are, placed within that questionable area – existing conceptually – but not within the reality of the majority of those ‘full-blooded’ humans going about their daily existence.

It’s brilliant really. It’s there – for all to see – but it’s not there.

Show just enough to get their attention, their understanding of the concept involved, but not enough to soundly prove anything either way.

Keep it on the periphery.

Atoms, neutrons, protons or quarks; what are the smallest fundamental matter particles? Well it all depends on your level of understanding – there are smaller matter particles than quarks, and smaller than those particles, there are smaller still. And on, and on, and on, and on – so forth and so on. Where does it end?

Our solar system, our galaxy, the universe, beyond the universe; what are the boundaries? Well it all depends on your level of understanding – there are more things beyond our universe. Where does it end?

Well it all depends on your level of understanding, which is related to that genetic structure, which is inherent to all ‘full-blooded’ humans, and those creatures of a higher order alike.

Beings of a higher order understand things differently – their genetic structure has a ceiling just as that of humans has a ceiling – except it is of a higher order.

Here’s a simpler example:

· Beings of a higher order
· Humans
· Chimps

Get it?
How much higher?

Let’s say for example that you are contemplating the existence of beings of a higher order.

Why can’t you see them – why aren’t they ‘in your face’?

Higher order, aye?

How much higher?

Q) Einstein higher?

A) Higher

Q) Multiples of Einstein higher?

A) Higher

Q) Well, I can’t think (conceptually) higher than that.

A) Exactly

High enough to where they don’t have to be ‘in your face’.

I have a confession to make, too, Jocariah. I'm an alien hybrid as well, but from a different species who happen to be enemies of yours in an ancient galactic war. My full alien masters have orderd me to harass and annoy hybrids of other species here on earth so that they get really annoyed and will never be a threat to the mothership which is orbiting the sun!
No, my species only talks in direct and intentionaly inflamitory responce to the comments of others. Seeing how as jocariah's species so obviously likes to mutter on and on to no one in particular, it provides my own species with no end of opportunity to attempt to annoy and anger. This is what our cosmic war is really all about.
I'd love to believe you jocariah, I really would.
But you seem extremely homo-sapien to me. And my specialty is differentiating between species. Granted I have no knowledge of aliens or their behavioural patterns to go with but you aren't even sort of straying from classic human.
Do something alienish and I might believe you:p
well,jay dog, you seem to be quite the interesting person.....mabye you should learn to accept yourself as a humen, and nothing more.....well if you are a alien, anwser me this. The raelins, is that a fake or real religion? well if not then please go seek help from or earthly doctors(im sure that yours are vastely superior, but for now you will have to settle)bye bye... :eek:
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Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
I'd love to believe you jocariah, I really would.
But you seem extremely homo-sapien to me. And my specialty is differentiating between species. Granted I have no knowledge of aliens or their behavioural patterns to go with but you aren't even sort of straying from classic human.
Do something alienish and I might believe you:p

You assume that my intent is to have you believe me - it is not. Whether you believe, disbelieve or remain neutral, it is your own concern. You have misread my intent.

You do however appear to share a trait that is common, that of instantly trying to classify everything which you encounter into one of two categories – belief or disbelief.

By so doing you have a need, a vested interest really, to reinforce all of those prior belief/disbelief decisions that you've made, so as not having to continually re-think anything.

And so the knot becomes tighter and tighter until only those narrow ideals which conform to all of those prior belief/disbelief decisions of yours are allowed to enter your thought process.

As I have said previously: “It is our thought process, that process by which we think, that can go about to limit our understanding of the world in which we find ourselves. We bring our belief systems, or long held societal paradigms, right or wrong, in their entirety with us as we look at whatever it is we are looking at – thereby do we judge those things, which we see.

Expand your horizons – think of another option besides belief/disbelief, and see what happens.

Originally posted by Jocariah
I'm a human hybrid - a genetically manipulated human being and alien mixture – raised for the most part, by aliens. are a hybrid possibly, but mostly we see you as a failed experiment. I'm browsing through the records and notice that you only have 10% alien DNA. As a native alien I command you to cease this drivel and report back to the lab. We will have to make some adjustments to your brain. It leaks.

Alien (aka spuriousmonkey)
genetically altered

We breed flowers, pigs, cattle, dogs, sheep and horses – why would we think for a moment that those of a higher order would not breed, or genetically alter, humans?

Maybe because it offends human sensibility, or it’s just plain wrong.

It used to be wrong to sell liquor or gamble – now most states take part in both. It used to be wrong for Catholics to eat meat on Fridays. Wrong and right are transient concepts based on societal or social norms at the time.

Why would we think that beings of a higher order would abide by our particular sense of right or wrong?

Humans have been genetically altered for centuries – and that continues to be the case.

Placing ones own sense of right or wrong on anything, accomplishes nothing – it does however hinder ones ability to see clearly, and without prejudice.
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